1,099 research outputs found

    Reducing torque pulsations in PMa-SynRM: A way for improving motor performance

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    This paper aims to evaluate the performance of synchronous reluctance motors assisted by a permanent magnet (PMa-SynRM) focused on efficiency and torque pulsations. PMa-SynRM shows high efficiency and power factor, compared to induction motors (IM), although they have a greater cost. These machines develop relatively high torque ripple, cogging torque, and torque imbalances. Consequently, the electromagnetic torque is reduced, the motor temperature is increased, and mechanical vibrations are induced. The optimal design of the machine structures such as flow barriers, permanent magnets, and stator slots, among others, allow reducing torque pulsations. A comparison is made between different designs of the PMa-SynRM reported in the scientific literature, and the effects on efficiency, torque pulsation, and operating costs are evaluated. A case study on the motor driving the air conditioner blower in a hotel room was made, to determine the best economic variant between IM or PMa-SynRM. A sensitive analysis was made to evaluate several uncertainties. The advantages of using one of the PMa-SynRM analyzed were demonstrated. Also, it was proved that the investment is feasible economically, although NPV and payback are not the best, due to low load factor in inverter-controlled motors in air conditioners

    Dating young open clusters using delta Scuti stars. Results for Trumpler 10 and Praesepe

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    Aims. The main goal of this work is to date young open clusters using ÎŽ\delta Sct stars. Seismic indices such as the large separation and the frequency at maximum power can help to constrain the models to better characterise the stars. We propose a reliable method to identify some radial modes, which gives us greater confidence in the constrained models. Methods. We extract the frequency content of a sample of ÎŽ\delta Sct stars belonging to the same open cluster. We estimate the low-order large separation by means of different techniques and the frequency at maximum power for each member of the sample. We use a grid of models built with the typical parameters of ÎŽ\delta Sct stars, including mass, metallicity and rotation as independent variables, and determine the oscillation modes. We select the observed frequencies whose ratios match those of the models. Once we find a range of radial modes matching the observed frequencies, mainly the fundamental mode, we add it to the other seismic parameters to derive the stellar age. Assuming star groups have similar chemistry and age, we estimate their mean age by computing a weighted probability density function fit to the age distribution of the seismically constrained models. Results. We estimate the age of Trumpler 10 to be 30−20+3030_{-20}{+30} Myr, and that of Praesepe to be 580±230580 \pm 230 Myr. In this latter case, we find two apparent populations of ÎŽ\delta Sct stars in the same cluster, one at 510±140510 \pm 140 Myr and another at 890±140890 \pm 140 Myr. This may be due to two different formation events, different rotational velocities of the members in our sample of stars (as rapid rotation may modify the observed large separation), or to membership of unresolved binary systems.Comment: 20 pages, 25 figure, uses the open-source code MultiModes (see https://github.com/davidpamos/MultiModes). It will be published in A&

    Seed size influence on germination responses to light and temperature of seven pioneer tree species from the Central Amazon

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    In Amazon secondary forests are dominated by pioneer species that typically produce large amounts of small and dormant seeds that are able to form a persistent soil seed bank. Seed dormancy in this group of species is overcome by environmental conditions found in open areas, such as high irradiation or alternating temperatures. Nevertheless, a variety of germination responses to environmental factors is known among pioneers; some of them may germinate in diffuse light or in darkness condition at constant temperature. Seed mass can be considered as one of the factors that promotes this variety. Regarding species with very small seeds, it seems that the trigger for germination is light and for larger seeds temperature alternation may be a more important stimulus. In this study we established a relationship between seed mass and germination response to light and alternating temperature for a group of seven woody pioneer species from the Amazon forest. We found that an increase in seed mass was followed by a decrease in the need for light and an increase in the tolerance to alternating temperatures. Understanding germination strategies may contribute with the knowledge of species coexistence in high diverse environments and also may assist those involved in forest management and restoration.Na AmazĂŽnia as florestas secundĂĄrias sĂŁo dominadas por espĂ©cies pioneiras que, normalmente, produzem grandes quantidades de sementes pequenas, dormentes e capazes de formar bancos de sementes no solo. A dormĂȘncia neste grupo de espĂ©cies Ă© superada pelas condiçÔes ambientais de ĂĄreas abertas, como alta irradiação ou alternĂąncia de temperaturas. No entanto, uma variedade de respostas de germinação aos fatores ambientais Ă© conhecida entre as pioneiras; algumas germinam em luz difusa ou no escuro sob temperatura constante. Um dos fatores promotores desta variedade Ă© a massa das sementes. Parece que para as espĂ©cies com sementes muito pequenas, o estĂ­mulo para que ocorra germinação Ă© a luz e, para sementes maiores, a alternĂąncia de temperatura pode ser um estĂ­mulo mais importante. Neste estudo, estabeleceu-se uma relação entre a massa das sementes e a resposta de germinação Ă  luz e temperatura para sete espĂ©cies pioneiras arbĂłreas da floresta amazĂŽnica. Descobrimos que o aumento na massa da semente foi acompanhado por diminuição da necessidade por luz e aumento da tolerĂąncia Ă  alternĂąncia de temperatura. Compreender estratĂ©gias de germinação pode contribuir para os conhecimentos sobre a coexistĂȘncia de espĂ©cies em ambientes altamente diversos e tambĂ©m pode ajudar aos pesquisadores envolvidos no manejo e restauração florestal

