60 research outputs found

    Del fin de Público a un nuevo modelo organizativo. La salida emprendedora como solución: análisis de los casos de La Marea, InfoLibre y elDiario.es

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    Treball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic 2014-2015El cierre de la edición impresa de Público en febrero de 2012 marca el fin de un proyecto efímero que pese a tener una audiencia y una trayectoria asentadas no logra una viabilidad económica. Sin embargo este cierre también marcó el nacimiento de una nueva generación de medios de comunicación, que surgieron de los mismos trabajadores que en febrero de 2012 quedaban en la calle, el mismo capital humano involucrado en proyectos diferentes y realizados de una manera diferente. Tras tres años del nacimiento la mayoría de estos proyectos aún continúan en activo, el objeto de este trabajo será la investigación de estos modelos, su organización empresarial, su viabilidad económica y esbozar su nivel de calidad informativa. Los medios seleccionados son La Marea, infoLibre y elDiario.es, como principales casos a analizar por haber nacido durante los doce meses posteriores al cierre de Público, ser iniciativa de antiguos trabajadores del medio y tratar temas generalistas. El análisis tratará de averiguar si estos modelos emprendedores resultan viables en un escenario de crisis del periodismo, y de los modelos tradicionales, y si por lo tanto pueden ofrecer una nueva manera de organizar el trabajo periodístico en el contexto actual. El trabajo analizará en primer lugar las estructuras organizativas, definiendo si realmente se trata de modelos emprendedores, y retratar cómo funcionan estos modelos, así como las ventajas y desventajas que ofrecen estas organizaciones atípicas. El segundo punto analizará sus datos económicos para determinar si se trata de medios viables, si su modelo y plan de negocio evoluciona satisfactoriamente y si el medio está recibiendo un buen acogimiento por parte de sus públicos. En cuanto a los contenidos además de analizar las particularidades e innovaciones de cada medio se realizará un análisis de una muestra mínima para tratar de esbozar si se está realizando un buen trabajo a nivel periodístico e informativo. La hipótesis principal que quiere comprobar este trabajo es la de que un modelo de periodismo independiente a nivel empresarial y publicitario facilita la creación de un contenido periodístico de calidad, y que a la vez esto es viable en el contexto económico actual, suponiendo una alternativa firme en el contexto de crisis del periodismo.The closure of the printed edition of Público in February 2012 marked the end of a short-lived project that, while it counted with the backing of a strong audience and an impecable track record, never reached a point of being economically feasable. Nevertheless, the closure of this newspaper also marked the birth of a new generation of media, that appeared thanks to the journalists who lost their jobs in February 2012. With the same human capital, they got involved it different products that functioned in different ways. Three years after the birth of this new wave of media, the majority of the projects are still active and functioning. The purpose of this study will be the investigation of these new media-models, their business organization, their economic viability and to outline the quality level of their information. The chosen media for this study are La Marea, infoLibre and elDiario.es as main cases to analize because they were born in the first twelve months after the closure of Público, because they are projects that were set up mainly by the ex-workers of this newspaper, and because their area is general news. The analysis will try and establish if these enterpreneurial models are viable in the current journalistic crisis scene, and traditional models, and therefore in they can offer a new way of organizing the journalistic profession in the current situation. This study will analize, firstly, the organizational structures, defining if they are really entrepreneurial models, and will show how these models work, including the pros and the cons of these atypical organizations. In second place, we will proceed to analyse their economic data to determine if they are actually economically viable, if their business model and business plan are evolving successfully and if the media is having public acceptance. When it comes to the contents, apart from analysing the particularities and innovations of each media, we'll analyse a minimum sample to try and outline if high levels of journalistic and informative criteria are being fulfilled with their products. The main hypothesis this study means to prove is that an independent journalism model on a business and advertising scale enables the creation of a quality journalistic content, that at the same time is viable in the current economic situation. This would mean it suppose a strong alternative in the context of a journalistic crisis

    An experimental test of some economic theories of optimism

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    Economic theories of optimism provide different rationales for the phenomenon of motivated reasoning, and a recent empirical literature has tested some of them, with mixed results. We contribute to this literature with a novel experimental test of two mechanisms, according to which optimism is respectively predicted when (1) the potential material losses due to the bias are relatively small or (2) the cognitive costs of the bias are small enough. In our design, these two accounts predict inflated expectations regarding some future payoff. Contrary to that, the average subject tends to (slightly) underestimate that financial prospect. Although a minority of the subjects overestimate systematically, the size of their errors is rather reduced, and they hardly differ in their personal characteristics from the rest of the subjects. In fact, optimism in our experiment is correlated with the sample observed, in that it is more likely when a subject observes relatively few good signals. This is again at odds with (1) and (2). These mechanisms, we conclude, do not appear to fully capture under which circumstances people fail into a positivity bias. Yet (1) seems to be empirically less relevant, in that we observe a similarly limited level of bias irrespectively of its monetary cos

    La planificación de medios en el escenario digital, camino a la hibridación total

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    Treball Final de Grau en Publicitat i Relacions Públiques. Codi: PU0932. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017Durante su breve historia la planificación de medios ha sufrido un gran número de cambios en su manera de funcionar, pero en las últimas décadas el cambio ha sido mucho mayor a raíz de la introducción de Internet. En ocasiones incluso yendo los públicos a un ritmo de evolución mucho mayor que las agencias de medios y equipos de marketing, forzando en ocasiones procesos de digitalización en profesionales y agencias. Internet ha llegado a la planificación de medios cambiando todo, evolucionando desde una perspectiva residual a finales de los años 90 hasta ser hoy en día el segundo medio con mayor inversión, tan solo por detrás de la televisión. Esta investigación tiene por objetivo entender qué ha cambiado Internet, a quién ha afectado y cómo se han producido esta serie de cambios. Y además, qué podemos esperar que cambie en los próximos años, en una época marcada por la crisis económica, los cambios sociales y en los hábitos de consumo. La hipótesis principal que tiene esta investigación es que la digitalización ha producido y producirá grandes cambios en la planificación de medios. Y además lo ha hecho en todos los medios en España, no solo Internet, produciendo una gran transversalidad en la planificación de medios. Llevando todo ello hacia una planificación de públicos y audiencias, y no tanto de medios. Todo ello a causa de los grandes cambios que ha provocado Internet en la mentalidad de la audiencia y su papel como consumidores. Para comprobar estas hipótesis se recurrirá a profesionales y expertos que ayuden con sus visiones a entender y comprobar si estas afirmaciones son ciertas, o que otros cambios o no ha traído Internet a la planificación de medios. Todo ello con el apoyo de los datos económicos y estadísticos de la última década que puedan dar un contexto apropiado a las afirmaciones y opiniones expertas.During its brief history, media planning has changed the way it works in many ways, but in the last decade the changes have been more drastic dure to the evolution of the Internet. Sometimes, even the public was evolving at a faster speed than media agencies and marketing teams, forcing these to digitalize the profession and agencies. Internet's role in media planning has changed the scene completely, evolving from a residual perspective in the 90's, up to nowadays being the second media with highest investments, just behind TV. This investigation's aim is to understand what exactly Internet has changed, who it has affected and how these changes have come about. Also we will come to understand what changes to expect in the next few years, in an era marked by an economic crisis, constant evolution in consumption habits and social changes. This investigation's main hypothesis is that digitalization has brought upon us and will continue to bring the biggest changes in media planning. It has done so in all Spanish media, not just Internet, producing a huge transversality in media planning. All this has brought it away from the media side of it and closer to the public and the audience, due to the changes that Internet has made in the audience's mentality and also in their role as consumers. To prove these hypothesis we will resort to professionals and experts whose views will help us to understand and prove if such statements are correct, o what other changes Internet has or hasn't brought into the world of media planning. All of this will be backed up with economic data and statistics from the past decade that should provide an aproppiate context for the statements and expert opinions

    A Declarative Debugger for Maude Specifications: User Guide

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    We show in this guide how to use our declarative debugger for Maude specifications. Declarative debugging is a semi-automatic technique that starts from a computation considered incorrect by the user (error symptom) and locates a program fragment responsible for the error by asking questions to an external oracle, which is usually the user. In our case the debugging tree is obtained from a proof tree in a suitable semantic calculus; more concretely, we abbreviate the proof trees obtained from this calculus in order to ease and shorten the debugging process while preserving the correctness and completeness of the technique. We present the main features of our tool, what is assumed about the modules introduced by the user, the list of available commands, and the kinds of questions used during the debugging process. Then, we use several examples to illustrate how to use the debugger. We refer the interested reader to the webpage http://maude.sip.ucm.es/debugging, where these and other examples can be found together with more information about the theory underlying the debugger, its implementation and the Maude source files

