109 research outputs found


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    Obra ressenyada: José ORTEGA VALCÁRCEL, Los horizontes de la geografía. Teoría de la geografía. Barcelona: Ariel, 2000

    Incision and width changes caused by dam removal. Experiments and data analysis

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    River morphodynamics and sediment transportRiver morphology and morphodynamic

    Segmentation in 2D and 3D image using Tissue-Like P System

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    Membrane Computing is a biologically inspired computational model. Its devices are called P systems and they perform computations by applying a finite set of rules in a synchronous, maximally parallel way. In this paper, we open a new research line: P systems are used in Computational Topology within the context of the Digital Image. We choose for this a variant of P systems, called tissue-like P systems, to obtain in a general maximally parallel manner the segmentation of 2D and 3D images in a constant number of steps. Finally, we use a software called Tissue Simulator to check these systems with some examples

    Limits of the power of Tissue P systems with cell division

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    Tissue P systems generalize the membrane structure tree usual in original models of P systems to an arbitrary graph. Basic opera- tions in these systems are communication rules, enriched in some variants with cell division or cell separation. Several variants of tissue P systems were recently studied, together with the concept of uniform families of these systems. Their computational power was shown to range between P and NP ? co-NP , thus characterizing some interesting borderlines between tractability and intractability. In this paper we show that com- putational power of these uniform families in polynomial time is limited by the class PSPACE . This class characterizes the power of many clas- sical parallel computing model

    A linear-time tissue P system based solution for the 3-coloring problem

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    In the literature, several examples of the efficiency of cell-like P systems regarding the solution of NPcomplete problems in polynomial time can be found (obviously, trading space for time). Recently, different new models of tissue-like P systems have received important attention from the scientific community. In this paper we present a linear-time solution to an NP-complete problem from graph theory, the 3–coloring problem, and we discuss the suitability of tissue-like P systems as a framework to address the efficient solution to intractable problems.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2005-09345-C04-01Junta de Andalucía TIC-58

    Die Parteien entscheiden lÀngst nicht mehr

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    Am 8. November wird in den USA nicht nur ein neuer PrÀsident, sondern auch ein neuer Kongress gewÀhlt. Eine erneute Blockadehaltung könnte das Land zum Stillstand bringen und den sozialen Frieden gefÀhrden

    Using membrane computing for obtaining homology groups of binary 2D digital images

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    Membrane Computing is a new paradigm inspired from cellular communication. Until now, P systems have been used in research areas like modeling chemical process, several ecosystems, etc. In this paper, we apply P systems to Computational Topology within the context of the Digital Image. We work with a variant of P systems called tissue-like P systems to calculate in a general maximally parallel manner the homology groups of 2D images. In fact, homology computation for binary pixel-based 2D digital images can be reduced to connected component labeling of white and black regions. Finally, we use a software called Tissue Simulator to show with some examples how these systems wor

    Drip and Mate Operations Acting in Test Tube Systems and Tissue-like P systems

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    The operations drip and mate considered in (mem)brane computing resemble the operations cut and recombination well known from DNA computing. We here consider sets of vesicles with multisets of objects on their outside membrane interacting by drip and mate in two different setups: in test tube systems, the vesicles may pass from one tube to another one provided they fulfill specific constraints; in tissue-like P systems, the vesicles are immediately passed to specified cells after having undergone a drip or mate operation. In both variants, computational completeness can be obtained, yet with different constraints for the drip and mate operations

    Control Words of String Rewriting P Systems

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    P systems with controlled computations have been introduced and investigated in the recent past, by assigning labels to the rules in the regions of the P system and guiding the computations by control words. Here we consider string rewriting cell-like transition P system with label assigned rules working in acceptor mode and compare the obtained family of languages of control words over the rule labels with certain well-known language families. An application to chain code picture generation is also pointed out

    Definition of a temporal distribution index for high temporal resolution precipitation data over Peninsular Spain and the Balearic Islands: the fractal dimension; and its synoptic implications

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    Precipitation on the Spanish mainland and in the Balearic archipelago exhibits a high degree of spatial and temporal variability, regardless of the temporal resolution of the data considered. The fractal dimension indicates the property of self-similarity, and in the case of this study, wherein it is applied to the temporal behaviour of rainfall at a fine (10-min) resolution from a total of 48 observatories, it provides insights into its more or less convective nature. The methodology of Jenkinson & Collison which automatically classifies synoptic situations at the surface, as well as an adaptation of this methodology at 500 hPa, was applied in order to gain insights into the synoptic implications of extreme values of the fractal dimension. The highest fractal dimension values in the study area were observed in places with precipitation that has a more random behaviour over time with generally high totals. Four different regions in which the atmospheric mechanisms giving rise to precipitation at the surface differ from the corresponding above-ground mechanisms have been identified in the study area based on the fractal dimension. In the north of the Iberian Peninsula, high fractal dimension values are linked to a lower frequency of anticyclonic situations, whereas the opposite occurs in the central region. In the Mediterranean, higher fractal dimension values are associated with a higher frequency of the anticyclonic type and a lower frequency of the advective type from the east. In the south, lower fractal dimension values indicate higher frequency with respect to the anticyclonic type from the east and lower frequency with respect to the cyclonic type
