76 research outputs found


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    O artigo visa analisar a relações dos Estados Unidos e Cuba considerando a conjuntura internacional pós-Guerra Fria, caracterizada pela ascensão da ordem multipolar, pela  maior inserção chinesa e pela emergência do mundo latino e outros agentes regionais relevantes em uma época nova da economia mundial.The paper aims to analyze the relationship of the United States and Cuba considering the post-Cold War international environment, characterized by the rise of a multipolar order and Chinese influence, and the emergence of the Latin world and other relevant regional actors in a new era of global economy.     

    Mundos do trabalho, mundos da vida: a experiência de padeiros artesanais

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    Este artigo aborda a relação entre trabalho e vida social na experiência dos trabalhadores na panificação artesanal na cidade de Cajazeiras, Paraíba, Brasil. Tomando como fontes básicas os seus depoimentos orais, expressamos as suas representações elaboradas a partir do seu trabalho, e os reflexos deste sobre as suas vidas, nas quais as possibilidades de lazer estiveram subordinadas às atividades produtivas que tomaram praticamente todo o seu tempo útil

    Phenolic composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of brazilian red propolis

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    Propolis is a resinous hive product collected by honeybees from various plant sources. It has a complex chemical composition, constituted by various phenolic compounds. Extracts of increasing polarity (n-hexane, chloroform, and ethanol) were obtained from a sample of red propolis from the state of Alagoas. Assays were carried out for determination of contents of phenolics, along with antibacterial and antioxidant activities. The EEP, fractions and sub-fractions showed strong biological activities and were related with phenolic the content compounds contents. The sub-fractions were more bioactive than the EEP and fractions, demonstrating that the antioxidant and antibacterial activities are not a result of synergistic effect between the various chemical compounds in propolis.FAPES

    Ovarian adenosarcoma simulating a simple cyst in a young patient

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    Müllerian adenosarcoma is a rare, mixed tumor that can occur throughout the female genital tract, but is most commonly found in the uterus. Ovarian adenosarcoma is rarer and has a poorer prognosis than uterine adenosarcoma. Data on the clinicopathological features of ovarian adenosarcoma are limited, and, due to its rarity, the management is controversial. The authors report a case of a 25-year-old patient who presented with recurrent abdominal pain. Sonography and laparotomy showed an ovarian cyst, and pathologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of cystic low-grade adenosarcoma. The patient remains free of recurrence 6 months after diagnosis. The authors call attention to the differential diagnosis of ovarian masses, especially in young patients, and to the lack of evidence on the management of this neoplasm in the literature


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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o teor de compostos fenólicos totais e a atividade antioxidante de chás consumidos no Brasil. Avaliou-se o teor de compostos fenólicos totais pelo método do Folin Ciocalteu e a atividade antioxidante pelo sequestro do radical DPPH. (porcentagem de inibição do radical DPPH.; porcentagem de DPPH. remanescente; coeficiente de inibição, IC50). As análises das seguintes infusões foram realizadas em triplicata: chá preto, chá verde, mate, camomila e anis (erva-doce) de três diferentes marcas (A, B e C). Os maiores teores de compostos fenólicos foram encontrados em chá verde (C e B), chá preto (C) e mate (A) (teores superiores a 65 mg EAG / g de chá). O chá verde (C e B) foi o mais eficiente em termos de porcentagem de inibição do radical DPPH. (valores acima de 90%), de porcentagem de DPPH. remanescente (menos de 10% da concentração inicial) e em termos de IC50 (valores inferiores a 150 µg de massa seca/mL de infusão). O chá de camomila, percentualmente, apresentou os melhores índices, mas o parâmetro IC50 resultou em valores elevados que correspondem à baixa atividade antioxidante. Não houve correlação entre os teores de compostos fenólicos e a atividade antioxidante demonstrada pela percentagem de inibição e pela percentagem de DPPH. remanescente. No entanto a correlação entre os teores de compostos fenólicos e a atividade antioxidante evidenciada pelo coeficiente de inibição (IC50) foi elevada (r=0,92), indicando a existência de compostos com distintos potenciais antioxidantes

    The correlation between the phenolic composition and biological activities of two varieties of Brazilian propolis (G6 and G12)

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    Biological assays that have been performed on different types of Brazilian propolis have shown that type 6 propolis (G6) has a strong antimicrobial activity and a low flavonoid content. This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between the phenolic composition and the biological activities displayed by propol is G6 from the state of Bahia and green propol is, also known as type 12 (G12). The values of the flavonoids and the total phenolics in propol is G6 were different than those in propolis G12. Although the G12 variety presented greater antioxidant activity, propolis G6 proved to have greater antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities. The results showed that the phenolic compounds may not be the only compounds responsible for the biological activity. More detailed studies of the chemical composition and an assessment or the biological activity are required to establish the quality of propolis.Ensaios biológicos realizados com diferentes tipos de própolis brasileira têm mostrado que a própolis \ud do tipo 6 (G6) tem forte atividade antimicrobiana e menor teor de flavonóides. Este trabalho teve \ud como objetivo avaliar a correlação entre a composição fenólica e atividades biológicas apresentadas \ud pela própolis G6, do Estado da Bahia, e a própolis verde, do tipo 12 (G12). Os teores de flavonóides e \ud fenólicos totais na própolis G6 foram diferentes dos teores da própolis G12. Apesar da G12 apresentar \ud maior atividade antioxidante, a própolis G6 apresenta maior atividade antimicrobiana e citotóxica. \ud Os resultados mostraram que os compostos fenólicos não são os únicos compostos responsáveis pela \ud atividade biológica da própolis. Estudos mais específicos da composição química, em adição à avaliação \ud das atividades biológicas, são requeridos para determinar a qualidade da própolis

    Doege-Potter syndrome associated to metastatic solitary fibrous tumor

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    Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) is a rare fibroblastic mesenchymal neoplasm with an estimated annual incidence of 0.35 per 100,000 individuals. Doege-Potter syndrome is a paraneoplastic syndrome related to solitary fibrous tumor clinically characterized by hypoglycemia, occurring in less than 5% of cases. Herein, we report a case of metastatic SFT associated with recurrent severe hypoglycemia. A 43-year-old male with a noncontributory medical history presented with a painless and progressive growing mass in the right thigh. The histological evaluation rendered the diagnosis of SFT, and tumor resection was performed. One year after the operation, on the oncological follow-up, he was admitted to the emergency unit, manifesting an early-morning seizure associated with a severe hypoglycemia. The laboratory findings of non-islet cell tumor hypoglycemia (NICTH) in the background of a relapsed metastatic solitary fibrous tumor were consistent with the diagnosis of Doege-Potter syndrome. Hepatic embolization associated with oral glucocorticoid was an efficient palliative treatment to control the hypoglycemic crisis and allow hospital discharge