28 research outputs found

    "Eficiencia en el Mercado Accionario: Nueva Evidencia para el Caso Mexicano "

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    This article uses bootstrap techniques to determine whether the exchange market in Mexico, during the period 1997-2011, is efficient or not. To the best of our knowledge, although this methodology is not new, it has not yet been applied to the case of Mexico. Based on the daily changes of observed exchange rates random sequences of prices are generated to obtain the empirical distribution of returns under two well known trading rules: filter and moving average. Further, we determine if, for each trading rule, the returns obtained with the series of prices actually observed belong to the corresponding empirical distribution, in which case the foreign exchange market will be consistent with the efficiency hypothesis. Our results suggest that there is no evidence to reject the efficiency hypothesis in the foreign exchange Mexican market for the period considered in this study.En este artículo se utiliza el método de bootstrap para evaluar la eficiencia del mercado cambiario en México durante el periodo 1997-2011. Si bien esta metodología no es nueva, hasta donde se conoce no ha sido todavía aplicada al caso mexicano. Esencialmente, a partir de los cambios diarios observados de precios se generan series aleatorias de precios a fin de obtener la distribución empírica de los beneficios obtenidos bajo dos conocidas reglas técnicas de operación bursátil: las reglas de filtro y media móvil. Posteriormente se determina si, para cada regla técnica, los beneficios obtenidos con las series realmente observadas pertenecen, con un nivel de confianza dado, a la distribución empírica, en cuyo caso el comportamiento observado del mercado sería consistente con la hipótesis de eficiencia. Los resultados obtenidos con esta metodología sugieren que no hay evidencia que permita rechazar la hipótesis de eficiencia del mercado cambiario mexicano durante este periodo.

    Main Cross-Cutting Training Contents of LEISURE and Free Time Schools: Acceptance of Groups Involved in the Leisure Time Instructor Courses

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    Time atomisation trends, leisure economy, and social and technological changes are causing a reframe of the leisure and free-time industry. This study aims to analyse the assessment of nine cross-cutting contents by the main agents involved in leisure-time instructor courses, and a group of young subjects in Spain. The study sample consisted of 1049 individuals, including management and technical teams, leisure and free-time schoolteachers, leisure and free-time school students (receiving the leisure-time instructor course), and finally a group of external young subjects. An ad hoc questionnaire was used, and the results were analysed through a correlational study using contingency tables and chi-square and Somers’ D statistics, Spearman’s correlation to determine within-population correlations, and the Kruskal–Wallis test to establish that these relationships were not randomly established. The results show that all the analysed agents valued the training proposal of cross-cutting contents as a consolidated item. This indicates that the nine cross-cutting contents should be maintained in these courses. Social Skills content was crowned as the defining content of this training, and there was dissonance in the ICT-Use content, which was not highly valued by main agents but was highly valued by young people, leading to the need to review this content to adjust it to the real needs of the young populatio

    Enabling the Evaluation of Driver Physiology Via Vehicle Dynamics

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    Driving is a daily routine for many individuals across the globe. This paper presents the configuration and methodologies used to transform a vehicle into a connected ecosystem capable of assessing driver physiology. We integrated an array of commercial sensors from the automotive and digital health sectors along with driver inputs from the vehicle itself. This amalgamation of sensors allows for meticulous recording of the external conditions and driving maneuvers. These data streams are processed to extract key parameters, providing insights into driver behavior in relation to their external environment and illuminating vital physiological responses. This innovative driver evaluation system holds the potential to amplify road safety. Moreover, when paired with data from conventional health settings, it may enhance early detection of health-related complications.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Digital Health (ICDH

    The combination of sirolimus plus tacrolimus improves outcome after reduced-intensity conditioning, unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation compared with cyclosporine plus mycofenolate

