202 research outputs found

    Terminological challenges in the translation of science documentaries: a case-study

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    This article aims to describe some of the main terminological problems audiovisual translators have to face when dealing with the translation of science documentaries, specifically in the English-Catalan combination. The first section of the article presents some theoretical concepts which underlie this research and which are taken, for the most part, from Cabré's Communicative Theory of Terminology. Then, specific terminological problems audiovisual translators have to solve are described using the data provided by a corpus of four science documentaries lasting approximately 50 minutes each. These challenges include identifying a term, understanding a term, finding the right equivalent, dealing with the absence of an adequate equivalent, solving denominative variations, choosing between in vivo and in vitro terminology, and overcoming mistranscriptions

    A note on the convergence of parametrised non-resonant invariant manifolds

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    Truncated Taylor series representations of invariant manifolds are abundant in numerical computations. We present an aposteriori method to compute the convergence radii and error estimates of analytic parametrisations of non-resonant local invariant manifolds of a saddle of an analytic vector field, from such a truncated series. This enables us to obtain local enclosures, as well as existence results, for the invariant manifolds

    Correlation of CMB with large-scale structure: II. Weak lensing

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    We investigate the correlation of gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) with several tracers of large-scale structure, including luminous red galaxies (LRGs), quasars, and radio sources. The lensing field is reconstructed based on the CMB maps from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite; the LRGs and quasars are observed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS); and the radio sources are observed in the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS). Combining all three large-scale structure samples, we find evidence for a positive cross-correlation at the 2.5σ2.5\sigma level (1.8σ1.8\sigma for the SDSS samples and 2.1σ2.1\sigma for NVSS); the cross-correlation amplitude is 1.06±0.421.06\pm 0.42 times that expected for the WMAP cosmological parameters. Our analysis extends other recent analyses in that we carefully determine bias weighted redshift distribution of the sources, which is needed for a meaningful cosmological interpretation of the detected signal. We investigate contamination of the signal by Galactic emission, extragalactic radio and infrared sources, thermal and kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effects, and the Rees-Sciama effect, and find all of them to be negligible.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures, matches PRD accepted versio

    Correlation of CMB with large-scale structure: I. ISW Tomography and Cosmological Implications

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    We cross-correlate large scale structure (LSS) observations from a number of surveys with CMB anisotropies from WMAP to investigate the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect as a function of redshift, covering z~0.1-2.5. Our main goal is to go beyond reporting detections towards developing a reliable likelihood analysis that allows one to determine cosmological constraints from ISW observations. With this in mind we spend a considerable amount of effort in determining the redshift-dependent bias and redshift distribution b(z)*dN/dz of these samples by matching with spectroscopic observations where available, and analyzing auto-power spectra and cross-power spectra between the samples. The data sets we use are 2-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) samples, Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) photometric Luminous Red Galaxies, SDSS photometric quasars and NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) radio sources. We make a joint analysis of all samples constructing a full covariance matrix, which we subsequently use for cosmological parameter fitting. We report a 3.7 sigma detection of ISW combining all the datasets. We combine the ISW likelihood function with weak lensing of CMB and CMB power spectrum to constrain the equation of state of dark energy and the curvature of the Universe. While ISW does not significantly improve the constraints in the simplest 6-parameter flat Lambda CDM model, it improves constraints on 7-parameter models with curvature by a factor of 3.2 (relative to WMAP alone) to Omega_K=-0.004^{+0.014}_{-0.020}, and with dark energy equation of state by 15% to w=-1.01^{+0.30}_{-0.40}. (Abridged.)Comment: 35 pages, 18 figures, matches version to appear in PRD. Fixed bug in MCMC interface, parameter values changed by <0.2 sigma. The likelihood code can be downloaded at http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~shirley/ISW_WL.htm

    Photometric Selection of Emission Line Galaxies, Clustering Analysis and a Search for the ISW effect

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    We investigate the use of simple colour cuts applied to the SDSS optical imaging to perform photometric selections of emission line galaxies out to z<1. From colour-cuts using the SDSS g, r and i bands, we obtain mean photometric redshifts of z=0.32+-0.08, z=0.44+-0.12 and z=0.65+-0.21. We further calibrate our high redshift selection using spectroscopic observations with the AAOmega spectrograph on the 4m Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT), observing ~50-200 galaxy candidates in 4 separate fields. With just 1-hour of integration time and with seeing of ~1.6", we successfully determined redshifts for ~65% of the targeted candidates. We calculate the angular correlation functions of the samples and find correlation lengths of r0=2.64 h-1 Mpc, r0=3.62 h-1 Mpc and r0=5.88 h-1 Mpc for the low, mid and high redshift samples respectively. Comparing these results with predicted dark matter clustering, we estimate the bias parameter for each sample to be b=0.70, b=0.92 and b=1.46. We calculate the 2-point redshift-space correlation function at z~0.6 and find a clustering amplitude of s0=6.4 h-1 Mpc. Finally, we use our photometric sample to search for the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe signal in the WMAP 5yr data. We cross-correlate our three redshift samples with the WMAP W, V, Q and K bands and find an overall trend for a positive signal similar to that expected from models. However, the signal in each is relatively weak. Combining all three galaxy samples we find a signal of wTg(<100')=0.20+-0.12 microK in the WMAP W-band, a significance of 1.7sigma.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures, submitted to MNRA

    First-year Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II (SDSS-II) supernova results: consistency and constraints with other intermediate-redshift datasets

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    We present an analysis of the luminosity distances of Type Ia Supernovae from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II (SDSS-II) Supernova Survey in conjunction with other intermediate redshift (z<0.4) cosmological measurements including redshift-space distortions from the Two-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS), the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect seen by the SDSS, and the latest Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) distance scale from both the SDSS and 2dFGRS. We have analysed the SDSS-II SN data alone using a variety of "model-independent" methods and find evidence for an accelerating universe at >97% level from this single dataset. We find good agreement between the supernova and BAO distance measurements, both consistent with a Lambda-dominated CDM cosmology, as demonstrated through an analysis of the distance duality relationship between the luminosity (d_L) and angular diameter (d_A) distance measures. We then use these data to estimate w within this restricted redshift range (z<0.4). Our most stringent result comes from the combination of all our intermediate-redshift data (SDSS-II SNe, BAO, ISW and redshift-space distortions), giving w = -0.81 +0.16 -0.18(stat) +/- 0.15(sys) and Omega_M=0.22 +0.09 -0.08 assuming a flat universe. This value of w, and associated errors, only change slightly if curvature is allowed to vary, consistent with constraints from the Cosmic Microwave Background. We also consider more limited combinations of the geometrical (SN, BAO) and dynamical (ISW, redshift-space distortions) probes.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Some doubts on the validity of the foreground Galactic contribution subtraction from microwave anisotropies

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    The Galactic foreground contamination in CMBR anisotropies, especially from the dust component, is not easily separable from the cosmological or extragalactic component. In this paper, some doubts will be raised concerning the validity of the methods used to date to remove Galactic dust emission in order to show that none of them achieves its goal. First, I review the recent bibliography on the topic and discuss critically the methods of foreground subtraction: the cross-correlation with templates, analysis assuming the spectral shape of the Galactic components, the "maximum entropy method", "internal linear combination", and "wavelet-based high resolution fitting of internal templates". Second, I analyse the galactic latitude dependence from WMAP data. The frequency dependence is discussed with the data in the available literature. The result is that all methods of subtracting the Galactic contamination are inaccurate. The galactic latitude dependence analysis or the frequency dependence of the anisotropies in the range 50-250 GHz put a constraint on the maximum Galactic contribution in the power spectrum to be less than a ~10% (68% C. L.) for a ~1 degree scale, and possibly higher for larger scales. The origin of most of the signal in the CMBR anisotropies is not Galactic. In any case, the subtraction of the Galaxy is not accurate enough to allow a "precision Cosmology"; other sources of contamination (extragalactic, solar system) are also present.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, accepted to be published in J. Astrophys. Ast

    RiskDiff: a web tool for the analysis of the difference due to risk and demographic factors for incidence or mortality data

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    Background Analysing the observed differences for incidence or mortality of a particular disease between two different situations (such as time points, geographical areas, gender or other social characteristics) can be useful both for scientific or administrative purposes. From an epidemiological and public health point of view, it is of great interest to assess the effect of demographic factors in these observed differences in order to elucidate the effect of the risk of developing a disease or dying from it. The method proposed by Bashir and Estève, which splits the observed variation into three components: risk, population structure and population size is a common choice at practice. Results A web-based application, called RiskDiff has been implemented (available at http://rht.iconcologia.net/riskdiff.htm webcite), to perform this kind of statistical analyses, providing text and graphical summaries. Code from the implemented functions in R is also provided. An application to cancer mortality data from Catalonia is used for illustration. Conclusions Combining epidemiological with demographical factors is crucial for analysing incidence or mortality from a disease, especially if the population pyramids show substantial differences. The tool implemented may serve to promote and divulgate the use of this method to give advice for epidemiologic interpretation and decision making in public health
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