871 research outputs found

    Altered expression of CD1d molecules and lipid accumulation in the human hepatoma cell line HepG2 after iron loading.

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    Iron overload in the liver may occur in clinical conditions such as hemochromatosis and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, and may lead to the deterioration of the normal liver architecture by mechanisms not well understood. Although a relationship between the expression of ICAM-1, and classical major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules, and iron overload has been reported, no relationship has been identified between iron overload and the expression of unconventional MHC class I molecules. Herein, we report that parameters of iron metabolism were regulated in a coordinated-fashion in a human hepatoma cell line (HepG2 cells) after iron loading, leading to increased cellular oxidative stress and growth retardation. Iron loading of HepG2 cells resulted in increased expression of Nor3.2-reactive CD1d molecules at the plasma membrane. Expression of classical MHC class I and II molecules, ICAM-1 and the epithelial CD8 ligand, gp180 was not significantly affected by iron. Considering that intracellular lipids regulate expression of CD1d at the cell surface, we examined parameters of lipid metabolism in iron-loaded HepG2 cells. Interestingly, increased expression of CD1d molecules by iron-loaded HepG2 cells was associated with increased phosphatidylserine expression in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane and the presence of many intracellular lipid droplets. These data describe a new relationship between iron loading, lipid accumulation and altered expression of CD1d, an unconventional MHC class I molecule reported to monitor intracellular and plasma membrane lipid metabolism, in the human hepatoma cell line HepG2.This work was funded by the Inova Foundation for Medical Research/The American Portuguese Biomedical Research Fund (APBRF, USA). The authors would like to thank L. Mayer and K. Uchida for providing antibodies, A. do Vale, F. Pisarra and M.T. Silva for help and comments on TEM, and M. Santos and R. Hultcrantz for critical reading of the manuscript. We also thank M. de Sousa for mentoring this work. M.C. and C.F.P. were supported by a fellowship from Inova/APBRF. E.M.C. was partially supported by EU grant (QLG1-CT-1999–00665)

    Modelling the Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) site index from site factors in Portugal

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    Although the speed of growth and adaptability of the north-west American conifer Douglas-fir has been recognized in Portugal, it represents only ~0.1 per cent of the total forest cover. This small area is spread across the mountainous areas of the north and centre of the country. This study models Douglas-fir productivity based on site factors and estimates the potential area for Douglas-fir in Portugal. Soil, climate and topographic data were collected on 39 plots across the range of sites where Douglas-fir grows in Portugal. The analysis of the data followed three steps: (1) selection of site factors related to the variation in the site index; (2) choice of candidate models; and (3) consideration of the best model to explain and predict the site index from site factor variables. The best multiple linear regression model explained 90 per cent of site index variation but included variables not readily available in the field. A model using digitized site data explained 54 per cent of the variation in the site index and mapped the areas with potential for Douglas-fir growth in Portugal. It is estimated that a potential Douglas-fir planting area of 250 000 ha exists where trees will exceed 17 m dominant height at age 30 years. This would correspond to 8 per cent of the existing Portuguese forest area. The best sites for Douglas-fir growth are located along north coastal to central regions at altitudes between 500 m and 1000 m with moisture deficit (precipitation minus evapotranspiration) above 1000 mm. Areas with acceptable sites for Douglas-fir growth are located in the north and centre of Portugal at 700–1000 m elevation and have a moisture deficit above 400 mminfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The fundamental concept of measure in elementary mathematics textbooks

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    In this article we present the work in progress at a PhD degree in Estudos da Criança, Área de Conhecimento de Matemática Elementar, Universidade do Minho (Portugal). The focus on this paper is the analysis of the fundamental concept of “measure” as seen in Portuguese textbooks directed to the first six years of schooling. The concept of “measure” plays an important role in the construction of mathematical knowledge, in particular at the elementary stages of education. Our main aims are: (1) to define a set of criteria based on both scientific and methodological aspects (related to the concept of measurement) to be applied on the analysis of mathematics textbooks; (2) to identify criteria for developing didactical material for coherently teaching the concept of measure during the first six years of schooling; (3) to apply our results to programs for both initial training for teachers and “recycling” teaching careers

    Separated antecedent and consequent learning for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems