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    Different types of graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis have been proposed in the setting of reduced intensity and non-myeloablative allogeneic stem cell transplantation. An alternative combination with sirolimus and tacrolimus has recently been tested although comparative studies against the classical combination of a calcineurin inhibitor and mycophenolate mofetil or methotrexate are lacking. We describe the results of a prospective, multicenter trial using sirolimus + tacrolimus as immunoprophylaxis, and compare this approach with our previous experience using cyclosporine + mycophenolate in the setting of unrelated donor transplantation setting after reduced-intensity conditioning. Forty-five patients received cyclosporine + mycophenolate between 2002 and mid-2007, while the subsequent 50 patients, who were transplanted from late 2007, were given sirolimus + tacrolimus. No significant differences were observed in terms of hematopoietic recovery or acute graft-versus-host disease overall, although gastrointestinal acute graft-versus-host disease grade ≥2 was more common in the cyclosporine + mycophenolate group (55% versus 21%, respectively, P=0.003). The 1-year cumulative incidence of chronic graftversus-host disease was 50% versus 90% for the patients treated with the sirolimus- versus cyclosporine-based regimen, respectively (P<0.001), while the incidence of extensive chronic disease was 27% versus 49%, respectively (P=0.043). The 2-year non-relapse mortality rate was 18% versus 38% for patients receiving the sirolimus- versus the cyclosporine-based regimen, respectively (P=0.02). The event-free survival and overall survival at 2 years were 53% versus 29% (P=0.028) and 70% versus 45% (P=0.018) among patients receiving the sirolimus- versus the cyclosporine-based regimen, respectively. In conclusion, in the setting of reduced intensity transplantation from an unrelated donor, promising results can be achieved with the combination of sirolimus + tacrolimus, due to a lower risk of chronic graft-versus-host disease and non-relapse mortality, which translates into better event-free and over all survival rates, in comparison with those achieved with cyclosporine + mycophenolate

    Serum methylation of GALNT9, UPF3A, WARS, and LDB2 as noninvasive biomarkers for the early detection of colorectal cancer and advanced adenomas

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    Background Early detection has proven to be the most effective strategy to reduce the incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer (CRC). Nevertheless, most current screening programs suffer from low participation rates. A blood test may improve both the adherence to screening and the selection to colonoscopy. In this study, we conducted a serum-based discovery and validation of cfDNA methylation biomarkers for CRC screening in a multicenter cohort of 433 serum samples including healthy controls, benign pathologies, advanced adenomas (AA), and CRC.Results First, we performed an epigenome-wide methylation analysis with the MethylationEPIC array using a sample pooling approach, followed by a robust prioritization of candidate biomarkers for the detection of advanced neoplasia (AN: AA and CRC). Then, candidate biomarkers were validated by pyrosequencing in independent individual cfDNA samples. We report GALNT9, UPF3A, WARS, and LDB2 as new noninvasive biomarkers for the early detection of AN. The combination of GALNT9/UPF3A by logistic regression discriminated AN with 78.8% sensitivity and 100% specificity, outperforming the commonly used fecal immunochemical test and the methylated SEPT9 blood test.Conclusions Overall, this study highlights the utility of cfDNA methylation for CRC screening. Our results suggest that the combination methylated GALNT9/UPF3A has the potential to serve as a highly specific and sensitive blood-based test for screening and early detection of CRC

    The preparation of researches in UFSCar and in the area of special education : the influence of the institutional scientific initiation scholarship.

