64 research outputs found

    Anomia, cuestión delictual y uso de armas letales en la ciudad de Santa Fe desde una lectura a Durkheim y Merton

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    This paper presents some theoretical concepts developed by Emile Durkheim and Robert Merton on the idea of anomie developed by both. With the reading of these authors is to develop an analysis of the social problems of crime, in particular linked to the resolution of violent conflicts and the use of lethal weapons into a medium-sized city in Argentina and is the city ​​of Santa Fe in the end, the conclusions and the style of classic discusses the question and proposes some solutions to state agencies approach the problem in analysis, not to understand that the problem of crime has multiple causes and can comprise multiple approaches.El presente artículo expone algunos conceptos teóricos desarrollados por Emile Durkheim y Robert Merton relativos a la idea de anomia desarrollada por ambos. Con la lectura de estos autores se pretende desarrollar un análisis de los problemas sociales que genera la delincuencia, en particular la relacionada con la resolución de conflictos en forma violenta y con el uso de armas letales en una ciudad de tamaño medio de Argentina como es la ciudad de Santa Fe. Al final, en las conclusiones y al estilo de los clásicos se analiza la cuestión y se proponen algunas soluciones para que las agencias estatales aborden la problemática en análisis, sin dejar de entender que el problema del delito es multicausal y puede comprender múltiples enfoques

    "E sin rumantsch?" On dealing with multilingualism, the promotion of Romansh and the dominance of German in multilingual school classes in the canton of Grisons

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    Der Beitrag hat den Umgang mit Mehrsprachigkeit in zwei-Weg-immersiven deutsch-rätoromanischen Schulklassen im Kanton Graubünden zum Thema. Er fragt, welche sprachlichen Ressourcen Lehrpersonen in den Unterricht einbringen, welche sprachlichen Anforderungen sie an die Schüler*innen stellen sowie welche Stellung das Rätoromanische im Verhältnis zum Deutschen dabei einnimmt. Die Untersuchung wurde aus einer ethnografischen Forschungsperspektive durchgeführt, der Unterricht in drei Mittelstufenschulklassen wurde im Frühjahr 2019 teilnehmend beobachtet. Insgesamt zeigte sich zwar ein heterogenes Bild von Sprachpraktiken seitens der Lehrpersonen sowie hinsichtlich sprachlicher Anforderungen an die Schüler*innen, aber auch eine ausgeprägte Dominanz des Deutschen im Unterricht. (DIPF/Orig.)The article focuses on how multilingualism is dealt with in two-way-immersive German-Romansh school classes in the canton of Grisons. It asks what linguistic resources teachers bring into the classroom, what linguistic demands they make on the pupils, and what position Romansh takes in relation to German. The study was carried out from an ethnographic research perspective, with participant observation of lessons in three intermediate school classes in spring 2019. Overall, a heterogeneous picture emerged of language practices on the part of the teachers and with regard to the linguistic demands on the pupils, but also a pronounced dominance of German in the classroom. (DIPF/Orig.

    Evidence and Open Questions for the Use of Video-Feedback Interventions With Parents of Children With Neurodevelopmental Disabilities

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    The Video-Feedback Intervention (VFI) is a technique aimed at promoting positive parenting that has been found to be supportive of child development and parent–child interaction in different at-risk and clinical populations. The application of VFI with parents of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities (ND; e.g., cerebral palsy, sensory and/or psychomotor delay, and genetic syndromes) is growing. Nonetheless, no systematic review is currently available documenting whether this type of intervention improves children’s developmental outcomes (e.g., behavioral stability and cognitive abilities), parental caregiving skills (e.g., responsive parenting), and parental emotional well-being (e.g., depressive symptomatology). In the present mini-review, 212 VFI records were retrieved from three databases (i.e., PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science), and 10 papers were finally included. Abstracted information included age, diagnosis, methodological aspects (timing, setting, and themes), and child/parent outcomes. Significant improvements from pre- to post-VFI were observed in all studies. Specifically, the VFIs were significantly associated with better children developmental outcomes and parental caregiving skills. Inconsistent findings emerged for the VFI effects on parental emotional well-being. Overall, the current mini-review supports the potential effectiveness of parent-focused VFI interventions for parents of children with ND, despite the presence of open questions that need to be addressed in future clinical trials

    A New Look at Care in Pregnancy: Simple, Effective Interventions for Neglected Populations

