122 research outputs found

    Nutrition-Related considerations for health and performance in female Volleyball: A narrative review

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    Although Volleyball is one of the most widely played sports in the World, there is little scientific information on how the ergo nutritional practice of female players should be designed. Therefore, the main aim of this narrative review is to resolute concise nutritional recommendations for volleyball women who players. Research databases such as PubMed, Scielo, Scopus, Medline or Academic Search Complete summarize and synthesize the recent evidence on the role of nutrition and its relationship with health and performance in this sporting discipline. Based on a literature review, we highlight that the individual adjustment of the energy value of the diet is one of the key factors for the physical performance of female volleyball players. An adequate intake of macronutrients allows for the achievement of correct energy values. To improve training adaptation, between 1.6 and 2.2 g·(kg·day)-1 of protein should be consumed. For optimal pre-competition muscle glycogen storage, 6-10 g·(kg·day)-1 of carbohydrates should be consumed, and 7- 10 g·(kg·day)-1 of carbohydrates should be consumed for adequate recovery. Micronutrients should be consumed in amounts corresponding to the recommended dietary allowances. Women volleyball players should take particular attention to the most adequate intake of these micronutrients, as well as vitamins such as iron, calcium, and vitamin D. Proper fluid intake, according to the player's needs, is crucial to maximize exercise performance. The diet of a female athlete is often characterized by low energy values, which increases the risk of various health consequences related to low energy availability. This diet of volleyball players must therefore be controlled carefully

    Comparison of Sports Performance and Kinanthropometric Profiles of Elite Female Basketball and Volleyball Players over the Course of a Competitive Season

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    In order to maximize sports performance of team sportswomen, knowledge of the player’s characteristics in terms of different aspects and at different times of the season is needed. While the anthropometric and physical characteristics of men’s sports teams have been extensively studied, research on women’s basketball and volleyball is scarce. (1) Purpose: This study aims to contribute data about the anthropometric and physical characteristics of female basketball and volleyball players from elite women’s teams (age: 24.3 ± 2.7 years; playing experience: 14.825 ± 2.8 years) (n = 23) with a two-fold objective: (1) to describe and compare the anthropometric characteristics of these two disciplines; and (2) to identify possible differences in various parameters of sports performance depending on the discipline. (2) Methods: The anthropometric profile includes the measurements recommended by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry; the performance tests described aerobic and anaerobic power exercises. (3) Results: The overall somatotype of the players was moderate mesomorphic and low endomorphic (5.107–3.046–1.883). Statistical differences were found between the improvement of the physical performance level of female basketball players (77%) and female volleyball players (10%) from the first to the last measurement, with better results in most of the performance tests (p 0.05). The percentage of fat-free mass correlated with improvements in lower body strength. (4) Conclusion: Lean body mass is an important predictor of exercise performance intensity. Excess fat mass is detrimental to the development of strength and endurance

    Five-Axis Milling of Large Spiral Bevel Gears: Toolpath Definition, Finishing, and Shape Errors

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    In this paper, a five-axis machining process is analyzed for large spiral-bevel gears, an interesting process for one-of-kind manufacturing. The work is focused on large sized spiral bevel gears manufacturing using universal multitasking machines or five-axis milling centers. Different machining strategies, toolpath patterns, and parameters are tested for both gear roughing and finishing operations. Machining time, tools' wear, and gear surface are analyzed in order to determine which are the best strategies and parameters for large modulus gear manufacturing on universal machines. The case study results are discussed in the last section, showing the capacity of a universal five-axis milling for this niche. Special attention was paid to the possible affectations of the metal surfaces, since gear durability is very sensitive to thermo-mechanical damage, affected layers, and flank gear surface state.Thanks are addressed to the Department of Education, and to the Universities and Research of the Basque Government for their financial support, by means of the ZABALDUZ program. We thank also the UFI in Mechanical Engineering department of the UPV/EHU for its support to this project

    Five-Axis Milling of Large Spiral Bevel Gears: Toolpath Definition, Finishing, and Shape Errors

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    In this paper, a five-axis machining process is analyzed for large spiral-bevel gears, an interesting process for one-of-kind manufacturing. The work is focused on large sized spiral bevel gears manufacturing using universal multitasking machines or five-axis milling centers. Different machining strategies, toolpath patterns, and parameters are tested for both gear roughing and finishing operations. Machining time, tools' wear, and gear surface are analyzed in order to determine which are the best strategies and parameters for large modulus gear manufacturing on universal machines. The case study results are discussed in the last section, showing the capacity of a universal five-axis milling for this niche. Special attention was paid to the possible affectations of the metal surfaces, since gear durability is very sensitive to thermo-mechanical damage, affected layers, and flank gear surface state.Thanks are addressed to the Department of Education, and to the Universities and Research of the Basque Government for their financial support, by means of the ZABALDUZ program. We thank also the UFI in Mechanical Engineering department of the UPV/EHU for its support to this project

    Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae in Fresh Produce

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    15 p.Fresh vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet, but microbial contamination of fruits and vegetables is a serious concern to human health, not only for the presence of foodborne pathogens but because they can be a vehicle for the transmission of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This work aimed to investigate the importance of fresh produce in the transmission of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae. A total of 174 samples of vegetables (117) and farm environment (57) were analysed to determine enterobacterial contamination and presence of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae. Enterobacterial counts above the detection limit were found in 82.9% vegetable samples and 36.8% environmental samples. The average count was 4.2 log cfu/g or mL, with a maximum value of 6.2 log cfu/g in a parsley sample. Leafy vegetables showed statistically significant higher mean counts than other vegetables. A total of 15 ESBL-producing isolates were obtained from vegetables (14) and water (1) samples and were identified as Serratia fonticola (11) and Rahnella aquatilis (4). Five isolates of S. fonticola were considered multi-drug resistant. Even though their implication in human infections is rare, they can become an environmental reservoir of antibiotic-resistance genes that can be further disseminated along the food chainS

    Spiral Bevel Gears Face Roughness Prediction Produced by CNC End Milling Centers

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    The emergence of multitasking machines in the machine tool sector presents new opportunities for the machining of large size gears and short production series in these machines. However, the possibility of using standard tools in conventional machines for gears machining represents a technological challenge from the point of view of workpiece quality. Machining conditions in order to achieve both dimensional and surface quality requirements need to be determined. With these considerations in mind, computer numerical control (CNC) methods to provide useful tools for gear processing are studied. Thus, a model for the prediction of surface roughness obtained on the teeth surface of a machined spiral bevel gear in a multiprocess machine is presented. Machining strategies and optimal machining parameters were studied, and the roughness model is validated for 3 + 2 axes and 5 continuous axes machining strategies. Palabras claveThank you to the Department of Education, and to the Universities and Research program of the Basque Government for their financial support, by means of the ZABALDUZ program. We also thank the UFI in Mechanical Engineering department of the UPV/EHU for its support of this project

    Validity, Reliability and Reproducibility of OctoBalance Test as Tool to Measure the Upper Limb Compared to Modified-Upper Quarter Y-Balance Test

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    The articular evaluation of range of motion (ROM) is currently used to observe imbalance or limitations as possible risk factors or predispositions to suffer future injures. The main aim of this study is to verify the concurrent validity, reliability and reproducibility of the OctoBalance Test (OB) as a valid and reliable tool to measure articular ROM of the upper limb compared to the modified-Upper Quarter Y-Balance Test (mUQYBT). The twenty-five participants were male athletes. All of them were assessed with OB and mUQYBT in medial, superolateral, and inferolateral directions in both right and left arms with a three-minute break during these attempts. The process was repeated a second time with a week gap between measurements. Pearson correlation and linear logarithmic regression were used to examine the relationship between scores obtained with OB and mUQYBT. In order to verify the reliability, the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used (3.1). Concordance and reproducibility were assessed using Bland–Altman’s graph. A perfect correlation and an almost linear logarithmic regression (R2 = 0.97) were observed between both measurement systems, with values of 73.531 ± 21.226 cm in mUQYBT and 69.541 ± 16.330 cm in OB. The differences were minimal between week one and week two. The assessment with Bland’s graph showed the concordance and reproducibility of scores, showing the dispersion and the upper and lower limits. OB is shown as valid in comparison to the other test as a reliable and reproducible tool for the assessment of the articular ROM in the upper limb, and it could be used for the evaluation of injuries

    Experience with the use of Rituximab for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in a tertiary Hospital in Spain: RITAR study

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    There is evidence supporting that there are no relevant clinical differences between dosing rituximab 1000 mg or 2000 mg per cycle in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients in clinical trials, and low-dose cycles seem to have a better safety profile. Our objective was to describe the pattern of use of rituximab in real-life practice conditions. Methods: Rituximab for RA in clinical practice (RITAR) study is a retrospective cohort study from 2005 to 2015. Eligibility criteria were RA adults treated with rituximab for active articular disease. Response duration was the main outcome defined as months elapsed from the date of rituximab first infusion to the date of flare. A multivariable analysis was performed to determine the variables associated with response duration. Results: A total of 114 patients and 409 cycles were described, 93.0% seropositive and 80.7% women. Rituximab was mainly used as second-line biological therapy. On demand retreatment was used in 94.6% of cases versus fixed 6 months retreatment in 5.4%. Median response duration to on demand rituximab cycles was 10 months (interquartile range, 7–13). Multivariable analysis showed that age older than 65 years, number of rituximab cycles, seropositivity, and first- or second-line therapy were associated with longer response duration. The dose administered at each cycle was not significantly associated with response duration. Conclusions: Our experience suggests that 1000 mg rituximab single infusion on demand is a reasonable schedule for long-term treatment of those patients with good response after the first cycles, especially in seropositive patients and when it is applied as a first- or second-line biological therap

    Effects of ergo-nutritional strategies on recovery in combat sports disciplines

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    [EN] Introduccion: Para mejorar el proceso de recuperacion en las disciplinas deportivas de combate, las estrategias ergo-nutricionales son una opcion eficaz en el entrenamiento y la competicion. Algunas de estas alternativas mejoran el rendimiento, pero actualmente existe una escasa bibliografia con resultados controvertidos relacionados con el efecto de recuperacion. Esta revision sistematica tuvo como objetivo determinar que estrategias ergo-nutricionales son mas efectivas en los procesos de recuperacion. Se llevo a cabo siguiendo las pautas Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review (PRISMA). Se realizo una busqueda computarizada en PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Collaboration Database, Evidence Database, Evidence Based Medicine Search review, National Guidelines, EM-BASE, Scopus y el sistema Google Scholar (desde 1995 hasta el 30 de abril de 2021). Se utilizo el modelo PICOS para definir los criterios de inclusion y exclusion. De los 123 estudios encontrados inicialmente, 18 cumplieron los criterios de elegibilidad y fueron incluidos. Se examinaron datos de 367 atletas de diferentes disciplinas. La evidencia se agrupo en 4 areas: estres oxidativo, recuperacion muscular y energetica, reparacion muscular y acidosis metabolica. La evidencia mostro que las vitaminas, los minerales y algunos productos ergo-nutricionales naturales son eficaces como antioxidantes, los hidratos de carbono y las proteinas determinan su efecto recuperador y el bicarbonato de sodio es el principal retardador metabolico de la acidosis. Se destaca la importancia de aceptar un plan ergo-nutricional para mejorar el proceso de recuperacion. A pesar de ello, y teniendo en cuenta los efectos descritos en la literatura, se necesitan mas estudios para reforzar la evidencia actual. Abstract Introduction: In order to improve the recovery process in combat sports disciplines, ergo-nutritional strategies could be an effective option in training and competition. Some of these ergo-nutritional aids could improve performance but literature references are scarce, with controversial results regarding actual recovery effects. This systematic review aimed to examine which ergo-nutritional methods are most effective for assisting in the recovery process in combat sports, and to determine the appropriate training stimuli. This systematic review was carried out following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review (PRISMA) guidelines. A computerized search was performed in PubMed, Web of Science, the Cochrane Collaboration Database, Evidence Database, Evidence Based Medicine Search review, National Guidelines, EM-BASE, Scopus and Google Scholar system (from 1995 to April 30, 2021). The PICOS model was used to define inclusion and exclusion criteria. Out of 123 studies initially found, 18 met the eligibility criteria and were included in the review. Data from 367 athletes from different disciplines were examined. The evidence was grouped in 4 areas: oxidative stress, muscle and energy recovery, muscle repair, and metabolic acidosis. Evidence showed that vitamins, minerals, and some natural ergo-nutritional products are effective as antioxidants. Carbohydrates and protein determine the recovery effect. Sodium bicarbonate has a role as primary acidosis metabolic delayer. Accordingly, ergo-nutritional aids can help in the recovery process. Considering the effects outlined in the literature, more studies are needed to provide firm evidence

    Detection of Upper Limb Asymmetries in Athletes According to the Stage of the Season - A Longitudinal Study

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    Sports injuries can affect the performance of athletes. For this reason, functional tests are used for injury assessment and prevention, analyzing physical or physiological imbalances and detecting asymmetries. The main aim of this study was to detect the asymmetries in the upper limbs (right and left arms) in athletes, using the OctoBalance Test (OB), depending on the stage of the season. Two hundred and fifty-two participants (age: 23.33 ± 8.96 years old; height: 178.63 ± 11.12 cm; body mass: 80.28 ± 17.61 kg; body mass index: 24.88 ± 4.58; sports experience: 12.52 ± 6.28 years), practicing different sports (rugby, athletics, football, swimming, handball, triathlon, basketball, hockey, badminton and volleyball), assessed with the OB in medial, superolateral, and inferolateral directions in both arms, in four moments of the season (May 2017, September 2017, February 2018 and May 2018). ANOVA test was used with repeated measures with a p ≤ 0.05, for the analysis of the different studied variances. Significant differences were found (p = 0.021) in the medial direction of the left arm, between the first (May 2017) and fourth stages (May 2018), with values of 71.02 ± 7.15 cm and 65.03 ± 7.66 cm. From the detection of asymmetries, using the OB to measure, in the medial, superolateral and inferolateral directions, mobility and balance can be assessed. In addition, it is possible to observe functional imbalances, as a risk factor for injury, in each of the stages into which the season is divided, which will help in the prevention of injuries and in the individualization of training.The APC was funded by Universidad Europea del Atlántico