26 research outputs found

    Systematic proposal for improving the fuel supply surveillance in Brazil: Application to a real case

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo propor uma sistemática para melhoria do Processo de Fiscalização do Abastecimento de Combustíveis, fósseis ou não, realizado pela agência reguladora responsável pela regulação do setor de Óleo & Gás no Brasil (Agencia Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis – ANP). Para tanto, foi realizada uma abordagem qualitativa por meio de entrevistas com caráter exploratório e descritivo, a partir da estratégia de pesquisa estudo de caso. Os resultados mostram a necessidade de aumento da velocidade de comunicação entre os integrantes do processo “Verificação da Conformidade do Produto à Regulamentação Técnica”, publicada pelo órgão regulador, e os integrantes do processo finalístico “Fiscalização do Abastecimento de Combustíveis” que vão a campo com os dados de conformidade. Com base nisso, a sistemática de melhoria proposta pode ser articulada e agregada a práticas organizacionais já existentes ou na elaboração de estratégias independentes a fim de contribuir para a melhoria do processo de regulamentação do setor de petróleo, gás e biocombustíveis e constitui uma inovação na tecnologia de gestão de processo organizacional que fornece dados sobre a conformidade dos produtos coletados em ações de fiscalização

    A sustainable circular 3D printing model for recycling metal scrap in the automotive industry

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    Industries and businesses are pursuing Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies and adopting a circular approach focused on improving manufacturing processes through the reduction of wastes, CO2 emissions, and mineral exploration to mitigate the impact of climate change. In this sense, Additive Manufacturing (AM), often referred to as 3D printing, can play a vital role in the closed loop of operations. However, academics and practitioners have scarcely discussed the feasibility of AM implementation alongside Circular Economy (CE) practices, the techniques and methods required, or how AM could benefit sustainability and circularity. This paper proposes a novel circular sustainable 3D printing model for scrap recycling in the automotive industry to address these gaps.The methodology uses a literature review-based approach followed by empirical research using metal scraps as the raw material for fabricating a powder to input a metal 3D printer for generating sustainable automotive components. A conceptual sustainable circular model for the automotive industry is proposed. Next, is conducted a focus group comprised of AM and automotive industry experts for evaluations. The results indicate that the proposed model can reintroduce waste back into the manufacturing chain as raw material for the on-demand manufacture and supply of automotive components and that it may also have social and environmental implications. This paper’s contributions are threefold: it explores the combined use of I4.0, CE, and Sustainability in the automotive industry, develops a new model to support the circularity and sustainability of the scrap chains, and proposes the use of AM as a catalyst of CE practices by reproducing recycled components with a 3D printer for fully functioning components

    Sustainability and Operational Excellence opportunities with Industry 4.0, Lean and Circular Economy

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    We are delighted to present this comprehensive editorial note summarizing the seven papers published in response to our Call for Papers on "When Titans Meet – Industry 4.0, Lean, and Circular Economy opportunities towards operational excellence and sustainability." This special issue aimed to explore the convergence of Industry 4.0 (I4.0), Lean Management (LM), and Circular Economy (CE) practices and their implications for achieving sustainability in various domains. The papers selected for this special issue provide valuable insights into this evolving field. [...

    Synergic framework between Lean philosophy and Triple Bottom Line in the entrepreneurial environment

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    As a result of globalization, more and more companies are seeking to achieve sustainable development. Lean thinking is an engaging management model that leads to reduced operating costs and competitive advantage in the market, being more demanding and environmentally conscious than other models. This work aims to promote the synergy between sustainability and lean thinking in the entrepreneurial context. For this, a literature review was carried out using a qualitative analysis method, carried out through the analysis of content synthesis in selected studies. The result was an innovative framework, focused on the entrepreneurial environment and with synergy between the lean philosophy and the triple bottom line. This research contributes to academic knowledge by highlighting critical and important issues for future research, being equally relevant to the market, as a guide for future entrepreneurs

    Análise multicritério da ecoeficiência do transporte de cargas com veículos leves

