45 research outputs found

    Comparison of the canine and human olfactory receptor gene repertoires

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    BACKGROUND: Olfactory receptors (ORs), the first dedicated molecules with which odorants physically interact to arouse an olfactory sensation, constitute the largest gene family in vertebrates, including around 900 genes in human and 1,500 in the mouse. Whereas dogs, like many other mammals, have a much keener olfactory potential than humans, only 21 canine OR genes have been described to date. RESULTS: In this study, 817 novel canine OR sequences were identified, and 640 have been characterized. Of the 661 characterized OR sequences, representing half of the canine repertoire, 18% are predicted to be pseudogenes, compared with 63% in human and 20% in mouse. Phylogenetic analysis of 403 canine OR sequences identified 51 families, and radiation-hybrid mapping of 562 showed that they are distributed on 24 dog chromosomes, in 37 distinct regions. Most of these regions constitute clusters of 2 to 124 closely linked genes. The two largest clusters (124 and 109 OR genes) are located on canine chromosomes 18 and 21. They are orthologous to human clusters located on human chromosomes 11q11-q13 and HSA11p15, containing 174 and 115 ORs respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows a strongly conserved genomic distribution of OR genes between dog and human, suggesting that OR genes evolved from a common mammalian ancestral repertoire by successive duplications. In addition, the dog repertoire appears to have expanded relative to that of humans, leading to the emergence of specific canine OR genes

    Canine Population Structure: Assessment and Impact of Intra-Breed Stratification on SNP-Based Association Studies

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    In canine genetics, the impact of population structure on whole genome association studies is typically addressed by sampling approximately equal numbers of cases and controls from dogs of a single breed, usually from the same country or geographic area. However one way to increase the power of genetic studies is to sample individuals of the same breed but from different geographic areas, with the expectation that independent meiotic events will have shortened the presumed ancestral haplotype around the mutation differently. Little is known, however, about genetic variation among dogs of the same breed collected from different geographic regions.In this report, we address the magnitude and impact of genetic diversity among common breeds sampled in the U.S. and Europe. The breeds selected, including the Rottweiler, Bernese mountain dog, flat-coated retriever, and golden retriever, share susceptibility to a class of soft tissue cancers typified by malignant histiocytosis in the Bernese mountain dog. We genotyped 722 SNPs at four unlinked loci (between 95 and 271 per locus) on canine chromosome 1 (CFA1). We showed that each population is characterized by distinct genetic diversity that can be correlated with breed history. When the breed studied has a reduced intra-breed diversity, the combination of dogs from international locations does not increase the rate of false positives and potentially increases the power of association studies. However, over-sampling cases from one geographic location is more likely to lead to false positive results in breeds with significant genetic diversity.These data provide new guidelines for association studies using purebred dogs that take into account population structure

    An integrated 4249 marker FISH/RH map of the canine genome

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    BACKGROUND: The 156 breeds of dog recognized by the American Kennel Club offer a unique opportunity to map genes important in genetic variation. Each breed features a defining constellation of morphological and behavioral traits, often generated by deliberate crossing of closely related individuals, leading to a high rate of genetic disease in many breeds. Understanding the genetic basis of both phenotypic variation and disease susceptibility in the dog provides new ways in which to dissect the genetics of human health and biology. RESULTS: To facilitate both genetic mapping and cloning efforts, we have constructed an integrated canine genome map that is both dense and accurate. The resulting resource encompasses 4249 markers, and was constructed using the RHDF5000-2 whole genome radiation hybrid panel. The radiation hybrid (RH) map features a density of one marker every 900 Kb and contains 1760 bacterial artificial chromosome clones (BACs) localized to 1423 unique positions, 851 of which have also been mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The two data sets show excellent concordance. Excluding the Y chromosome, the map features an RH/FISH mapped BAC every 3.5 Mb and an RH mapped BAC-end, on average, every 2 Mb. For 2233 markers, the orthologous human genes have been established, allowing the identification of 79 conserved segments (CS) between the dog and human genomes, dramatically extending the length of most previously described CS. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide a necessary resource for the canine genome mapping community to undertake positional cloning experiments and provide new insights into the comparative canine-human genome maps