    Singular and Plural Functions for Functional Logic Programming

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    Functional logic programming (FLP) languages use non-terminating and non-confluent constructor systems (CS's) as programs in order to define non-strict non-determi-nistic functions. Two semantic alternatives have been usually considered for parameter passing with this kind of functions: call-time choice and run-time choice. While the former is the standard choice of modern FLP languages, the latter lacks some properties---mainly compositionality---that have prevented its use in practical FLP systems. Traditionally it has been considered that call-time choice induces a singular denotational semantics, while run-time choice induces a plural semantics. We have discovered that this latter identification is wrong when pattern matching is involved, and thus we propose two novel compositional plural semantics for CS's that are different from run-time choice. We study the basic properties of our plural semantics---compositionality, polarity, monotonicity for substitutions, and a restricted form of the bubbling property for constructor systems---and the relation between them and to previous proposals, concluding that these semantics form a hierarchy in the sense of set inclusion of the set of computed values. We have also identified a class of programs characterized by a syntactic criterion for which the proposed plural semantics behave the same, and a program transformation that can be used to simulate one of them by term rewriting. At the practical level, we study how to use the expressive capabilities of these semantics for improving the declarative flavour of programs. We also propose a language which combines call-time choice and our plural semantics, that we have implemented in Maude. The resulting interpreter is employed to test several significant examples showing the capabilities of the combined semantics. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP)Comment: 53 pages, 5 figure

    First experiments on an HMM based double layer framework for automatic continuous speech recognition

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    The usual approach to automatic continuous speech recognition is what can be called the acoustic-phonetic modelling approach. In this approach, voice is considered to hold two different kinds of information acoustic and phonetic . Acoustic information is represented by some kind of feature extraction out of the voice signal, and phonetic information is extracted from the vocabulary of the task by means of a lexicon or some other procedure. The main assumption in this approach is that models can be constructed that capture the correlation existing between both kinds of information. The main limitation of acoustic-phonetic modelling in speech recognition is its poor treatment of the variability present both in the phonetic level and the acoustic one. In this paper, we propose the use of a slightly modified framework where the usual acoustic-phonetic modelling is divided into two different layers: one closer to the voice signal, and the other closer to the phonetics of the sentence. By doing so we expect an improvement of the modelling accuracy, as well as a better management of acoustic and phonetic variability. Experiments carried out so far, using a very simpli ed version of the proposed framework, show a signi cant improvement in the recognition of a large vocabulary continuous speech task, and represent a promising start point for future research.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    3DFCNN: real-time action recognition using 3D deep neural networks with raw depth information

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    This work describes an end-to-end approach for real-time human action recognition from raw depth image-sequences. The proposal is based on a 3D fully convolutional neural network, named 3DFCNN, which automatically encodes spatio-temporal patterns from raw depth sequences. The described 3D-CNN allows actions classification from the spatial and temporal encoded information of depth sequences. The use of depth data ensures that action recognition is carried out protecting people"s privacy, since their identities can not be recognized from these data. The proposed 3DFCNN has been optimized to reach a good performance in terms of accuracy while working in real-time. Then, it has been evaluated and compared with other state-of-the-art systems in three widely used public datasets with different characteristics, demonstrating that 3DFCNN outperforms all the non-DNNbased state-of-the-art methods with a maximum accuracy of 83.6% and obtains results that are comparable to the DNN-based approaches, while maintaining a much lower computational cost of 1.09 seconds, what significantly increases its applicability in real-world environments.Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciónUniversidad de Alcal

    Current and potential uses of Amaranth (Amaranthus spp.)