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    É crescente a busca por alternativas de transporte mais sustentáveis, com uso de menos recursos e que causem menos impactos ao meio ambiente. Esta pesquisa busca avaliar a ecoeficiência de veículos leves para transporte de cargas, através de métodos de apoio à decisão, para orientar a escolha da alternativa com melhor desempenho econômico e ambiental. A avaliação de desempenho destes veículos foi desenvolvida com a utilização de um modelo híbrido composto de duas técnicas de apoio multicritério à decisão conhecidas: AHP e TOPSIS, para a classificação das alternativas. O modelo AHP-TOPSIS foi considerado robusto e bastante adequado para resolver esse tipo de problema. Os resultados desta pesquisa ajudam a identificar o nível de desempenho dos veículos e elaborar um ranking com base na ecoeficiência, o que ajudará a orientar o julgamento dos decisores no momento da escolha do veículo.

    BIM critical factors and benefits for public sector

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    Goal: The purpose of this study is to develop a decision support framework to select critical success factors (CSFs) and benefits for the implementation of BIM in the public works sector. Design / Methodology / Approach: The research methodology integrates multiple fuzzy multicriteria decision making (MCDM) approaches to propose a composite framework of CSFs and benefits using qualitative and quantitative approaches, with the application of two semi-structured questionnaires with CSFs and benefits identified in previous studies, through a systematic literature review (SLR). Results: The study identified 42 CSFs and 31 benefits for the implementation of BIM for public works, and the relative importance of the identified factors and benefits was measured according to the four main BIM perspectives: legal, people, process, and technology. The result of the applied MCDMs showed the relationship between the factors and benefits of the four most influential BIM perspectives according to the proposed framework. The most influential CSFs and benefits were: BIM adoption requires individual and group motivation in the organization, Establishment of BIM and Lean construction standards, codes, rules, and regulations, Financial support from the government to establish BIM system, Availability of quality, schedule, and cost information during construction with BIM Accuracy and reliability of documents and data and BIM provides knowledge sharing among stakeholders, Workflow, productivity, and efficiency are affected by the transition to BIM, BIM technology reduces cost and time, Conflict detection, integration, coordination, and design validation, and Creating more efficient projects with stakeholder involvement, coordination, and oversight. Limitations of the investigation: The research sample consisted exclusively of Brazilian professionals and academics with experience in the implementation of BIM in public works. Practical implications: The proposed framework can be applied in implementation in public construction projects that aims to implement BIM considering the selection of critical success factors and benefits. Originality / Value: BIM methodology is widely used in the construction industry. However, there are few studies on CSFs and the benefits of BIM for the public sector, and there still lack of implementation frameworks proposal with empirical evidence

    Facility Management using digital Obeya Room by integrating BIM-Lean approaches – an empirical study

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    This paper applies a methodology for interdisciplinary Facilities Management (FM) by alingment between Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Lean. Initially, the literature review of BIM, FM and Lean principles. Afterwards, the research applies the Digital Obeya Room for improved FM and describes its application on a real-world case study. Lastly, the work presents a survey with specialists to assess the relevance of each BIM-Lean concepts and correlate their perceptions with the empirical results. The main collaborations of this work are: a conceptual framework that relates the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle with BIM-Lean approaches; the identification of the most relevant BIM functionalies and Lean principles; and the real-world application of the framework procedures on FM


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    Increased investment in the oil industry and Brazil gas, led to the improvement in construction and assembly processes of a hydrotreating unit cracked naphtha in oil refining sub-area. Thus, the resutado achieved was mainly credited to the support of automation tools projects and principles of Lean Construction. In this way the study seeks to demonstrate the role of design automation tools, Lean philosophy and trend identified after critical analysis of the empirical study in what should be recommended for future construction and assembly, it is the sustainable logistics. Especially in the historical context of high demand for construction of oil refineries to meet the pre-salt layer in Brazil in the last 10 years. The goal is to demonstrate the results achieved through the visual management of the planning and control of construction with contrutibilidade lean principles and philosophy. This methodology is qualitative predominanemente stamp from exploratory and descriptive analysis, through bibliographic, bibliometric and experimental study in order to show barriers and benefits of utlização automation vinuladas projects tools to Lean Construction of principles with future pespectivas for logistics sustainable in the oil and gas industr

    Towards sustainable development through the perspective of eco-efficiency - A systematic literature review

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. Sustainability concerns have increasingly gained importance among organizations and their stakeholders around the world. In this context, eco-efficiency has become a consistent tool towards the transition to sustainable development and the efforts of eco-efficiency indicators have been used for comparative studies and decision-making tasks, providing better financial, environmental, and social performance. The aim of this paper is to provide a systematic literature review on the theme of sustainable development from the perspective of eco-efficiency, with the adaptation of the Knowledge Development Process intervention instrument - constructivist (ProKnow-C). The paper identifies and structures the state-of-the-art between Eco-Efficiency and Sustainable Development with a view to: (i) selecting a Bibliographic Portfolio (BP) that is aligned with the perception of the researchers on the theme; (ii) performing a bibliometric analysis of the selected BP; (iii) performing a thematic synthesis; (iv) finding the integration of eco-efficiency and sustainable development with other approaches; (v) proposing an innovative framework to achieve sustainable development through eco-efficiency indicators; and (vi) finding paths for further research. This research makes multiple new contributions, providing both academics and practitioners a better panorama to achieve sustainable development through eco-efficiency by expanding the literature review, highlighting the synergies and barriers between eco-efficiency and sustainable development and by comparing and analysing them, showing its relevant features. In addition, we synthesized the contributions of the BP according to the BASF indicators, sustainable dimensions and four measurement levels: industry, organization, project and process to better describe the current academic scenario on the subject

    A decision support framework for digitalization and sustainability of operations and supply chain management aligned with the 2030 agenda