    Geomorphic signature of segmented relief rejuvenation in the Sierra Morena, Betic forebulge, Spain

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    The foreland relief of alpine orogenic belts is often rejuvenated due to the intraplate propagation of orogenic deformation. Thus, in these long-lived areas, the localisation of relief rejuvenation may be largely controlled by the reactivation of previous mechanical discontinuities. In this regard, we explored the relationship between the relief rejuvenation pattern and the distribution, geometry, and kinematics of faults in a wide segment of the Betic foreland (Sierra Morena, southern Spain). Specifically, we focused on the forebulge, a WSW–ENE flexural relief that formed, paired to the Betic foreland basin, in response to orogenic load. For this purpose, we applied both qualitative and quantitative geomorphological tools, including geomorphic indices and knickpoint pattern modelling in χ space. We found that the pattern of relief rejuvenation responds to large-scale flexural uplift coupled with the tectonic activity of two groups of faults that often show evidence of reactivation, namely overall WSW–ENE faults contributing to both regional NNW–SSE relief segmentation and vertical extrusion of the forebulge, and NW–SE reverse faults associated with an outstanding WSW–ENE topographic segmentation in the west of the study area. In addition, our knickpoint modelling suggests that the faults related to the southernmost Sierra Morena mountain front have been particularly active in recent times, although their activity span and the relative uplift that they accommodate differ along the Sierra Morena/foreland basin limit. The knickpoint pattern also suggests a significant reorganisation of the analysed drainage basins. The strain partitioning accommodated by the structures involved in relief rejuvenation suggests the intraplate propagation of the transpressional deformation reported from the Betic external fold and thrust belt.</p

    Health-related quality of life of X-linked hypophosphatemia in Spain

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    Burden of disease; Health-related quality of life; X-linked hypophosphatemiaCarga de la enfermedad; Calidad de vida relacionada con la salud; Hipofosfatemia ligada al cromosoma XCĂ rrega de la malaltia; Qualitat de vida relacionada amb la salut; HipofosfatĂšmia lligada a XBackground Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of patients with X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is lower than that of both the general population and the patients with other chronic diseases, mainly due to diagnostic delay, treatment difficulties, poor psychosocial support, and problems with social integration. Early diagnosis and optimal treatment are paramount to control the disease in patients with XLH, avoid complications, and maintain or improve their HRQoL. We, therefore, analyzed the HRQoL of pediatric and adult patients with XLH treated with conventional therapy in Spain. Results We used several versions of the EuroQol-5 dimensions (EQ-5D) instrument according to the age of patients with XLH. Then we compared the HRQoL of patients to that of the general Spanish population. Children with XLH (n = 21) had moderate problems in walking about (61.9%), washing or dressing themselves (9.52%), and performing their usual activities (33.33%). They also felt moderate pain or discomfort (61.9%) and were moderately anxious or depressed (23.81%). Adults with XLH (n = 29) had lower HRQoL, with problems in walking (93%, with 3.45% unable to walk independently), some level of pain (86%, with 3.45% experiencing extreme pain), problems with their usual activities (80%) and self-care (> 50%), and reported symptoms of anxiety and/or depression (65%). There were important differences with the general Spanish population. Conclusions XLH impacts negatively on physical functioning and HRQoL of patients. In Spanish patients with XLH, the HRQoL was reduced despite conventional treatment, clearly indicating the need to improve the therapeutic approach to this disorder.This project was funded by Kyowa Kirin FarmacĂ©utica S.L., which did not participate in the design or development of the study and was not involved in the writing of the manuscript or the decision to publish

    Chronic cigarette smoking is linked with structural alterations in brain regions showing acute nicotinic drug-induced functional modulations