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    Background Although this is beginning to change, the content of antenatal care has been relatively neglected in safe-motherhood program efforts. This appears in part to be due to an unwarranted belief that interventions over this period have far less impact than those provided around the time of birth. In this par, we review available evidence for 21 interventions potentially deliverable during pregnancy at high coverage to neglected populations in low income countries, with regard to effectiveness in reducing risk of: maternal mortality, newborn mortality, stillbirth, prematurity and intrauterine growth restriction. Selection was restricted to interventions that can be provided by non-professional health auxiliaries and not requiring laboratory support. Methods In this narrative review, we included relevant Cochrane and other systematic reviews and did comprehensive bibliographic searches. Inclusion criteria varied by intervention; where available randomized controlled trial evidence was insufficient, observational study evidence was considered. For each intervention we focused on overall contribution to our outcomes of interest, across varying epidemiologies. Results In the aggregate, achieving high effective coverage for this set of interventions would very substantially reduce risk for our outcomes of interest and reduce outcome inequities. Certain specific interventions, if pushed to high coverage have significant potential impact across many settings. For example, reliable detection of pre-eclampsia followed by timely delivery could prevent up to ¼ of newborn and stillbirth deaths and over 90% of maternal eclampsia/pre-eclampsia deaths. Other interventions have potent effects in specific settings: in areas of high P falciparum burden, systematic use of insecticide-treated nets and/or intermittent presumptive therapy in pregnancy could reduce maternal mortality by up to 10%, newborn mortality by up to 20%, and stillbirths by up to 25–30%. Behavioral interventions targeting practices at birth and in the hours that follow can have substantial impact in settings where many births happen at home: in such circumstances early initiation of breastfeeding can reduce risk of newborn death by up to 20%; good thermal care practices can reduce mortality risk by a similar order of magnitude. Conclusions Simple interventions delivered during pregnancy have considerable potential impact on important mortality outcomes. More programmatic effort is warranted to ensure high effective coverage

    Incidental thyroid papillary microcarcinoma: survival and follow-up

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    Objectives/Hypothesis : The aim was to study the survival of incidental thyroid papillary microcarcinoma patients treated with surgery for benign thyroid disease to validate absence of oncological follow‐up and reduce unnecessary health expenses. Study Design :Retrospective cohort study. Methods : We analyzed patient's files and interviewed 252 patients by telephone whose cases were submitted to the multidisciplinary meeting of thyroid pathology in Strasbourg, France, for incidental thyroid papillary microcarcinoma without clinical lymph node involvement, between January 1996 and December 2012. Results : Thirteen patients (5.8%) died while the data were being collected; however, none of the deaths were due to the thyroid pathology, and no patients showed signs of relapse of the thyroidectomy or cervical lymph node level. Conclusions : Our retrospective study shows that patients with incidental localized thyroid papillary microcarcinoma who underwent surgery without radioactive iodine treatment have an identical survival compared to the general population at the same age to validate absence of oncological follow‐up and reduce unnecessary health expenses

    Die Entwicklung moralischer Emotionen und Begründungen zwischen sechs und zwölf Jahren

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    Nitrogen Removal in the Pilot Plant ITEST (Increased Technology in Sewage Treatment).

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    Regions with a cold winter, as in the Baltic countries, have a problem to meet the nitrogen requirement in the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive 98/15/EC. Especially in the winter season, the temperature of the influent wastewater could arrive also below 10°C and this delays the biological processes that takes place in the wastewater treatment. With the decrease of the temperature, the efficiency of nitrogen removal in the system decreases and leads to a high nitrogen loading in the effluent. The ITEST (Increased Technology and Efficiency in Sewage Treatment) project situated in Hammarby Sjöstadsverk in Stockholm has as its main aim to enhance nitrogen removal, thereby increasing the temperature in the incoming wastewater. The pilot plant ITEST is comprised of two treatment lines, one works with natural temperature influent and the other works at the temperature of 20 °C. In order to warm the incoming water a heating system, using waste heat, is used, leading to save energy. The two test lines were compared analyzing different parameters from January to May 2013. Total nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen and ammonium-nitrogen concentrations were measured in the incoming water and in the effluent from the two treatment lines. Hence, the efficiency of the nitrogen removal was compared between the reference and the temperature line. In the period where the system was well functioning, the results show a nitrogen efficiency with a maximum of 92 % of removal of total nitrogen for the temperature line compared to only 65 % for the reference line. In the period where the system did not have any troubles the total nitrogen is under 10 mg/l, which is the limit of total nitrogen discharges specified in the Directive. Instead, for the sludge volume and the suspended solids any particular difference can be noticed from the two lines of treatment. In conclusion, in the temperature line can be noticed a great efficiency in nitrogen removal compared to the reference line

    I polimorfismi della regione non ricombinante del cromosoma Y dell'uomo: genetica formale, popolazionistica e applicazioni forensi

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    Dottorato di ricerca in scienze medico forensi. A. a. 1993-97. Coordinatore A. FioriConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal