210 research outputs found

    Long-range interactions between an atom in its ground S state and an open-shell linear molecule

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    Theory of long-range interactions between an atom in its ground S state and a linear molecule in a degenerate state with a non-zero projection of the electronic orbital angular momentum is presented. It is shown how the long-range coefficients can be related to the first and second-order molecular properties. The expressions for the long-range coefficients are written in terms of all components of the static and dynamic multipole polarizability tensor, including the nonadiagonal terms connecting states with the opposite projection of the electronic orbital angular momentum. It is also shown that for the interactions of molecules in excited states that are connected to the ground state by multipolar transition moments additional terms in the long-range induction energy appear. All these theoretical developments are illustrated with the numerical results for systems of interest for the sympathetic cooling experiments: interactions of the ground state Rb(2^2S) atom with CO(3Π^3\Pi), OH(2Π^2\Pi), NH(1Δ^1\Delta), and CH(2Π^2\Pi) and of the ground state Li(2^2S) atom with CH(2Π^2\Pi).Comment: 30 pages, 3 figure

    Radio Astronomy in LSST Era

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    A community meeting on the topic of "Radio Astronomy in the LSST Era" was hosted by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville, VA (2013 May 6--8). The focus of the workshop was on time domain radio astronomy and sky surveys. For the time domain, the extent to which radio and visible wavelength observations are required to understand several classes of transients was stressed, but there are also classes of radio transients for which no visible wavelength counterpart is yet known, providing an opportunity for discovery. From the LSST perspective, the LSST is expected to generate as many as 1 million alerts nightly, which will require even more selective specification and identification of the classes and characteristics of transients that can warrant follow up, at radio or any wavelength. The LSST will also conduct a deep survey of the sky, producing a catalog expected to contain over 38 billion objects in it. Deep radio wavelength sky surveys will also be conducted on a comparable time scale, and radio and visible wavelength observations are part of the multi-wavelength approach needed to classify and understand these objects. Radio wavelengths are valuable because they are unaffected by dust obscuration and, for galaxies, contain contributions both from star formation and from active galactic nuclei. The workshop touched on several other topics, on which there was consensus including the placement of other LSST "Deep Drilling Fields," inter-operability of software tools, and the challenge of filtering and exploiting the LSST data stream. There were also topics for which there was insufficient time for full discussion or for which no consensus was reached, which included the procedures for following up on LSST observations and the nature for future support of researchers desiring to use LSST data products.Comment: Conference summary, 29 pages, 1 figure; to be published in the Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific; full science program and presentations available at http://science.nrao.edu/science/event/RALSST201

    A time-dependent perturbative analysis for a quantum particle in a cloud chamber

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    We consider a simple model of a cloud chamber consisting of a test particle (the alpha-particle) interacting with two other particles (the atoms of the vapour) subject to attractive potentials centered in a1,a2R3a_1, a_2 \in \mathbb{R}^3. At time zero the alpha-particle is described by an outgoing spherical wave centered in the origin and the atoms are in their ground state. We show that, under suitable assumptions on the physical parameters of the system and up to second order in perturbation theory, the probability that both atoms are ionized is negligible unless a2a_2 lies on the line joining the origin with a1a_1. The work is a fully time-dependent version of the original analysis proposed by Mott in 1929.Comment: 23 page

    The neurotrophin receptor, gp75, forms a complex with the receptor tyrosine kinase TrkA

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    The high-affinity NGF receptor is thought to be a complex of two receptors , gp75 and the tyrosine kinase TrkA, but direct biochemical evidence for such an association had been lacking. In this report, we demonstrate the existence of such a gp75-TrkA complex by a copatching technique. Gp75 on the surface of intact cells is patched with an anti-gp75 antibody and fluorescent secondary antibody, the cells are then fixed to prevent further antibody-induced redistributions, and the distribution of TrkA is probed with and anti-TrkA antibody and fluorescent secondary antibody. We utilize a baculovirus-insect cell expression of wild-type and mutated NGF receptors. TrkA and gp75 copatch in both the absence and presence of NGF. The association is specific, since gp75 does not copatch with other tyrosine kinase receptors, including TrkB, platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta, and Torso (Tor). To determine which domains of TrkA are required for copatching, we used a series of TrkA-Tor chimeric receptors and show that the extracellular domain of TrkA is sufficient for copatching with gp75. A chimeric receptor with TrkA transmembrane and intracellular domains show partial copatching with gp75. Deletion of the intracellular domain of gp75 decreases but does not eliminate copatching. A point mutation which inactivates the TrkA kinase has no effect on copatching, indicating that this enzymatic activity is not required for association with gp75. Hence, although interactions between the gp75 and TrkA extracellular domains are sufficient for complex formation, interactions involving other receptor domains also play a role

    Questioning the rise of gelatinous zooplankton in the World's oceans

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    During the past several decades, high numbers of gelatinous zooplankton species have been reported in many estuarine and coastal ecosystems. Coupled with media-driven public perception, a paradigm has evolved in which the global ocean ecosystems are thought to be heading toward being dominated by “nuisance” jellyfish. We question this current paradigm by presenting a broad overview of gelatinous zooplankton in a historicalcontext to develop the hypothesis that population changes reflect the human-mediated alteration of global ocean ecosystems. To this end, we synthesize information related to the evolutionary context of contemporary gelatinous zooplankton blooms, the human frame of reference forchanges in gelatinous zooplankton populations, and whether sufficient data are available to have established the paradigm. We conclude that the current paradigm in which it is believed that there has been a global increase in gelatinous zooplankton is unsubstantiated, and we develop a strategy for addressing the critical questions about long-term, human-related changes in the sea as they relate to gelatinous zooplankton blooms