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    In this paper a new algorithm for the learning of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems is introduced. In the algorithm different learning techniques are applied for the antecedent and the consequent parameters of the fuzzy system. We propose a hybrid method for the antecedent parameters learning based on the combination of the Bacterial Evolutionary Algorithm (BEA) and the Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) method. For the linear parameters in fuzzy systems appearing in the rule consequents the Least Squares (LS) and the Recursive Least Squares (RLS) techniques are applied, which will lead to a global optimal solution of linear parameter vectors in the least squares sense. Therefore a better performance can be guaranteed than with a complete learning by BEA and LM. The paper is concluded by evaluation results based on high-dimensional test data. These evaluation results compare the new method with some conventional fuzzy training methods with respect to approximation accuracy and model complexity

    Aerosolized lancovutide in adolescents (≄12 years) and adults with cystic fibrosis - a randomized trial.

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    Abstract Background Lancovutide activates a chloride channel (TMEM-16A) other than the cystic fibrosis (CF) transmembrane conductance regulator protein and could benefit CF patients. Methods In this randomized, multi-center, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group trial 161 patients ≄12 years with a confirmed diagnosis of CF were randomized to either placebo (saline) or active drug in 3 different dosing schemes of 2.5mg inhaled lancovutide (once daily, every other day or twice a week) for eight weeks. The primary endpoint was the change in the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) percent predicted. Secondary endpoints included further lung function parameters (FEV1 (absolute), functional vital capacity percent predicted, forced expiratory flow percent predicted, pulse oximetry), quality of life assessment, pulmonary exacerbations, hospitalization due to pulmonary exacerbations, time to first pulmonary exacerbation, duration of anti-inflammatory, mucolytic or antibiotic treatment, and safety. Results There was no significant difference in the change in FEV1 percent predicted, quality of life, other lung function parameters, pulmonary exacerbations or requirement of additional treatment between groups. Overall, the inhalation of lancovutide was safe although a higher rate of adverse events, especially related to the respiratory system, occurred as compared to placebo. Conclusions Lancovutide did not improve FEV1 percent predicted when compared to placebo (NCT00671736)

    Dry‐Cured Meat Products According to the Smoking Regime: Process Optimization to Control Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

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    The manufacturing of dry‐cured meat products usually includes a smoking step. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are potentially carcinogenic chemical compounds that may result from smoking. The aim of the present study was to optimize the smoking regime of traditional dry‐cured meat products in order to minimize the presence of PAHs. Dry‐cured sausages were submitted to different smoking regimes: (A) no smoking; (B) 20 h effective smoking; (C) 60 h effective smoking; (D) effective smoking until reaching 38%–40% weight losses. Three independent batches were produced per smoking regime, and three samples per batch were analyzed. Microbiological, physicochemical, and sensory analyses were performed. The total PAHs content was generally low and did not differ significantly in meat products submitted to the four different smoking regimes. The PAH4 and benzo(α)pyrene levels were below the established legal limits in all analyzed dry‐cured sausages. Nevertheless, non‐smoked sausages always showed lower PAHs values for all PAHs groups

    Assessment of male reproductive traits in endangered leuciscids from the Iberian Peninsula: first attempts to store gametes both at short- and long-term

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    During the spring of 2022, several endangered leuciscid species (Anaecypris hispanica, Squalius aradensis, Anachondrostoma Occidentale, and Iberochondrostoma lusitanicum) were sampled both at the Vasco da Gama aquarium facilities and in some rivers of the Algarve region, Portugal. Sperm samples were extracted by gentle abdominal pressure and sperm motion parameters were assessed for the first time in four species, using a computerized analysis system. The results obtained showed that spermatozoa kinetic patterns were similar for all 4 species, with high motility and velocity values after the sperm activation time and with a marked decrease after 20. On the other hand, sperm longevity was highly variable between species, with short longevities (around 40 s) for A. hispanica and S. aradensis, and longer longevities (100-120 s) for A. occidentale and I. lusitanicum, which could indicate a latitudinal pattern in terms of sperm longevity. At the same time, morphometric analysis was carried out for the four target species, revealing that spermatozoa showed similar sizes and shapes to other external fertilizers belonging to Leuscididae, with small spherical heads, uniflagellate, and without acrosomes. In addition, a short-term gamete storage trail was performed by diluting sperm in 1:9 (sperm:extender) and storing them at 4oC. Although the results obtained were uneven among the species studied, the dilution and extender used generated motilities above 40% up to day 4 of storage in S. aradensis and I. lusitanicum, and up to days 1-2 in A. hispanica and A. occidentale, respectively. Finally, gamete cryopreservation trials were also carried out on these threatened species. Although cryopreserved samples showed significantly lower motility than fresh samples, some protocols generate acceptable percentages of viability, DNA integrity, and sperm motility in some species such as I. lusitanicum and A. occidentale. The data revealed that the protocol based on 10% DMSO plus 7.5% egg yolk generated the best results.This study is the first to assess the reproductive traits of wild and captive populations of endangered leuciscids endemic from the Iberian Peninsula, describing the spermatozoa kinetics and developing protocols for managing male gametes both in short- and long-term storage. Outcomes will provide new and useful tools to complement the management and conservation of ex situ breeding programs that are being developed for these four endangered species.LA/P/0069/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Portuguese Polar Program: Annual Report 2019

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    This Annual Report of the Portuguese Polar Program, PROPOLAR reports the main activities conducted between August 2018 and December 2019 The PROPOLAR is led by the CEG/IGOT University of Lisbon, under a Coordinating Committee that includes members of other 4 Portuguese research institutions CCMAR University of the Algarve, MARE University of Coimbra, CQE University of Lisbon, and CIIMAR University of Oporto The Program is funded by the Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia MCTES FCT) as a development of its former Polar Office The activities herein disclosed reflect a very busy and inspiring year The PROPOLAR supported fifteen projects that were successfully carried out in the Arctic and Antarctica Logistics continued to be based on international cooperation and on a Portuguese funded Antarctic flight open to partner programs Logistical support in Antarctica was mainly provided by Spain, Chile and the Republic of Korea, also with strong cooperation in research and facilities with Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Peru, Turkey, United States of America and Uruguay Participation in international meetings and workshops, as well as the organisation of a symposium and an international meeting, and the support provided to the Portuguese Conference on Polar Science, fulfilled and enriched this very active period, also helping to reinforce the credibility and relevance of the program in the international polar arena B ringing together all these efforts and resources will surely attract and mobilise more young researchers into a Polar scientific career, thus ensuring the future of the Portuguese Polar science, and that the program will continue to blossom We are confident that the successes that PROPOLAR has had in 2019 will serve as an impetus for our very dynamic and committed community of polar researchers to move forward in in vesting in the future of the Portuguese P olar science and preparing to seize new opportunitiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Au-delà de la résistance: représenter la nation et la guerre coloniale dans les films portugais

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    La RĂ©volution des ƒillets (avril 1974), pĂ©riode charniĂšre fondamentale de l’Histoire du Portugal, marque la fin d’une longue dictature et d’une douloureuse guerre coloniale. Cet Ă©vĂ©nement historique dĂ©clenche un processus complexe, celui d’une reconfiguration de l’identitĂ© nationale qui s’appuie sur une rĂ©vision de la mĂ©moire collective officielle. Ainsi peut-on remarquer plus de trente annĂ©es aprĂšs la fin du conflit, la persistance d’une rĂ©ticence, ou devrait-on dire d’une rĂ©sistance, Ă  l’idĂ©e mĂȘme d’évoquer les faits et les Ă©vĂ©nements liĂ©s Ă  la guerre coloniale. Cette rĂ©sistance Ă©tant plus particuliĂšrement perceptible dans la littĂ©rature et au cinĂ©ma, cette Ă©tude se penchera sur deux films majeurs : Non, ou la vaine gloire de commander (Non, ou a VĂŁ GlĂłria de Mandar) (1990), de Manoel de Oliveira, et Le Rivage des murmures (A Costa dos MurmĂșrios) (2004), de Margarida Cardoso — qui proposent une rĂ©flexion sur les questions de race, de genre, de classe et d’idĂ©ologie qui ont marquĂ© l’agenda colonial, une rĂ©flexion qui alimente toujours le dĂ©bat postcolonial portugais (tant sur les plans politiques, sociaux ou culturels), incapable de se dĂ©livrer de ces fantĂŽmes impĂ©riaux, qui hantent toujours le peuple portugais et qui invalident les rapports pouvant exister envers l’Autre.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