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    ABSTRACT The investments in Science and Technology have improved the quality of life. Researches dealing with persons with special educational needs had extended the knowledge about this population group and had supported the development of instructional strategies. However, it is necessary to increase the national scientific community to nourish new knowledge. The research shows the influence of the Institutional Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students - PIBIC of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, to breed the future generation of scientists in the Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar and in the area of Special Education. The study evaluates the Science and Technology in Brazil and discusses the formation of a new generation of scientists. The research approach includes a general study examining Special Education in Brazil and an evaluation of advances coming from theses and dissertations in this area. The first study deals with the academic trajectory of former PIBIC students at UFSCar and their enrollments in graduate programs encompassing Master and Doctorate degrees. The research was done by searching each previous PIBIC student by name in the institutional homepage of the Coordination of Formation of Staff of Superior Level CAPES which contains information about everyone who had finished a Master and Doctorate degrees. The time period from 1992 to 2000 was searched. Additionally, the Lattes Curricula Vitae Database was checked for update information. These data allow to evaluate the results of the PIBIC in the UFSCar based on graduate studies concluded by former students and the institution that they had chosen to continue their academic life. The second investigation covered the period of August,1993 to July, 2004, and involved around 175,000 PIBIC Scholarships granted in different regions of Brazil. The focus was to find out scientific projects related to Special Education. A classification was generated taking into account the target population and the volume of research carried out in each institution. Afterwards, CAPES and CNPq databases was checked for verification of the academic trajectory after finishing undergraduate studies of the former PIBIC students that became involved with projects in Special Education area. Around 50% of the former PIBIC students at UFSCar started graduate courses and preferred to stay in São Paulo State. Only 0.64% of the projects with analysis conditions (145.028) fits the Special Education area. General studies are in the first position, followed by the analyses about mental deficiency and, finally, hearing impairments. The estimative is that at least 36% of the former PIBIC students will conclude graduate programs encompassing Master and Doctorate degrees. It is necessary to stimulate researches and design strategies to form new researchers in Special Education area. Further studies about PIBIC scholarships are highly recommended for a better understanding of their output.Universidade Federal de Sao CarlosOs investimentos em Ciência & Tecnologia têm viabilizado a elevação da qualidade de vida. Investigações relacionadas com as pessoas com necessidades educacionais especiais ampliaram o conhecimento sobre essa população e permitiram o desenvolvimento de metodologias educacionais. É preciso aumentar a comunidade científica nacional para ampliar a geração de conhecimento. A pesquisa demonstra o impacto do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica PIBIC do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico CNPq, na formação de cientistas, na Universidade Federal de São Carlos UFSCar e na área de Educação Especial. Realiza um trabalho de análise sobre a C&T no Brasil e apresenta uma discussão sobre a iniciação científica. Perpassa por um exame conceitual da educação especial, juntamente com a exposição de avanços nas teses e dissertações dentro deste campo. O primeiro estudo, sobre a trajetória acadêmica, no âmbito dos cursos de mestrado e doutorado, dos egressos do PIBIC da UFSCar, do período de 1992 a 2000, está efetuado da seguinte forma: os nomes dos egressos foram cruzados na página da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES, que possui registro sobre os alunos que finalizaram cursos de mestrado e/ou doutorado. Houve exame do Currículo Lattes, que apresenta dados mais recentes. É possível verificar os resultados do PIBIC na UFSCar no que se refere à titulação dos egressos e instituição que escolheram para prosseguir na vida acadêmica. A segunda investigação, que envolveu os anos de agosto de 1993 a julho de 2004, alcançando mais de 175 mil bolsas do PIBIC, concedidas para diferentes regiões do País, está voltada para constatar os projetos científicos executados que se enquadravam no campo da Educação Especial. Há classificação das investigações por população-alvo e apresentação do volume de trabalhos por instituição. Na etapa seguinte desta pesquisa, se realiza o cruzamento dos dados nas páginas CAPES e do CNPq, para verificação da trajetória acadêmica na pósgraduação dos egressos do PIBIC que se engajaram em projetos sobre o ensino especial. Em torno de 50% dos egressos da UFSCar vão para os cursos de mestrado e/ou doutorado e preferem permanecer no Estado de São Paulo para continuidade dos estudos. Na área de Educação Especial, apenas 0,64% dos projetos com condições de análise (145.028) se enquadram nesta área. Sobressaem os estudos Genéricos, seguidos das análises sobre deficiência mental e depois deficiência auditiva. Existe a expectativa que pelo menos 36% dos ex-bolsistas se titulem na pós-graduação stricto sensu. Há necessidade de estimular as pesquisas e buscar estratégias para formar novos pesquisadores no campo da Educação Especial. Estudos adicionais envolvendo as bolsas do PIBIC são recomendados, para maior conhecimento dos resultados