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    The genus Amaranthus comprises about 70 species, of which 40 are native to the American continent and the rest of Australia, Africa, Asia and Europe. A. caudatus L., A. hypochondriacus L. and A. cruentus L. are the species that in recent years have created a strong interest as agricultural crops in many regions of the world due to the high nutritional value of their seeds and leaves. Amaranth, considered one of the most nutritious pseudocereals, mainly used for human consumption in several ways; highlighting among them the production of solid sweets with their seeds or drinks based on flour, as vegetables, as fodder for livestock and for obtaining oils and cosmetic products. In spite of being considered by FAO as the crop with the greatest potential for technical development for the regions and communities of America due to the nutritional characteristics of the whole plant as well as the attribute of its excellent capacity to resist soils and dry climates, It presents a very slow production curve, mainly at low yields, hence, the objective of this review is to perform an analysis of the multiple forms, in addition to consumption, in which amaranth can be used, and with this, in some way, motivate farmers to continue cultivating it

    Kinematic Parameters That Can Discriminate in Levels of Functionality in the Six-Minute Walk Test in Patients with Heart Failure with a Preserved Ejection Fraction

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    It is a challenge to manage and assess heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (HFpEF) patients. Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) is used in this clinical population as a functional test. The objective of the study was to assess gait and kinematic parameters in HFpEF patients during the 6MWT with an inertial sensor and to discriminate patients according to their performance in the 6MWT: (1) walk more or less than 300 m, (2) finish or stop the test, (3) women or men and (4) fallen or did not fall in the last year. A cross-sectional study was performed in patients with HFpEF older than 70 years. 6MWT was carried out in a closed corridor larger than 30 m. Two Shimmer3 inertial sensors were used in the chest and lumbar region. Pure kinematic parameters analysed were angular velocity and linear acceleration in the three axes. Using these data, an algorithm calculated gait kinematic parameters: total distance, lap time, gait speed and step and stride variables. Two analyses were done according to the performance. Student’s t-test measured differences between groups and receiver operating characteristic assessed discriminant ability. Seventy patients performed the 6MWT. Step time, step symmetry, stride time and stride symmetry in both analyses showed high AUC values (>0.75). More significant differences in velocity and acceleration in the maximum Y axis or vertical movements. Three pure kinematic parameters obtained good discriminant capacity (AUC > 0.75). The new methodology proved differences in gait and pure kinematic parameters that can distinguish two groups according to the performance in the 6MWT and they had discriminant capacity.This work was supported by the Spanish Foundation of Internal Medicine, through the call “Prof. Dr. Miguel Vilardell 2019 research project”, grant number: FEMI-PB-PI-MV-2019. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga

    Origin and driving mechanisms of marine litter in the shelf-incised Motril, Carchuna, and Calahonda canyons (northern Alboran Sea)

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    Introduction and methodsMarine litter density, distribution and potential sources, and the impact on canyon seafloor habitats were investigated in the Motril, Carchuna and Calahonda canyons, located along the northern margin of the Alboran Sea. During the ALSSOMAR-S2S oceanographic survey carried out in 2019, canyon floor imagery was collected by a Remotely Operated Vehicle along 5 km in the Motril Canyon, 10 km in the Carchuna Canyon, and 3 km in Calahonda Canyon, together with 41 surficial sediment samples. Additionally, coastal uses, maritime traffic and fishing activity data were analyzed. A 50 m resolution multibeam bathymetry served as base map. ResultsIn the Motril and Calahonda canyons, the density of marine litter was low and the material was dispersed, very degraded and partially buried. In contrast, the Carchuna Canyon contained a greater amount and variety of litter. The Carchuna Canyon thalweg exhibited a density of marine litter up to 8.66 items center dot 100 m(-1), and litter hotspots with a density of up to 42 items center dot m(2) are found along the upper reaches of the canyon thalweg. DiscussionLow litter abundances found in the studied canyons most likely reflect low population densities and the absence of direct connections with streams in the nearby coasts. The high shelf incision of the Carchuna Canyon and its proximity to the coastline favor littoral sediment remobilization and capture as well as the formation of gravity flows that transport the marine litter along the thalweg toward the distal termination of the channel. Litter hotspots are favored by the canyon morphology and the occurrence of rocky outcrops. Most debris is of coastal origin and related to beach occupation and agricultural practices in the adjacent coastal plain. A third origin was represented by fishing gear in the study area. Fishing activity may be producing an impact through physical damage to the skeletons of the colonial scleractinians located in the walls of the Carchuna Canyon. In contrast, the Motril and Calahonda canyons can be considered passive systems that have mainly acted as depositional sinks in the recent past, as evidenced by buried marine litter.18-ESMARES2-CIRCA project of the Instituto Español de Oceanografıa; DL57/2016/CP1361/CT0009info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio