24 research outputs found
Empowering BI users: The impact of reporting automation. A case study in a retail company
Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceBusiness Intelligence continues to be a trending topic, but organizations vary in their maturity levels
when it comes to utilizing analytics and data for decision-making. One of the main components of
Business Intelligence is reporting. Reporting automation can save time and resources and improve the
quality of the outputs. However, one question arises. How does report automation, moving from a
static report to a dynamic dashboard, change the Business Intelligence experience? By following the
Design Science Research Methodology this research studies the impacts on the user experience of
automatizing an obsolete PowerPoint report using Power BI. The results of this change on both
technical and business users were tested using quantitative data gathered through a user satisfaction
survey. Results show that Perceptibility, Completeness and Efficiency are the most impacted factors.
The research was conducted in a retail company and its results contributed to improving the efficiency
of the teams’ work, and, at the same time, to raise awareness about the advantages and potential of
using BI tools to support decision-making
Virulence gene detection and expression in Streptococcus Dysgalactiae subsp. Dysgalactiae Strains and evaluation of infection potential
Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae (SDSD) é considerado um agente patogénico animal exclusivo e Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS) um agente patogénico humano exclusivo. Recentemente foram encontrados fatores de virulência fágicos de GAS em estirpes de SDSD de origem bovina e casos de infeção humana associada a SDSD têm vindo a ser reportados. Em consequência, o potencial zoonótico de SDSD foi sugerido, contudo o papel destes fatores de virulência na patogénese de SDSD não foi comprovado.
Um dos objetivos desta tese foi detetar a presença e expressão de fatores de virulência de GAS, entre isolados de SDSD contemporâneos de origem portuguesa, isolados de amostras de leite de bovinos disgnosticados com mastite em herdades leiteiras portuguesas entre 2011-13 e comparar estes dados com os reportados de uma coleção portuguesa de SDSD previamente estudada de 2002-03. O potencial de infeção in vitro e in vivo foi também avaliado e comparado entre coleções. Determinantes genéticos de GAS (os genes de virulência speB, speC, speF, speH, speK, speL, speM, smeZ, spd1, sdn e o elemento quimérico Tn1207.3/Φ10394.4) foram pesquisados por PCR e a sua expressão averiguada por PCR após síntese de cDNA. A produção de DNases extracelulares foi avaliada e correlacionada com o perfil genotipico dos genes spd1 e sdn. Para estudar o potencial de infeção, in vitro, foram utilizadas linhas celulares repiratórias normais e tumorais humanas (BTEC e Detroit 562, respetivamente) e in vivo, o modelo animal zebrafish. Os resultados sugerem que os fatores de virulência pesquisados são característicos de SDSD de origem bovina e a produção de DNases extracelulares é independente dos genes spd1 e sdn. Os estudos de infeção in vitro e in vivo revelam que os potenciais de infeção de SDSD são específicos de estirpe e independentes dos genes de virulência pesquisados. O potencial zoonótico de SDSD é novamente sugerido uma vez que estirpes de origem bovina foram capazes de infetar linhas celulares humanas e o zebrafish.Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae (SDSD) is considered an exclusively animal pathogen and Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS) a strictly human pathogen. GAS phage virulence determinants were recently found in SDSD strains of bovine origin, and cases of human infection associated with SDSD have been recently reported. The SDSD zoonotic potential has been therefore suggested, however the role of those virulence genes in the pathogenesis of the bovine SDSD has not been proved.
