525 research outputs found

    The stability of the roommate problem revisited

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    The lack of stability in some matching problems suggests that alternative solution concepts to the core might be a step towards furthering our understanding of matching market performance. We propose absorbing sets as a solution for the class of roommate problems with strict preferences. This solution, which always exists, either gives the matchings in the core or predicts other matchings when the core is empty. Furthermore, it satisfies the interesting property of outer stability. We also determine the matchings in absorbing sets and find that in the case of multiple absorbing sets a similar structure is shared by all.roommate problem, core, absorbing sets

    Diversidad funcional del silencio en situación comunicativa

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    We studied the functional diversity of silence in a communicative situation involving children. We were especially interested in the types of silence that are expressions of reflection or inner speech. We designed a longitudinal study with ten pairs of children aged 4;6, 6;6 and 8;6 years participating in a referential communication task under the supervision of an adult. We distinguished between different verbal and non-verbal categories: among the most relevant were mes-sages with silences in the formulation, messages with audible elements of reflection or private speech, and triad silences. The study demonstrated a tendency, at the developmental level, to internalize the audible elements of reflection that appear in the messages, as well as a connection between the presence of messages with silence and the capacity to modify the information at 8;6 years of age. In addition, there was a decrease in the triad silences and categories that express parallel adult guidance, and finally an increase in children's interventions. In conclusion we suggest that the relationship between silence as a marker of reflection and the processes of communicative control becomes increasingly profound

    The management of municipal communication: structures and processes and reporting entities

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    Las Corporaciones locales, a partir de 1979 y durante todo el periodo democrático, han estado sumergidas en diferentes etapas históricas en las que se refleja una manera particular de entender y ejercer el gobierno local. En nuestras administraciones locales se implementan de forma progresiva estructuras comunicativas que funcionan como verdaderas direcciones de comunicación al asumir la responsabilidad directa de acometer procesos de comunicación pública de proximidad en esa interacción necesaria con los ciudadanos, derivada de la democratización. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de investigación obtenidos a partir de un análisis de la actuación desarrollada por la estructura político-administrativa centralizada del Ayuntamiento de Elche, como emisora de mensajes informativos de gestión municipal, durante las legislaturas 1995-1999, 1999-2003 y 2003- 2007.Instituto de Investigación en Relaciones Pública

    Aspectos informativos básicos en la web de biblioteca escolar

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    En este artículo se explica el análisis realizado sobre las 517 páginas webs de bibliotecas escolares que existen en los centros de educación primaria de Andalucía y Extremadura. Se estudian los enlaces que posibilitan la navegación por parte del usuario con miras a difundir los recursos y servicios de la biblioteca adaptados a las necesidades y exigencias de la escuela del siglo XXI. También se proponen una serie de pautas para diseñar una web de biblioteca escolar accesible al usuario a través de enlaces claros y estructurados.It is explained in this article the analysis realized on 517 school library web pages from primary education centers in Andalusia and Estremadura. There are studied the links that make possible the users navigation with a view to spreading the library resources and services adapted to the 21st century school's needs and requirements. It is also proposed a series of guidelines to design a school library web accessible to the user through clear and structured links

    A Contrastive Study of Stancetaking in Obama’s Political Discourse

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    An analysis of stancetaking in discourses enables us to analyze the implicit attitude of the speaker in a message. Although this is interesting in itself when dealing with general texts, it is even more important when dealing with political discourse. As it is well-known, President Barack Obama is known as one of the best orators and many studies corroborate this. The aim of this paper is to analyze three different speeches by Obama over a period of two years, delivered in three different countries, to analyze the differences in the stances used in order to determine his implication in the message. Secondly, I shall apply the Chi-square statistical method (X2) to compare the expected frequency of using stance markers with the stated frequency to reveal the possible incongruences

