442 research outputs found

    The poverty reduction strategy of the government of Brazil: a rapid appraisal

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    This paper provides an overview of both the current structure of poverty in Brazil through a detailed poverty profile and of the aggregate dynamics of poverty in the last two decades. We then assess a number of government policies and programs which are either specifically designed to reduce poverty or have a direct bearing on current or future social welfare. A brief discussion of the Comunidade Solidária Programme is followed by an analysis of the coverage and targeting performance of mainstream programs in the areas of education, health, social security and other transfers. Our main findings are that a fifth of the Brazilian population live in indigence, and that this does not represent a substantial improvement over the situation two decades ago. A share of the blame for this must be borne by the highly regressive pattern of incidence of ‘social expenditures’ which are, on the whole, disproportionately appropriated by the middle-classes and the rich.

    Comportamiento espacial de las larvas del mosquito verde Jacobiasca lybica, en un viñedo de secano en Andalucía, España

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    Se determina la distribución espacial de las poblaciones de larvas del mosquito verde Jacobiasca lybica en una parcela experimental de secano en Cádiz, España. Los resultados demostraron que las poblaciones de larvas presentaron una distribución en agregados, lo que se observa en los mapas elaborados. Se determinó que el grado de infestación no alcanzaba el 100% de la parcela experimental, lo cual resulta interesante para poder dirigir las medidas de control sobre áreas específicas de infestación. Se logró determinar una estabilidad espacial y temporal a corto plazo de las poblaciones de larvas

    Estudio de la distribución espacial del muérdago enano (Arceuthobium sp.) en el Nevado de Toluca, México utilizando el método del SADIE

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    El Nevado de Toluca fue decretado como Parque Nacional, reconociendo su importancia como sitio de recarga de los acuíferos, así como el valor de sus recursos naturales. Hoy es, sin embargo, escenario de una acelerada depredación tanto humana como natural. El muérdago es una de las plantas parásitas más importantes del grupo de las heterófitas debido a que causa serios perjuicios sobre otros vegetales y que se ha convertido un problema reciente debido a los niveles de infestación del parásito. En este trabajo se obtuvieron datos que permitieron conocer la distribución espacial de este parásito y mapas sobre su densidad en la zona de estudio; para esto se utilizaron plataformas de software ya existentes que han sido probadas ampliamente. El resultado de este estudio permitirá realizar programas de manejo de este parásito que sea sustentada por información confiable, que presumiblemente lleve a lograr un control adecuado de este problema

    Comportamiento espacial de larvas de Jacobiasca lybica (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) en Andalucía, España: modelización y mapeo

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    En este trabajo se logró determinar el comportamiento espacial de las larvas del mosquito verde Jacobiasca lybica (Bergenin and Zanon), a lo largo de un año en una parcela de regadío. Los resultados demostraron que las poblaciones de larvas dentro de la zona de estudio presentaron un tipo de distribución agregada, formándose varios centros de agregación, hecho corroborado por los mapas elaborados mediante el Krigeado. Se consiguió detectar una estabilidad espacio- temporal de las poblaciones de larvas. La infestación no fue uniforme

    Modeling of the spatial distribution of Bactericera cockerelli Sulc. (Hemiptera: Triozidae), in Solanum tuberosum L. (Solanales: Solanaceae)

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    La producción de Solanum tuberosum L., Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. y Physalis ixocarpa Brot. (Solanales: Solanaceae) ha sufrido fuertes pérdidas económicas por la presencia de Bactericera cockerelli Sulc. (Hemiptera: Triozidae) al asociarse con las enfermedades punta morada o “zebra chip", además de ser el transmisor de Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum. Las alternativas de control utilizadas han carecido de eficacia por desconocer la distribución espacial del insecto dentro de la parcela. Conocer dicho comportamiento permitiría focalizar las alternativas de control, haciéndolas más eficaces. Este trabajo tuvo por objetivo modelizar la distribución espacial de los estadíos de huevo, ninfa y adulto de B. cockerelli obtenidos en muestreos por transectos en un cultivo de papa, utilizando herramientas geoestadísticas. Los resultados indican que la distribución espacial de las poblaciones de huevos, ninfas y adultos de B. cockerelli fue de tipo agregada en cada fecha de muestreo. La validación cruzada de los semivariogramas obtenidos corrobora la distribución agregada en las poblaciones de B. cockerelli. Por su parte, los mapas elaborados permiten observar la estructura agregada de las poblaciones del insecto, permitiendo identificar áreas infestadas y áreas libres. Se encontró estabilidad espacio temporal para los tres estadios del insecto.The production of Solanum tuberosum L., Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. and Physalis ixocarpa Brot. (Solanales: Solanaceae) is prone to economic loses because of the presence of Bactericera cockerelli Sulc., which is related to the Purple Top and “zebra chip" diseases, and is also considered a vector of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum. The alternatives of control have been inefficient because none of them have considered the spatial behavior of the insect inside the plot. Such behavior would allow focusing the control alternatives, making them more efficient. The purpose on this work was to model the spatial distribution of the eggs, nymphs and adults of B. cockerelli which were obtained in potato field by transects samplings, by using geostatistics tools. The results indicate that the spatial distribution of the populations of eggs, nymphs and adults of B. cockerelli type was aggregated in each sampling date. The cross validation of the semivariograms corroborates the aggregated distribution of eggs, nymphs and adults of B. cockerelli. The generated maps allow observing the aggregated structure of the insect population, letting identify both infested areas and not-infested areas. Spatiotemporal stability was found for the three stages of the insect.Fil: Ramírez, José Francisco. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Facultad de Ciencias AgrícolasFil: Porcayo-Camargo, Elvia. Chiapas (México). Colegio de la Frontera Sur Unidad San Cristóbal de las CasasFil: Sánchez, Jesús Ricardo. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Facultad de Ciencias Agrícola

    Desarrollo de un programa de aseguramiento en el control de inventario en el cuarto de recepción de clavel en el área de poscosecha en Scarlett’s Flowers S.A.S.

