10,329 research outputs found

    Saturable-reactor motor starter reduces line voltage fluctuations

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    Saturable reactor starter uses back electromotive force /emf/ generated by large motors /18,650 to 596,800 watts/ to limit and control the starting current

    On a photon-counting array using the Fairchild CCD-201

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    The evaluation of certain performance parameters of the Fairchild CCD 201 and the proposed method of operation of an electron bombarded charge coupled device are described. Work in progress on the evaluation of the parameters relevant to remote, low noise operation is reported. These tests have been conducted using light input. The video data from the CCD are amplified, digitized, stored in a minicomputer memory, and then recorded on magnetic tape for analyzing. The device will be used in an array of sensors in the aperture plane of a telescope to discriminate between photoelectron events, and in the focal plane operating at single photoelectron sensitivity at a minimum of blooming and lag

    Mobile automatic metabolic analyzer

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    Two flexible pipes, attached to face mask, are connected to spirometers in mobile cart. Inhaled air volume is measured as it is drawn from one spirometer, and exhaled air volume is measured as it is breathed into second spirometer. Sensor is used to monitor heartbeat rate

    Laser beam pointing tests

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    Laser beam pointing tests for lunar communication and rangefinding and tracking using Surveyor 7 vidicon camer

    A Lunar Laser Ranging Retroreflector Array for the 21st Century

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    Abstract Over the past 40 years, the Lunar Laser Ranging Program (LLRP) to the Apollo Cube Corner (CCR) Retroreflector Arrays (ALLRRA) [1] has supplied almost all of the significant tests of General Relativity. The LLRP has evaluated the PPN parameters, addressed the possible changes in the gravitational constant and the properties of the self-energy of the gravitational field. In addition, the LLRP has provided significant information on the composition and origin of the moon. This is the only Apollo experiment that is still in operation. Initially the ALLRRAs contributed a negligible fraction of the ranging error budget. Over the decades, the ranging capabilities of the ground stations have improved by more than two orders of magnitude. Now, because of the lunar librations, the existing Apollo retroreflector arrays contribute a significant fraction of the limiting errors in the range measurements. The University of Maryland, as the Principal Investigator for the original Apollo arrays, is now proposing a new approach to the Lunar Laser Array technology [2] . The investigation of this new technology, with Professor Currie as Principal Investigator, is currently being supported by two NASA programs and by the INFN-LNF in Frascati, Italy. Thus after the proposed installation during the next lunar landing, the new arrays will support ranging observations that are a factor 100 more accurate than the current ALLRRAs. The new fundamental cosmological physics and the lunar physics [3] that this new Lunar Laser Ranging Retroreflector Array for the 21st Century (LLRRA-21) can provide will be described. In the design of the new array, there are three major challenges: (1) validate the ability to fabricate a CCR of the required specifications, which is significantly beyond the properties of current CCRs, (2) address the thermal and optical effects of the absorption of solar radiation within the CCR, reduce the transfer of heat from the CCR housing and (3) validate an accurate emplacement technique to install the CCR package on the lunar surface. The latter requires a long-term stable relation between the optical center of the array and the deep regolith, that is, below the thermally driven expansion and contraction of the regolith during the lunar day/night cycle

    Socioeconomic inequalities in childhood exposure to secondhand smoke before and after smoke-free legislation in three UK countries

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    Background: Secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure is higher among lower socioeconomic status (SES) children. Legislation restricting smoking in public places has been associated with reduced childhood SHS exposure and increased smoke-free homes. This paper examines socioeconomic patterning in these changes.<p></p> Methods: Repeated cross-sectional survey of 10 867 schoolchildren in 304 primary schools in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Children provided saliva for cotinine assay, completing questionnaires before and 12 months after legislation.<p></p> Results: SHS exposure was highest, and private smoking restrictions least frequently reported, among lower SES children. Proportions of saliva samples containing <0.1 ng/ml (i.e. undetectable) cotinine increased from 31.0 to 41.0%. Although across the whole SES spectrum, there was no evidence of displacement of smoking into the home or increased SHS exposure, socioeconomic inequality in the likelihood of samples containing detectable levels of cotinine increased. Among children from the poorest families, 96.9% of post-legislation samples contained detectable cotinine, compared with 38.2% among the most affluent. Socioeconomic gradients at higher exposure levels remained unchanged. Among children from the poorest families, one in three samples contained > 3 ng/ml cotinine. Smoking restrictions in homes and cars increased, although socioeconomic patterning remained.<p></p> Conclusions Urgent action is needed to reduce inequalities in SHS exposure. Such action should include emphasis on reducing smoking in cars and homes

    Bringing genetics into primary care: findings from a national evaluation of pilots in England

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    Objectives: Developments in genetic knowledge and clinical applications are seen as rendering traditional modes of organizing genetics provision increasingly inappropriate. In common with a number of developed world countries the UK has sought to increase the role of primary care in delivering such services. However, efforts to reconfigure service delivery face multiple challenges associated with divergent policy objectives, organizational boundaries and professional cultures. This paper presents findings from an evaluation of an English initiative to integrate genetics into 'mainstream' clinical provision in the National Health Service. Methods: Qualitative research in 11 case-study sites focusing on attempts by pilots funded by the initiative to embed knowledge and provision within primary care illustrating barriers faced and the ways in which these were surmounted. Results: Lack of intrinsic interest in clinical genetics among primary care staff was compounded by national targets that focused their attention elsewhere and by service structures that rendered genetics a peripheral concern demanding minimal engagement. Established divisions between the commissioning of mainstream and specialist services, along with the pressures of shorter-term targets, impeded ongoing funding. Conclusions: More wide-ranging policy and organizational support is required if the aim of entrenching genetics knowledge and practice across the Health Service is to be realized

    Report on lunar ranging at McDonald Observatory for the period February 16 to April 15, 1970

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    This report describes the lunar ranging activities at McDonald Observatory and the associated activities at the University of Maryland for the two-month period February 16, 1970 to April 15, 1970. During this period numerous acquisitions were obtained. A major problem was discovered and remedied. As a result, a continuing high rate of acquisition producing good data is anticipated
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