11 research outputs found

    Grupo de Trabalho de Arqueobotânica e Zooarqueologia : resultados da primeira reunião

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    Resultados da primeira reunião geral de investigadores das áreas científicas da Arqueobotânica e Zooarqueologia a trabalhar em Portugal, realizada em Outubro de 2014, no Museu Nacional de Arqueologia (Lisboa). Identificando um conjunto de dificuldades comuns às duas disciplinas, os presentes decidiram criar um grupo de trabalho informal para fomentar o diálogo profissional e com as instituições universitárias, a tutela (administração central e regional), as empresas e a comunidade arqueológica em geral.Results of the first general meeting of researchers in the fields of Archaeobotany and Zooarchaeology working in Portugal, which took place in October 2014 at the National Museum of Archaeology in Lisbon. Having identified a set of difficulties in common, participants at the meeting decided to set up an informal work group to encourage dialogue among professionals and with universities, central and regional authorities, companies and the archaeological community at large

    Restos faunísticos em contexto funerário: fossas 7 e 11 dos Perdigões (Reguengos de Monsaraz)

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    During the archaeological survey carried out in 2008 in Sector I at Perdigões enclosure’s complex several human funerary depositions were identified in pits 7 and 11. Associated with them two suid feet were recovered. Their archaeozoological study is presented here.The bones of pig (Sus domesticus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) are difficult to identify specifically. For this reason, even after consulting the reference collection of the Archaeozoology Lab at IGESPAR they remain as suid (Sus sp.). The age-at-death was estimated from the epiphyseal fusion stages. In addition, they were carefully observed to detect cut marks, signs of burning or modifications of animal origin.In pit 7, we identified part of the bone elements that constitute the hind foot: metatarsal 3, metatarsal 4, two first phalanges, two second phalanges and two third phalanges. They were all from the left side.In pit 11, skeletal elements from a front foot were recovered still articulated. They included five carpal bones (scaphoide, semilunar, pyramidal, os crochu e capitatum), three sesamoids, metacarpals 2, 3 and 4, two first phalanges, two second phalanges and two third phalanges. They were also from the left side.Since none of the distal epiphyses of these metapodials were fused but most of the first and second phalanges presented proximal epiphyses fused it was estimated that the feet belonged to an animal or animals of between 18-24 months.The archaeological evidence suggests that pit 7 was cut by pit 11 and that the human remains deposited there were partially removed. Thus, the hypothesis that these feet were not placed here as isolated elements cannot be excluded. They could have been part of whole posterior and anterior limbs of one or two animals that were removed simultaneously with the human skeletons from pit 7.More finds of this nature will help to interpret their role in the funerary rituals undertaken in the Perdigões complex.Peer reviewe

    O espaço de necrópole romana das Portas de Santo Antão, Lisboa

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    No nº 84 a 90 da Rua das Portas de Santo Antão foi identificado um espaço de necrópole que vem contribuir de forma muito significativa para o estado atual dos nossos conhecimentos relativo à ocupação romana de Lisboa. Uma abordagem mais específica orientada para as suas práticas funerárias e associadas evidências materiais permite o enquadramento deste contexto nos séculos III a inícios do IV d.C., época de importantes transformações na organização urbana de Olisipo

    The structure of concentrated aqueous solutions of chromium nitrate and cerium chloride studied by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy

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    Concentrated aqueous solutions of chromium nitrate and cerium chloride were investigated by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. The X-ray diffraction patterns of two sets of solutions (1.60 up to 2.48 mol dm- 3 for chromium nitrate and 0.98 up to 2.81 mol dm- 3 for cerium chloride) display an intense maximum, prepeak, in the angular region about Q0 ~ 0.9 Å- 1 (Q = 4 [pi] sin [theta] / [lambda], [theta] being the diffracting angle). The value of Q0 corresponding to these maxima is proportional to the power 1/3 of the molar concentration. The proportionality coefficient has the value that should be observed for a close packing (fcc network) if assumed for cations. This study demonstrates, once more, the existence of an intermediate range order (up to ~ 10 Å) in very concentrated aqueous solutions of salts constituted by small ions of different valences, range order previously reported by these authors in many articles. Raman experiments are in consonance with X-ray diffraction results.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TGR-4PGY4JV-1/1/bc6475c0d11944c50e37a2cf97406a0

    o espaço, os artefactos, os indivíduos e a sua interconectividade na interpretação do passado

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    UIDB/00749/2020 UIDP/00749/2020A intervenção arqueológica da Rua das Portas de Santo Antão, em Lisboa, revelou uma extensa diacronia, com vestígios situados cronologicamente entre a Idade do Bronze Final e a Época Contemporânea, destacando-se as evidências associadas ao uso do espaço enquanto local funerário durante a Época Romana Imperial. A área, tirando proveito de uma antiga e pequena plataforma natural situada no sopé da Encosta de Sant´Ana, encontrava-se decerto próxima ao trajecto da “Via Norte” de Olisipo, o principal eixo das comunicações terrestres da cidade, integrando por este motivo a designada “Necrópole NO”. O presente trabalho procede ao estudo do contexto funerário, expondo-se em articulação os dados contextuais, os estudos artefactual e bioantropológico, visando uma interpretação compreensiva do núcleo funerário. The archaeological intervention of Rua das Portas de Santo Antão, in Lisbon, revealed an extensive diachrony, with archaeological findings dating chronologically between the Late Bronze Age and the Contemporary Period. The findings associated with the use of the space as a funerary site, during the Roman Imperial Period deserve special attention. The area, taking advantage of an old and small natural platform located in the foothills of the Encosta de Sant´Ana, was certainly close to Olisipo’s “Via Norte”, the main axis of the city’s land communications, integrating for this reason the so-called “Necropolis NO”. This paper presents the funerary context, articulating the contextual, artefactual and bioanthropological data, aiming at a comprehensive interpretation of this burial ground.publishersversionpublishe

    Interactive effects of co-occurring anthropogenic stressors on the seagrass, Zostera noltei

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    Coastal ecosystems are subjected to multiple co-occurring anthropogenic stressors which potentially interact to produce complex impacts on the structure and functioning of biological communities. Seagrass meadows are among the most rapidly declining coastal habitats on Earth. In particular, high nutrient loadings, enhanced sedimentation and competition from blooming seaweeds, like the invasive red alga Gracilaria vermiculophylla, are claimed to be associated with this decline. In this study, we tested for individual and potential interactive impacts on the intertidal seagrass Zostera noltei of these three stressors using a factorial field experiment. We measured seagrass shoots density and biomass (both above and below ground seagrass biomass) as proxies of seagrass physical condition. We also examined changes in fauna assemblages. The study suggested that sediment loading had the most detrimental impacts on health of the seagrass meadows. The effect of seaweed addition was negative and denso-dependent. Deleterious effects of nutrient enrichment were less evident. Non-additive interactions were also noticeable for some of the structural traits measured. Particularly, nutrient enrichment changed the effect of the other stressors for some of the responses measured. The effect of the treatments was also perceptible in the associated fauna assemblages. The ubiquitous grazer Peringia ulvae was more abundant in treatments with sediment loading, but those sediment effects in the density of the small grazer were modulated by nutrient and seaweed addition levels. Finally, we suggest that more studies should test for synergistic effects of co-occurring stressors to better understand the direction and intensity of changes triggered by human activities in natural ecosystems.project MarInfo Integrated Platform for Marine Data Acquisition and Analysis - North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) [NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000031]project SEEINGSHORE [NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-031893]NORTE 2020 through the ERDFPortugal 2020 through the ERDFEuropean Union through the ERDFFCT Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology European Commissioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A recepção de fanon no Brasil e a identidade negra

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    Neste artigo, uso fontes bibliográficas e testemunhos para analisar a recepção de Fanon pelo meio intelectual brasileiro, assim como sua influência sobre a formação de identidades negras. Enquanto observo uma recepção morna, argumento que isso se deveu a três fatores: primeiro, a especificidade da esquerda latino-americana nos anos 1960; em segundo, uma constituição racial e nacional totalmente oposta a conflitos raciais; e, em terceiro, o número reduzido nas universidades brasileiras de professores e pesquisadores negros que abordem a formação da identidade negra ou a afirmação de sujeitos racialmente oprimidos.<br>In this article, I use bibliographical sources and testimonies to analyse the reception of Fanon by the Brazilian intellectual milieu, as well as his influence upon the formation of black identities. As I observe a lukewarm reception I argue it was due to three factors: First, the specificity of the Latin American left in the 1960's; second, a national and racial makeup totally opposed to racial conflicts; and third the small number of black professors and researchers at Brazilian universities who focus on the formation of black identity or the affirmation of racially oppressed subjects