355 research outputs found

    Towards Inverting Seismic Waveform Data for Temperature and Composition in the Earth's Upper Mantle

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    B: Unraveling the physical state of the upper mantle, including the transition zone, is one of the key factors for understanding the Earth's mantle dynamics. Knowledge of mantle temperature and composition is mainly based on the interpretation of seismological observations based on insights from mineral physics. Despite the progress made to image the 3-D seismic structure of the upper mantle, its interpretation in terms of physical parameters is still challenging and it requires a truly interdisciplinary approach. Due to the better knowledge of the elastic and anelastic properties of mantle minerals at high temperatures and pressures, such an approach is now becoming feasible. We propose a new waveform inversion procedure, based on a formalism previously developed at Berkeley for global elastic and anelastic tomography, and using our existing collection of long-period fundamental and higher mode surface waveforms. Here, we incorporate mineral physics data at an early stage of the process to directly map lateral variations in temperature and composition, using recent estimates of the temperature and composition derivatives of seismic velocities (∂lnV/∂lnT,C). Anelasticity introduces a non-linear dependence of the seismic velocities with temperature throughout the upper mantle, and phase-transitions confer a non-linear character to the compositional derivatives as well, therefore the kernels should be re-computed after each iteration of the inversion. We discuss ways to address the non-linearities, as well as uncertainties in the partial derivatives. In addition to constraining the lateral variations in temperature or composition, the models can have implications on the average structure of the upper mantle. The most-common accepted physical 1-D structure had problems to satisfactorily fit seismic travel time data, requiring a slower TZ to improve the fit. However, these data do not have sufficient coverage (and resolution) in the TZ. A complementary outcome of our models will be to shed light on whether the seismic data require a modification of the physical structure in the transition zone and if the three-dimensional heterogeneity introduces a significant shift of the average physical structure away from adiabatic pyrolite

    Earthquake Characteristics and Structural Properties of the Southern Tyrrhenian Basin from Full Seismic Wave Simulations

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    Modelling the response of seismic wavefields to sharp lateral variations in crustal discontinuities is essential for seismic tomography application and path effects correction in earthquake source characterization. This is particularly relevant when wavefields cross back-arc oceanic basins, i.e. mixed continental-oceanic settings. High-frequency (> 0.05 Hz) seismic waves resonate and get absorbed across these settings due to a shallow Moho, crustal heterogeneities, and energy leakage. Here, we provide the first high-frequency wave-equation model of full seismograms propagating through realistic 3D back-arc basins. Inversion by parameters trial based on correlation analyses identifies P-, S-and coda-wave as attributes able to estimate jointly 3D Moho variations, sediment thickness, and earthquake source characteristics using data from a single regional earthquake. We use as data waveforms produced by the Accumoli earthquake (Central Italy, 2016), propagating across the Southern Tyrrhenian basin and recorded across Southern Italy. The best model comprises a deep Moho ( similar to 18 km) in the middle of the basin and a crustal pinch with the continental crust in Sicily. The deep Moho corresponds to the Issel Bridge, a portion of continental crust trapped between the Vavilov and Marsili volcanic centres. The Accumoli earthquake is optimally described at a depth of 7.3 km using a boxcar with rise time of 6 s. Our results show that the early S-wave coda comprises trapped and reverberating phases sensitive to crustal interfaces. Forward modelling these waves is computationally expensive; however, adding these attributes to tomographic procedures allows modelling both source and structural parameters across oceanic basins

    embryonic mortality in buffalo naturally mated

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the incidence of embryonic mortality in three different period of year in buffaloes naturally mated. The trial was carried out in a buffalo farm located in Caserta province between 2000-2006. In this period were registered natural insemination on 200 buffaloes. Pregnancy diagnosis was carried out on Day 30, confirmed on Day 45 and every 15th days until 90 days after natural mating. Buffaloes that were pregnant on Day 30 but not on Day 45 or Day 90 were considered to have undergone embryonic (EM) or fetal mortality (FM) respectively. EM and FM were 8.8% and 13.4% respectively throughout the experimental period. A high incidence (P<0.01) of FM was found in the transitional period (December-March) than in other months of the year. The incidence of embryonic mortality was significantly (P<0.01) higher between 28-60 days of gestation and lower after 71 day of gestation. The higher fetal mortality found in this study could be due the lower serum levels of progesterone normally found in transitional period in buffalo cows

    Shear-Velocity Structure and Dynamics Beneath the Sicily Channel and Surrounding Regions of the Central Mediterranean Inferred From Seismic Surface Waves

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    The evolution of the Sicily Channel Rift Zone (SCRZ) is thought to accommodate the regional tectonic stresses of the Calabrian subduction system. Much of the observations we have today are either limited to the surface or to the upper crust or deeper from regional seismic tomography, missing important details about the lithospheric structure and dynamics. It is unclear whether the rifting is passive from far-field extensional stresses or active from mantle upwelling beneath. We measure Rayleigh-and Love-wave phase velocities from ambient seismic noise and invert for 3-D shear-velocity and radial anisotropic models. Variations in crustal S-velocities coincide with topographic and tectonic features. The Tyrrhenian Sea has a ∼10 km thin crust, followed by the SCRZ (∼20 km). The thickest crust is beneath the Apennine-Maghrebian Mountains (∼55 km). Areas experiencing extension and intraplate volcanism have positive crustal radial anisotropy (VSH > VSV); areas experiencing compression and subduction-related volcanism have negative anisotropy. The crustal anisotropy across the Channel shows the extent of the extension. Beneath the Tyrrhenian Sea, we find very low sub-Moho S-velocities. In contrast, the SCRZ has a thin mantle lithosphere underlain by a low-velocity zone. The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary rises from 60 km depth beneath Tunisia to ∼33 km beneath the SCRZ. Negative radial anisotropy in the upper mantle beneath the SCRZ is consistent with vertical mantle flow. We hypothesize a more active mantle upwelling beneath the rift than previously thought from an interplay between poloidal and toroidal fluxes related to the Calabrian slab, which in turn produces uplift at the surface and induces volcanism

