1,052 research outputs found

    Ecology of the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas L) in a changing world

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    Climate change is threatening biodiversity, causing populations and species to adapt, or otherwise, become extinct. Sea turtles have survived dramatic climate changes in the past, however, due to a history of intense human exploitation, and the current anthropogenic threats, their current resilience may be jeopardized. The main pursuits of this thesis were to i) evaluate the resistance of green turtles to predicted climate change impacts, using a globally significant rookery, in Poilão, Guinea-Bissau, as a case study; and ii) assess key population parameters to inform the conservation management of this resource. As the work developed I additionally had the opportunity to study the dynamics of an emerging disease in a juvenile foraging aggregation from Puerto Rico, which contributed to a broader understanding of resilience in this species. Specifically, I investigate the nest site selection behaviour of green turtles, their nesting environment, and the outcomes for their offspring, at Poilão, and apply this information to infer on the resilience of this population under future scenarios of climate change. I explore the connectivity established by the dispersal of post-hatchlings from Poilão, followed by their recruitment to foraging grounds, to set the geographical context of this major population. Lastly, I model the dynamics of Fibropapillomatosis, which affects juvenile green turtles globally, and examine the potential for disease recovery. The green turtle rookery in Poilão shows some resilience to expected climate change impacts. This significant population likely contributes to all juvenile foraging aggregations along the west coast of Africa, and to some extent to those in South America. Currently, green turtles are capable of recovery from Fibropapillomatosis, however, the incidence of disease may be enhanced by climate change.Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal (FCT

    Ecology of the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas L) in a changing world

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    Climate change is threatening biodiversity, causing populations and species to adapt, or otherwise, become extinct. Sea turtles have survived dramatic climate changes in the past, however, due to a history of intense human exploitation, and the current anthropogenic threats, their current resilience may be jeopardized. The main pursuits of this thesis were to i) evaluate the resistance of green turtles to predicted climate change impacts, using a globally significant rookery, in Poilão, Guinea-Bissau, as a case study; and ii) assess key population parameters to inform the conservation management of this resource. As the work developed I additionally had the opportunity to study the dynamics of an emerging disease in a juvenile foraging aggregation from Puerto Rico, which contributed to a broader understanding of resilience in this species. Specifically, I investigate the nest site selection behaviour of green turtles, their nesting environment, and the outcomes for their offspring, at Poilão, and apply this information to infer on the resilience of this population under future scenarios of climate change. I explore the connectivity established by the dispersal of post-hatchlings from Poilão, followed by their recruitment to foraging grounds, to set the geographical context of this major population. Lastly, I model the dynamics of Fibropapillomatosis, which affects juvenile green turtles globally, and examine the potential for disease recovery. The green turtle rookery in Poilão shows some resilience to expected climate change impacts. This significant population likely contributes to all juvenile foraging aggregations along the west coast of Africa, and to some extent to those in South America. Currently, green turtles are capable of recovery from Fibropapillomatosis, however, the incidence of disease may be enhanced by climate change.Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal (FCT

    Centro Popular de Cultura no Paraná (1959-1964) : encontros e desencontros entre arte, educação e política

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    AnexosOrientador: Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo VieiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação - Linha de História e Historiografia da EducaçãoInclui referências: p. 131-134Resumo: Esta pesquisa busca investigar e interpretar a dimensão educativa do Centro Popular de Cultura do Paraná, no período de 1959 a 1964. A efervescência ideológica, política e cultural dos anos 60 levou os intelectuais de esquerda a se colocarem como responsáveis pela defesa da nação e pela conscientização e educação política do povo, elegendo este como protagonista das mudanças sociais. Artistas, estudantes e militantes politicos estiveram à frente como organizadores e dirigentes de diferentes projetos político-culturais, que caracterizaram um rico e amplo movimento em âmbito nacional, voltado para a afirmação da cultura popular, como alternativa de mobilização do povo e de valorização da identidade nacional. Nesse contexto é que se desenvolveu o CPC do Paraná, como um movimento politico-cultural constituído pelo entrecruzamento entre a arte, a educação e a política, permeado pelos objetivos de educar e de mobilizar o povo politicamente. Esse dilema educar/mobilizar caracterizou a atuação dos intelectuais integrantes do CPC paranaense, que pelo teatro político e pela alfabetização popular, caracterizados como instrumentos de comunicação com o povo, buscaram encontrar formas de unificação de ambos os objetivos, constituindo assim o sentido da dimensão educativa desse projeto politico-cultural

