38 research outputs found

    Utopia e sociabilidade: imagens de sofrimento e caridade no Juazeiro do Norte

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    This article provides a discussion on how images of charity are related to an ideal image of society - a Utopia. By going deeper into the relation between images of suffering, poverty and mendicancy I explore how a group of penitents ''the Ave de Jesus'' from Juazeiro Norte creates a sociality based on generosity, hospitality and sharing whereby they realise a messianic expectation. The major argument leads to a more general discussion of the bases of social life, the material on the Ave de Jesus serving to stress the significance of sociality based on charity and a whole complex organized around it that challenges some classical athropological theory on gift-reciprocity.Neste artigo, ofereço uma discussão de como imagens de sofrimento e caridade estão relacionadas com imagens de uma sociedade ideal numa comunidade de penitentes do Juazeiro do Norte: os ''Ave de Jesus''. Através dos significados de sofrimento, pobreza e mendicância, estarei explorando a maneira como os Ave de Jesus criam uma sociabilidade baseada na generosidade, na hospitalidade e no compartilhamento, por meio da qual realizam uma espera messiânica. A análise dos dados etnográficos insere-se na discussão clássica sobre as bases da vida social, tomando-se criticamente a literatura antropológica tradicional sobre dádiva e reciprocidade

    O profeta, a palavra e a circulação do carisma pentecostal

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    The phenomenon of transformation of the prophet into a celebrity of faith leads us to reflect up on the ways of transmission and routinization of charisma within pentecostal context. This article aims to address the authority of charismatic Pentecostal leaders in the Brazilian context, how the charisma circulates and is transmitted. Three directions in which the charisma flows are highlighted: 1. its commodification as it happens through paid courses, making it clear that one can learn to be a leader with his own charismatic leaders, 2. the charisma as well, besides being apprehended in a commercial and public space, is passed as symbolic capital through the family names of the charismatic leader, like the families Valadão, Soares, Malafaia, and others 3. In order the authority of charisma to be established there is the need it to be collectively spread between pastors and the faithful. The later, in turn, also mimic the leader’s charisma, accessing the capital and getting the charismatic habitus not only through participation in worship but also by the consumption of media products in general. To follow the charisma flow is also to follow the ways the Pentecostal message globalizes.Este artigo aborda o surgimento e a atuação de líderes carismáticos no pentecostalismo brasileiro que desafia a visão comum do papel do pastor protestante na mediação com Deus. Para além da transformação do pastor em celebridade, reflito sobre a forma de autoridade do carisma pentecostal, sua circulação e transmissão. Três direções em que o carisma circula serão destacadas: 1. sua comodificação através de cursos e conferências pagos, tornando-se evidente que é possível aprender a ser líder com os próprios líderes carismáticos; 2. o carisma, além de ser apreendido num espaço comercial e público, também é passado como capital social e simbólico através dos nomes de família do líder carismático, a exemplo das famílias Valadão, Soares, Malafaia e outras; 3. a autoridade do carisma depende de sua propagação coletiva, que se faz entre os pastores e os fiéis. Estes últimos, por sua vez, também mimetizam o carisma do líder, acessando esse capital e adquirindo o habitus carismático através não só da participação nos cultos, mas também do consumo. Além de reconhecer a produção social do carisma, faz-se necessário entender a sua circulação e o seu compartilhamento. Seguir a trilha do carisma é também seguir a maneira como a mensagem pentecostal circula e se globaliza

    Religião em movimento: relações entre religião e modernidade

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    Este artigo pretende refletir, de forma não exaustiva, acerca da relação entre religião e modernidade. Parte-se da leitura dos clássicos da sociologia da religião, cotejando-os com as discussões dos autores de maior destaque na temática nas ciências humanas e sociais atuais. Em seguida, ilustra-se, a partir de um caso empírico, uma das possíveis experiências do religioso e o seu significado no mundo contemporâneo. Nas considerações finais, salientam-se alguns pontos das reflexões destacadas na segunda parte do artigo sobre o lugar do religioso no mundo contemporâneo e sua relação com a individualização e a desregulação da crença

    Reflexões metodológicas em torno da conversão na IURD: colocando em perspectiva alguns consensos

