159 research outputs found

    A New Metric for Estimating the Disparity of Antenna Patterns in Synthetic Aperture Imaging Radiometry

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    The soil moisture and ocean salinity (SMOS) satellite has provided for about ten years systematic passive L -band measurements from space. For several months, phase 0 studies are conducted by the French space agency for a second-generation high resolution (HR) follow-on mission. This contribution is making the connection between this SMOS hr project and the SMOS mission by revisiting the following problematic: the impact of the disparity of the antenna patterns on the reconstruction floor error observed in the retrieved brightness temperatures. This impact is revisited in light of the progress made since that time and a new metric is introduced for estimating the disparity between antenna patterns. It would be helpful for the design of future missions based on imaging by aperture synthesis with interferometric arrays comprising a large number of antennas

    Advanced Neuroimaging with Computed Tomography Scanning

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    International audienceThe x-ray computed tomography (CT) is well known as a useful imaging method and thus CT images have continuingly been used for many applications, especially in medical fields. This book discloses recent advances and new ideas in theories and applications for CT imaging and its analysis. The 16 chapters selected in this book cover not only the major topics of CT imaging and analysis in medical fields, but also some advanced applications for forensic and industrial purposes. These chapters propose state-of-the-art approaches and cutting-edge research results

    Chemotherapy of advanced small-bowel adenocarcinoma: a multicenter AGEO study

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    Les adĂ©nocarcinomes de l’intestin grĂȘle (AIG) sont des tumeurs rares et de mauvais pronostic Ă  un stade avancĂ©. Les donnĂ©es publiĂ©es concernant l’efficacitĂ© de la chimiothĂ©rapie palliative sont peu nombreuses. Le but de notre Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer l’efficacitĂ© et la tolĂ©rance de diffĂ©rents protocoles « modernes » de chimiothĂ©rapie et de comparer l’efficacitĂ© des chimiothĂ©rapies Ă  base de sels de platine dans le traitement de premiĂšre ligne des AIG avancĂ©s. Cette Ă©tude rĂ©trospective multicentrique a inclus 93 patients (sexe masculin : 53 % ; Ăąge mĂ©dian : 56 ans ; site primitif duodĂ©nal : 53 %) avec un AIG avancĂ© (mĂ©tastatique : 86 %) traitĂ©s par LV5FU2 (n = 10), FOLFOX (n = 48), FOLFIRI (n = 19) ou LV5FU2- cisplatine (n = 16). Le taux de toxicitĂ© grade 3-4 Ă©tait significativement plus frĂ©quent dans le groupe de patients traitĂ©s par LV5FU2-cisplatine (75 %) comparativement aux autres groupes de patients (p = 0,001). Les mĂ©dianes de survie sans progression (SSP) Ă©taient de 7,7 ; 6,9 ; 6,0 et 4,8 mois (p = 0,16) et les mĂ©dianes de survie globale (SG) Ă©taient de 13,5 ; 17,8 ; 10,6 et 9,3 mois (p = 0,25) pour les quatre groupes de patients traitĂ©s par LV5FU2, FOLFOX, FOLFIRI et LV5FU2-cisplatine, respectivement. En analyse multivariĂ©e, l’indice de performance OMS Ă  2 (p < 0,0001) ainsi que des taux Ă©levĂ©s d’ACE (p = 0,02) et de CA 19-9 (p = 0,03) avant traitement Ă©taient les seuls facteurs indĂ©pendants significativement associĂ©s Ă  un mauvais pronostic. Dans le sous-groupe de patients traitĂ©s par sels de platine, ceux qui ont reçu une chimiothĂ©rapie par FOLFOX avaient de meilleures SSP et SG que les patients traitĂ©s par LV5FU2-cisplatine. En analyse multivariĂ©e, le traitement par FOLFOX Ă©tait un facteur significatif et indĂ©pendant de survie prolongĂ©e en termes de SSP (p < 0,0001) et SG (p = 0,02). Ainsi, cette Ă©tude, la plus grande rapportĂ©e Ă  ce jour, suggĂšre d’une part que l’indice de performance OMS et les taux d’ACE et CA 19-9 avant traitement sont des facteurs pronostiques indĂ©pendants de survie et, d’autre part que la chimiothĂ©rapie par FOLFOX est le traitement de choix en premiĂšre ligne des AIG avancĂ©s

    Critical Involvement of the ATM-Dependent DNA Damage Response in the Apoptotic Demise of HIV-1-Elicited Syncytia

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    DNA damage can activate the oncosuppressor protein ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM), which phosphorylates the histone H2AX within characteristic DNA damage foci. Here, we show that ATM undergoes an activating phosphorylation in syncytia elicited by the envelope glycoprotein complex (Env) of human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) in vitro. This was accompanied by aggregation of ATM in discrete nuclear foci that also contained phospho-histone H2AX. DNA damage foci containing phosphorylated ATM and H2AX were detectable in syncytia present in the brain or lymph nodes from patients with HIV-1 infection, as well as in a fraction of blood leukocytes, correlating with viral status. Knockdown of ATM or of its obligate activating factor NBS1 (Nijmegen breakage syndrome 1 protein), as well as pharmacological inhibition of ATM with KU-55933, inhibited H2AX phosphorylation and prevented Env-elicited syncytia from undergoing apoptosis. ATM was found indispensable for the activation of MAP kinase p38, which catalyzes the activating phosphorylation of p53 on serine 46, thereby causing p53 dependent apoptosis. Both wild type HIV-1 and an HIV-1 mutant lacking integrase activity induced syncytial apoptosis, which could be suppressed by inhibiting ATM. HIV-1-infected T lymphoblasts from patients with inactivating ATM or NBS1 mutations also exhibited reduced syncytial apoptosis. Altogether these results indicate that apoptosis induced by a fusogenic HIV-1 Env follows a pro-apoptotic pathway involving the sequential activation of ATM, p38MAPK and p53

    Advanced rotorcraft aeromechanics studies in the French-German SHANEL project

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    The present paper gives an overview of the SHANEL research project (partly supported by the French DGAC and the German BMWA) which was started at the end of 2006 between the German and French Aerospace Research Centres DLR and ONERA, the University of Stuttgart and the two national helicopter manufacturers, Eurocopter and Eurocopter Germany. This program represents the continuation of the binational CHANCE project, involving the same partners. The objective of the project is to enhance and further validate the CFD tools: the structured multi-block elsA software of Onera and the unstructured TAU code of DLR, for computing the aerodynamics of the complete trimmed helicopter, accounting for the blade elasticity by coupling with blade dynamics and structural mechanics tools. A coupling activity between the FLOWer code of DLR and the HOST tool of Eurocopter is also completed to achieve the free flight trim of a complete helicopter. In this program particular attention is being given to wake conservation, to the modelling of elaborated complex shapes such as rotor hubs and consequently to interactional phenomena, with the global objective of improving the prediction of helicopter performance and noise. Rotorcraft noise prediction chains were rationalized, enhanced and compared. The validation activity of the flow solvers elsA and TAU is progressing from the CHANCE results and is now focussing on more complex problems such as the simulation of a rotating rotor head mounted on its fuselage, of a complete helicopter in steady mode through the use of actuator discs and engine boundary conditions, the time-accurate simulation of a complete trimmed helicopter in forward-flight, and the numerical simulation of Blade Vortex Interactions. All along the research program the updated versions of the CFD and acoustic codes are systematically delivered to industry. This approach, also followed during the former CHANCE project, is chosen to speed up the transfer of capabilities to industry and check early enough that the products meet the expectations for applicability in the industrial environment of Eurocopter

    Contribution des sciences de gestion aux politiques publiques. L’exemple de la “StratĂ©gie Logistique Nationale”

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    International audienceSi l’impact des sciences de gestion est surtout attendu dans le domaine du management des entreprises, notre communication s’intĂ©resse Ă  leur impact sur les politiques publiques, notamment celles qui concernent les Ă©co-systĂšmes d’entreprises. Elle s’appuie sur le cas de la « stratĂ©gie logistique nationale » qui est en cours d’élaboration. AprĂšs avoir retracĂ© la genĂšse de cette stratĂ©gie nationale, la communication montre comment et Ă  quel titre des enseignants-chercheurs en sciences de gestion ont contribuĂ© Ă  son Ă©mergence avant de participer Ă  son processus d’élaboration. L’analyse de la nature de leur contribution et de l’évolution de leur rĂŽle dans ce processus invite Ă  formuler des questions sur ce type de recherche et, Ă©galement, sur sa reconnaissance par les institutions acadĂ©miques

    La conférence nationale de la logistique... et aprÚs?

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    National audienceLe 8 juillet 2015, le gouvernement français organisait, sous la houlette de 2 ministĂšres (MinistĂšre de l’écologie, du DĂ©veloppement Durable et de l’Energie et MinistĂšre de l’Economie, de l’Industrie et du NumĂ©rique), la premiĂšre ConfĂ©rence Nationale de la Logistique, qui Ă©tait inscrite dans la loi du 28 mai 2013 (Article 41). Le Cret-Log s’est associĂ© Ă  la prĂ©paration de cette confĂ©rence, tant dans l’élaboration du rapport que dans les ateliers thĂ©matiques prĂ©paratoires Ă  la confĂ©rence, sans oublier que le dĂ©putĂ© F.-M. Lambert, qui a prĂ©sidĂ© cette ConfĂ©rence, est un ancien diplĂŽmĂ© du Cret-Log ! Pourquoi cette confĂ©rence Ă©tait-elle importante ? Que peut-on en attendre

    Co-crystal structure of a dinuclear (Zn-Y) and a trinuclear (Zn-Y-Zn) complexes derived from a Schiff base ligand

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    The present investigation describes the synthesis and structural study of a metal-zinc ligand [ZnL.H2O], which was used to generate three dimensional supramolecular complex formulated as [Y{Zn(L)(SCN)}(SCN)2].[Y{Zn(L)(SCN)}2(DMF)2].(NO3). The title compound crystallizes in the triclinic space group P-1 with the following unit cell parameters: a = 14.8987(7) Å, b = 15.6725(8) Å, c = 19.2339(10) Å, a = 94.610(4)°, ÎČ = 103.857(4)°, Îł = 101.473(4)°, V = 4234.4(4) Å3, Z = 2, R1 = 0.063 and wR2 = 0.96. For this compound, the structure reveals that one heterodinuclear unit [Y{Zn(L)(SCN)}(SCN)2] is co-crystallized with a heterotrinuclear unit [Y{Zn(L)(SCN)}2(DMF)2].(NO3). In the dinuclear moiety, the organic molecule acts as a hexadentate ligand and in the trinuclear unit, it acts as a pentadentate ligand with one of the oxygen methoxy group remaining uncoordinated. In both units the coordination environment of the zinc metal can be described as distorted square pyramidal. In the dinuclear unit the Y(III) is hexacoordinated while it is octacoordinated in the trinuclear unit. The environment of the Y(III) can be described as a distorted octahedral geometry in the dinuclear and as a distorted square antiprism in the trinuclear units respectively