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    1 recurso en línea (71 páginas) : ilustraciones color, tablas, imágenes, gráficas.El propósito del trabajo es desarrollar un programa de aseguramiento en el control de inventario en el cuarto de recepción de clavel en el área de poscosecha para mejorar la planeación diaria requerida por el proceso. Para realizar el trabajo es necesario hacer un diagnóstico que permita identificar las causas y factores que hacen que no haya exactitud de inventario, recolectar los datos pertinentes y analizarlos, evaluar si los controles que actualmente existen en el proceso son efectivos y si es necesario proponer nuevos, luego evaluar alternativas de solución a problemas encontrados y plantear las acciones más adecuadas y finalmente diseñar e implementar el programa de aseguramiento bajo las condiciones del proceso.Bibliografía: página 67.Pregrad


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    A Diretoria da Faculdade de Economia e Administração, da Universidade de São Paulo, pelo seu órgão anexo Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas — IPE — tem a satisfação de apresentar o primeiro número da REVISTA DE TEORIA E PESQUISA ECONÔMICA. Partiu da I Reunião de Administradores de Cursos de Pós-Graduação em Economia, realizada no Rio de Janeiro, no início de 1969, a decisão de atribuir ao IPE a incumbência tanto da coordenação do trabalho editorial coma da publicaçãoda RTPE. Incumbência delegada a Andrea Maneschi, nosso professor visitante

    O Benefício Social Único: uma proposta de reforma da política social no Brasil

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    Após rever brevemente algumas experiências inovadoras em política social na América Latina, o presente trabalho propõe uma reforma dos instrumentos de política social no Brasil. A reforma baseia-se na criação de um benefício social único, de natureza focalizada e condicional, ao qual todo e qualquer cidadão brasileiro vivendo em condições de pobreza teria direito, desde que ele ou outros membros de sua família cumpram com certas condições. Todas estas condições são investimentos na saúde ou educação da própria família, ou contribuições em trabalho comunitário. A estas transferências monetárias, a proposta agrega uma série de intervenções seletivas pelo lado da oferta de educação e saúde, com vistas a aumentar a qualidade destes serviços nas áreas de maior necessidade. Pretende-se assim criar uma política pública integrada para a erradicação da miséria, que combine investimentos de longo prazo em capital humano ao alívio imediato das necessidades mais prementes de qualquer brasileiro comprovadamente pobre, independente de onde viva ou do setor em que trabalhe.

    The Self-Seeding of Anthemis arvensis L. for Cover Crop in Olive Groves under Intense Rabbit Grazing

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    Cover crops can be an effective means to protect soil and reduce risks of erosion in olive groves. However, for this protection to be significant, the vegetation must attain a significant amount of ground cover, which is estimated to be at least 30% during the rainy season. In olive groves on degraded soils, which occupy large surface areas in the olive-growing areas of the Mediterranean region, the establishment of cover crops may be an arduous challenge, particularly in areas with a high density of rabbits. In this study, we have selected two olive orchards with scarce natural vegetation located in Andalusia (southern Spain), in which rabbit populations intensively forage the cover crops, to test whether the self-seeding of an unpalatable species corn chamomile (Anthemis arvensis L.; A. arvensis for short) could achieve sufficient coverage for soil protection, in the year following that in which the broadcast-seeding was carried out for the implementation of cover crops. The hand broadcast-seeding of A. arvensis was carried out on sixteen elementary plots in the lanes of the two olive orchards in the autumn of 2015, and seed germination in the subsequent self-seeding took place in the autumn of 2016. The plant height and A. arvensis ground cover in these plots were measured throughout the two growth cycles, and aerial biomass was measured at maturity. The results showed that there were no significant differences in the maximum plant height between the two growth cycles (mean ± SD of 21.2 ± 1.6 cm), while the ground cover was significantly greater in the case of self-seeding, especially during the winter (37.2 ± 8.1 and 9.3 ± 6.7% for self-seeding and broadcast-seeding, respectively), and aerial biomass at maturity had more than doubled (99.7 and 43.9 g m−2, respectively). These data suggest that this unpalatable species could establish an effective herbaceous cover by means of self-seeding in olive groves on degraded soils that are being overgrazed owing to the high pressure of rabbits. Despite the poor establishment in the broadcast-seeding year, our findings indicate that A. arvensis might be an alternative cover crop that could help the sustainability of these threatened olive groves. Its high seed production (2000 to 4000 seeds per plant), and an early emergence just after the first autumn rains, should result in an increased ground cover by A. arvensis during the rainy season in the subsequent years of self-seeding. This, therefore, could contribute to soil conservation, in addition to providing other benefits of increased biodiversity and improvement for agricultural landscapes

    Systematic literature review of realistic simulators applied in educational robotics context

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    This paper presents a systematic literature review (SLR) about realistic simulators that can be applied in an educational robotics context. These simulators must include the simulation of actuators and sensors, the ability to simulate robots and their environment. During this systematic review of the literature, 559 articles were extracted from six different databases using the Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes, Context (PICOC) method. After the selection process, 50 selected articles were included in this review. Several simulators were found and their features were also analyzed. As a result of this process, four realistic simulators were applied in the review’s referred context for two main reasons. The first reason is that these simulators have high fidelity in the robots’ visual modeling due to the 3D rendering engines and the second reason is because they apply physics engines, allowing the robot’s interaction with the environment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio