16 research outputs found

    pySCu: A new python code for analyzing remagnetizations directions by means of small circle utilities

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    The Small Circle (SC) methods are founded upon two main starting hypotheses: (i) the analyzed sites were remagnetized contemporarily, acquiring the same paleomagnetic direction. (ii) The deviation of the acquired paleomagnetic signal from its original direction is only due to tilting around the bedding strike and therefore the remagnetization direction must be located on a small circle (SC) whose axis is the strike of bedding and contains the in situ paleomagnetic direction. Therefore, if we analyze several sites (with different bedding strikes) their SCs will intersect in the remagnetization direction. The SC methods have two applications: (1) the Small Circle Intersection (SCI) method is capable of providing adequate approximations to the expected paleomagnetic direction when dealing with synfolding remagnetizations. By comparing the SCI direction with that predicted from an apparent polar wander path, the (re)magnetization can be dated. (2) Once the remagnetization direction is known, the attitude of the beds (at each site) can be restored to the moment of the acquisition of the remagnetization, showing a palinspastic reconstructuion of the structure. Some caveats are necessary under more complex tectonic scenarios, in which SC-based methods can lead to erroneous interpretations. However, the graphical output of the methods tries to avoid ‘black-box’ effects and can minimize misleading interpretations or even help, for example, to identify local or regional vertical axis rotations. In any case, the methods must be used with caution and always considering the knowledge of the tectonic frame. In this paper, some utilities for SCs analysis are automatized by means of a new Python code and a new technique for defining the uncertainty of the solution is proposed. With pySCu the SCs methods can be easily and quickly applied, obtaining firstly a set of text files containing all calculated information and subsequently generating a graphical output on the fly.CGL2012-38481 and CGL2016-77560 of the MINECO (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) with also FEDER founding (European Union). PC acknowledges the MINECO for the F.P.I. research grant BES-2013-062988. LT acknowledges support from National Science Foundation grant # EAR 1345003

    Laboratory chemical remanent magnetization in a natural claystone : a record of two magnetic polarities

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    A record of two magnetic polarities during the acquisition by heating of a laboratory chemical remanent magnetization (CRM) in a natural pyrite-rich claystone was investigated. The samples were heated for 22 hr at 250 • C in a controlled magnetic field (1.0 mT) under an argon atmosphere. We interpret the origin of CRM as the surface oxidation of pyrite to magnetite, which in turn is progressively oxidized into haematite. We carried out experiments under a constant-polarity magnetic field and under two opposite polarities. The resulting CRM was measured after cooling in zero field: it is parallel to the applied field and has the direction of the last polarity. Thermal demagnetization under an argon atmosphere isolates an unexpected lowunblocking-temperature component (T UB < 220 • C). This component probably results from thermal alteration of magnetic carriers during subsequent thermal demagnetization. In the onepolarity experiments, thermal demagnetization of CRM above 220 • C isolates a well-defined component parallel to the imparted field direction. In the experiments with two magnetic polarities thermal demagnetization of CRM reveals two components of opposite polarity. The component which is parallel to the direction of the last applied field is well defined, while the other component, which has the polarity of the first applied field, is ill defined. Oppositely directed components are also detected by using alternating field demagnetization

    Age and genesis of the White Pine stratiform copper mineralization, northern Michigan, USA, from paleomagnetism

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    At White Pine, the stratiform sedimentary copper (SSC) mineralization occurs mostly as chalcocite in gray-black shales in the basal approximately 6 m of the 1081 ± 9 Ma Nonesuch Formation of the Keweenawan Supergroup. Paleomagnetic analysis of 176 specimens (19 sites) isolated collinear characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) directions in both magnetite and hematite in both the oxidized SSC zones and overlying pyritic and upper zones of the Nonesuch Formation. A paleomagnetic fold test shows that the normal-polarity ChRM is prefolding in origin. Combining the ChRM directions from this study (18 sites) and from (Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 14, 1977, 1128; 11 sites), the Nonesuch mineralized and nonmineralized sites give a paleopole at 7.3°N, 174.7°E (N = 29, A95 = 3.0°), yielding an age of 1063 ±8 Ma on the Keweenawan apparent polar wander path. The observed 1063 ± 8 Ma age is interpreted to date both the average age of oxidation and mineralization of the SSC zone. Thus, ore genesis occurred after burial by the overlying Freda Formation and after conversion by oxidation of the underlying original clastic sediments of the Copper Harbor Formation to red beds, most likely by gravity-driven recharge of subsurface brines by meteoric water from adjacent highlands on the southeast side of the Keweenawan Rift. © 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd