15 research outputs found
Os presidentes brasileiros e a ONU : discursos de um Brasil em mudança pelo olhar da imprensa
Ao utilizar os jornais como testemunhas e atores centrais dos fatos, este estudo
busca analisar os discursos dos presidentes brasileiros na abertura da Assembleia Geral
das Nações Unidas com foco no que eles disseram sobre o Meio Ambiente e subtemas
relacionados. Tema mais citado durante esses discursos desde Lula até Bolsonaro na
Assembleia Geral, o Meio Ambiente ganhou espaço na agenda internacional e brasileira
no decorrer dos anos com a urgência imposta pelas mudanças climáticas. Justamente por
ter mais da metade do seu território coberto por florestas, o Brasil é um protagonista natural
no tema. No entanto, é um líder global em Meio Ambiente? O que fizeram pelo Meio
Ambiente e o que disseram a este respeito os presidentes que comandaram o país entre
2003 e 2020, período coberto por esta pesquisa? E como o jornal brasileiro O Estado de S.
Paulo e o jornal português Público cobriram esses presidentes na Assembleia Geral da
ONU? Como o Brasil administra, explora e preserva seus recursos naturais? Essas são
algumas das questões analisadas no estudo que segue. Em uma rápida conclusão, é possível
antecipar que cada governo que assume o comando do país muda as políticas de
preservação e afeta a evolução da exploração sustentável dos recursos naturais de forma
que, se houve algum avanço em favor do Meio Ambiente nos governos de Lula, o que se
observa no mandato de Bolsonaro é o completo desmonte das políticas de preservação e
dos resultados positivos decorrentes delas. A pesquisa utilizou os métodos da análise de
conteúdo para quantificar a importância do tema Meio Ambiente para os presidentes e
organizou, a partir do que foi dito nos seus discursos, que temas lhes foram mais caros e
importantes e como os jornais reproduziram tais discursos. Outros assuntos também se
destacaram nas explanações dos líderes brasileiros, mas nenhum outro com a mesma
intensidade e frequência observadas em Meio Ambiente.Using the newspapers as witness and, too, leading figures of the facts, this study
seeks to analyze Brazilian presidents’ speeches opening the United Nations General
Assembly focusing what they said regarding Environment (and the subthemes related).
Most quoted subject in Brazilian presidents’ speeches since Lula to Bolsonaro in General
Assembly, Environment increased the number of texts and news in global and Brazilian
agendas over the years due to the urgence that have arisen by climate changes. Precisely
because Brazil has more than a half of its territory covered by forests, the country is a
natural leading figure concerning this subject. But, is Brazil, in fact, an Environment global
leader? What the presidents made regarding Environment and what they said when ruled
the country between 2003 and 2020, the period analyzed by this research? And how the
Brazilian newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo and the Portuguese one, Público, covered these
presidents when they attended in the General Assembly? How does Brazil manage, explore
and preserves its natural resources? In a briefly implication, we can anticipate that each
government that had lead Brazil changes preservation policies that implicates sustainable
use of natural resource. If during Lula mandates Brazil got achievements regarding
Environment, what is possible to observe during Bolsonaro’s government is the complete
dismantle of preservation policies and the positives results arising from that. These are
some questions analyzed in the following study. This research was based on the methods
of content analysis to quantify the importance of Environment for Brazilian presidents and
organized from what they said in speeches, which subjects they prioritized on his
government’s Agenda and how the newspapers here assessed covered that. During their
speeches at General Assembly, the presidents highlighted other themes, but no other with
the same number of quotations or the same importance observed when they talked about
Por uma Administração Menor: o Caso do Bailinho da Tia Naná
Adopting the collaborative work of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari as a theoretical and methodological framework, the primary objective of this article is to argue for a minor administration. To this end, we seek to provide clues, hints, and glimpses of other forms of being and coexisting that expand, re-elaborate and tighten the conventional practices of the management universe – whether in terms of their ways of thinking and producing knowledge or their ways of organizing. Through the mapping of the immanent forces operating in the lives of women who gather to dance at the Bailinho da Tia Naná – a popular dance venue targeted at the elderly, located in downtown Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil – we aimed not only to reveal rigid segmentarities but also (and this is where the difference lies) to focus our attention on the appositions, inventions, that which leaks, and escapes, that which resists binary and functionalist organizations, that which escapes the colonization of our vital forces of creation and transcreation in micropolitical relations. As far as the concept of ordinary management and Organizational Studies are concerned, we sought to identify in everyday life whatever breaks with, changes, deviates from the norms, and gives birth to difference; a form of management that cares about the potency, joy, multiplicity, complexity, and interdependence inherent to the ways of organizing and composing the betweenness of ordinary, historicized, localized and real lives.Tomando como suporte teórico e metodológico o trabalho conjunto de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, este artigo tem como objetivo principal argumentar em prol de uma administração menor. Para isso, buscamos levantar pistas, dicas, lampejos de outras formas de estar e conviver que tensionam, expandem e reelaboram as práticas convencionais do universo administrativo – seja em suas formas de pensar e produzir conhecimento, seja nas suas formas de organizar. Por meio de uma cartografia das forças imanentes da vida de mulheres que dançam no Bailinho da Tia Naná – baile popular de terceira idade, localizado no centro da cidade de Belo Horizonte/MG –, objetivamos não apenas explicitar as segmentaridades duras, mas também, e aí se faz a diferença, direcionar nossa atenção às aposições, invenções, ao que vaza, ao que foge, ao que escapa às organizações binárias e funcionalistas, ao que escapa à colonização de nossas forças vitais de criação e transcriação nas relações micropolíticas. Em relação ao conceito de gestão ordinária e aos Estudos Organizacionais, buscamos identificar, no cotidiano, o que rompe, o que modifica, o que inventa desvios às normas, o que cria diferença; administração cuidadosa com a potência, a alegria, a multiplicidade, a complexidade e a interdependência inerente aos modos de organizar e compor o entre das vidas corriqueiras, historicizadas, localizadas e reais
The RNA m6A Reader YTHDF2 Is Essential for the Post-transcriptional Regulation of the Maternal Transcriptome and Oocyte Competence.
YTHDF2 binds and destabilizes N6-methyladenosine (m6A)-modified mRNA. The extent to which this branch of m6A RNA-regulatory pathway functions in vivo and contributes to mammalian development remains unknown. Here we find that YTHDF2 deficiency is partially permissive in mice and results in female-specific infertility. Using conditional mutagenesis, we demonstrate that YTHDF2 is autonomously required within the germline to produce MII oocytes that are competent to sustain early zygotic development. Oocyte maturation is associated with a wave of maternal RNA degradation, and the resulting relative changes to the MII transcriptome are integral to oocyte quality. The loss of YTHDF2 results in the failure to regulate transcript dosage of a cohort of genes during oocyte maturation, with enrichment observed for the YTHDF2-binding consensus and evidence of m6A in these upregulated genes. In summary, the m6A-reader YTHDF2 is an intrinsic determinant of mammalian oocyte competence and early zygotic development
A transit amplifying population underpins the efficient regenerative capacity of the testis
The spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) that supports spermatogenesis throughout adult life resides within the GFRα1-expressing A type undifferentiated spermatogonia. The decision to commit to spermatogenic differentiation coincides with the loss of GFRα1 and reciprocal gain of Ngn3 (Neurog3) expression. Through the analysis of the piRNA factor Miwi2 (Piwil4), we identify a novel population of Ngn3-expressing spermatogonia that are essential for efficient testicular regeneration after injury. Depletion of Miwi2-expressing cells results in a transient impact on testicular homeostasis, with this population behaving strictly as transit amplifying cells under homeostatic conditions. However, upon injury, Miwi2-expressing cells are essential for the efficient regenerative capacity of the testis, and also display facultative stem activity in transplantation assays. In summary, the mouse testis has adopted a regenerative strategy to expand stem cell activity by incorporating a transit-amplifying population to the effective stem cell pool, thus ensuring rapid and efficient tissue repair
Violência e sofrimento social no itinerário de travestis de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
The authors conducted an ethnographic research with transgender persons in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, in 2012, using participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and following their everyday lives. These individuals invariably experienced physical and symbolic violence and the resulting distress, a condition they had to deal with in their careers and daily practices and tasks. the article discusses the violence experienced by transvestites (in the family, school, police precincts, and health services), specifically seeking to understand how such violence relates to their experiences with health services and how the latter respond.Ctr Univ Franciscano, BR-97060267 Santa Maria, RS, BrazilUniv Anhanguera São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Parana, BR-80060000 Curitiba, Parana, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc
A global action agenda for turning the tide on fatty liver disease
Background and Aims:
Fatty liver disease is a major public health threat due to its very high prevalence and related morbidity and mortality. Focused and dedicated interventions are urgently needed to target disease prevention, treatment, and care.
Approach and Results:
We developed an aligned, prioritized action agenda for the global fatty liver disease community of practice. Following a Delphi methodology over 2 rounds, a large panel (R1 n = 344, R2 n = 288) reviewed the action priorities using Qualtrics XM, indicating agreement using a 4-point Likert-scale and providing written feedback. Priorities were revised between rounds, and in R2, panelists also ranked the priorities within 6 domains: epidemiology, treatment and care, models of care, education and awareness, patient and community perspectives, and leadership and public health policy. The consensus fatty liver disease action agenda encompasses 29 priorities. In R2, the mean percentage of “agree” responses was 82.4%, with all individual priorities having at least a super-majority of agreement (> 66.7% “agree”). The highest-ranked action priorities included collaboration between liver specialists and primary care doctors on early diagnosis, action to address the needs of people living with multiple morbidities, and the incorporation of fatty liver disease into relevant non-communicable disease strategies and guidance.
This consensus-driven multidisciplinary fatty liver disease action agenda developed by care providers, clinical researchers, and public health and policy experts provides a path to reduce the prevalence of fatty liver disease and improve health outcomes. To implement this agenda, concerted efforts will be needed at the global, regional, and national levels.publishedVersio
Typology and characterization of goat milk production systems in the Cariris Paraibanos Tipologia e caracterização de sistemas de produção de leite caprino nos Cariris Paraibanos
This work was aimed to identify the typology and the characteristics of the goat milk production systems. Seventy rural properties were researched. Multivariate data analysis with cluster formation techinique was used, and also the identification of five different groups of production systems. The production systems were classified through technical and economical efficiency, ranking groups 1 and 2 as high technological level, groups 3 and 4 as medium level, and the group 5 as low level. The high technological level systems used practices of more rational handling with larger technological employment becoming better specialized. These systems present the largest revenues of milk and unitary net profit. Medium technological production systems adopt technological recommendations and look for alternatives of handling practices. Production system 1 adopts intensive sanitary practices for the farmyard facilities and stables, but this does not happen in the production system 2. Vermifuge is applied three times a year in system 1 while in the system 2 it is applied twice a year. The producers of the systems 1 and 2 obtain more financial resources through official credit lines, and the producers of the group 2 are more punctual on the pay off deadlines.<br>Objetivou-se identificar a tipologia e as características dos sistemas de produção de leite de cabra. Foram pesquisadas 70 propriedades agrárias. A técnica utilizada foi análise multivariada com a formação de cluster, com identificação de cinco diferentes grupos de sistemas de produção. Os sistemas de produção foram tipificados pela eficiência técnica e econômica, como grupos 1 e 2, considerados de nível tecnológico alto, grupos 3 e 4, de nível médio, e grupo 5, de nível baixo. Os sistemas de nível tecnológico alto adotam práticas de manejo mais racionais com maior emprego tecnológico e são os mais especializados. Esses sistemas conferem as maiores receitas de leite e lucro líquido unitário. Os sistemas de produção de nível tecnológico médio adotam recomendações tecnológicas e buscam alternativas de práticas de manejo. Produtores do sistema de produção 1 utilizam práticas sanitárias intensivas das instalações de apriscos e currais para práticas mais alternadas realizadas no sistema de produção 2. O número de aplicações de vermífugo no sistema 1 é de três vezes ao ano, enquanto no sistema produtivo 2 é de duas aplicações. Os produtores dos sistemas 1 e 2 são os que mais captam recursos monetários por linha de crédito oficial, e os do grupo 2 os que mais se apresentaram com o financiamento quitado ou em dia