19 research outputs found

    La contrapráctica como herramienta educativa innovadora para favorecer la evolución del aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Derecho

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    In view of the growing need to reinforce the students’ learning process, the counter-practice is projected as an innovative educational tool capable of achieving an evolution in learning. Through this activity, which has already been implemented in the course unit of Law and Religion at the Jaume I University of Castellón (Spain), the student is granted the possibility of studying in depth a highly topical issue to prepare a legal reflection. Their previous autonomous work will be complemented and perfected with a rigorously updated legal-practical exposition by the teacher after which she will propose to the student an experimental practice with the aim of contrasting it with the legal reality. The learning evolution will take place when students are able to carry out an analysis of factual and legal basis, but enriched with the empirical contrast based on personal or third-party experiences that can lead to a major debate in relation to possible mismatches between law and social reality.Ante la creciente necesidad de reforzar el proceso de aprendizaje de los alumnos, la contrapráctica se proyecta como una herramienta educativa innovadora capaz de lograr una evolución en el aprendizaje. A través de esta actividad, que ya se ha implantado en la unidad de curso de Derecho y Religión de la Universidad Jaume I de Castellón (España), se concede al alumno la posibilidad de profundizar en un tema de gran actualidad para elaborar una reflexión jurídica. Su trabajo autónomo previo será complementado y perfeccionado con una exposición jurídico-práctica rigurosamente actualizada por parte de la profesora tras la cual propondrá al alumno una práctica experimental con el fin de contrastarla con la realidad jurídica. La evolución del aprendizaje se producirá cuando el alumno sea capaz de realizar un análisis de base fáctica y jurídica, pero enriquecido con el contraste empírico basado en experiencias personales o de terceros que puede dar lugar a un importante debate en relación con los posibles desajustes entre el derecho y la realidad social

    La evolución en el aprendizaje del alumnado a través de la contrapráctica en la asignatura de Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado

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    [ES] Ante la creciente necesidad de reforzar el proceso de aprendizaje del alumnado, la contrapráctica se proyecta como una herramienta educativa innovadora capaz de conseguir la evolución en dicho aprendizaje. A través de esta actividad, que ya se ha puesto en práctica en la asignatura de Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado por parte del profesorado de la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, se otorga al alumno la posibilidad de estudiar a fondo un tema de gran actualidad para realizar una reflexión jurídica. Su trabajo autónomo previo se verá complementado y perfeccionado con una exposición jurídico-práctica rigurosamente actualizada por parte del docente tras la que este planteará al estudiantado una práctica experimental con el objetivo de contrastarla con la realidad jurídica. La evolución en el aprendizaje tendrá lugar cuando el alumnado sea capaz de llevar a cabo un análisis de fundamentación fáctico y jurídico, pero enriquecido con el contraste empírico basado en experiencias personales o de terceros que pueda conducir a un debate de gran calado en relación a posibles desajustes entre el derecho y la realidad social.[EN] In view of the growing need to reinforce the students’ learning process, the counterpractice is projected as an innovative educational tool capable of achieving a learning evolution. Through this activity, which has already been implemented in the subject of Ecclesiastical Law of the State at the Jaume I University of Castellón, the student is granted the possibility of studying in depth a highly topical issue to prepare a legal reflection. Their previous autonomous work will be complemented and perfected with a rigorously updated legal-practical exposition by the teacher after which she will propose to the student an experimental practice with the aim of contrasting it with the legal reality. The learning evolution will take place when students are able to carry out an analysis of factual and legal basis, but enriched with the empirical contrast based on personal or third-party experiences that can lead to a major debate in relation to possible mismatches between law and social reality.Reguart Segarra, N.; Camarero Suárez, V. (2021). La evolución en el aprendizaje del alumnado a través de la contrapráctica en la asignatura de Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado. En IN-RED 2020: VI Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 61-70. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2020.2020.11946OCS617