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    Background Whereas acute nicotine administration alters brain function which may, in turn, contribute to enhanced attention and performance, chronic cigarette smoking is linked with regional brain atrophy and poorer cognition. However, results from structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies comparing smokers versus nonsmokers have been inconsistent and measures of gray matter possess limited ability to inform functional relations or behavioral implications. The purpose of this study was to address these interpretational challenges through meta-analytic techniques in the service of clarifying the impact of chronic smoking on gray matter integrity and more fully contextualizing such structural alterations. Methods We first conducted a coordinate-based meta-analysis of structural MRI studies to identify consistent structural alterations associated with chronic smoking. Subsequently, we conducted two additional meta-analytic assessments to enhance insight into potential functional and behavioral relations. Specifically, we performed a multimodal meta-analytic assessment to test the structural?functional hypothesis that smoking-related structural alterations overlapped those same regions showing acute nicotinic drug-induced functional modulations. Finally, we employed database driven tools to identify pairs of structurally impacted regions that were also functionally related via meta-analytic connectivity modeling, and then delineated behavioral phenomena associated with such functional interactions via behavioral decoding. Results Across studies, smoking was associated with convergent structural decreases in the left insula, right cerebellum, parahippocampus, multiple prefrontal cortex (PFC) regions, and the thalamus. Indicating a structural?functional relation, we observed that smoking-related gray matter decreases overlapped with the acute functional effects of nicotinic agonist administration in the left insula, ventromedial PFC, and mediodorsal thalamus. Suggesting structural-behavioral implications, we observed that the left insula?s task-based, functional interactions with multiple other structurally impacted regions were linked with pain perception, the right cerebellum?s interactions with other regions were associated with overt body movements, interactions between the parahippocampus and thalamus were linked with memory processes, and interactions between medial PFC regions were associated with face processing. Conclusions Collectively, these findings emphasize brain regions (e.g., ventromedial PFC, insula, thalamus) critically linked with cigarette smoking, suggest neuroimaging paradigms warranting additional consideration among smokers (e.g., pain processing), and highlight regions in need of further elucidation in addiction (e.g., cerebellum). Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12993-016-0100-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Long-term in situ persistence of biodiversity in tropical sky islands revealed by landscape genomics

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    Tropical mountains are areas of high species richness and endemism. Two historical phenomena may have contributed to this: (1) fragmentation and isolation of habitats may have promoted the genetic differentiation of populations and increased the possibility of allopatric divergence and speciation, and; (2) the mountain areas may have allowed long-term population persistence during global climate fluctuations. These two phenomena have been studied using either species occurrence data or estimating species divergence times. However, only few studies have used intraspecific genetic data to analyse the mechanisms by which endemism may emerge at the microevolutionary scale. Here, we use landscape analysis of genomic SNP data sampled from two high-elevation plant species from an archipelago of tropical sky-islands (the Transmexican Volcanic Belt) to test for population genetic differentiation, synchronous demographic changes and habitat persistence. We show that genetic differentiation can be explained by the degree of glacial habitat connectivity among mountains, and that mountains have facilitated the persistence of populations throughout glacial/interglacial cycles. Our results support the ongoing role of tropical mountains as cradles for biodiversity by uncovering cryptic differentiation and limits to gene flow

    JPCam: A 1.2Gpixel camera for the J-PAS survey

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    JPCam is a 14-CCD mosaic camera, using the new e2v 9k-by-9k 10microm-pixel 16-channel detectors, to be deployed on a dedicated 2.55m wide-field telescope at the OAJ (Observatorio Astrofisico de Javalambre) in Aragon, Spain. The camera is designed to perform a Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) survey of the northern sky. The J-PAS survey strategy will use 54 relatively narrow-band (~13.8nm) filters equi-spaced between 370 and 920nm plus 3 broad-band filters to achieve unprecedented photometric red-shift accuracies for faint galaxies over ~8000 square degrees of sky. The cryostat, detector mosaic and read electronics is being supplied by e2v under contract to J-PAS while the mechanical structure, housing the shutter and filter assembly, is being designed and constructed by a Brazilian consortium led by INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais). Four sets of 14 filters are placed in the ambient environment, just above the dewar window but directly in line with the detectors, leading to a mosaic having ~10mm gaps between each CCD. The massive 500mm aperture shutter is expected to be supplied by the Argelander-Institut fur Astronomie, Bonn. We will present an overview of JPCam, from the filter configuration through to the CCD mosaic camera. A brief outline of the main J-PAS science projects will be included.Comment: 11 pages and 9 figure
