312 research outputs found

    Los SIM turísticos: una revisión de la literatura

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    El presente trabajo pretende realizar una revisión de la literatura existente en torno a los Sistemas de Inteligencia de Marketing (SIM) y su aplicación al sector turístico. Para su elaboración se ha realizado un estudio exhaustivo de los trabajos recopilatorios referidos al estado del arte en torno al SIM que ha sido estudiado, desde diferentes perspectivas y enfoques, desde los años sesenta. Cabe destacar que la investigación en los SIM es un tema al que, si bien en la literatura se le otorga mucha importancia, hay muy pocos trabajos que aborden esta cuestión, lo que supone una dificultad añadida para abordar esta materia. A pesar de la separación en el tiempo en que se escribieron los trabajos iniciales, desarrollados por Kotler y Berenson, y los momentos actuales, la vigencia de los mismos es incuestionable y reflejan de forma exacta las necesidades de cualquier organización de nuestros días que quiera incrementar la calidad de sus decisiones de marketing. Tras realizar una clasificación de los principales autores, por orden cronológico, se plasman en este paper una serie de conclusiones y resultados obtenidos tras la investigación, tratando de extraer aspectos extrapolables al sector del turismo ya que el modelo de SIM aplicado a esta área se puede plantear, como un instrumento importante para crear un valor añadido en las empresas turísticas posibilitando incrementar el rendimiento de las inversiones y mejorar su posición estratégica en el mercado.The present work tries to realize a review of the existing literature concerning (around) the Systems of Intelligence of Marketing (SIM) and the application to the tourist sector. For the elaboration an exhaustive study of the works has been realized recounted to the condition of the art concerning the SIM who has been studied, from different perspectives and approaches from the sixties. It is necessary to emphasize that the investigation in the SIM is a topic to which, though in the literature a lot of importance is granted him, there are very little works that approach this question, which supposes a difficulty added to approach this matter. In spite of the separation in the time in which they wrote to themselves the initial works developed by Kotler and Berenson, and the current moments, the force of the same ones is unquestionable and they reflect of exact form the needs of any organization of our days that wants to increase the quality of their decisions of marketing. After realizing a classification of the principal authors, for chronological order, there take form of this paper a series of conclusions and results obtained after the investigation, trying to extract aspects extrapolables to the sector of the tourism since the model of SIM applied to this area can appear, as an important instrument to create value in the tourist companies making possible to increase the performance of the investments and to improve their strategic position on the market

    Vivienda de Acogida para Mujeres y Niños

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    Se trata de un proyecto de intervención, dirigido a desarrollar las actividades realizadas en las prácticas. Este proyecto, llamado Vivienda de Acogida para Mujeres y Niños pertenece a la Obra Social de la Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Zaragoza. Este trabajo recoge las diferentes actividades de carácter social que he podido desempeñar, dirigido a este sector de la población (mujeres), además de haber intentado obtener un mayor acercamiento a la visión del género

    Convergent and discriminative validity of the Frail-VIG index with the EQ-5D-3L in people cared for in primary health care

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    Background The Frail-VIG frailty index has been developed recently. It is an instrument with a multidimensional approach and a pragmatic purpose that allows rapid and efficient assessment of the degree of frailty in the context of clinical practice. Our aim was to investigate the convergent and discriminative validity of the Frail-VIG frailty index with regard to EQ-5D-3L value. Methods We carried out a cross-sectional study in two Primary Health Care (PHC) centres of the Catalan Institute of Health (Institut Català de la Salut), Barcelona (Spain) from February 2017 to January 2019. Participants in the study were all people included under a home care programme during the study period. No exclusion criteria were applied. We used the EQ-5D-3L to measure Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) and the Frail-VIG index to measure frailty. Trained PHC nurses administered both instruments during face-to-face assessments in a participant's home during usual care. The relationships between both instruments were examined using Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression analyses. Results Four hundred and twelve participants were included in this study. Frail-VIG score and EQ-5D-3L value were negatively correlated (r = − 0.510; P < 0.001). Non-frail people reported a substantially better HRQoL than people with moderate and severe frailty. EQ-5D-3L value declined significantly as the Frail-VIG index score increased. Conclusions Frail-VIG index demonstrated a convergent validity with the EQ-5D-3L value. Its discriminative validity was optimal, as their scores showed an excellent capacity to differentiate between people with better and worse HRQoL. These findings provide additional pieces of evidence for construct validity of the Frail-VIG index