    Складова духовної культури та запорука стабільності політичного режиму Марокко

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    Головною тенденцією останніх десятиліть стали процеси глобалізації, які по-різному впливають на країни, так би мовити, „старого центру” та „периферії”. У „центрі” зосередились країни, в яких демократія має давні традиції, що зміцнювалися на засадах західноєвропейської християнської культури. Якщо взяти африканський континент, то побачимо там сукупність специфічних проблем, які одночасно наближають і віддаляють країни, що її складають, від глобалізаційних процесів. Отже, природно, що увага спеціалістів з проблем світового демократичного транзиту, культурології, політології, хоча й з різних причин, прикута до „чорного континенту”. Однією з проблем, що викликає небуденний інтерес дослідників, є стосунки, взаємодія західної та східної цивілізацій

    Comparative analysis of canine and human melanomas

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    This paper presents epidemiological and clinical data from 2350 cases of melanocytic tumours from dogs sampled in France. In addition, we present the histological and genetic characterization of subsets of melanoma cases (n=153 and n=100, respectively), with a comparative aspect to human melanomas. Dog melanomas occur at the same anatomical sites than human melanomas, but with different frequency and severity. We demonstrate that the specificities of dog melanomas make them good models to understand the non-UV pathways of human melanomas. Interestingly, somatic mutations in oral canine melanomas were detected in the NRAS and PTEN genes, precisely at the same hotspots as human mutations. In contrast, mutations in the BRAF gene were not detected. This paper highlights the similarities and differences of dog and human melanoma types and the strong potential of dog melanomas to decipher the non-UV light pathways in different melanoma types, especially mucosal and acral types.Cet article présente les données épidémiologiques et cliniques de 2350 cas de tumeurs mélanocytaires canines collectées en France. Nous avons réalisé la caractérisation histologique (n = 153) et génétique (n = 100) d'un sous-groupe de mélanomes dont les résultats ont été comparés aux données des mélanomes humains. Les mélanomes apparaissent aux mêmes sites anatomiques chez le chien et l'Homme, mais avec des fréquences et des sévérités différentes. Nous montrons les prédispositions raciales des mélanomes canins et l'intérêt de ce modèle pour rechercher les gènes prédisposant difficiles à identifier chez l'Homme. Des mutations somatiques dans les gènes NRAS et PTEN ont été détectées dans les mélanomes buccaux canins, précisément aux mêmes points chauds (hotspots) que les mutations de ces gènes chez l'homme. Au contraire, aucune mutation dans le gène BRAF n'a été retrouvée dans les échantillons canins analysés. Ce travail met en lumière les homologies et différences entre les types de mélanomes humains et canins et démontre la force du modèle canin pour analyser les voies de signalisation non UV-dépendantes des mélanomes humains, particulièrement dans les types muqueux et acraux

    FEELnc : a tool for long non-coding RNA annotation and its application to the dog transcriptome

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    Whole transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq) has become a standard for cataloguing and monitoring RNA populations. One of the main bottlenecks, however, is to correctly identify the different classes of RNAs among the plethora of reconstructed transcripts, particularly those that will be translated (mRNAs) from the class of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs). Here, we present FEELnc (FlExible Extraction of LncRNAs), an alignment-free program that accurately annotates lncRNAs based on a Random Forest model trained with general features such as multi k-mer frequencies and relaxed open reading frames. Benchmarking versus five state-of-the-art tools shows that FEELnc achieves similar or better classification performance on GENCODE and NONCODE data sets. The program also provides specific modules that enable the user to fine-tune classification accuracy, to formalize the annotation of lncRNA classes and to identify lncRNAs even in the absence of a training set of non-coding RNAs. We used FEELnc on a real data set comprising 20 canine RNA-seq samples produced by the European LUPA consortium to substantially expand the canine genome annotation to include 10 374 novel lncRNAs and 58 640 mRNA transcripts. FEELnc moves beyond conventional coding potential classifiers by providing a standardized and complete solution for annotating lncRNAs and is freely available at https://github.com/tderrien/FEELnc.Peer reviewe

