182 research outputs found

    L'estat actual de les Biblioteques del CSIC a Catalunya : objectius aconseguits i mancances

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    S'analitza l'estat actual de les biblioteques del Consell Superior d'Investigacions Científiques a Catalunya, en tant que pertanyents a la Xarxa de Biblioteques del CSIC, en particular la seva dependència de les comunicacions, els seus aspectes cooperatius, la informatització dels seus catàlegs, l'increment dels seus serveis, i la seva incorporació a les noves tecnologies de la informació. S'exposa la futura estructura de la Xarxa.Se analiza el estado actual de las bibliotecas del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas en Cataluña considerando que pertenecen a la Red de Bibliotecas del CSIC, en particular su dependencia de las comunicaciones, aspectos cooperativos, informatización de sus catálogos, incremento de sus servicios y la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías de la información. Se expone la futura estructura de la Red

    The experimental-methodical geophysical studies in the RV POSEIDON cruise 405

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    The main results of experimental and methodological geophysical studies in the 405th cruise of the NIS "Poseidon" from 8 to 22 December 2010 in the northwestern part of the Black Sea are presented. The purpose of the POS-405 cruise is the testing of new geophysical equipment developed within the framework of the SUGAR target project. The new multi-beam sounder SBE 3050 Multibeam company ELAC Nautik was installed on the NIS "Poseidon" during the last stay of the ship in dry dock. The sounder is able to record the water column and display gas bubbles on the display screen using the image viewer (WCI). In comparison with the bathymetric map of the canyon, the Danube test gave a positive result. For the first time, a new deep-seated, towed multichannel streamer was deployed. With the help of a deep-water winch, the first seismic signals were completed and recorded. After replacing the members of the scientific crew, a new electromagnetic system with a controlled source (CSEM) was tested. For the first time a 1000 m long receiver was towed. Due to weather conditions (wind of more than 25 m / s), the Poseidon VAT 3.5 days out of 15 workers was in a storm situation. These limitations prevented intensive tests of towed instruments. By agreement with the Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, electromagnetic research was conducted for 15 days using an innovative method for analyzing spontaneous electromagnetic radiation (ASEMI)

    The experimental-methodical geophysical studies in the RV POSEIDON cruise 405

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    Наведено основні результати експериментально-методичних геофізичних досліджень у 405-му рейсі НДС “Посейдон” з 8 по 22 грудня 2010 р. у північно-західній частині Чорного моря. Мета круїзу POS-405 — дослідження нового геофізичного обладнання, розробленного в межах цільового проекту “SUGAR”. Нову систему багатопроменевого ехолоту SBE 3050 Multibeam компанії ELAC Nautik було встановлено на НДС “Посейдон” під час останньої стоянки корабля в сухому доці. Ехолот здатний записувати водну товщу та відображувати газові бульбашки на екрані дисплея за допомогою переглядача зображень (WCI). У ході зіставлення з батиметричною картою каньйону Дунаю тестування дало позитивний результат. Вперше було розгорнуто новий глибинний буксируваний багатоканальний стример. За допомогою глибоководної лебідки були завершені і записані перші сейсмічні сигнали. Після заміни членів наукового екіпажу було випробувано нову електромагнітну систему з контрольованим джерелом (CSEM). Вперше буксировано приймач завдовжки 1000 м. У зв’язку з погодними умовами (вітер силою понад 25 м/с) НДС “Посейдон” 3,5 дні з 15 робочих перебував у штормовому положенні. Ці обмеження не дали змоги провести інтенсивні випробування буксированих приладів. За домовленістю з Інститутом геофізики НАН України протягом 15 днів було проведено електромагнітні дослідження за інноваційним методом аналізу спонтанного електромагнітного випромінювання (АСЕМВ).Представлены основные результаты экспериментально-методических геофизических исследований в 405-м рейсе НИС "Посейдон" с 8 по 22 декабря 2010 г. в северо-западной части Черного моря. Цель круиза POS-405 - испытание новой геофизической аппаратуры, разработанной в рамках целевого проекта "SUGAR". Новая система многолучевого эхолота SBE 3050 Multibeam компании ELAC Nautik была установлена на НИС "Посейдон" во время последней стоянки корабля в сухом доке. Эхолот способен записывать водную толщу и отображать газовые пузырьки на экране дисплея с помощью программы просмотра изображений (WCI). В ходе сопоставления с батиметрической картой каньона Дуная тестирование дало положительный результат. Впервые был развернут новый глубинный буксированный многоканальный стример. С помощью глубоководной лебедки были завершены и записаны первые сейсмические сигналы. После замены членов научного экипажа была испытана новая электромагнитная система с контролируемым источником (CSEM). Впервые буксировался приемник длиной 1000 м. В связи с погодными условиями (ветер силой свыше 25 м/с) НДС "Посейдон" 3,5 дня из 15 рабочих находился в штормовом положении. Эти ограничения не дали возможности провести интенсивные испытания буксированных приборов. По договоренности с Институтом геофизики НАН Украины на протяжении 15 дней проводились электромагнитные исследования с помощью инновационного метода анализа спонтанного электромагнитного излучения (АСЭМИ)

