330 research outputs found

    Aplicação Móvel Android - MediRemind

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    O presente relatório descreve o projeto desenvolvido no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Projeto de Informática do curso de Engenharia Informática da Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico da Guarda. O projeto desenvolvido é uma plataforma, designada de MediRemind, para ajudar na gestão de medicamentos de um agregado familiar. Os membros do agregado familiar iniciam sessão com o mesmo login, na aplicação Mobile, e assim registam todos os medicamentos que têm em casa, podendo, cada membro, definir planos de toma individualmente. A plataforma está dividida em duas partes, a aplicação Android, onde há a interação com o utilizador e onde são guardados os planos de toma na Base de Dados SQLite, e o Webservice, onde são guardados os medicamentos de cada utilizador na Base de Dados MySQL. A plataforma visa registar os medicamentos do agregado familiar para que estejam sempre disponíveis no Smartphone, evitando desperdícios dos mesmos. A aplicação envia, também, notificações de alerta a cada membro, quando estiver na hora da toma do medicamento

    Uso da energia solar térmica para apoio à indústria de conservas enlatadas

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    A presente dissertação, realizada no âmbito da unidade curricular Disserta ção/Projeto/Estágio do Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade de Aveiro, tem como objetivo o estudo da viabilidade energética do uso da energia solar térmica na indústria de conservas enlatadas, onde as necessidades de energia térmica são elevadas. Para tal, foi necessário contar com a colaboração de uma empresa da área (Conservas Portugal Norte), por forma a ter um conhecimento mais aprofundado sobre o processo produtivo e informações sobre os fluxos envolvidos no mesmo. Nesta dissertação encontra-se o balanço energético das necessidades inerentes ao processo, e em que medida a tecnologia de aproveitamento de energia solar as consegue colmatar. Este estudo foi realizado para 4 localizações geográficas portuguesas distintas (Porto, Lisboa, Faro, Ponta Delgada) e para dois tipos de coletores: coletor plano com cobertura e coletor de tubos de vácuo, tendo sido realizada uma análise comparativa entre eles. A simulação energética do sistema foi realizada recorrendo ao software Retscreen 4.The present dissertation, carried out within the scope of the Dissertation/ Project/Internship course of the Integrated Master in Mechanical Engineering of the University of Aveiro, aims to study the energy viability of the use of solar thermal energy in the canning industry, where the energy needs are high. For this, it was necessary to count with the collaboration of a company from the area (Conservas Portugal Norte), in order to have a more in-depth knowledge about the productive process and information about the ows involved in it. This dissertation presents the energy balance of the needs inherent to the process and to what extent the technology of solar energy exploitation can ll them. This study was carried out for four diferent Portuguese geographical locations (Porto, Lisbon, Faro, Ponta Delgada) and for two types of collectors: at plate collector and evacuated tube collector, being carried out a comparative analysis between them. The energy simulation of the system was performed using software Retscreen 4.Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânic

    Improving specific class mapping from remotely sensed data by cost-sensitive learning

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    In many remote-sensing projects, one is usually interested in a small number of land-cover classes present in a study area and not in all the land-cover classes that make-up the landscape. Previous studies in supervised classification of satellite images have tackled specific class mapping problem by isolating the classes of interest and combining all other classes into one large class, usually called others, and by developing a binary classifier to discriminate the class of interest from the others. Here, this approach is called focused approach. The strength of the focused approach is to decompose the original multi-class supervised classification problem into a binary classification problem, focusing the process on the discrimination of the class of interest. Previous studies have shown that this method is able to discriminate more accurately the classes of interest when compared with the standard multi-class supervised approach. However, it may be susceptible to data imbalance problems present in the training data set, since the classes of interest are often a small part of the training set. A result the classification may be biased towards the largest classes and, thus, be sub-optimal for the discrimination of the classes of interest. This study presents a way to minimize the effects of data imbalance problems in specific class mapping using cost-sensitive learning. In this approach errors committed in the minority class are treated as being costlier than errors committed in the majority class. Cost-sensitive approaches are typically implemented by weighting training data points accordingly to their importance to the analysis. By changing the weight of individual data points, it is possible to shift the weight from the larger classes to the smaller ones, balancing the data set. To illustrate the use of the cost-sensitive approach to map specific classes of interest, a series of experiments with weighted support vector machines classifier and Landsat Thematic Mapper data were conducted to discriminate two types of mangrove forest (high-mangrove and low-mangrove) in Saloum estuary, Senegal, a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation World Heritage site. Results suggest an increase in overall classification accuracy with the use of cost-sensitive method (97.3%) over the standard multi-class (94.3%) and the focused approach (91.0%). In particular, cost-sensitive method yielded higher sensitivity and specificity values on the discrimination of the classes of interest when compared with the standard multi-class and focused approaches