    Achieving a successful relationship between Neuroscience and Education: The views of Portuguese teachers

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    AbstractEducational Neuroscience is currently raising high attention by the educational and neuroscientific community. However, society has created too many expectations concerning what Neuroscience can bring to Education. With this study, we aim to identify eventual distorted expectations of the teachers and propose ways to overcome these. This study was carried out in Portugal with 30 participating schools, where 627 questionnaires were answered by teachers from Preschool to High School. Our results show that there are still misunderstandings concerning the Portuguese teachers’ views about the links between Neuroscience and Education. More collaborative efforts between professionals of both fields are needed for the field of Educational Neuroscience to succeed

    TOX3 mutations in breast cancer

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    TOX3 maps to 16q12, a region commonly lost in breast cancers and recently implicated in the risk of developing breast cancer. However, not much is known of the role of TOX3 itself in breast cancer biology. This is the first study to determine the importance of TOX3 mutations in breast cancers. We screened TOX3 for mutations in 133 breast tumours and identified four mutations (three missense, one in-frame deletion of 30 base pairs) in six primary tumours, corresponding to an overall mutation frequency of 4.5%. One potentially deleterious missense mutation in exon 3 (Leu129Phe) was identified in one tumour (genomic DNA and cDNA). Whilst copy number changes of 16q12 are common in breast cancer, our data show that mutations of TOX3 are present at low frequency in tumours. Our results support that TOX3 should be further investigated to elucidate its role in breast cancer biology.Breast Cancer Research Foundation grant; University of Cambridge; Cancer Research UK; Hutchison Whampoa Limited; NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre; Marie Curie Career Integration Grant; Cancer Research UK [16942]; National Institute for Health Research [NF-SI-0611-10154

    A Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Maranhão e a concessão de dotas às moças órfãs e pobres no século XIX

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    A Santa Casa de Misericórdia, criada em 1498 na cidade de Lisboa, foi responsável no cuidado dos vulneráveis, envolvendo significativa parcela da população. As práticas caritativas possibilitaram a assistência em diversas esferas, como a hospitalar, funerária e financeira. Dentre as atividades, a Santa Casa se destacou no cuidado de mulheres com a criação de recolhimentos femininos e Casas, tornando-se uma prática além das fronteiras portuguesas. Com a expansão para o Ultramar, em São Luís do Maranhão a Misericórdia remonta ao período colonial, possuindo maior relevância para a sociedade a partir do século XIX, momento da fundação da Casa dos Expostos, destinados a acolher recém-nascidos e crianças abandonadas ou entregues a instituição, oferecendo educação a ambos os sexos e a possibilidade do dote caso as mulheres fossem ao altar, que ao longo da trajetória feminina na irmandade foram inúmeros os percalços.  Dessa forma, o presente artigo versa sobre a concessão de dotes na instituição da Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Maranhão, utilizando como fontes os jornais do século XIX, disponibilizados pela Biblioteca Nacional Digital, possibilitando analisar as problemáticas referentes a significância do dote em São Luís, o fardo para a irmandade em cuidar das expostas e o contato com o Recolhimento de Nossa Senhora da Anunciação e Remédios. Conectados, esses fatores tornavam a situação das mulheres pobres à mercê do casamento ou trabalho, visto que a busca para saírem dotadas dos estabelecimentos possuía prazo de validade