    Lifetime determination of excited states in Cd-106

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    Two separate experiments using the Differential Decay Curve Method have been performed to extract mean lifetimes of excited states in 106 Cd. The inedium-spin states of interest were populated by the Mo-98(C-12, 4n) Cd-106 reaction performed at the Wright Nuclear Structure Lab., Yale University. From this experiment, two isomeric state mean lifetimes have been deduced. The low-lying states were populated by the Mo-96(C-13, 3n)Cd-106 reaction performed at the Institut fur Kernphysik, Universitat zu Koln. The mean lifetime of the I-pi = 2(1)(+) state was deduced, tentatively, as 16.4(9) ps. This value differs from the previously accepted literature value from Coulomb excitation of 10.43(9) ps

    Deep lithospheric structures along the southern central Chile Margin from wide-angle P-wave modellilng

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    Crustal- and upper-mantle structures of the subduction zone in south central Chile, between 42 degrees S and 46 degrees S, are determined from seismic wide-angle reflection and refraction data, using the seismic ray tracing method to calculate minimum parameter models. Three profiles along differently aged segments of the subducting Nazca Plate were analysed in order to study subduction zone structure dependencies related to the age, that is, thermal state, of the incoming plate. The age of the oceanic crust at the trench ranges from 3 Ma on the southernmost profile, immediately north of the Chile triple junction, to 6.5 Ma old about 100 km to the north, and to 14.5 Ma old another 200 km further north, off the Island of Chiloe. Remarkable similarities appear in the structures of both the incoming as well as the overriding plate. The oceanic Nazca Plate is around 5 km thick, with a slightly increasing thickness northward, reflecting temperature changes at the time of crustal generation. The trench basin is about 2 km thick except in the south where the Chile Ridge is close to the deformation front and only a small, 800-m-thick trench infill could develop. In south central Chile, typically three quarters (1.5 km) of the trench sediments subduct below the decollement in the subduction channel. To the north and south of the study area, only about one quarter to one third of the sediments subducts, the rest is accreted above. Similarities in the overriding plate are the width of the active accretionary prism, 35-50 km, and a strong lateral crustal velocity gradient zone about 75-80 km landward from the deformation front, where landward upper-crustal velocities of over 5.0-5.4 km s<SU-1</SU decrease seaward to around 4.5 km s<SU-1</SU within about 10 km, which possibly represents a palaeo-backstop. This zone is also accompanied by strong intraplate seismicity. Differences in the subduction zone structures exist in the outer rise region, where the northern profile exhibits a clear bulge of uplifted oceanic lithosphere prior to subduction whereas the younger structures have a less developed outer rise. This plate bending is accompanied by strongly reduced rock velocities on the northern profile due to fracturing and possible hydration of the crust and upper mantle. The southern profiles do not exhibit such a strong alteration of the lithosphere, although this effect may be counteracted by plate cooling effects, which are reflected in increasing rock velocities away from the spreading centre. Overall there appears little influence of incoming plate age on the subduction zone structure which may explain why the M-w = 9.5 great Chile earthquake from 1960 ruptured through all these differing age segments. The rupture area, however, appears to coincide with a relatively thick subduction channel

    Deep structure of the Ionian Sea and Sicily Dionysus - Cruise No. M111, October 10 - November 1, 2014, Catania (Italy) – Catania (Italy)