    Biogeographical distribution, conservation and local use of Amburana acreana (Ducke) A. C. Sm. in the Cacoal-Rondônia region, Brazil

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    Amburana acreana (Ducke) A. C. Sm., popularly known as "cerejeira" or emburana, is a tree belonging to the Fabaceae family (Leguminosae: Faboideae) and is included in the list of threatened and endangered species, according to Regulation No. 06 of the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment, dated 23 September 2008, standing out as one of the most vulnerable species. The objective of this study was to analyse the biogeographic distribution of A. acreana in the municipality of Cacoal, located in the Brazilian Amazon. The research was based on field data, complemented by herbarium records, databases, sampling and surveys of the local community to obtain information on the location and abundance of the species. The use of advanced tools such as DIVA-GIS 7.5® and Terra-i® made it possible to visualise the distribution of A. acreana in Brazil, both in its natural habitat (States of Acre, Mato Grosso and Rondônia) and in cultivated areas (Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro), extending also to Bolivia and Peru. In the municipality of Cacoal, the presence of the species was confirmed in ten localities, two of which hosted more than six adult individuals. The consideration of the microclimatic conditions of these localities proves to be a crucial element for proposing effective conservation strategies. The study not only provides a detailed overview of the distribution of A. acreana, but also highlights the need to address specific environmental conditions to ensure the long-term conservation of this threatened species in the Amazon region

    Características morfométricas de equinos da raça Mangalarga Marchador determinadas por modelos não lineares

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the development of the morphometric characteristics of Mangalarga Marchador horses through nonlinear models. The transversal method was used to collect data on height at the withers (HW), body length (BL), and thoracic (TP) and cannon (CP) perimeters from 200 horses (75 males and 125 non-pregnant females), aged between 6 and 153 months. The parameters of the Brody, Gompertz, logistic, and von Bertalanffy nonlinear models were estimated using the R software. Models were compared and selected using the coefficient of determination, the residual standard deviation, and the corrected Akaike information criterion. For adult females, HW, BL, TP, and CP ranged between 146.45–148.34, 148.59–151.64, 179.07–182.88, and 18.25–18.76 cm, respectively. For males, HW, BL, and CP ranged between 148.55–151.80, 150.77–154.88, and 18.95–19.41 cm, respectively. The logistic model best expresses growth in HW for males and females, as well as in BL and CP for males, whereas the Brody model is the best predictor for HW, BL, TP, and CP for females. The increase in the values of the morphometric measurements is more rapid and homogeneous between the ages of 6 and 24 months, stabilizing at 60 months in both sexes.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento de características morfométricas de equinos Mangalarga Marchador por meio de modelos não lineares. Utilizou-se o método transversal para coletar dados de altura da cernelha (AC), comprimento corporal (CC) e perímetros torácico (PT) e de canela (PC) de 200 cavalos (75 machos e 125 fêmeas não gestantes), com idade entre 6 e 153 meses. Os parâmetros dos modelos não lineares de Brody, de Gompertz, logístico e de Von Bertalanffy foram estimados com uso do programa R. A comparação e a seleção dos modelos foi realizada por meio do coeficiente de determinação, do desvio-padrão residual e do critério de informação de Akaike corrigido. Nas fêmeas adultas, AC, CC, PT e PC variaram entre 146,45–148,34, 148,59–151,64, 179,07–182,88 e 18,25–18,76 cm, respectivamente. Nos machos, AC, CC e PC variaram entre 148,55–151,80, 150,77–154,88 e 18,95–19,41 cm, respectivamente. O modelo logístico é o mais indicado para expressar o crescimento em AC em machos e fêmeas, bem como em CC e PC em machos, enquanto o de Brody é o melhor preditor de AC, CC, PT e PC em fêmeas. O aumento nos valores das medidas morfométricas é mais rápido e homogêneo entre as idades de 6 a 24 meses, e estabiliza-se aos 60 meses em ambos os sexos

    Diversidad y conocimiento de plantas utilizadas por agricultores en Cacoal (Amazonía Brasileña)

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    La interacción de las poblaciones humanas con los ecosistemas que habitan y sus actividades, aún en pequeña escala, impactan su entorno, generando cambios paulatinos que lo modifican. Este estudio, implementado en propiedades rurales, objetivó evaluar la diversidad de plantas utilizadas por 28 agricultores (14 hombres y 14 mujeres) del municipio de Cacoal, en la Amazonía brasileña, la relación entre el conocimiento que poseen de las plantas con su grado de escolaridad, el tiempo en que habitan en la región y el área de bosque que posee su finca. Se encontraron 145 etnoespecies – con uso tradicional, algunas de ellas con más de un tipo de uso. Para plantas medicinales, se registraron 54 especies distribuidas en 29 familias, mientras que para las plantas alimentarias 82 especies, distribuidas en 34 familias. Las plantas usadas para construcción, fueron 34 especies en 19 familias. La especie nativa que más se destacó fue Berthollethia excelsa (nuez de Brasil), con usos alimenticio, medicinal y en la construcción, con UVs (valor de uso de la etnoespecie) = 0.75. Entre las introducidas estuvo Mangifera indica (mango), con UVs = 0.89

    The gray matter volume of the amygdala is correlated with the perception of melodic intervals: a voxel-based morphometry study

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    Music is not simply a series of organized pitches, rhythms, and timbres, it is capable of evoking emotions. In the present study, voxel-based morphometry (VBM) was employed to explore the neural basis that may link music to emotion. To do this, we identified the neuroanatomical correlates of the ability to extract pitch interval size in a music segment (i.e., interval perception) in a large population of healthy young adults (N = 264). Behaviorally, we found that interval perception was correlated with daily emotional experiences, indicating the intrinsic link between music and emotion. Neurally, and as expected, we found that interval perception was positively correlated with the gray matter volume (GMV) of the bilateral temporal cortex. More important, a larger GMV of the bilateral amygdala was associated with better interval perception, suggesting that the amygdala, which is the neural substrate of emotional processing, is also involved in music processing. In sum, our study provides one of first neuroanatomical evidence on the association between the amygdala and music, which contributes to our understanding of exactly how music evokes emotional responses

    Does acute alcohol intoxication interfere with colonic anastomosis wound healing? : a rat model of nondestructive colon trauma

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of acute alcohol intoxication on healing of colonic anastomosis. METHODS: Thirty-six rats were allocated into two groups. Animals in the alcohol (A) were given 2 mL of ethanol diluted in 0.9% saline solution to a concentration of 40% by gavage immediately before anesthesia, whereas control (C) animals received 2 mL of 0.9% saline solution via the same route. A colonic anastomosis was then performed in all animals. On postoperative days 1, 3, and 7, anastomotic breaking strength was assessed and histopathological examination was performed. Change in body weight and mortality were also evaluated. RESULTS: The median of anastomotic tensile strength on the postoperative day 1 was 0.09 Newtons for group A and 0.13 for group C. (p>0.05). The median of anastomotic tensile strength on the postoperative day 3 was 0.13 Newtons for group A and 0.17 for group C. (p>0.05). The median of anastomotic tensile strength on the postoperative day 7 was 0.30 Newtons for group A and 0.35 for group C. (p>0.05). There was no significant difference between the groups A and C, in the first, third or seventh POD (p>0.05), in any of the analyzed parameters. There were no statistical differences between groups in the weight. Three animals died, all from the group A. CONCLUSION: Acute alcohol intoxication did not interfere with wound healing of colonic anastomoses, although it caused early postoperative mortality
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