3,935 research outputs found

    Resonant Tunneling Between Quantum Hall Edge States

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    Resonant tunneling between fractional quantum Hall edge states is studied in the Luttinger liquid picture. For the Laughlin parent states, the resonance line shape is a universal function whose width scales to zero at zero temperature. Extensive quantum Monte Carlo simulations are presented for ν=1/3\nu = 1/3 which confirm this picture and provide a parameter-free prediction for the line shape.Comment: 14 pages , revtex , IUCM93-00

    Underlying Pairing States in Cuprate Superconductors

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    In this Letter, we develop a microscopic theory to describe the close proximity between the insulating antiferromagnetic (AF) order and the d-wave superconducting (dSC) order in cuprates. We show that the cuprate ground states form a configuration of coherent pairing states consisting of extended singlet Cooper pairs and triplet π\pi pairs, which can simultaneously describe AF and dSC orders.Comment: 4 papes, 1 figur

    Does Tourist–Host Social Contact Reduce Perceived Cultural Distance?

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    Tourist–host social contact significantly influences the perceptions of tourists and deserves more attention from scholars in the field of tourism research. However, studies on the relationship between these two constructs are limited. To address this research gap, the present study develops and validates instruments for measuring social contact and perceived cultural distance in the context of tourism, explores the effects of social contact on perceived cultural distance, and provides implications for tourism stakeholders, including governments, tourism operators, and local communities. A survey was conducted among Hong Kong tourists traveling to Mainland China. The study had two significant findings: (1) the quality of contact negatively influences tourists’ perceived cultural distance and (2) in terms of the quantity of contact, social-oriented contacts negatively influence perceived cultural distance, whereas service-oriented contacts positively affect perceived cultural distance. Implications were provided to contribute to theoretical and empirical realms, and to guide policy formulation

    Multi-locus phylogeny of Pleosporales: a taxonomic, ecological and evolutionary re-evaluation

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    Five loci, nucSSU, nucLSU rDNA, TEF1, RPB1 and RPB2, are used for analysing 129 pleosporalean taxa representing 59 genera and 15 families in the current classification of Pleosporales. The suborder Pleosporineae is emended to include four families, viz. Didymellaceae, Leptosphaeriaceae, Phaeosphaeriaceae and Pleosporaceae. In addition, two new families are introduced, i.e. Amniculicolaceae and Lentitheciaceae. Pleomassariaceae is treated as a synonym of Melanommataceae, and new circumscriptions of Lophiostomataceae s. str, Massarinaceae and Lophiotrema are proposed. Familial positions of Entodesmium and Setomelanomma in Phaeosphaeriaceae, Neophaeosphaeria in Leptosphaeriaceae, Leptosphaerulina, Macroventuria and Platychora in Didymellaceae, Pleomassaria in Melanommataceae and Bimuria, Didymocrea, Karstenula and Paraphaeosphaeria in Montagnulaceae are clarified. Both ecological and morphological characters show varying degrees of phylogenetic significance. Pleosporales is most likely derived from a saprobic ancestor with fissitunicate asci containing conspicuous ocular chambers and apical rings. Nutritional shifts in Pleosporales likely occured from saprotrophic to hemibiotrophic or biotrophic

    Preparation and characterization of diamond–silicon carbide–silicon composites by gaseous silicon vacuum infiltration process

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    Diamond–SiC–Si composites have been prepared using gaseous silicon vacuum infiltration. The evolution of the phases and microstructures of the composites have been analyzed using X-ray diffraction technique and scanning electron microscopy. It has been found that the diamond–SiC–Si composite is composed of β-SiC, diamond, and residual Si. The diamond particles were distributed homogeneously in the dense matrix of the composites. Besides, the effects of particle size and content of diamond on the properties of diamond–SiC–Si composites have been analyzed. The thermal conductivity of the composites increases with particle size and content of diamond. When the particle size and content of diamond are 300 µm and 80 wt %, respectively, the thermal conductivity of the composites approaches the value of 280 W·m⁻¹·K⁻¹.Проведен анализ эволюции фаз и микроструктуры композитов алмаз–SiC–Si, изготовленных с использованием процесса вакуумной инфильтрации газообразного кремния. Исследование выполнено с помощью дифракции рентгеновских лучей и сканирующей электронной микроскопии. Установлено, что композит алмаз–SiC–Si состоит из β-SiC, алмаза и остаточного Si. Алмазные частицы распределены однородно в плотной матрице композитов. Также проанализировано влияние размера частиц и содержания алмазов на свойства композитов алмаз–SiC–Si. Показано, что теплопроводность композитов возрастает с увеличением размера частиц и содержания алмазов. Теплопроводность композитов приближается к значению 280 Вт∙м⁻¹∙K⁻¹ при размере частиц и содержании алмаза 300 мкм и 80 % (по массе), соответственно.Проведено аналіз еволюції фаз і мікроструктури композитів алмаз–SiC–Si, виготовлених з використанням процесу вакуумної інфільтрації газоподібного кремнію. Дослідження виконано за допомогою дифракції рентгенівських променів і скануючої електронної мікроскопії. Встановлено, що композит алмаз–SiC–Si складається з β-SiC, алмазу і залишкового Si. Алмазні частки розподілені однорідно в щільній матриці композитів. Також проаналізовано вплив розміру частинок і вмісту алмазів на властивості композитів алмаз–SiC–Si. Показано, що теплопровідність композитів зростає зі збільшенням розміру частинок і вмісту алмазів. Теплопровідність композитів наближається до значення 280 Вт∙м⁻¹∙K⁻¹ при розмірі частинок і вмісту алмазу 300 мкм і 80 % (за масою) відповідно.This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 51102282) and Aid Program for Science and Technology Innovative Research Team in Higher Educational Institutions of Hunan Province

    Combined energy -- diffraction data refinement of decagonal AlNiCo

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    We incorporate realistic pair potential energies directly into a non-linear least-square fit of diffraction data to quantitatively compare structure models with experiment for the Ni-rich dd(AlNiCo) quasicrystal. The initial structure models are derived from a few {\it a priori} assumptions (gross features of the Patterson function) and the pair potentials. In place of the common hyperspace approach to the structure refinement of quasicrystals, we use a real-space tile decoration scheme, which does not rely on strict quasiperiodicity, and makes it easy to enforce sensible local arrangements of the atoms. Inclusion of the energies provides information complementary to the diffraction data and protects the fit procedure from converging on spurious solutions. The method pinpoints sites which are likely to break the symmetry of their local environment.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, proceedings of the Internation Conference on Quasicrystals, Bangalore, India, August 200

    Computational understanding and manipulation of symmetries

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    Attila Egri-Nagy, Chrystopher L Nehaniv, "Computational Understanding and Manipulation of Symmetries", in Chalup S. K., Blair A. D., Randall M. (Eds) Artificial Life and Computational Intelligence ACALCI, First Australasian Conference, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, February 5-7 2015, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8955, 2015 © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 Final, published version of this paper is available online via doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-14803-8_2For natural and artificial systems with some symmetry structure, computational understanding and manipulation can be achieved without learning by exploiting the algebraic structure. This algebraic coordinatization is based on a hierarchical (de)composition method. Here we describe this method and apply it to permutation puzzles. Coordinatization yields a structural understanding, not just solutions for the puzzles. In the case of the Rubik’s Cubes, different solving strategies correspond to different decompositions

    A primal-dual decomposition based interior point approach to two-stage stochastic linear programming

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    Decision making under uncertainty is a challenge faced by many decision makers. Stochastic programming is a major tool developed to deal with optimization with uncertainties that has found applications in, e.g. finance, such as asset-liability and bond-portfolio management. Computationally however, many models in stochastic programming remain unsolvable because of overwhelming dimensionality. For a model to be well solvable, its special structure must be explored. Most of the solution methods are based on decomposing the data. In this paper we propose a new decomposition approach for two-stage stochastic programming, based on a direct application of the path-following method combined with the homogeneous self-dual technique. Numerical experiments show that our decomposition algorithm is very efficient for solving stochastic programs. In particular, we apply our deompostition method to a two-period portfolio selection problem using options on a stock index. In this model the investor can invest in a money-market account, a stock index, and European options on this index with different maturities. We experiment our model with market prices of options on the S&P500

    Effect of Tensor Correlations on Gamow-Teller States in 90Zr and 208Pb

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    The tensor terms of the Skyrme effective interaction are included in the self-consistent Hartree-Fock plus Random Phase Approximation (HF+RPA) model. The Gamow-Teller (GT) strength function of 90Zr and 208Pb are calculated with and without the tensor terms. The main peaks are moved downwards by about 2 MeV when including the tensor contribution. About 10% of the non-energy weighted sum rule is shifted to the excitation energy region above 30 MeV by the RPA tensor correlations. The contribution of the tensor terms to the energy weighted sum rule is given analytically, and compared to the outcome of RPA.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures,2 table

    Propagation of extensional waves in a piezoelectric semiconductor rod

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    We studied the propagation of extensional waves in a thin piezoelectric semiconductor rod of ZnO whose c-axis is along the axis of the rod. The macroscopic theory of piezoelectric semiconductors was used which consists of the coupled equations of piezoelectricity and the conservation of charge. The problem is nonlinear because the drift current is the product of the unknown electric field and the unknown carrier density. A perturbation procedure was used which resulted in two one-way coupled linear problems of piezoelectricity and the conservation of charge, respectively. The acoustic wave and the accompanying electric field were obtained from the equations of piezoelectricity. The motion of carriers was then determined from the conservation of charge using a trigonometric series. It was found that while the acoustic wave was approximated by a sinusoidal wave, the motion of carriers deviates from a sinusoidal wave qualitatively because of the contributions of higher harmonics arising from the originally nonlinear terms. The wave crests become higher and sharper while the troughs are shallower and wider. This deviation is more pronounced for acoustic waves with larger amplitude