305 research outputs found

    Contributions to the development of the CRO-SL algorithm: Engineering applications problems

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    This Ph.D. thesis discusses advanced design issues of the evolutionary-based algorithm \textit{"Coral Reef Optimization"}, in its Substrate-Layer (CRO-SL) version, for optimization problems in Engineering Applications. The problems that can be tackled with meta-heuristic approaches is very wide and varied, and it is not exclusive of engineering. However we focus the Thesis on it area, one of the most prominent in our time. One of the proposed application is battery scheduling problem in Micro-Grids (MGs). Specifically, we consider an MG that includes renewable distributed generation and different loads, defined by its power profiles, and is equipped with an energy storage device (battery) to address its programming (duration of loading / discharging and occurrence) in a real scenario with variable electricity prices. Also, we discuss a problem of vibration cancellation over structures of two and four floors, using Tuned Mass Dampers (TMD's). The optimization algorithm will try to find the best solution by obtaining three physical parameters and the TMD location. As another related application, CRO-SL is used to design Multi-Input-Multi-Output Active Vibration Control (MIMO-AVC) via inertial-mass actuators, for structures subjected to human induced vibration. In this problem, we will optimize the location of each actuator and tune control gains. Finally, we tackle the optimization of a textile modified meander-line Inverted-F Antenna (IFA) with variable width and spacing meander, for RFID systems. Specifically, the CRO-SL is used to obtain an optimal antenna design, with a good bandwidth and radiation pattern, ideal for RFID readers. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has become one of the most numerous manufactured devices worldwide due to a reliable and inexpensive means of locating people. They are used in access and money cards and product labels and many other applications.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1806.02654 by other author

    Contributions to the development of the CRO-SL algorithm: Engineering applications problems

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    Esta tesis doctoral aborda el diseño del algoritmo evolutivo Coral Reef Optimization, en su versión Substrate-Layer, para la optimización de problemas en diferentes ámbitos de la ingeniería. Los algoritmos evolutivos han sido ampliamente aplicados a problemas de optimización difícilmente abordables de manera analítica, ya sea por tener espacios de búsqueda enormes o por ser no lineales. Si bien la ejecución de estos algoritmos no supone un gran coste computacional hoy en día, sí lo supone las funciones de coste que constantemente deben evaluar. La creciente capacidad de procesamiento en la tecnología le abre las puertas al abordaje de problemas temporalmente costosos por medio de la metaheurística. Uno de los inconvenientes de esta, es que no hay forma de saber a priori cuál de ellos es mejor para un problema específico, y sea cual sea la elección, la ejecución del mismo no te asegura que vayas a obtener el óptimo. Es por este motivo por el cual se ha elegido el algoritmo CRO-SL, ya que permite combinar los procesos de búsqueda más potentes, ayudándose entre ellos para alcanzar el óptimo global. La problemática a la que se puede aplicar la metaheurística es muy variada y no tiene por qué ser exclusiva de la ingeniería, sin embargo en esta tesis sí vamos a centrarla en ella. Una de las aplicaciones que vamos a ver es el diseño de una antena de tipo F invertida (IFA), para sistemas de IDentificación por Radio-Frecuencia (RFID). Estas han sido muy utilizadas en productos a lo largo de todo el mundo tanto en tarjetas de crédito como en etiquetas de productos debido a su pequeño tamaño y a una fabricación sencilla y barata. En concreto, en este trabajo se usarán como conductores láminas de cobre y como dieléctrico, fieltro. Se pretende así, diseñar el ancho y el espaciamiento de estas tiras de cobre para que emita en un ancho de banda determinado con una calidad determinada. También se abordará un problema de control de vibración en estructuras de dos y cuatro pisos mediante el uso de elementos amortiguadores pasivos, TMD's(Tunned Mass Dampers). Esta aplicación viene motivada por la necesidad de mitigar las vibraciones procedentes de la tierra, como pudiera ser en un terremoto. En este caso el algoritmo no sólo intentará optimizar las características físicas de los TMD's sino también su colocación dentro del edificio. En tercer lugar, se realizará un control activo de las vibraciones que generamos los humanos al caminar en una estructura civil, mediante el uso de actuadores de masa inercial. En este problema se tratará de optimizar la localización de los actuadores así como sintonizar las ganancias de control. Por último veremos un problema de optimización de planificación de las baterías en micro-redes(MG). Específicamente, consideramos una MG que incluye generación renovable y diferentes cargas, definidas por sus perfiles de potencia, y está equipada con un dispositivo de almacenamiento de energía (batería) para abordar su programación (duración de carga / descarga y ocurrencia) en un escenario real de precios variables de electricidad. Mediante la aplicación del CRO-SL a estos problemas se pretende cumplir dos objetivos. El primero es comprobar la aptitud del propio algoritmo en las aplicaciones mencionadas. Para ello además se realizarán experimentos con los algoritmos más populares y los resultados podrán ser comparados entre sí. El segundo es promover el uso del CRO-SL como herramienta de comparación entre métodos de exploración. Algunos de los algoritmos metaheurísticos se basan en la iteración de un proceso de búsqueda sobre una población de individuos codificados, que encarnan la solución a un determinado problema. El CRO-SL toma prestado la forma en la que otros algoritmos cambian a sus individuos, y forma nuevas soluciones de manera paralela. Entre los algoritmos evolutivos más conocidos que vamos a ver durante el desarrollo de esta tesis se encuentran los algoritmos Harmony Search, Differential Evolution y Genetic Algorithm. Además se verán otro tipo de mutaciones como la de tipo Gaussiana, mutación simple o cruce multipunto. Por último, durante el desarrollo de esta tesis también se ha probado una nueva forma de búsqueda basada en atractores extraños. Gracias a la capacidad de comparación del CRO-SL podremos ver si esta nueva forma de búsqueda es útil o no