    A Photoswitchable Antimetabolite for Targeted Photoactivated Chemotherapy

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    The efficacy and tolerability of systemically administered anticancer agents are limited by their off-target effects. Precise spatiotemporal control over their cytotoxic activity would allow improving chemotherapy treatments, and light-regulated drugs are well suited to this purpose. We have developed phototrexate, the first photoswitchable inhibitor of the human dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), as a photochromic analogue of methotrexate, a widely prescribed chemotherapeutic drug to treat cancer and psoriasis. Quantification of the light-regulated DHFR enzymatic activity, cell proliferation, and in vivo effects in zebrafish show that phototrexate behaves as a potent antifolate in its photoactivated cis configuration and that it is nearly inactive in its dark-relaxed trans form. Thus, phototrexate constitutes a proof-of-concept to design light-regulated cytotoxic small molecules and a step forward to develop targeted anticancer photochemotherapies with localized efficacy and reduced adverse effect

    Ratiometric Nanothermometer Based on a Radical Excimer for In Vivo Sensing

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    Ratiometric fluorescent nanothermometers with near-infrared emission play an important role in in vivo sensing since they can be used as intracellular thermal sensing probes with high spatial resolution and high sensitivity, to investigate cellular functions of interest in diagnosis and therapy, where current approaches are not effective. Herein, the temperature-dependent fluorescence of organic nanoparticles is designed, synthesized, and studied based on the dual emission, generated by monomer and excimer species, of the tris(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)methyl radical (TTM) doping organic nanoparticles (TTMd-ONPs), made of optically neutral tris(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)methane (TTM-αH), acting as a matrix. The excimer emission intensity of TTMd-ONPs decreases with increasing temperatures whereas the monomer emission is almost independent and can be used as an internal reference. TTMd-ONPs show a great temperature sensitivity (3.4% K-1 at 328 K) and a wide temperature response at ambient conditions with excellent reversibility and high colloidal stability. In addition, TTMd-ONPs are not cytotoxic and their ratiometric outputs are unaffected by changes in the environment. Individual TTMd-ONPs are able to sense temperature changes at the nano-microscale. In vivo thermometry experiments in Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) worms show that TTMd-ONPs can locally monitor internal body temperature changes with spatio-temporal resolution and high sensitivity, offering multiple applications in the biological nanothermometry field.© 2023 The Authors. Small published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

    Rationally designed azobenzene photoswitches for efficient two-photon neuronal excitation

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    Manipulation of neuronal activity using two-photon excitation of azobenzene photoswitches with near-infrared light has been recently demonstrated, but their practical use in neuronal tissue to photostimulate individual neurons with three-dimensional precision has been hampered by firstly, the low efficacy and reliability of NIR-induced azobenzene photoisomerization compared to one-photon excitation, and secondly, the short cis state lifetime of the two-photon responsive azo switches. Here we report the rational design based on theoretical calculations and the synthesis of azobenzene photoswitches endowed with both high two-photon absorption cross section and slow thermal back-isomerization. These compounds provide optimized and sustained two-photon neuronal stimulation both in light-scattering brain tissue and in Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes, displaying photoresponse intensities that are comparable to those achieved under one-photon excitation. This finding opens the way to use both genetically targeted and pharmacologically selective azobenzene photoswitches to dissect intact neuronal circuits in three dimensions

    Çédille, revista de estudios franceses

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    Pueblos indígenas y migraciones climáticas: ¿hacia la erradicación de su identidad religiosa?

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    La crisis ambiental en que nos hallamos inmersos está planteando cada día nuevos retos a los que la humanidad debe hacer frente. Entre ellos, destaca la alteración de los patrones migratorios que ha provocado la aparición de una nueva tipología: las migraciones climáticas. El presente trabajo tiene por objeto analizar la especial incidencia de este fenómeno global en los pueblos indígenas como grupos de población especialmente vulnerables y las consecuencias que estos desplazamientos podrían tener en su identidad religiosa, entendida al amparo de la profunda conexión espiritual que mantienen con sus territorios ancestrales, los cuales suelen ubicarse en zonas geográficas propensas a sentir los impactos del cambio climático con mayor fuerza. De seguir avanzando en este sentido, estos pueblos podrían verse obligados a abandonar sus territorios de forma permanente, lo que conduciría, irremediablemente, a la erradicación de su identidad religiosa.The environmental crisis we find ourselves immersed in is each day posing new challenges humanity must face. Among them, the alteration of migratory patterns stands out, which has caused the emergence of a new typology: climatic migrations. This research aims at analyzing the special impact of this global phenomenon on indigenous peoples as especially vulnerable population groups and the consequences such displacements could have on their religious identity, understood under the umbrella of the deep spiritual connection they maintain with their ancestral territories, which are usually located in geographical areas prone to feel the impacts of climate change more strongly. If progress continues in this direction, these peoples could be forced to abandon their territories permanently, which would irretrievably lead to the eradication of their religious identity