    MKLN1 splicing defect in dogs with lethal acrodermatitis

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    Lethal acrodermatitis (LAD) is a genodermatosis with monogenic autosomal recessive inheritance in Bull Terriers and Miniature Bull Terriers. The LAD phenotype is characterized by poor growth, immune deficiency, and skin lesions, especially at the paws. Utilizing a combination of genome wide association study and haplotype analysis, we mapped the LAD locus to a critical interval of similar to 1.11 Mb on chromosome 14. Whole genome sequencing of an LAD affected dog revealed a splice region variant in the MKLN1 gene that was not present in 191 control genomes (chr14:5,731,405T>G or MKLN/:c.400+3A>C). This variant showed perfect association in a larger combined Bull Terrier/Miniature Bull Terrier cohort of 46 cases and 294 controls. The variant was absent from 462 genetically diverse control dogs of 62 other dog breeds. RT-PCR analysis of skin RNA from an affected and a control dog demonstrated skipping of exon 4 in the MKLN1 transcripts of the LAD affected dog, which leads to a shift in the MKLN1 reading frame. MKLN1 encodes the widely expressed intracellular protein muskelin 1, for which diverse functions in cell adhesion, morphology, spreading, and intracellular transport processes are discussed. While the pathogenesis of LAD remains unclear, our data facilitate genetic testing of Bull Terriers and Miniature Bull Terriers to prevent the unintentional production of LAD affected dogs. This study may provide a starting point to further clarify the elusive physiological role of muskelin 1 in vivo.Peer reviewe

    Genomic repeats, misassembly and reannotation: a case study with long-read resequencing of Porphyromonas gingivalis reference strains

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    International audienceBackground : Without knowledge of their genomic sequences, it is impossible to make functional models of the bacteria that make up human and animal microbiota. Unfortunately, the vast majority of publicly available genomes are only working drafts, an incompleteness that causes numerous problems and constitutes a major obstacle to genotypic and phenotypic interpretation. In this work, we began with an example from the class Bacteroidia in the phylum Bacteroidetes, which is preponderant among human orodigestive microbiota. We successfully identify the genetic loci responsible for assembly breaks and misassemblies and demonstrate the importance and usefulness of long-read sequencing and curated reannotation. Results : We showed that the fragmentation in Bacteroidia draft genomes assembled from massively parallel sequencing linearly correlates with genomic repeats of the same or greater size than the reads. We also demonstrated that some of these repeats, especially the long ones, correspond to misassembled loci in three reference Porphyromonas gingivalis genomes marked as circularized (thus complete or finished). We prove that even at modest coverage (30X), long-read resequencing together with PCR contiguity verification (rrn operons and an integrative and conjugative element or ICE) can be used to identify and correct the wrongly combined or assembled regions. Finally, although time-consuming and labor-intensive, consistent manual biocuration of three P. gingivalis strains allowed us to compare and correct the existing genomic annotations, resulting in a more accurate interpretation of the genomic differences among these strains.Conclusions : In this study, we demonstrate the usefulness and importance of long-read sequencing in verifying published genomes (even when complete) and generating assemblies for new bacterial strains/species with high genomic plasticity. We also show that when combined with biological validation processes and diligent biocurated annotation, this strategy helps reduce the propagation of errors in shared databases, thus limiting false conclusions based on incomplete or misleading information

    Additional file 6: Figure S4. of Genomic repeats, misassembly and reannotation: a case study with long-read resequencing of Porphyromonas gingivalis reference strains

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    Genomic repeats by species. Genomic repeats were identified for each genome, and the cumulative mean copy numbers and their standard deviations are presented. The light blue bar indicates the total number of repeats (at least 2 copies). (PDF 649 kb