    Aquisição de habilidades digitais baseados na DigComp em jovens treinados em lazer e tempo livre

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    The acquisition of digital skills by young people continues to be an educational challenge and, in this sense, leisure and free time (L&amp;FT) is an education area requiring development. Through a descriptive and correlational study aimed at assessing the implementation of L&amp;FT education programs, this research analyzes young people’s perceptions of their digital skills in the area of L&amp;FT. Digital competence was measured using a custom designed questionnaire based on five dimensions related to the European Digital Competence Framework (DigComp): information and data literacy, communication and collaboration, digital content creation, problem solving and security. The questionnaire contained 33 items and three attribute variables: type of participant, sex and age. The sample included 947 young people from different parts of Spain: 376 participants on L&amp;FT monitor courses – trainers or students – and 571 young people who had not received any such training. The analysis shows significant and direct covariance between the five digital competences of the DigComp project in the L&amp;FT area. In particular, the competences related to security show statistically significant results according to the type of participant, sex and age. The analysis found that L&amp;FT training favors the acquisition of digital skills and compensates for training deficiencies in other educational areas.La adquisición de competencias digitales en las personas jóvenes sigue siendo un desafío educativo y, en este sentido, el ocio y tiempo libre (OyTL) se presenta como un ámbito formativo a explorar. Esta investigación analiza la percepción que tienen las personas jóvenes sobre sus competencias digitales en el ámbito del OyTL mediante un estudio descriptivo y correlacional con la finalidad de valorar su implementación en los programas de OyTL. La competencia digital se mide a través de un cuestionario diseñado ad hoc con cinco dimensiones relacionadas con el Marco Europeo de Competencias Digitales (DigComp) –alfabetización en información y datos, comunicación y colaboración, creación de contenido digital, resolución de problemas y seguridad –materializadas en 33 ítems, y tres variables atributivas– tipo de participante, sexo y edad. La muestra es de 947 jóvenes de diferentes partes de España: 376 vinculados a cursos de monitor de OyTL –formadores o alumnado–, y 571 no vinculados. El análisis evidencia una covarianza significativa y directa entre las cinco competencias digitales del proyecto DigComp en el OyTL. Especialmente, la competencia relacionada con la seguridad muestra resultados significativos según tipo de participante, sexo y edad. Se presenta una formación en el OyTL que favorece la adquisición de competencias digitales y compensa deficiencias formativas en otros ámbitos educativos.A aquisição de habilidades digitais em jovens continua sendo um desafio educacional e, neste sentido, o lazer e o tempo livre (LTLT) se apresenta como um campo de formação a ser explorado. Esta pesquisa analisa a percepção dos jovens sobre suas habilidades digitais no campo do OyTL através de um estudo descritivo e correlacional a fim de avaliar sua implementação nos programas de OyTL. A habilidade digital é medida através de um questionário desenvolvido ad hoc com cinco dimensões relacionadas ao DigComp - alfabetização em informação e dados, comunicação e colaboração, criação de conteúdo digital, resolução de problemas e segurança - materializadas em 33 itens, e três variáveis atributivas - tipo de participante, sexo e idade. A amostra é de 947 jovens de diferentes partes da Espanha: 376 vinculados a cursos de monitoramento da OyTL - formadores ou estudantes-, e 571 não vinculados. A análise mostra uma covariância significativa e direta entre as cinco competências digitais do projeto DigComp no OyTL

