7,079 research outputs found

    What explains the invading success of the aquatic mud snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Hydrobiidae, Mollusca)?

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    The spread of non-native species is one of the most harmful and least reversible disturbances in ecosystems. Species have to overcome several filters to become a pest (transport, establishment, spread and impact). Few studies have checked the traits that confer ability to overcome these steps in the same species. The aim of the present study is to review the available information on the life-history and ecological traits of the mud snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Gray (Hydrobiidae, Mollusca), native from New Zealand, in order to explain its invasive success at different aquatic ecosystems around the world. A wide tolerance range to physico-chemical factors has been found to be a key trait for successful transport. A high competitive ability at early stages of succession can explains its establishment success in human-altered ecosystems. A high reproduction rate, high capacity for active and passive dispersal, and the escape from native predators and parasites explains its spread success. The high reproduction and the ability to monopolize invertebrate secondary production explain its high impact in the invaded ecosystems. However, further research is needed to understand how other factors, such as population density or the degree of human perturbation can modify the invasive success of this aquatic snai

    Field experimental study of traffic-induced turbulence on highways

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    This paper is focused on traffic-induced turbulence (TIT) analysis from a field campaign performed in 2011, using ultrasonic anemometers deployed in the M-12 Highways, Madrid (Spain). The study attempts to improve knowledge about the influence of traffic-related parameters on turbulence. Linear relationships between vehicle speed and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) values are found with coefficients of determination (R2) of 0.75 and 0.55 for the lorry and van respectively. The vehicle-induced fluctuations in the wind components (u', v' and w') showed the highest values for the longitudinal component (v) because of the wake-passing effect. In the analysis of wake produced by moving vehicles it is indicated how the turbulence dissipates in relation to a distance d and height h. The TKE values were found to be higher at the measuring points closer to the surface during the wake analysis.This work was supported by the OASIS Research Project that was co financed by CDTI (Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry) and developed with the Spanish companies: Iridium, OHL Concesiones, Abertis, Sice, Indra, Dragados, OHL, Geocisa, GMV, Asfaltos Augusta, Hidrofersa, Eipsa, PyG, CPS, AEC and Torre de Comares Arquitectos s.l and 16 research centres

    Can optical spectroscopy directly elucidate the ground state of C20?

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    The optical response of the lowest energy members of the C20 family is calculated using time-dependent density functional theory within a real-space, real-time scheme. Significant differences are found among the spectra of the different isomers, and thus we propose optical spectroscopy as a tool for experimental investigation of the structure of these important clusters.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. To be published in J. Chem. Phy

    NGC 3105: a young open cluster with low metallicity

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    NGC 3105 is a young open cluster hosting blue, yellow and red supergiants. This rare combination makes it an excellent laboratory to constrain evolutionary models of high-mass stars. It is poorly studied and fundamental parameters such as its age or distance are not well defined. We intend to characterize in an accurate way the cluster as well as its evolved stars, for which we derive for the first time atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances. We identify 126 B-type likely members within a radius of 2.7±\pm0.6 arcmin, which implies an initial mass, MclM_{cl}\approx4100 M_{\odot}. We find a distance of 7.2±\pm0.7 kpc for NGC 3105, placing it at RGCR_{GC}=10.0±\pm1.2 kpc. Isochrone fitting supports an age of 28±\pm6 Ma, implying masses around 9.5 M_{\odot} for the supergiants. A high fraction of Be stars (\approx25 %) is found at the top of the main sequence down to spectral type b3. From the spectral analysis we estimate for the cluster a vradv_{rad}=+46.9±\pm0.9 km s1^{-1} and a low metallicity, [Fe/H]=-0.29±\pm0.22. We also have determined, for the first time, chemical abundances for Li, O, Na, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Ni, Rb, Y, and Ba for the evolved stars. The chemical composition of the cluster is consistent with that of the Galactic thin disc. An overabundance of Ba is found, supporting the enhanced ss-process. NGC 3105 has a low metallicity for its Galactocentric distance, comparable to typical LMC stars. It is a valuable spiral tracer in a very distant region of the Carina-Sagittarius spiral arm, a poorly known part of the Galaxy. As one of the few Galactic clusters containing blue, yellow and red supergiants, it is massive enough to serve as a testbed for theoretical evolutionary models close to the boundary between intermediate and high-mass stars.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    The influence of wildfires on aerosol size distributions in rural areas

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    The number of particles and their size distributions were measured in a rural area, during the summer, using a PCASP-X. The aim was to study the influence of wildfires on particle size distributions. The comparative studies carried out reveal an average increase of around ten times in the number of particles in the fine mode, especially in sizes between 0.10 and 0.14 μm, where the increase is of nearly 20 times. An analysis carried out at three different points in time--before, during, and after the passing of the smoke plume from the wildfires--shows that the mean geometric diameter of the fine mode in the measurements affected by the fire is smaller than the one obtained in the measurements carried out immediately before and after (0.14 μm) and presents average values of 0.11 μm.publishe

    Scattering of a proton with the Li4 cluster: non-adiabatic molecular dynamics description based on time-dependent density-functional theory

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    We have employed non-adiabatic molecular dynamics based on time-dependent density-functional theory to characterize the scattering behaviour of a proton with the Li4_4 cluster. This technique assumes a classical approximation for the nuclei, effectively coupled to the quantum electronic system. This time-dependent theoretical framework accounts, by construction, for possible charge transfer and ionization processes, as well as electronic excitations, which may play a role in the non-adiabatic regime. We have varied the incidence angles in order to analyze the possible reaction patterns. The initial proton kinetic energy of 10 eV is sufficiently high to induce non-adiabatic effects. For all the incidence angles considered the proton is scattered away, except in one interesting case in which one of the Lithium atoms captures it, forming a LiH molecule. This theoretical formalism proves to be a powerful, effective and predictive tool for the analysis of non-adiabatic processes at the nanoscale.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Biological evolution and human cognition are analogous information processing systems

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    The mechanisms that govern biological evolution and human cognition are analogous, as both follow the same principles of natural information processing systems. In this article, we describe the following five principles that provide an analogy between biological evolution and human cognition: (a) Randomness as Genesis Principle and (b) Borrowing and Reorganizing Principle, which indicate how natural information processing systems obtain information; (c) Narrow Limits of Change Principle and (d) Information Store Principle, which indicate how information is processed and stored; and (e) Environmental Organizing and Linking Principle, which indicate how stored information is used to generate actions appropriate to an environment. In human cognition, these analogs only apply to cognitive processes associated with biologically secondary knowledge, the knowledge typically taught in educational institutions. Based on these five principles, cognitive load theory researchers have provided diverse prescriptions to optimize instructional activities and materials. We conclude by discussing general instructional implications and future research directions based on this analogy