109 research outputs found

    Non-local Supercurrent of Quartets in a Three-Terminal Josephson Junction

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    We report an observation of a new, non dissipative and non local supercurrent, carried by quartets; each consisting of four entangled electrons. The supercurrent is a result of a novel Andreev bound state (ABS), formed among three superconducting terminals. While in a two-terminal Josephson junction the usual ABS, and thus the DC Josephson current, exist only in equilibrium, in the present realization the ABS exists also in the strongly nonlinear regime (biased terminals). The presence of supercurrent carried by quartets was established by performing non-local conductance and cross-correlation of current fluctuations measurements, in different devices made of aluminum-InAs nanowire junctions. An extensive and detailed theoretical study is intertwined with the experimental results

    Późny przerzut do wątroby raka rdzeniastego tarczycy z niskim stężeniem kalcytoniny skutecznie wyleczony metodą radioablacji

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      A 28-year-old female consulted in 1994 for a left thyroid nodule known for two years with documented progression. Left lobe resection was performed initially followed by total thyroidectomy without lymph node dissection in September 1994. Pathological examination concluded on unilateral 10 × 40 mm medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC). RET mutation was negative. Basal and pentagastrin-stimulated CT levels had been normal from 1994 to 2008 when her CT level was found to be elevated at 33 ng/L and increased subsequently to 111 ng/L in 2010. In accordance with guidelines, cervical ultrasound was performed repeatedly with negative results. After discussion in a multidisciplinary meeting and with patient’s consent, an F-Dopa PET scan was proposed in disagreement with guidelines. This scan showed unique uptake in liver segment VI, which was confirmed by MRI. CT levels reached to 253 ng/L when she finally accepted treatment. In February 2013 we performed radiofrequency ablation of the lesion, which allowed normalisation of CT levels. This observation highlights the possibility of late recurrence of MTC. We could propose that for MTC patients with low-calcitonin levels-recurrences F-DOPA-PET/CT is a good diagnostic tool to use in case of repeatedly negative US neck studies. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (3): 326–329)    Chora w wieku 28 lat zgłosiła się do lekarza w 1994 roku z powodu lewostronnego guzka tarczycy wykrytego 2 lata wcześniej, z potwierdzoną progresją. Wykonano resekcję lewego płata tarczycy. Totalną tyreoidektomię wykonano we wrześniu 1994 roku bez usunięcia węzłów chłonnych. W badaniu patomorfologicznych stwierdzono jednostronnego raka rdzeniastego tarczycy (MTC) o wymiarach 10 × 40 mm. Wynik badania w kierunku mutacji RET był ujemny. Stężenia kalcytoniny (CT, calcitonin), podstawowe i po stymulacji pentagastryną, były prawidłowe od 1994 roku. Do 2008 roku, kiedy stwierdzono podwyższone stężenie CT wynoszące 33 ng/l, a następnie jego dalszy wzrost do 111 ng/l w 2010 roku. Zgodnie z zaleceniami powtórnie wykonano badanie USG szyi, w którym nie stwierdzono nieprawidłowości. Po omówieniu przypadku na spotkaniu wielodyscyplinarnego zespołu i uzyskaniu zgody chorej przeprowadzono badanie F-Dopa PET (niezgodnie z zaleceniami), w którym wykazano pojedyncze ognisko wychwytu w segmencie VI wątroby, co zostało potwierdzone w badaniu MRI. Kiedy chora w końcu zaakceptowała leczenie, stężenia CT zwiększyły się do 253 ng/l. W lutym 2013 roku wykonano ablację zmiany prądem o częstotliwości radiowej, co pozwoliło uzyskać normalizację stężeń CT w 2015 r. Ta obserwacja zwraca uwagę na możliwość późnej wznowy. Autorzy sugerują, że u chorych z MTC z ponownie stwierdzonym niskim stężeniem kalcytoniny wybór F-DOPA-PET/CT jako metody diagnostycznej jest dobrym rozwiązaniem w przypadku powtórnych ujemnych wyników USG szyi. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (3): 326–329)

    Gate-Controlled Ionization and Screening of Cobalt Adatoms on a Graphene Surface

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    We describe scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) measurements performed on individual cobalt (Co) atoms deposited onto backgated graphene devices. We find that Co adatoms on graphene can be ionized by either the application of a global backgate voltage or by the application of a local electric field from a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) tip. Large screening clouds are observed to form around Co adatoms ionized in this way, and we observe that some intrinsic graphene defects display a similar behavior. Our results provide new insight into charged impurity scattering in graphene, as well as the possibility of using graphene devices as chemical sensors.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Quadríceps ou multíceps? Revisão bibliográfica sobre sua composic?ão muscular / Quadriceps or multiceps? Bibliographic review on your muscle composition

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    A revisão bibliográfica do presente estudo demonstrou que o Quadríceps Femoral e? composto de uma arquitetura complexa e ainda difícil de ser compreendida na sua totalidade. Através da análise de artigos dos últimos cinco anos, concluímos que a parte anterior da coxa, especificamente o aparelho extensor do joelho conta não somente com quatro músculos como cita a literatura clássica, mas com variantes, descritas nesse artigo, que contrapõem essa visão histórica. Assim, o conjunto Quadríceps Femoral perderia o significado de seu nome conforme a nomina anatômica podendo passar a se chamar de Multi?ceps Femoral

    Admission criteria and management of critical care patients in a pandemic context: position of the Ethics Commission of the French Intensive Care Society, update of April 2021.

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    Intensive care unit professionals have experience in critical care and its proportionality, collegial decision-making, withholding or withdrawal of treatment deemed futile, and communication with patients' relatives. These elements rely on ethical values from which we must not deviate in a pandemic situation. The recommendations made by the Ethics Commission of the French Intensive Care Society reflect an approach of responsibility and solidarity towards our citizens regarding the potential impact of a pandemic on critical care resources in France, with the fundamental requirement of respect for human dignity and equal access to health care for all


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    Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o curso diário e sazonal do potencial hídrico foliar de mogno (Swietenia macrophylla King) (Meliaceae) em sistema agroflorestal (SAF). O experimento foi realizado em árvores de S. macrophylla plantadas num sistema agroflorestal instalado no Campo Experimental da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental, Manaus, AM. Avaliou-se o potencial hídrico foliar (Ψf) dos cursos diário e sazonal nos anos 2004 e 2005, por meio da utilização de bomba de pressão tipo Scholander. Os resultados indicaram que os valores do Ψf de S. macrophylla, de modo geral, foram superiores no início da manhã e no final da tarde, com redução acentuada ao meio-dia, e que, em relação à sazonalidade de precipitação, as menores taxas foram reportadas para a época menos chuvosa, variando de -26 bar em 2004 para -31bar em 2005. Verificou-se que o potencial hídrico de Swietenia macrophylla em sistema agroflorestal sofreu reduções significativas em razão dos baixos índices pluviométricos entre junho e outubro de 2005

    Labeling lateral prefrontal sulci using spherical data augmentation and context-aware training

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    The inference of cortical sulcal labels often focuses on deep (primary and secondary) sulcal regions, whereas shallow (tertiary) sulcal regions are largely overlooked in the literature due to the scarcity of manual/well-defined annotations and their large neuroanatomical variability. In this paper, we present an automated framework for regional labeling of both primary/secondary and tertiary sulci of the dorsal portion of lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) using spherical convolutional neural networks. We propose two core components that enhance the inference of sulcal labels to overcome such large neuroanatomical variability: (1) surface data augmentation and (2) context-aware training. (1) To take into account neuroanatomical variability, we synthesize training data from the proposed feature space that embeds intermediate deformation trajectories of spherical data in a rigid to non-rigid fashion, which bridges an augmentation gap in conventional rotation data augmentation. (2) Moreover, we design a two-stage training process to improve labeling accuracy of tertiary sulci by informing the biological associations in neuroanatomy: inference of primary/secondary sulci and then their spatial likelihood to guide the definition of tertiary sulci. In the experiments, we evaluate our method on 13 deep and shallow sulci of human LPFC in two independent data sets with different age ranges: pediatric (N=60) and adult (N=36) cohorts. We compare the proposed method with a conventional multi-atlas approach and spherical convolutional neural networks without/with rotation data augmentation. In both cohorts, the proposed data augmentation improves labeling accuracy of deep and shallow sulci over the baselines, and the proposed context-aware training offers further improvement in the labeling of shallow sulci over the proposed data augmentation. We share our tools with the field and discuss applications of our results for understanding neuroanatomical-functional organization of LPFC and the rest of cortex (https://github.com/ilwoolyu/SphericalLabeling). ?? 2021 The Author(s