    The Australia Telescope 20 GHz Survey: The Source Catalogue

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    We present the full source catalogue from the Australia Telescope 20 GHz (AT20G) Survey. The AT20G is a blind radio survey carried out at 20 GHz with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) from 2004 to 2008, and covers the whole sky south of declination 0 deg. The AT20G source catalogue presented here is an order of magnitude larger than any previous catalogue of high-frequency radio sources, and includes 5890 sources above a 20 GHz flux-density limit of 40 mJy. All AT20G sources have total intensity and polarisation measured at 20 GHz, and most sources south of declination -15 deg also have near-simultaneous flux-density measurements at 5 and 8 GHz. A total of 1559 sources were detected in polarised total intensity at one or more of the three frequencies. We detect a small but significant population of non-thermal sources that are either undetected or have only weak detections in low-frequency catalogues. We introduce the term Ultra-Inverted Spectrum (UIS) to describe these radio sources, which have a spectral index alpha(5, 20) > +0.7 and which constitute roughly 1.2 per cent of the AT20G sample. The 20 GHz flux densities measured for the strongest AT20G sources are in excellent agreement with the WMAP 5-year source catalogue of Wright et al. (2009), and we find that the WMAP source catalogue is close to complete for sources stronger than 1.5 Jy at 23 GHz.Comment: 21 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA

    TWEAK-FN14 signaling induces lysosomal degradation of a cIAP1–TRAF2 complex to sensitize tumor cells to TNFα

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    Synthetic inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) antagonists induce degradation of IAP proteins such as cellular IAP1 (cIAP1), activate nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) signaling, and sensitize cells to tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα). The physiological relevance of these discoveries to cIAP1 function remains undetermined. We show that upon ligand binding, the TNF superfamily receptor FN14 recruits a cIAP1–Tnf receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2) complex. Unlike IAP antagonists that cause rapid proteasomal degradation of cIAP1, signaling by FN14 promotes the lysosomal degradation of cIAP1–TRAF2 in a cIAP1-dependent manner. TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK)/FN14 signaling nevertheless promotes the same noncanonical NF-κB signaling elicited by IAP antagonists and, in sensitive cells, the same autocrine TNFα-induced death occurs. TWEAK-induced loss of the cIAP1–TRAF2 complex sensitizes immortalized and minimally passaged tumor cells to TNFα-induced death, whereas primary cells remain resistant. Conversely, cIAP1–TRAF2 complex overexpression limits FN14 signaling and protects tumor cells from TWEAK-induced TNFα sensitization. Lysosomal degradation of cIAP1–TRAF2 by TWEAK/FN14 therefore critically alters the balance of life/death signals emanating from TNF-R1 in immortalized cells

    A correlation of the cosmic microwave sky with large scale structure

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    We cross correlate the large-scale cosmic microwave background (CMB) sky measured by WMAP with two probes of large-scale structure at z ~ 1. The hard X-ray background, measured by the HEAO-1 satellite, is positively correlated with the WMAP data at the 2.5-3.0 sigma level. The number counts of radio galaxies in the NVSS survey are also correlated at a slightly weaker level (2.-2.5 sigma). These correlations appear to arise from both hemispheres on the sky and are resilient to changes in the levels of masking of the Galaxy and point sources, suggesting that foregrounds are not responsible for the signal. The implication is that some of the observed CMB fluctuations arise at low redshifts. The level of the correlations is consistent with that expected for the cosmological constant (Omega_Lambda = 0.72) concordance model resulting from the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect. Thus, we may be observing dark energy's effect on the growth of structure.Comment: 8 pages, 3 postscript figure

    MAMBO 1.2mm observations of luminous starbursts at z~2 in the SWIRE fields

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    We report on--off pointed MAMBO observations at 1.2 mm of 61 Spitzer-selected star-forming galaxies from the SWIRE survey. The sources are selected on the basis of bright 24um fluxes (f_24um>0.4mJy) and of stellar dominated near-infrared spectral energy distributions in order to favor z~2 starburst galaxies. The average 1.2mm flux for the whole sample is 1.5+/-0.2 mJy. Our analysis focuses on 29 sources in the Lockman Hole field where the average 1.2mm flux (1.9+/-0.3 mJy) is higher than in other fields (1.1+/-0.2 mJy). The analysis of the sources multi-wavelength spectral energy distributions indicates that they are starburst galaxies with far-infrared luminosities ~10^12-10^13.3 Lsun, and stellar masses of ~0.2-6 x10^11 M_sun. Compared to sub-millimeter selected galaxies (SMGs), the SWIRE-MAMBO sources are among those with the largest 24um/millimeter flux ratios. The origin of such large ratios is investigated by comparing the average mid-infrared spectra and the stacked far-infrared spectral energy distributions of the SWIRE-MAMBO sources and of SMGs. The mid-infrared spectra exhibit strong PAH features, and a warm dust continuum. The warm dust continuum contributes to ~34% of the mid-infrared emission, and is likely associated with an AGN component. This constribution is consistent with what is found in SMGs. The large 24um/1.2mm flux ratios are thus not due to AGN emission, but rather to enhanced PAH emission compared to SMGs. The analysis of the stacked far-infrared fluxes yields warmer dust temperatures than typically observed in SMGs. Our selection favors warm ultra-luminous infrared sources at high-z, a class of objects that is rarely found in SMG samples. Our sample is the largest Spitzer-selected sample detected at millimeter wavelengths currently available.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (51 pages; 16 figures). The quality of some figures has been degraded for arXiv purposes. Full resolution version available at this http://www.iasf-milano.inaf.it/~polletta/mambo_swire/lonsdale08_ApJ_accepted.pd