    Closing the Loop: a Sustainable Strategy for MSW Management with Zero Residues and Energy Production

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    he management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) has always represented an important challenge of our society, and it is a constantly evolving issue characterized by variable temporal and spatial specificities. Despite recent technological developments, Waste-to-Energy (WtE) approaches considering environmental and energy sustainability factors and their implementation in real contexts are rather scarce. Unsorted MSW (the residue aside from the differentiate collection of recyclables) can be divided into key fractions for WtE applications, such as the gasification of the Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) cut or the anaerobic digestion (AD) of the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (OFMSW); however, there are certain residues of these processes as well as other fractions of MSW which typically end up in landfills. The present ex-ante study evaluates the convenience of introducing a Plasma Torch (PT) in the management strategy for unsorted MSW replacing the landfill option. The research is based on the modeling of the PT, considering the possible feed streams to this unit. In addition, sensitivity studies are carried to shed light on suitable operating conditions (temperature, equivalence ratio, gasifying agent) and the convenience of the process is assessed from an environmental and energy point of view, by comparing the PT scenario with the baseline case of landfilling. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) suggests that the environmental loads can be significantly reduced (>80%) by introducing the PT unit, while the system shows an increase of more than 50 % in the Energy Sustainability Index (ESI)

    Modelo analítico para evaluar la funcionalidad de las organizaciones de pequeños agricultores

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    [EN] The analytical network process (ANP) was used to analyze the functionality of small farmers’ organizations; 12 experts were consulted to verify the relevance and assign value comparative judgments to the criteria´s of the internal, external and functional sets. Judgments were added through AIJ technique, after of synthesis weights of relative importance for the criteria’s were estimated. The results show that the criteria´s of the internal set are the ones that are most important for the functionality, highlighting the leadership and management capacity, together with the market environment and the achievement of the objectives proposed by the members.[ES] Se usó el proceso analítico de red (ANP) para analizar la funcionalidad de organizaciones de pequeños agricultores. Se consultó a 12 expertos para verificar la relevancia del modelo y asignar juicios de valor a los criterios de los conjuntos propuestos. Los juicios se agregaron mediante la técnica AIJ; después de la síntesis, se estimaron los pesos de importancia para los criterios. Los resultados muestran que los criterios del grupo interno son los que mayor importancia se atribuye para la funcionalidad, destacando el liderazgo y la capacidad de gestión, junto al entorno de mercado y el logro de los objetivos propuestos.This study was carried out as part of the research sub-project “Mejoramiento de la tecnología de producción de cacao en las Provincias de Rionegro y Alto Magdalena, Cundinamarca” within the framework of the project “Corredor Tecnológico Agroindustrial – derived 2 (2015-2017)”.Gómez, WA.; Aranda-Camacho, Y.; Barrientos Fuentes, JC. (2020). Analytical model to assess the functionality of small farmers’ organizations. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 20(1):7-35. https://doi.org/10.7201/earn.2020.01.01OJS73520

    Optimal Microgrid Topology Design and Siting of Distributed Generation Sources Using a Multi-Objective Substrate Layer Coral Reefs Optimization Algorithm

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    n this work, a problem of optimal placement of renewable generation and topology design for a Microgrid (MG) is tackled. The problem consists of determining the MG nodes where renewable energy generators must be optimally located and also the optimization of the MG topology design, i.e., deciding which nodes should be connected and deciding the lines’ optimal cross-sectional areas (CSA). For this purpose, a multi-objective optimization with two conflicting objectives has been used, utilizing the cost of the lines, C, higher as the lines’ CSA increases, and the MG energy losses, E, lower as the lines’ CSA increases. To characterize generators and loads connected to the nodes, on-site monitored annual energy generation and consumption profiles have been considered. Optimization has been carried out by using a novel multi-objective algorithm, the Multi-objective Substrate Layers Coral Reefs Optimization algorithm (Mo-SL-CRO). The performance of the proposed approach has been tested in a realistic simulation of a MG with 12 nodes, considering photovoltaic generators and micro-wind turbines as renewable energy generators, as well as the consumption loads from different commercial and industrial sites. We show that the proposed Mo-SL-CRO is able to solve the problem providing good solutions, better than other well-known multi-objective optimization techniques, such as NSGA-II or multi-objective Harmony Search algorithm.This research was partially funded by Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, project number TIN2017-85887-C2-1-P and TIN2017-85887-C2-2-P, and by the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, project number S2013ICE-2933_02

    Optimal generation scheduling in hydro-power plants with the Coral Reefs Optimization algorithm

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    Hydro-power plants are able to produce electrical energy in a sustainable way. A known format for producing energy is through generation scheduling, which is a task usually established as a Unit Commitment problem. The challenge in this process is to define the amount of energy that each turbine-generator needs to deliver to the plant, to fulfill the requested electrical dispatch commitment, while coping with the operational restrictions. An optimal generation scheduling for turbine-generators in hydro-power plants can offer a larger amount of energy to be generated with respect to non-optimized schedules, with significantly less water consumption. This work presents an efficient mathematical modelling for generation scheduling in a real hydro-power plant in Brazil. An optimization method based on different versions of the Coral Reefs Optimization algorithm with Substrate Layers (CRO) is proposed as an effective method to tackle this problem.This approach uses different search operators in a single population to refine the search for an optimal scheduling for this problem. We have shown that the solution obtained with the CRO using Gaussian search in exploration is able to produce competitive solutions in terms of energy production. The results obtained show a huge savings of 13.98 billion (liters of water) monthly projected versus the non-optimized scheduling.European CommissionMinisterio de Economía y CompetitividadComunidad de Madri

    Modus operandi em pessoas recluídas pelo delito de furto em prisões de Bucaramanga, Colômbia