One of the objectives of this thesis was to detect the presence and expression of GAS virulence determinants, among contemporary SDSD strains, isolated from milk samples of bovines diagnosed with mastitis in Portuguese dairy herds between 2011-13 and compare the data with the one previously reported of a study of a Portuguese SDSD collection of 2002-03. In vitro and in vivo infection potential was also evaluated and compared between both collections. GAS genetic determinants (virulence genes speB, speC, speF, speH, speK, speL, speM, smeZ, spd1, sdn and the chimeric element Tn1207.3/Φ10394.4) were screened by PCR and their expression was assessed by PCR after cDNA synthesis. Extracellular DNase production was assessed and correlated with spd1 and sdn genotypic profile. To study the infection potential, in vitro, human normal and tumoral respiratory cell lines (BTEC and Detroit 562, respectively) were used, and in vivo, the zebrafish animal model was chosen. Results suggested that the virulence determinants screened are characteristic of SDSD of bovine origin and that extracellular DNase production was independent on the spd1 and sdn genes. In vitro and in vivo infection studies revealed that the infection potentials of SDSD are strain-specific and independent on the virulence genes screened. Zoonotic potential of SDSD is further suggested, as strains from bovine origin were able to infect human cell lines, as well as the zebrafish
Influência do par iónico na partição de fluoroquinolonas
Mestrado em Engenharia QuímicaAs fluoroquinolonas são uma classe importante de agentes antimicrobianos
sintéticos com elevado potencial terapêutico. Estes fármacos apresentam um
vasto espectro de actividade que abrange microorganismos gram-negativos,
gram-positivos, aeróbios e anaeróbios. As suas propriedades fármacocinéticas
permitem boa distribuição ao nível dos tecidos e plasma, estabilidade química
e biológica e baixa incidência de efeitos secundários. A actividade
antibacteriana destes compostos é fortemente dependente do pH e da sua
lipofilicidade. Assim, para melhor se compreender a estrutura/actividade destes
compostos é importante conhecer as propriedades ácido-base, o respectivo
equilíbrio de protonação e a sua lipofilicidade.
Com este trabalho pretende-se estudar a influência da formação de pares
iónicos na lipofilicidade de duas fluoroquinolonas, a moxifloxacina e a
sarafloxacina. Para tal efeito, as constantes de ionização foram determinadas
por um método baseado em espectrofotometria de absorção molecular uvvisível
e os perfis de distribuição de microespécies foram estabelecidos para
cada fluoroquinolona, em função do pH. A lipofilicidade destes compostos foi
quantificada recorrendo aos coeficientes de partição, aparente e verdadeiro, de
cada princípio activo num sistema 1-octanol/solução aquosa. Verificou-se que
para as fluoroquinolonas, tal como para outros compostos anfotéricos, o
coeficiente de partição aparente é máximo na zona de pH próxima do ponto
isoeléctrico de cada composto. Aplicando o conceito de par iónico determinouse
o coeficiente de partição aparente de cada fluoroquinolona, em função do
pH na presença de vários contra-iões orgânicos, nomeadamente o ião acetato,
mesilato, deoxicolato e hidrogenomaleato. Dos resultados obtidos conclui-se
que é possível manipular a lipofilicidade destes fármacos, no sentido de
melhorar a sua afinidade com meios orgânicos, como os que constituem as
membranas celulares, numa vasta gama de pH.
ABSTRACT: Fluoroquinolones are an important class of synthetic antibacterial agents with
an enormous therapeutic potential. These antibacterial agents have a broad
spectrum of activity that includes gram-negative, gram-positive, aerobic and
anaerobic bacteria species. Their pharmacokinetic properties allow high tissue
and plasma distribution, chemical and biological stability and a relatively low
incidence of side effects. The antibacterial activity of these compounds
depends on the pH of the medium and also of its lipophilicity. Thus, to better
understand the structure/activity relationship of these compounds it is important
to know the acid-base properties, the protonation equilibrium and lipophilicity.
The main objective of this work is to improve the lipophilicity of two
fluoroquinolones, moxifloxacine and sarafloxacine using the ion-pair effect. The
ionization constants were determined by a spectrophotometric method and the
distribution profiles of the microspecies were established for each
fluoroquinolone, as a function of pH. The lipophilicity was quantified in the form
of the apparent and true partition coefficient of each active principle in 1-
octanol/water. For fluoroquinolones, as for other amphoteric compounds, the
apparent partition coefficient is maximum around isoelectric point of each
compound. Using the ion-pair concept, the apparent partition coefficient as a
pH function, was determined in the presence of several organic counter ions,
namely: acetate ion, mesylate ion, deoxycholate ion and hydrogenomaleate.
The results indicate the possibility of manipulating the lipophilicity of these
active pharmaceutical ingredients, in order to enhanced their affinity towards
organic media like cellular membranes, in a wide pH range
Cultura em substratos orgânicos de Gerberas
O cultivo sem solo de Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) tem-se revelado uma técnica adequada, permitindo ultrapassar alguns dos problemas surgidos na cultura tradicional, em solo.
