499 research outputs found

    Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic data of the PAS domain of the NifL protein from Azotobacter vinelandii.

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    The Azotobacter vinelandii NifL protein is a redox-sensing flavoprotein which inhibits the activity of the nitrogen-specific transcriptional activator NifA. The N-terminal PAS domain has been overexpressed in Escherichia coli and crystallized by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method. The crystal belongs to the rhombohedral space group R32, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 65.0, c = 157.3 Å, and has one molecule in the asymmetric unit. Native data were collected to 3.0 Å on the BW7B synchrotron beamline at the EMBL Hamburg Outstation

    Brain Differently Changes Its Algorithms in Parallel Processing of Visual Information

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    Feedback from the visual cortex (Vl) to the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN) in macaque monkey increase contrast gain of LGN neurons for black and white (B&W) and for color (C) stimuli. LGN parvocellular cells responses to B&W gratings are enhanced by feedback multiplicatively and in contrast independent manner. However, in magnocellular neurons corticofugal pathways enhance cells responses in a contrast~dependent non-linear manner. For C stimuli cortical feedback enhances parvocellular neurons responses in a very strong contrast-dependent manner. Based on these results [13] we propose a model which includes excitatory and inhibitory effects on cells activity (shunting equations) in retina and LGN while taking into account the anatomy of cortical feedback connections. The main mechanisms related to different algorithms of the data processing in the visual brain are differences in feedback properties from Vl to parvocellular (PC) and to magnocellular (MC) neurons. Descending pathways from Vl change differently receptive field (RF) structure of PC and MC cells. For B&W stimuli, in PC cells feedback changes gain similarly in the RF center and in the RF surround, leaving PC RF structure invariant. However, feedback influence MC cells in two ways: directly and through LGN interneurons, which together changes gain and sizes of their RF center differently than gain and size of the RF surround. For C stimuli PC cells operate like MC cells for B&W. The first mechanism extracts from the stimulus an important features in a independent way from other stimulus parameters, whereas the second channel changes its tuning properties as a function of other stimulus attributes like contrast and/or spatial extension. The model suggests novel idea about the possible functional role of PC and MC pathways

    An annotated checklist of the bryophytes of Taita Hills region, Kenya

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    Based on previous literature and our own collections, we list 288 bryophyte species (145 liverworts, 143 mosses) from the Taita Hills region (including Mt. Kasigau and Maktau Hill) in SE Kenya. New records for Kenya include the liverworts Archilejeunea elobulata Steph., Bazzania nitida (F. Weber) Grolle, Cololejeunea grossepapillosa (Horik.) N. Kitag., Diplasiolejeunea kraussiana (Lindenb.) Steph., D. villaumei Steph., Lejeunea amaniensis E.W. Jones, L. cyathearum E.W. Jones, Lopholejeunea laciniata E.W. Jones, Metzgeria crassipilis (Lindb.) A. Evans, M. nudifrons Steph., Plagiochila boryana (F. Weber) Nees, and P. moenkemeyeri Steph., and the mosses Leucophanes hildebrandtii Müll. Hal. and Neckeromnion lepineanum (Mont.) S. Olsson, Enroth, Huttunen & D. Quandt. A further 22 liverworts and 13 mosses previously known from other parts of Kenya are reported for the first time from the Taita Hills region.Peer reviewe

    Ganglion Cell Adaptability: Does the Coupling of Horizontal Cells Play a Role?

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    Background: The visual system can adjust itself to different visual environments. One of the most well known examples of this is the shift in spatial tuning that occurs in retinal ganglion cells with the change from night to day vision. This shift is thought to be produced by a change in the ganglion cell receptive field surround, mediated by a decrease in the coupling of horizontal cells. Methodology/Principal Findings: To test this hypothesis, we used a transgenic mouse line, a connexin57-deficient line, in which horizontal cell coupling was abolished. Measurements, both at the ganglion cell level and the level of behavioral performance, showed no differences between wild-type retinas and retinas with decoupled horizontal cells from connexin57-deficient mice. Conclusion/Significance: This analysis showed that the coupling and uncoupling of horizontal cells does not play a dominant role in spatial tuning and its adjustability to night and day light conditions. Instead, our data suggest that anothe

    SICTIN: Rapid footprinting of massively parallel sequencing data

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    BACKGROUND: Massively parallel sequencing allows for genome-wide hypothesis-free investigation of for instance transcription factor binding sites or histone modifications. Although nucleotide resolution detailed information can easily be generated, biological insight often requires a more general view of patterns (footprints) over distinct genomic features such as transcription start sites, exons or repetitive regions. The construction of these footprints is however a time consuming task. METHODS: The presented software generates a binary representation of the signals enabling fast and scalable lookup. This representation allows for footprint generation in mere minutes on a desktop computer. Several different input formats are accepted, e.g. the SAM format, bed-files and the UCSC wiggle track. CONCLUSIONS: Hypothesis-free investigation of genome wide interactions allows for biological data mining at a scale never before seen. Until recently, the main focus of analysis of sequencing data has been targeted on signal patterns around transcriptional start sites which are in manageable numbers. Today, focus is shifting to a wider perspective and numerous genomic features are being studied. To this end, we provide a system allowing for fast querying in the order of hundreds of thousands of features

    Cortical Modulation of the Transient Visual Response at Thalamic Level: A TMS Study

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    The transient visual response of feline dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) cells was studied under control conditions and during the application of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation at 1 Hz (rTMS@1Hz) on the primary visual cortex (V1). The results show that rTMS@1Hz modulates the firing mode of Y cells, inducing an increase in burst spikes and a decrease in tonic firing. On the other hand, rTMS@1Hz modifies the spatiotemporal characteristics of receptive fields of X cells, inducing a delay and a decrease of the peak response, and a change of the surround/center amplitude ratio of RF profiles. These results indicate that V1 controls the activity of the visual thalamus in a different way in the X and Y pathways, and that this feedback control is consistent with functional roles associated with each cell type

    Y-Like Retinal Ganglion Cells Innervate the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus in the Mongolian Gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus)

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    Background: The dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) of the mesencephalon is a complex multi-functional and multi-transmitter nucleus involved in a wide range of behavioral and physiological processes. The DRN receives a direct input from the retina. However little is known regarding the type of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) that innervates the DRN. We examined morphological characteristics and physiological properties of these DRN projecting ganglion cells. Methodology/Principal Findings: The Mongolian gerbils are highly visual rodents with a diurnal/crepuscular activity rhythm. It has been widely used as experimental animals of various studies including seasonal affective disorders and depression. Young adult gerbils were used in the present study. DRN-projecting RGCs were identified following retrograde tracer injection into the DRN, characterized physiologically by extracellular recording and morphologically after intracellular filling. The result shows that DRN-projecting RGCs exhibit morphological characteristics typical of alpha RGCs and physiological response properties of Y-cells. Melanopsin was not detected in these RGCs and they show no evidence of intrinsic photosensitivity. Conclusions/Significance: These findings suggest that RGCs with alpha-like morphology and Y-like physiology appear to perform a non-imaging forming function and thus may participate in the modulation of DRN activity which includes regulation of sleep and mood