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    This article proposes a reflection on the methodological aspects relating to the anthropological interpretation directed to the religious conversion experience by the members and attendees of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG). From A dialogue with the research trajectories of one of the authors, the developed discussion looks to identify scholarly consensus established around this experience, in order to question them and propose alternative analytical paths. In this sense, the UCKG and the occurring conversions in their rituals, are raised from the visions highlighted by the “others”, anthropologists and social scientists. The proposal of a methodological reflection is therefore directed to a question of anthropological interpretations, already consolidated in the imaginary national academic, upon the neo-Pentecostal religious conversion.Este artigo propõe uma reflexão acerca de aspectos metodológicos que dizem respeito à interpretação antropológica dirigida à experiência da conversão religiosa, vivenciada por membros e frequentadores da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus. A partir de um diálogo com a trajetória de pesquisa de um dos autores, a discussão que é desenvolvida procura identificar consensos acadêmicos instaurados em torno desta experiência, com o objetivo de questioná-los e propor caminhos analíticos alternativos. Neste sentido, a IURD e as conversões que ocorrem em seus rituais são problematizadas a partir das visões que os outros, antropólogos e cientistas sociais, lançam a seu respeito. A proposta de uma reflexão metodológica se dirige, portanto, a um questionamento de interpretações antropológicas, já consolidadas no imaginário acadêmico nacional, acerca da conversão religiosa neopentecostal

    When sadness is beautiful : a study of the place of rationality and emotions within the social life of the Àve de Jesus

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    The ethnographic object of study of my thesis is a group of penitents, called ‘Ave de Jesus’, that dwells in the hinterlands of Northeast Brazil. As many other groups and penitents of this area they have a strong devotion to Padre Cicero -a deceased priest who founded the city in which they live, Juazeiro do Norte - who they believe to be Jesus himself. In fact, according to them, all the events of the Bible there in Juazeiro do Norte, such that they live in a biblical time, the Bible being their actual history which should culminate in destruction - A final end to the world. The Ave de Jesus have incorporated into their form of life the ways of being and relating to the world of those missionaries and religious leaders from the past, such as Padre Ibiapina, Antonio Conselheiro, Padre Cicero, and many ‘beatos’ who wandered throughout the ‘Sertao’* preaching penance and charity. Although these religious images make a lot of sense for those who live in such a harsh area as the ‘Sertoes’, there is no doubt that they are also in conflict with the mainstream system of interpretation of reality. In my thesis I explore how the biblical images take part in the construction and negotiation of truth and meaning, and how they work as references for acting, thinking and ‘feeling’. Because these biblical images are invariably related to moral sentiments - such as compassion, generosity, mercy, commiseration and a highly moral evaluation of the experience of suffering - that underlies the way of life of many penitents in Juazeiro, my thesis focuses on the social role of emotion in building up truth and creating sociability. The Chapter I provides the Introduction in which is given a bibliographical review on messianic and millenarian movements and pilgrimage, and points to my own theoretical choice. It is also in the introduction that I discuss the issue of rationality, ideology and narratives related to the problem of my research and the methodological approach. In Chapter III provide an overall ethnography of penance within the surrounds of Juazeiro do Norte in the past and present. In Chapter III I first introduce a brief ethnography of the Ave de Jesus. In Chapter IV I explore the situation of conflict between systems of interpretation within which Master Jose - the leader of the Ave de Jesus - finds himself. The subject of discussion in this chapter is the role of the affective and beauty in negotiating meaning and constructing truth. In Chapter VI dwell upon Emotions. In this chapter I provide a discussion concerning the importance of emotions in understanding the way of life of many penitents in Juazeiro do Norte, with special attention to the Ave de Jesus. Another subject of discussion is what an emotion is about and their relation to action and thought. In my ethnography and interpretation of emotions I have focused on those emotions which are cognitively stressed by the Ave de Jesus, such as suffering, compassion, mercy, etc. which underlies their form of life. In Chapter VI I provide a discussion on how images of charity are related to an ideal image of society -a Utopia. By going deeper into the relation between images of suffering, poverty and mendicancy I explore how the Ave de Jesus creates a sociality based on generosity, hospitality and sharing whereby they realise a messianic expectation. In the Conclusion I have tried to answer the main task of my thesis, that is, to provide an understanding of how sadness is beautiful. Through all the issues elected to for discussion in each chapter I intend to give support to my interpretation of the role and importance of emotions within the social life of the Ave de Jesus. *The semi-arid backlands of Northeast Brazi

    Utopia e sociabilidade: imagens de sofrimento e caridade no Juazeiro do Norte

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