No âmbito do Projecto Agro no197 “Cultura sem solo com reutilização do efluente, em estufa com controle ambiental melhorado”, desenvolvido pela Direcçao Regional de Agricultura do Algarve, pelo Cento de Hidroponia e Utilidades Hortofrutícolas e pela Universidade do Algarve testou-se o cultivo de gerbera em substratos alternativos, no Centro de Experimentação Hortofrutícola do Patacão. Cultivaram-se quatro cultivares de gerbera: Monika, Junkfrau, Venice e Lady, em substratos preparados à base de resíduos orgânicos: casca de pinho e bagaço de uva, durante dois anos consecutivos.
Os resultados obtidos sugerem que os substratos testados apresentam características adequadas à cultura da gerbera, tendo-se obtido as produções mais elevadas com o bagaço de uva compostado e a casca de pinho não compostada. Das cv. em estudo, no 1o ano a Venice apresentou o maior número de flores comercializáveis, seguida da Lady com mais flores na classe Extra. No 2o ano, a produção foi mais equilibrada entre as cultivares, sendo de registar o aumento da produção em duas cv., Junkfrau e Monica
New Insights on Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae Isolates
Funding Information: This work was supported by the Unidade de Ciências Biomoleculares Aplicadas-UCIBIO, which is financed by Funding Information: Funding. This work was supported by the Unidade de Ci?ncias Biomoleculares Aplicadas-UCIBIO, which is financed by national funds from FCT/MEC (UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020) and also by projects PTDC/CVT-EPI/4651/2012 and PTDC/CVT-EPI/6685/2014. FCT-MEC is also acknowledged for grant SFRH/BD/118350/2016 to CA-B. Publisher Copyright: © Copyright © 2021 Alves-Barroco, Caço, Roma-Rodrigues, Fernandes, Bexiga, Oliveira, Chambel, Tenreiro, Mato and Santos-Sanches.Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae (SDSD) has been considered a strict animal pathogen. Nevertheless, the recent reports of human infections suggest a niche expansion for this subspecies, which may be a consequence of the virulence gene acquisition that increases its pathogenicity. Previous studies reported the presence of virulence genes of Streptococcus pyogenes phages among bovine SDSD (collected in 2002–2003); however, the identity of these mobile genetic elements remains to be clarified. Thus, this study aimed to characterize the SDSD isolates collected in 2011–2013 and compare them with SDSD isolates collected in 2002–2003 and pyogenic streptococcus genomes available at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database, including human SDSD and S. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis (SDSE) strains to track temporal shifts on bovine SDSD genotypes. The very close genetic relationships between humans SDSD and SDSE were evident from the analysis of housekeeping genes, while bovine SDSD isolates seem more divergent. The results showed that all bovine SDSD harbor Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)/Cas IIA system. The widespread presence of this system among bovine SDSD isolates, high conservation of repeat sequences, and the polymorphism observed in spacer can be considered indicators of the system activity. Overall, comparative analysis shows that bovine SDSD isolates carry speK, speC, speL, speM, spd1, and sdn virulence genes of S. pyogenes prophages. Our data suggest that these genes are maintained over time and seem to be exclusively a property of bovine SDSD strains. Although the bovine SDSD genomes characterized in the present study were not sequenced, the data set, including the high homology of superantigens (SAgs) genes between bovine SDSD and S. pyogenes strains, may indicate that events of horizontal genetic transfer occurred before habitat separation. All bovine SDSD isolates were negative for genes of operon encoding streptolysin S, except for sagA gene, while the presence of this operon was detected in all SDSE and human SDSD strains. The data set of this study suggests that the separation between the subspecies “dysgalactiae” and “equisimilis” should be reconsidered. However, a study including the most comprehensive collection of strains from different environments would be required for definitive conclusions regarding the two taxa.publishersversionpublishe
Pre-formulation and delivery strategies for the development of bacteriocins as next generation antibiotics
peer-reviewedBacteriocins, a class of antimicrobial peptide produced by bacteria, may offer a potential alternative to traditional antibiotics, an important step towards mitigating the ever increasing antimicrobial resistance crisis. They are active against a range of clinically relevant Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Bacteriocins have been discussed in the literature for over a century. Although they are used as preservatives in food, no medicine based on their antimicrobial activity exists on the market today. In order to formulate them into clinical antibiotics, pre-formulation studies on their biophysical and physicochemical properties that will influence their activity in vivo and their stability during manufacture must be elucidated. Thermal, pH and enzymatic stability of bacteriocins are commonly studied and regularly reported in the literature. Solubility, permeability and aggregation properties on the other hand are less frequently reported for many bacteriocins, which may contribute to their poor clinical progression. Promising cytotoxicity studies report that bacteriocins exhibit few cytotoxic effects on a variety of mammalian cell lines, at active concentrations. This review highlights the lack of quantitative data and in many cases even qualitative data, on bacteriocins’ solubility, stability, aggregation, permeability and cytotoxicity. The formulation strategies that have been explored to date, proposed routes of administration, trends in in vitro/in vivo behaviour and efforts in clinical development are discussed. The future promise of bacteriocins as a new generation of antibiotics may require tailored local delivery strategies to fulfil their potential as a force to combat antimicrobial-resistant bacterial infections