    Reconstruyendo la historia de los bosques pirenaicos

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    Reconstruir la historia de los bosques ayuda a planificar su gestión futura bajo escenarios climáticos y de uso muy diferentes de los pasados. Presentamos resultados aplicando esta idea a los bosques pirenaicos, combinando la paleoecología y la dendrocronología. La paleoecología permitió cuantificar la variabilidad local y regional del clima y el paisaje forestal durante los últimos 700 años (incluida la pequeña edad de hielo, PEH) analizando los sedimentos lacustres, las diatomeas y el polen de sondeos tomados en Sant Maurici y Bassa Nera, Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, Pirineos centrales. La dendrocronología permitió reconstruir la estructura de edades de bosques pirenaicos y de zonas próximas del nordeste de la Península Ibérica de pino negro (Pinus uncinata) y abeto (Abies alba) y proyectar su crecimiento radial y el de pino albar (Pinus sylvestris) en función de escenariosclimáticos del s. XXI. En términos de vegetación y paisaje, el cambio más importante se observó a comienzos de la PEH cuando se detectó un descenso de los pisos de vegetación en Bassa Nera. Las estructuras de edades de pino negro y abeto muestran fluctuaciones que no responden a la temperatura. El pino negro puede alcanzar edades máximas de 800-1000 años, mientras que el abeto alcanza unos 400 años de longevidad. La estructura de edades del abeto indica una regeneración intensa. Los modelos de crecimiento sugieren que el calentamiento climático puede favorecer el crecimiento de bosques de pino negro limitados por bajas temperaturas, pero también podría conducir a un menor crecimiento de los abetales limitados por el déficit hídrico al final del verano. No obstante, cualquier modelo de la dinámica forestal futura debería considerar la expresión local de los cambios climáticos y de uso como principales motores de la historia de los bosques pirenaicos.Esta investigación se ha financiado mediante diversos proyectos del Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales (387/2011, 1032S/2013) y principalmente por el proyecto “Reconstruyendo la historia de los bosques pirenaicos para mejorar su gestión y predecir su respuesta al cambio climático”, RECREO, ref. 387/2011) y gracias a una ayuda del Instituto de Estudios Catalanes.Peer Reviewe

    A Photoswitchable Antimetabolite for Targeted Photoactivated Chemotherapy

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    The efficacy and tolerability of systemically administered anticancer agents are limited by their off-target effects. Precise spatiotemporal control over their cytotoxic activity would allow improving chemotherapy treatments, and light-regulated drugs are well suited to this purpose. We have developed phototrexate, the first photoswitchable inhibitor of the human dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), as a photochromic analogue of methotrexate, a widely prescribed chemotherapeutic drug to treat cancer and psoriasis. Quantification of the light-regulated DHFR enzymatic activity, cell proliferation, and in vivo effects in zebrafish show that phototrexate behaves as a potent antifolate in its photoactivated cis configuration and that it is nearly inactive in its dark-relaxed trans form. Thus, phototrexate constitutes a proof-of-concept to design light-regulated cytotoxic small molecules and a step forward to develop targeted anticancer photochemotherapies with localized efficacy and reduced adverse effect

    A Photoswitchable Antimetabolite for Targeted Photoactivated Chemotherapy

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    The efficacy and tolerability of systemically administered anticancer agents are limited by their off-target effects. Precise spatiotemporal control over their cytotoxic activity would allow improving chemotherapy treatments, and light-regulated drugs are well suited to this purpose. We have developed phototrexate, the first photoswitchable inhibitor of the human dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), as a photochromic analogue of methotrexate, a widely prescribed chemotherapeutic drug to treat cancer and psoriasis. Quantification of the light-regulated DHFR enzymatic activity, cell proliferation, and in vivo effects in zebrafish show that phototrexate behaves as a potent antifolate in its photoactivated cis configuration and that it is nearly inactive in its dark-relaxed trans form. Thus, phototrexate constitutes a proof-of-concept to design light-regulated cytotoxic small molecules and a step forward to develop targeted anticancer photochemotherapies with localized efficacy and reduced adverse effect