    Escolas de lazer e tempos livres: análise de conteúdos formativos

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    Social and technological changes lead us to rethink whether leisure and free time training is adapted to current needs. The objectives of this research paper are (1) to know the evaluations of professional agents and young people regarding the transversal contents that are taught in the leisure and free time monitor courses, and (2) to evaluate the significance of the relationships that are established between the transversal contents from the different groups consulted. Based on a questionnaire addressed to 1049 people that includes management / technical teams of leisure and free time schools, responsible for training and coordination, students, linked to 25 free time schools, and young people from 11 autonomouscommunities in Spain. A correlational study was carried out through contingency tables, using the Chi-Square and Somers D statistics. As result, it is evident that the agents value the training proposal as consolidated and accepted, there is a coherence between the contents, the expectations of the students, and the people involved, therefore this has allowed reflecting and proposing updates of the transversal contents, as well as suggesting keeping the transversal contents focused on the current youth policies, as well as on their needs.Los cambios sociales y tecnológicos nos llevan a replantearnos si las formaciones de ocio y tiempo libres están adaptadas a las necesidades actuales. Este artículo de investigación tiene por objetivos (1) conocer las valoraciones de agentes profesionales y jóvenes respecto a contenidos transversales que se imparten en los cursos de monitor de ocio y tiempo libre, y (2) evaluar la significación de las relaciones que se establecen entre los contenidos transversales a partir de los diferentes colectivos consultados. A partir de un cuestionario dirigido a 1049 personas, de equipos directivos/técnicos de escuelas de ocio y tiempo libre, responsables de la formación y coordinación del alumnado vinculado a 25 escuelas de tiempo libre y jóvenes de 11 comunidades autónomas de España. Se realizó un estudio correlacional a través de tablas de contingencia, mediante los estadísticos Chi Cuadrado y D de Somers. Como resultados se evidencia que los agentes valoran la propuesta formativa como consolidada y aceptada, pues existe una coherencia entre los contenidos, la expectativa del alumnado y las personas implicadas, lo cual ha permitido reflexionar y proponer actualizaciones de los contenidos transversales. Además de sugerir mantener los contenidos transversales centrados en las actuales políticas de juventud, así como en sus necesidades.As mudanças sociais e tecnológicas levam-nos a repensarmos se as formações de lazer e tempo livre estão adaptadas às necessidades atuais. Este artigo de pesquisa tem por objetivos (1) conhecer as avaliações de agentes profissionais e jovens sobre conteúdos transversais que são ministrados nos cursos de monitor de lazer e tempo livre, e (2) avaliar a significação das relações que se estabelecem entre os conteúdos transversais a partir dos diferentes grupos consultados. Com base num questionário dirigido a 1.049 pessoas, de equipes de gestão/técnicas de escolas de tempos livres e de lazer, responsáveis pela formação e coordenação de alunos ligados a 25 escolas de tempos livres e jovens de 11 comunidades autónomas de Espanha. Realizou-se um estudo correlacional por meio de tabelas de contingência, utilizando as estatísticas Chi Square e D de Somers. Como resultados, fica evidente que os agentes valorizam a proposta formativa como consolidada e aceita, pois, existe uma coerência entre os conteúdos, as expectativas dos alunos e das pessoas envolvidas, o que tem permitido refletir e propor atualizações dos conteúdos transversais. Além de sugerir manter os conteúdos transversais focados nas atuais políticas de juventude, bem como em suas necessidades

    Adquisición de competencias digitales basadas en el DigComp en jóvenes formados en ocio y tiempo libre

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    The acquisition of digital skills by young people continues to be an educational challenge and, in this sense, leisure and free time (L&FT) is an education area requiring development. Through a descriptive and correlational study aimed at assessing the implementation of L&FT education programs, this research analyzes young people’s perceptions of their digital skills in the area of L&FT. Digital competence was measured using a custom designed questionnaire based on five dimensions related to the European Digital Competence Framework (DigComp): information and data literacy, communication and collaboration, digital content creation, problem solving and security. The questionnaire contained 33 items and three attribute variables: type of participant, sex and age. The sample included 947 young people from different parts of Spain: 376 participants on L&FT monitor courses – trainers or students – and 571 young people who had not received any such training. The analysis shows significant and direct covariance between the five digital competences of the DigComp project in the L&FT area. In particular, the competences related to security show statistically significant results according to the type of participant, sex and age. The analysis found that L&FT training favors the acquisition of digital skills and compensates for training deficiencies in other educational areas.A aquisição de habilidades digitais em jovens continua sendo um desafio educacional e, neste sentido, o lazer e o tempo livre (LTLT) se apresenta como um campo de formação a ser explorado. Esta pesquisa analisa a percepção dos jovens sobre suas habilidades digitais no campo do OyTL através de um estudo descritivo e correlacional a fim de avaliar sua implementação nos programas de OyTL. A habilidade digital é medida através de um questionário desenvolvido ad hoc com cinco dimensões relacionadas ao DigComp - alfabetização em informação e dados, comunicação e colaboração, criação de conteúdo digital, resolução de problemas e segurança - materializadas em 33 itens, e três variáveis atributivas - tipo de participante, sexo e idade. A amostra é de 947 jovens de diferentes partes da Espanha: 376 vinculados a cursos de monitoramento da OyTL - formadores ou estudantes-, e 571 não vinculados. A análise mostra uma covariância significativa e direta entre as cinco competências digitais do projeto DigComp no OyTL.La adquisición de competencias digitales en las personas jóvenes sigue siendo un desafío educativo y, en este sentido, el ocio y tiempo libre (OyTL) se presenta como un ámbito formativo a explorar. Esta investigación analiza la percepción que tienen las personas jóvenes sobre sus competencias digitales en el ámbito del OyTL mediante un estudio descriptivo y correlacional con la finalidad de valorar su implementación en los programas de OyTL. La competencia digital se mide a través de un cuestionario diseñado ad hoc con cinco dimensiones relacionadas con el Marco Europeo de Competencias Digitales (DigComp) –alfabetización en información y datos, comunicación y colaboración, creación de contenido digital, resolución de problemas y seguridad –materializadas en 33 ítems, y tres variables atributivas– tipo de participante, sexo y edad. La muestra es de 947 jóvenes de diferentes partes de España: 376 vinculados a cursos de monitor de OyTL –formadores o alumnado–, y 571 no vinculados. El análisis evidencia una covarianza significativa y directa entre las cinco competencias digitales del proyecto DigComp en el OyTL. Especialmente, la competencia relacionada con la seguridad muestra resultados significativos según tipo de participante, sexo y edad. Se presenta una formación en el OyTL que favorece la adquisición de competencias digitales y compensa deficiencias formativas en otros ámbitos educativos

    Reversible Immobilization of Lipases on Heterofunctional Octyl-Amino Agarose Beads Prevents Enzyme Desorption

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    Two different heterofunctional octyl-amino supports have been prepared using ethylenediamine and hexylendiamine (OCEDA and OCHDA) and utilized to immobilize five lipases (lipases A (CALA) and B (CALB) from Candida antarctica, lipases from Thermomyces lanuginosus (TLL), from Rhizomucor miehei (RML) and from Candida rugosa (CRL) and the phospholipase Lecitase Ultra (LU). Using pH 5 and 50 mM sodium acetate, the immobilizations proceeded via interfacial activation on the octyl layer, after some ionic bridges were established. These supports did not release enzyme when incubated at Triton X-100 concentrations that released all enzyme molecules from the octyl support. The octyl support produced significant enzyme hyperactivation, except for CALB. However, the activities of the immobilized enzymes were usually slightly higher using the new supports than the octyl ones. Thermal and solvent stabilities of LU and TLL were significantly improved compared to the OC counterparts, while in the other enzymes the stability decreased in most cases (depending on the pH value). As a general rule, OCEDA had lower negative effects on the stability of the immobilized enzymes than OCHDA and while in solvent inactivation the enzyme molecules remained attached to the support using the new supports and were released using monofunctional octyl supports, in thermal inactivations this only occurred in certain cases.We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).We gratefully recognize the support from the MINECO from Spanish Government, (project number CTQ2013-41507-R). The predoctoral fellowships for Rueda (Colciencias, Colombian Government and Becas Iberoamérica “Jóvenes Investigadores”, Banco Santander) and dos Santos and Albuquerque (CNPq, Brazil) are also recognized. The authors wish to thank Ramiro Martínez (Novozymes, Spain) for kindly supplying some of the enzymes used in this research