Aqueous biphasic systems: a benign route using cholinium-based ionic liquids
Ionic-liquid-based aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) have been the focus of a significant amount of research in the last decade. However, only (moderately) toxic and poorly biodegradable ionic liquids have been explored hitherto. Focusing on the development of more benign and sustainable approaches, a novel class of ABS using cholinium-based ionic liquids is proposed. For the first time, it is shown that a large assortment of cholinium-based ionic liquids is capable of undergoing liquid-liquid demixing in the presence of aqueous solutions with strong salting-out species. In order to assess the applicability of these systems for separation purposes, the partitioning of two antibiotics and/or their hydrochloride forms was also investigated. Cholinium-based ABS are shown to be improved routes for the extraction of pharmaceuticals, achieving complete extractions in a single-step by way of the proper tailoring of the phase forming components and their concentrations in the aqueous media
Solubility of antibiotics in different solvents. Part II. Non-hydrochloride forms of tetracycline and ciprofloxacin
The aim of this work is to establish a comparison between the solubility of the hydrochloride and nonhydrochloride
forms of ciprofloxacin and tetracycline in relevant solvents. For that purpose the solubilities of
the non-hydrochloride forms of ciprofloxacin and tetracycline were measured in water, ethanol, 2-propanol,
and acetone, in the temperature range between 293.15 and 323.15 K for ciprofloxacin and between 288.15
and 303.15 K for tetracycline. The obtained results were compared with those of part I of this study, published
previously, where the solubilities of the respective hydrochloride forms of the antibiotics in the same solvents
were investigated. The solubility of the hydrochloride forms in water is about 2 orders of magnitude higher
than those of the respective base forms. In acetone, we see the opposite effect. For ethanol and 2-propanol
the influence of the hydrochloride group of the antibiotic on the solubility in the alcohol is much smaller than
for water and acetone. The experimental data was correlated with good results using two different activity
coefficient models, NRTL and UNIQUAC, with UNIQUAC giving better results, particularly for ciprofloxacin.
The performance of COSMO-RS model to describe the studied systems was also evaluated
Thermodynamic properties of perfluoro-n-octane
International audienc
Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae isolated from milk of the bovine udder as emerging pathogens: In vitro and in vivo infection of human cells and zebrafish as biological models
Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, Grant/Award Number: ERDF under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-, IF/00265/2015, PTDC/CVT-EPI/6685/2014, SFRH/BD/118350/2016, UID/MAR/04292/2013 and UID/Multi/04378/2013; Unidade de Ciencias Biomoleculares Aplicadas-UCIBIO; FCT/MEC, Grant/Award Number: UID/Multi/04378/2013Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae (SDSD) is a major cause of bovine mastitis and has been regarded as an animal-restricted pathogen, although rare infections have been described in humans. Previous studies revealed the presence of virulence genes encoded by phages of the human pathogen Group A Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS) in SDSD isolated from the milk of bovine udder with mastitis. The isolates SDSD VSD5 and VSD13 could adhere and internalize human primary keratinocyte cells, suggesting a possible human infection potential of bovine isolates. In this work, the in vitro and in vivo potential of SDSD to internalize/adhere human cells of the respiratory track and zebrafish as biological models was evaluated. Our results showed that, in vitro, bovine SDSD strains could interact and internalize human respiratory cell lines and that this internalization was dependent on an active transport mechanism and that, in vivo, SDSD are able to cause invasive infections producing zebrafish morbidity and mortality. The infectious potential of these isolates showed to be isolate-specific and appeared to be independent of the presence or absence of GAS phage-encoded virulence genes. Although the infection ability of the bovine SDSD strains was not as strong as the human pathogenic S. pyogenes in the zebrafish model, results suggested that these SDSD isolates are able to interact with human cells and infect zebrafish, a vertebrate infectious model, emerging as pathogens with zoonotic capability.publishersversionpublishe