    Basic information aspects on school library web

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    En este artículo se explica el análisis realizado sobre las 517 páginas webs de bibliotecas escolares que existen en los centros de educación primaria de Andalucía y Extremadura. Se estudian los enlaces que posibilitan la navegación por parte del usuario con miras a difundir los recursos y servicios de la biblioteca adaptados a las necesidades y exigencias de la escuela del siglo XXI. También se proponen una serie de pautas para diseñar una web de biblioteca escolar accesible al usuario a través de enlaces claros y estructurados.It is explained in this article the analysis realized on 517 school library web pages from primary education centers in Andalusia and Estremadura. There are studied the links that make possible the users navigation with a view to spreading the library resources and services adapted to the 21st century school’s needs and requirements. It is also proposed a series of guidelines to design a school library web accessible to the user through clear and structured links

    Public Service Announcements to promote integration of People with Down Syndrome: a synchronic analysis

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    The aim of this paper is to undertake a study on advertisements released on youtube concerning integration of people with Down Syndrome. This study will be based on the different elements included (visual, audio and dialogues) in the advertisements done in Spain and United States in the year 2018 commemorating the international day.As everybody knows, developed countries have as one of their social objectives to promote tolerance and acceptance of the different minority groups no matter the condition: race, genre, sexual orientation, different capacities or so. This is an aim that should be recognised in every country to be considered developed and forward-looking thinking. In order to perform this, associations and organisms try to attract the attention of the citizens through advertisements in which sameness and equality is the main message. To do this, language and images play a decisive role. But these videos are not considered advertisements as such as their aim is social and not mercantilist. So, features will vary. We shall analyse these resources and conclude with the degree of efficacy

    Fomento da tolerância às minorias em um plano de aula de inglês: uma proposta para as pessoas com síndrome de Down

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    Even though tolerance towards minority groups seems a truism, students at early ages need to be educated on this issue. Minorities include categories such as race, religion, sexuality, cognitive disability, autism, physical impairment, among others. The aim of this paper is to present different English lesson plans prepared by students in which the inclusion of people with Down Syndrome is stated. Broad efforts have been made on an institutional level, but this study presents a more pointed focus. This proposal integrates the topic into the syllabus of an English class because this subject provides an invaluable opportunity to put social matters into practice. To this end, an example of an English lesson plan prepared by future English teachers is offered in which respect, tolerance, and acceptance towards people with Down Syndrome is implemented. Results show that values flow naturally while teaching a subject and that creativity is an asset in this work.Aunque la tolerancia hacia los grupos minoritarios parece obvia, los estudiantes en edades tempranas necesitan educarse sobre el tema. Las minorías abarcan categorías como raza, religión, sexualidad, discapacidad cognitiva, autismo, discapacidad física, entre otras. Se han realizado grandes esfuerzos a nivel institucional, pero este estudio presenta un enfoque más intencionado. Por esta razón, el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar diferentes unidades didácticas que elaboraron futuros docentes de inglés en los que se promueve el respeto, la tolerancia y la aceptación hacia las personas con síndrome de Down. Esta propuesta integra el tema en el programa de estudios de una clase de inglés dado que brinda una oportunidad invaluable para poner en práctica los asuntos sociales. Los resultados muestran que los valores fluyen con naturalidad cuando se enseña una asignatura y que la creatividad es un activo en esta labor.Embora a tolerância aos grupos minoritários pareça óbvia, os estudantes precisam ser educados sobre o tema. As minorias abrangem categorias como raça, religião, sexualidade, deficiência cognitiva, autismo, deficiência física entre outras. Grandes esforços têm sido realizados em nível institucional, mas este estudo apresenta uma abordagem mais intencionada. Por essa razão, o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar diferentes planos de aula que futuros docentes de inglêselaboraram, nos quais o respeito, a tolerância e a aceitação das pessoas com síndrome de Dow são promovidos. Esta proposta integra o tema no programa de estudos de uma aula de inglês, tendo em vista que oferece uma oportunidade valiosa para colocar em prática os assuntos sociais. Os resultados mostram que os valores fluem com naturalidade quando uma disciplina é ensinada e que a criatividade é um ativo nesse trabalho