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    Summary The origin of the Ionian Sea lithosphere and the deep structure of its margins remain a little investigated part of the Mediterranean Sea. To shed light on the plate tectonic setting in this central part of southern Europe, R/V METEOR cruise M111 set out to acquire deep penetrating seismic data in the Ionian Sea. M111 formed the core of an amphibious investigation covering the Ionian Sea and island of Sicily. A total of 153 OBS/OBH deployments using French and German instruments were successfully carried out, in addition to 12 land stations installed on Sicily, which recorded the offshore air gun shots. The aim of this onshore-offshore study is to quantify the deep geometry and architecture of the Calabria subduction zone and Ionian Sea lithosphere and to shed light on the nature of the Ionian Sea crust (oceanic crust vs. thinned continental crust). Investigating the structure of the Ionian crust and lithospheric mantle will contribute to unravel the unknown ocean-continent transition and Tethys margin. Analyzing the tectonic activity and active deformation zones is essential for understanding the subduction processes that underlie the neotectonics of the Calabrian subduction zone and earthquake hazard of the Calabria/Sicily region, especially in the vicinity of local decoupling zones

    MicroRNA-138 is a potential regulator of memory performance in humans

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    Genetic factors underlie a substantial proportion of individual differences in cognitive functions in humans, including processes related to episodic and working memory. While genetic association studies have proposed several candidate "memory genes," these currently explain only a minor fraction of the phenotypic variance. Here, we performed genome-wide screening on 13 episodic and working memory phenotypes in 1318 participants of the Berlin Aging Study II aged 60 years or older. The analyses highlight a number of novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with memory performance, including one located in a putative regulatory region of microRNA (miRNA) hsa-mir-138-5p (rs9882688, P-value = 7.8 x 10(-9)). Expression quantitative trait locus analyses on next-generation RNA-sequencing data revealed that rs9882688 genotypes show a significant correlation with the expression levels of this miRNA in 309 human lymphoblastoid cell lines (P-value = 5 x 10(-4)). In silico modeling of other top-ranking GWAS signals identified an additional memory-associated SNP in the 3' untranslated region (3' UTR) of DCP1B, a gene encoding a core component of the mRNA decapping complex in humans, predicted to interfere with hsa-mir-138-5p binding. This prediction was confirmed in vitro by luciferase assays showing differential binding of hsa-mir-138-5p to 3' UTR reporter constructs in two human cell lines (HEK293: P-value = 0.0470; SH-SY5Y: P-value = 0.0866). Finally, expression profiling of hsa-mir-138-5p and DCP1B mRNA in human post-mortem brain tissue revealed that both molecules are expressed simultaneously in frontal cortex and hippocampus, suggesting that the proposed interaction between hsa-mir-138-5p and DCP1B may also take place in vivo. In summary, by combining unbiased genome-wide screening with extensive in silico modeling, in vitro functional assays, and gene expression profiling, our study identified miRNA-138 as a potential molecular regulator of human memory function

    Continental hyperextension, mantle exhumation, and thin oceanic crust at the continent-ocean transition, West Iberia: New insights from wide-angle seismic

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    Hyperextension of continental crust at the Deep Galicia rifted margin in the North Atlantic has been accommodated by the rotation of continental fault blocks, which are underlain by the S reflector, an interpreted detachment fault, along which exhumed and serpentinized mantle peridotite is observed. West of these features, the enigmatic Peridotite Ridge has been inferred to delimit the western extent of the continent‐ocean transition. An outstanding question at this margin is where oceanic crust begins, with little existing data to constrain this boundary and a lack of clear seafloor spreading magnetic anomalies. Here we present results from a 160 km long wide‐angle seismic profile (Western Extension 1). Travel time tomography models of the crustal compressional velocity structure reveal highly thinned and rotated crustal blocks separated from the underlying mantle by the S reflector. The S reflector correlates with the 6.0–7.0 km s−1 velocity contours, corresponding to peridotite serpentinization of 60–30%, respectively. West of the Peridotite Ridge, shallow and sparse Moho reflections indicate the earliest formation of an anomalously thin oceanic crustal layer, which increases in thickness from ~0.5 km at ~20 km west of the Peridotite Ridge to ~1.5 km, 35 km further west. P wave velocities increase smoothly and rapidly below top basement, to a depth of 2.8–3.5 km, with an average velocity gradient of 1.0 s−1. Below this, velocities slowly increase toward typical mantle velocities. Such a downward increase into mantle velocities is interpreted as decreasing serpentinization of mantle rock with depth