    Camino de una universidad virtual para convertirse en un nodo de conocimiento abierto: El caso de la UOC

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    In November 2021, UNESCO approved its Recommendation on open science, whose implementation makes it possible to incorporate “open culture” into any international, national, regional, or institutional policy related to information or research. The recommendation explicitly recognizes open science as a requirement for leaving no one behind with regard to access to academic knowledge and the benefits of scientific progress. This same conviction led the UOC to elaborate its own Open knowledge action plan in 2018. This Plan, with a time horizon extending until 2030, constitutes the roadmap and institutional proposal of the UOC to become a hub for open and global knowledge, thus contributing to fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations' 2030 Agenda. In its fifth year of implementation, and with eight more years to go, in this article, we share the preliminary results of the process and reflect upon the way in which its implementation helps the University to become a global knowledge hub with a greater social impact. All this, based on the particularity of being a Plan adopted by and for a fully online university.En noviembre de 2021, la UNESCO aprobó su Recomendación sobre ciencia abierta, cuya aplicación hace ineludible incorporar la “cultura abierta” a cualquier política internacional, nacional, regional o institucional vinculada a la información o la investigación. Todo ello, bajo el reconocimiento explícito de la ciencia abierta como requisito para no dejar a nadie atrás en lo que respecta al acceso al conocimiento académico y a los beneficios del progreso científico. Es esta misma convicción la que llevó a la UOC a elaborar su propio Plan de acción de conocimiento abierto en 2018. El Plan, con horizonte temporal hasta el 2030, es la hoja de ruta y apuesta institucional de la UOC para convertirse en un nodo de conocimiento abierto y global, y así contribuir a la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible marcados por la Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas. En el quinto año de implementación, y aún con ocho años más de recorrido, en el presente artículo, las personas que han estado a cargo de impulsar el plan comparten los resultados preliminares del proceso y reflexionan sobre de qué manera su puesta en marcha ayuda a la Universidad a ser un nodo de conocimiento global, con mayor impacto social. Todo ello, desde la singularidad de ser un Plan adoptado por y para una universidad totalmente online

    Profiles of Frailty among Older People Users of a Home-Based Primary Care Service in an Urban Area of Barcelona (Spain): An Observational Study and Cluster Analysis

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    Background: The multidimensional assessment of frailty allows stratifying it into degrees; however, there is still heterogeneity in the characteristics of people in each stratum. The aim of this study was to identify frailty profiles of older people users of a home-based primary care service. Methods: We carried out an observational study from January 2018 to January 2021. Participants were all people cared for a home-based primary care service. We performed a cluster analysis by applying a k-means clustering technique. Cluster labeling was determined with the 22 variables of the Frail-VIG index, age, and sex. We computed multiple indexes to assess the optimal number of clusters, and this was selected based on a clinical assessment of the best options. Results: Four hundred and twelve participants were clustered into six profiles. Three of these profiles corresponded to a moderate frailty degree, two to a severe frailty degree and one to a mild frailty degree. In addition, almost 75% of the participants were clustered into three profiles which corresponded to mild and moderate degree of frailty. Conclusions: Different profiles were found within the same degree of frailty. Knowledge of these profiles can be useful in developing strategies tailored to these differentiated care needs

    ¿Es la vivencia emocional cuestión de género? Análisis de juegos motores de oposición en universitarios