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    Atualmente, a Indústria 4.0 (I4.0) requer repensar e mudar a mentalidade de como os produtos são fabricados e os serviços usados, levando a uma revolução estrutural significativa para operações e gerenciamento da cadeia de suprimentos (OSCM). A adoção da sustentabilidade também se tornou um aspecto extremamente essencial para que as indústrias se sustentem no mercado global. Embora o conceito de I4.0 não tenha sido popularizado na ratificação da Agenda 2030, I4.0 é um divisor de águas na implementação dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) e pode servir como uma plataforma para o alinhamento dos ODS com a transformação digital em curso. No entanto, ainda não está claro quais são os facilitadores para a digitalização sustentável, os desafios para integrar I4.0 e sustentabilidade em OSCM, o potencial de soluções tecnológicas sustentáveis e os benefícios desta integração, em linha com os ODS. Além disso, ainda falta um framework holístico que estabeleça ligações entre esses facilitadores, desafios, soluções e benefícios para orientar as organizações na jornada para a digitalização sustentável em OSCM (S-OSCM4.0) e para apoiar estrategicamente seu alinhamento com o ODS. Portanto, esta tese propõe um framework de S-OSCM4.0 para ajudar as organizações a se manterem atualizadas na adoção do I4.0 e penetrar a sustentabilidade no OSCM em linha com a Agenda 2030; e desenvolve um novo framework de apoio à decisão para aplicar e testar o framework conceitual de S-OSCM4.0 proposto usando uma série de análises de apoio multicritério a decisão (AMD) para identificar os principais facilitadores a serem adotados para obter os benefícios e selecionar a solução adequada para enfrentar esses desafios. Esta tese emprega uma abordagem multi-método estruturada em três estágios. O primeiro estágio é a pesquisa teórica e será direcionada à construção do framework, que compreende três etapas: revisão sistemática; desenvolvimento de taxonomias e proposição do framework. O segundo e a terceiro estágios são empíricos e consistem no desenvolvimento do framework de AMD. Esta pesquisa exploratória aplicou uma triangulação com mecanismos de coleta de dados qualitativos e quantitativos combinando múltiplas abordagens de AMD em grupo, como Fuzzy Delphi, FAHP, FVIKOR e FDEMATEL, Q-sort e ELECTRE. O framework de AMD concentra-se na ligação entre 10 benefícios, 10 facilitadores principais, seis soluções e 13 desafios; e pode ser usado para diferentes aplicações. Portanto, as seguintes contribuições podem ser destacadas: i) ampliar a revisão da literatura sobre sustentabilidade I4.0; ii) destacar desafios, soluções potenciais e facilitadores envolvendo a integração entre I4.0 e sustentabilidade em OSCM; iii) identificar benefícios sociais e ambientais, moldados na Agenda 2030, da integração de I4.0 e sustentabilidade para OSCM, iv) propor um framework de S-OSCM4.0 com uma abordagem de estudo empírico e tratamento de método de apoio à decisão para aumentar a aplicabilidade do framework desenvolvido e v) propor e aplicar um framework híbrido de AMD para conduzir a implementação do S-OSCM4.0. Assim, este estudo apresenta implicações teóricas, gerenciais e políticas para a digitalização sustentável, e espera-se que isso inspire mais investigação e exploração nas áreas de I4.0 sustentável e tomada de decisão em grupo son incerteza em OSCM. O framework proposto representa um artefato gerencial pioneiro que integra taxonomias para orientar o desenvolvimento sustentável de forma eficaz e holística por meio de uma transformação digital inclusiva com menos impacto sobre o meio ambiente e lança luz sobre o potencial do I4.0 sustentável em termos de maximizar as contribuições da empresa para os ODSs.Industry 4.0 (I4.0) requires rethinking and changing the mindset of how products are manufactured and the services used, leading to a significant structural revolution for operations and supply chain management (OSCM). The adoption of sustainability has also become an essential aspect for industries to sustain themselves in the global market. Although the concept of I4.0 was not popularized in the ratification of Agenda 2030, I4.0 is a watershed in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It can serve as a platform for alignment of the SDGs with the ongoing digital transformation. However, it remains unclear the enablers for sustainable digitalization, the challenges to integrating I4.0 and sustainability in OSCM, the potential I4.0 sustainable technological solutions, and the benefits of this integration, in line with SDGs. Additionally, there is still a lack of a holistic framework that establish links between these enablers, challenges, solutions, and benefits to guide organisations on the journey to sustainable digitalization in OSCM (S-OSCM4.0) and to strategically support their alignment with the SDGs. Therefore, this thesis aims to propose an S-OSCM4.0 framework to help organizations to stay up to date in I4.0 adoption and penetrate sustainability in OSCM in line with Agenda 2030; and to develop a new decision support framework to apply and test the proposed S-OSCM4.0 framework using a series of MCDM analysis to identify the key enablers to be adopted to obtain the benefits, and to select de adequate solution to face these challenges. This thesis employs a multi-method approach structured in three stages. The first stage is theoretical research and will be directed towards the construction of the framework, which covers three steps: systematic review, development of taxonomies and proposition of a conceptual framework. The second and third stages are empirical and consist of the development of the decision support framework. This explorative research study applied a triangulated methodology with qualitative and quantitative data collection mechanisms combining multiple group decision making approaches, such as Fuzzy Delphi, FAHP, FVIKOR, and FDEMATEL, Q-sort, and ELECTRE. The proposed and validated decision support framework focuses on the linkage between ten benefits, ten key enablers, six solutions and 13 challenges; and may be used for different applications. The following contributions can be highlighted as the main distinguishing features of this doctoral thesis: i) expand the literature review of sustainable I4.0; ii) highlight challenges, potential solutions and enablers involving the integration between I4.0 and sustainability in OSCM; iii) identify social and environmental benefits, shaped in Agenda 2030, of the integration of I4.0 and sustainability for OSCM, iv) to propose an S-OSCM4.0 framework with an empirical study approach and treatment of decision support method to increase the applicability of the developed framework, and v) to propose and apply a hybrid multicriteria decision support framework to drive the implementation of SOSCM4.0. Thus, this study presents theoretical, managerial and political implications to sustainable digitalization, and it is expected that this inspires further investigation and exploration in the areas of sustainable I4.0 and fuzzy group decision making in OSCM. The proposed framework represents a pioneering managerial artefact that integrates taxonomies to guide sustainable development effectively and holistically through an inclusive digital transformation with less impact on the environment and sheds light on the potential of sustainable I4.0 in terms of maximizing company contributions to the SDGs.154 p