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    Objective: to identify the elements and strategies used in the commission of the crime of theft, in relation to the three dimensions described by Garrido (2011) as constituent of the modus operandi of the offender: "to protect the identity - achieve successfully the aggression and facilitate escape after the aggression". Method: the study dealt with a group of 63 inmates of two penitentiary and prison institutions of the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia. 14.54% of the sample corresponded to the female sex and 85.46% were males, with an average age of 26.88 and a standard deviation of 7.59 years. Results: we used a multiple correspondence analysis which demonstrates that there are similar characteristics that are grouped around each dimensión. This allows to describe some preferences in the strategies used by the offender in the criminal act. Finally, the women in this study did not adjust to the category protect identity, constitutive of the modus operandi.Objetivo: identificar los elementos y las estrategias utilizadas en la comisión del delito de hurto, en relación con las tres dimensiones que Garrido (2011) ha descrito como constitutivas del modus operandi del delincuente “proteger la identidad- consumar con éxito la agresión y facilitar la huida tras la agresión”. Método: Para este cometido se abordó un grupo de internos, integrado por 63 internos de dos instituciones penitenciarias y carcelarias de la ciudad de Bucaramanga / Colombia. El 14.54% de la muestra correspondió al sexo femenino y el 85.46% al sexo masculino; con una edad promedio de 26.88 años y una desviación típica de 7.59 años. Resultados: Se utilizó un análisis de correspondencias múltiples a partir del cual se pudo evidenciar que existen características similares que se agrupan alrededor de cada dimensión, lo cual permite describir algunas preferencias en las estrategias utilizadas por el delincuente en el actuar delictivo. Finalmente, las mujeres de este estudio no se ajustaron a la categoría proteger la identidad, constitutiva del modus operandi.Objetivo: identificar os elementos e as estratégias utlizadas na comissão do delito de furto, em relação com as três dimensiones que Garrido (2011) tem descrevido como constitutivas do modus operandi do delinquente: “proteger a identidade- consumar com sucesso a agressão e facilitar a fugida despois da agressão”. Método: abordou-se um grupo de internos, integrado por 63 sujeitos de duas instituições penitenciarias e carcerárias da cidade de Bucaramanga, Colômbia. O 14.54% da amostra correspondeu ao sexo feminino e o 85.46% ao sexo masculino, com uma idade media de 26.88 anhos e uma deviação típica de 7.59 anhos. Resultados: utilizou-se uma analise de correspondências múltiplas a partir da qual foi possível evidenciar que há características similares agrupadas ao redor de cada dimensão, o que permite descrever algumas preferências nas estratégias usadas pelo delinquente no atuar delitivo. Finalmente, as mulheres de este estúdio não se ajustaram à categoria daqueles que protegem a identidade, elemento constitutivo do modus operandi

    Leucistic plumage as a result of progressive greying in a cryptic nocturnal bird

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    Leucism, broadly defined as the lack of melanin pigmentation, occurs in many animal species. Most studies on leucism and other colour aberrations are based on opportunistic observations or small cross-sectional samples, thus limiting our ability to produce reliable results and test theoretical predictions. This study combines cross-sectional and longitudinal data collected in 2016–2020 from a population of red-necked nightjars (Caprimulgus ruficollis). The goals of the study are (i) to investigate sex and age effects on partial leucism, (ii) to separate within-subject effects (progressive greying) from between-subject effects (selective disappearance), and (iii) to examine differences in body mass, structural size, and life span between leucistic and non-leucistic individuals. The probability of leucism in nightjars increased from juveniles to adults at similar rates in males and females. Our longitudinal analysis and life-span comparisons indicated a minor contribution of selective disappearance to age-related changes in leucism, but rather suggested that the loss of melanin from feathers can be attributed to progressive greying in ageing adults. Body mass and size were consistently smaller (5% and 1.5%, respectively) in leucistic than in non-leucistic nightjars, although the reason for this difference remains unclear. Our study sheds light on the sources and mechanisms of variation in leucism in natural populations and its relationship with important life-history traits, such as life span.Open access funding provided by Lund University. C.C. received financial support from Fundación Ramón Areces (BEVP-31A6148) and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (FJC2018-038412-I). PH-R received financial support from the University Pablo de Olavide (Seville) through the contract of reference ‘Plan Propio de Investigación’ No. 1903

    Alumbrado exterior. Una merecida revisión

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    El día 1 de abril de 2009 entró en vigor el Reglamento de Eficiencia energética en las Instalaciones de Alumbrado Exterior y sus Instrucciones Técnicas Complementarias, denominadas ITC-EA R.D. 1890/2008, de 14 de noviembre). Este reglamento, complementario al REBT, asume como principales finalidades la mejora de la eficiencia y ahorro energético, la limitación de la contaminación Lumínica, y la reducción de luz intrusa o molesta. En el artículo que se reproduce a continuación, sus autores, los Arquitectos Técnicos Francisco José Gómez Jurado y Juan Carlos Camacho Vega, hacen “una merecida revisión” de los conceptos clave que definen la contaminación lumínica y resume las principales finalidades de este Reglamento, las instalaciones a las que le es de aplicación y la estructuración de las instrucciones ITC-EA

    Utilização de lítio durante a gravidez : um relato de caso usando análise de decisão clínica

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    Editorial95-98There is great potential for the application of decisionmaking analysis in Psychiatry; especially in situations where the risk of continuing treatment is considerable. While the implementation of decision analysis can be time consuming