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    The knowledge of the emotional experience in driving educational contexts is an aspect rarely analyzed by specialized literature. However, teachers face situations where emotions and their management are key to professional development. In physical education, this knowledge is even more relevant given the driving nature of the content. The aim of this research was to identify emotional intensities during competitive and non-competitive practice of opposition sports games according to the participant’s gender. 169 students participated and completed the GES questionnaire at the end of each activity. Generalized estimating equations showed significant differences (p &lt;.001) in the variable types of emotion, outcome and gender. Positive emotions were experienced more intensely than the rest of emotions during games. The data also showed that the emotional intensity in competitive games were higher than those without competition. Gender was a determining factor in the emotional variations. Girls experienced greater intensities regardless of the obtained result.El conocimiento de la vivencia emocional en contextos educativos motrices es un aspecto poco analizado por la literatura especializada. En cambio los docentes se enfrentan a situaciones en las que las emociones y su gestión son claves para el desarrollo profesional. Dentro de la Educación física, este conocimiento es todavía más relevante, teniendo en cuenta la naturaleza motriz del contenido. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las intensidades emocionales suscitadas durante la práctica de juegos deportivos de oposición con y sin competición en función del género. Participaron 169 estudiantes los cuales cumplimentaron el cuestionario GES al finalizar cada una de las actividades. Las ecuaciones de estimación generalizadas mostraron diferencias significativas (p&lt; .001) en las variables tipo de emoción, resultado y género. Las emociones positivas fueron vivenciadas con mayor intensidad que el resto en todos los juegos. El tipo de resultado arrojó diferencias de forma que compitiendo la intensidad emocional fue mayor que para los juegos sin competición. El género fue determinante en las variaciones emocionales. Las chicas experimentaron intensidades mayores con independencia del resultado obtenido

    Endothelin-1 induces cellular senescence and fibrosis in cultured myoblasts. A potential mechanism of aging-related sarcopenia

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    Endothelial dysfunction, with increased endothelin-1 (ET-1) synthesis, and sarcopenia, characterized by the loss of muscular mass and strength, are two aging-related conditions. However, a relationship between them has not been already established. The aim of this study was to determine whether ET-1 induces senescence and fibrosis in cultured murine myoblasts, which could be involved in the development of sarcopenia related to aging. For this purpose, myoblasts were incubated with ET-1 to assess cellular senescence, analyzed by senescence associated beta-galactosidase activity and p16 expression; and fibrosis, assessed by fibronectin expression. ET-1 induced myoblast senescence and fibrosis through ETA receptor. The use of antioxidants and several antagonists revealed that ET-1 effect on senescence and fibrosis depended on ROS production and activation of PI3K-AKT-GSK pathway. To stress the in vivo relevance of these results, circulating ET-1, muscular strength, muscular fibrosis and p16 expression were measured in male C57Bl6 mice from 5-18-24-months-old. Old mice shown high levels of ET-1 correlated with muscular fibrosis, muscular p16 expression and loss of muscle strength. In conclusion, ET-1 promotes fibrosis and senescence in cultured myoblasts, similar results were found in old mice, suggesting a potential role for ET-1 in the development of sarcopenia related to aging

    Validation of the "World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule, WHODAS-2" in patients with chronic diseases

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    Background: The WHODAS-2 is a disability assessment instrument based on the conceptual framework of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF). It provides a global measure of disability and 7 domain-specific scores. The aim of this study was to assess WHODAS-2 conceptual model and metric properties in a set of chronic and prevalent clinical conditions accounting for a wide scope of disability in Europe. Methods: 1,119 patients with one of 13 chronic conditions were recruited in 7 European centres. Participants were clinically evaluated and administered the WHODAS-2 and the SF-36 at baseline, 6 weeks and 3 months of follow-up. The latent structure was explored and confirmed by factor analysis (FA). Reliability was assessed in terms of internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) and reproducibility (intra-class correlation coefficients, ICC). Construct validity was evaluated by correlating the WHODAS-2 and SF-36 domains, and comparing known groups based on the clinical-severity and work status. Effect size (ES) coefficient was used to assess responsiveness. To assess reproducibility and responsiveness, subsamples of stable (at 6 weeks) and improved (after 3 moths) patients were defined, respectively, according to changes in their clinical-severity. Results: The satisfactory FA goodness of fit indexes confirmed a second order factor structure with 7 dimensions, and a global score for the WHODAS-2. Cronbach's alpha ranged from 0.77 (self care) to 0.98 (life activities: work or school), and the ICC was lower, but achieved the recommended standard of 0.7 for four domains. Correlations between global WHODAS-2 score and the different domains of the SF-36 ranged from -0.29 to -0.65. Most of the WHODAS-2 scores showed statistically significant differences among clinical-severity groups for all pathologies, and between working patients and those not working due to ill health (p < 0.001). Among the subsample of patients who had improved, responsiveness coefficients were small to moderate (ES = 0.3-0.7), but higher than those of the SF-36. Conclusions: The latent structure originally designed by WHODAS-2 developers has been confirmed for the first time, and it has shown good metric properties in clinic and rehabilitation samples. Therefore, considerable support is provided to the WHODAS-2 utilization as an international instrument to measure disability based on the ICF model

    Detection and Molecular Diversity of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia duodenalis in the Endangered Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus), Spain

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    Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia duodenalis are the main non-viral causes of diarrhoea in humans and domestic animals globally. Comparatively, much less information is currently available in free-ranging carnivore species in general and in the endangered Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) in particular. Cryptosporidium spp. and G. duodenalis were investigated with molecular (PCR and Sanger sequencing) methods in individual faecal DNA samples of free-ranging and captive Iberian lynxes from the main population nuclei in Spain. Overall, Cryptosporidium spp. and G. duodenalis were detected in 2.4% (6/251) and 27.9% (70/251) of the animals examined, respectively. Positive animals to at least one of them were detected in each of the analysed population nuclei. The analysis of partial ssu rRNA gene sequences revealed the presence of rodent-adapted C. alticolis (n = 1) and C. occultus (n = 1), leporid-adapted C. cuniculus (n = 2), and zoonotic C. parvum (n = 2) within Cryptosporidium, and zoonotic assemblages A (n = 5) and B (n = 3) within G. duodenalis. Subgenotyping analyses allowed for the identification of genotype VaA19 in C. cuniculus (gp60 locus) and sub-assemblages AI and BIII/BIV in G. duodenalis (gdh, bg, and tpi loci). This study represents the first molecular description of Cryptosporidium spp. and G. duodenalis in the Iberian lynx in Spain. The presence of rodent/leporid-adapted Cryptosporidium species in the surveyed animals suggests spurious infections associated to the Iberian lynx's diet. The Iberian lynx seems a suitable host for zoonotic genetic variants of Cryptosporidium (C. parvum) and G. duodenalis (assemblages A and B), although the potential risk of human transmission is regarded as limited due to light parasite burdens and suspected low excretion of infective (oo)cysts to the environment by infected animals. More research should be conducted to ascertain the true impact of these protozoan parasites in the health status of the endangered Iberian lynx.This article is based upon work from project LIFE 19NAT/ES001055 LYNXCONNECT ‘Creating a genetically and demographically functional Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus) metapopulation (2020–2025)’ supported by the European Commission. J.C.-G. was supported by the Centre for Biomedical Research Network (CB21/13/00083), Health Institute Carlos III, Ministry of Science and Innovation and European Union-Next Generation EU. S.C.-S. was supported by an FPU grant (FPU19/06026) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Universities. D.J.-M. holds a PhD contract granted by Own Research Plan of the University of Córdoba. D.G.-B. is the recipient of a Sara Borrell research contract (CD19CIII/00011) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. A.D. is the recipient of a PFIS contract (FI20CIII/00002) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. We thank all the veterinarians and animal keepers of ex situ and in situ conservation programs involved in the sampling as well as all the members of the CAD centre for their assistance in the collection of samples and epidemiological information. We also gratefully acknowledge Junta de Andalucía and Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha.S