    Psychobiotics Regulate the Anxiety Symptoms in Carriers of Allele A of IL-1β Gene: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Background. Probiotic oral intake, via modulation of the microbiota-gut-brain axis, can impact brain activity, mood, and behavior; therefore, it may be beneficial against psychological distress and anxiety disorders. Inflammatory cytokines can influence the onset and progression of several neurodegenerative mood disorders, and the IL-1β rs16944 SNP is related to high cytokine levels and potentially affects mood disorders. The aim of this study was to examine the combined effect of IL-1β polymorphism and probiotic administration in mood disorder phenotypes in the Italian population. Methods. 150 subjects were randomized into two different groups, probiotic oral suspension group (POSG) and placebo control group (PCG), and received the relative treatment for 12 weeks. Psychological profile assessment by Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), Body Uneasiness Test (BUT), and Symptom Checklist 90-Revised (SCL90R) was administered to all volunteers. Genotyping was performed on DNA extracted from salivary samples. Results. After 12 weeks of intervention, a significant reduction of HAM-A total score was detected in the POSG (p < 0.01), compared to the PCG. Furthermore, IL-1β carriers have moderate risk to develop anxiety (OR = 5.90), and in POSG IL-1β carriers, we observed a reduction of HAM-A score (p = 0.02). Conclusions. Consumption of probiotics mitigates anxiety symptoms, especially in healthy adults with the minor A allele of rs16944 as a risk factor. Our results encourage the use of probiotics in anxiety disorders and suggest genetic association studies for psychobiotic-personalized therapy

    Obesity as a social phenomenon: A narrative review

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    BACKGROUND: obesity is one of the most prevalent diseases all over the world. Because of its high social impact, the broadest possible approach on several levels - and not limited only to clinical aspect - is needed to better understand and face the challenges obesity poses to public health. OBJECTIVES: to analyse, through the main evidence, the so- cial impact of weight excess in the general population and the actions aimed at mitigating its negative effects. DESIGN: narrative review. SETTING: data obtained from the sources included in the study were gathered and analyzed in five macroareas: Health Inequality, Society, Work, Impact on Social Medicine (focused on the Italian model), and Social Costs. RESULTS: each category showed a bilateral relationship with obesity having a significant impact for the community. CONCLUSIONS: for each field, various actions should be taken at institutional level. Many recommendations and actions have already been taken worldwide, but they alone seem to be not enough. This work points out that, in order to combat obesity and bring about a slowdown of this pandemic, the en- tire scientific community and institutions must work together to identify and design programmes that are truly effective

    Ecological and environmental factors affecting the risk of tick-borne encephalitis in Europe, 2017 to 2021

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    Background: Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a disease which can lead to severe neurological symptoms, caused by the TBE virus (TBEV). The natural transmission cycle occurs in foci and involves ticks as vectors and several key hosts that act as reservoirs and amplifiers of the infection spread. Recently, the incidence of TBE in Europe has been rising in both endemic and new regions. Aim: In this study we want to provide comprehensive understanding of the main ecological and environmental factors that affect TBE spread across Europe. Methods: We searched available literature on covariates linked with the circulation of TBEV in Europe. We then assessed the best predictors for TBE incidence in 11 European countries by means of statistical regression, using data on human infections provided by the European Surveillance System (TESSy), averaged between 2017 and 2021. Results: We retrieved data from 62 full-text articles and identified 31 different covariates associated with TBE occurrence. Finally, we selected eight variables from the best model, including factors linked to vegetation cover, climate, and the presence of tick hosts. Discussion: The existing literature is heterogeneous, both in study design and covariate types. Here, we summarised and statistically validated the covariates affecting the variability of TBEV across Europe. The analysis of the factors enhancing disease emergence is a fundamental step towards the identification of potential hotspots of viral circulation. Hence, our results can support modelling efforts to estimate the risk of TBEV infections and help decision-makers implement surveillance and prevention campaigns

    General model with experimental validation of electrical resonant frequency tuning of electromagnetic vibration energy harvesters

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    This paper presents a general model and its experimental validation for electrically tunable electromagnetic energy harvesters. Electrical tuning relies on the adjustment of the electrical load so that the maximum output power of the energy harvester occurs at a frequency which is different from the mechanical resonant frequency of the energy harvester. Theoretical analysis shows that for this approach to be feasible the electromagnetic vibration energy harvester’s coupling factor must be maximized so that its resonant frequency can be tuned with the minimum decrease of output power. Two different-sized electromagnetic energy harvesters were built and tested to validate the model. Experimentally, the micro-scale energy harvester has a coupling factor of 0.0035 and an untuned resonant frequency of 70.05 Hz. When excited at 30 mg, it was tuned by 0.23 Hz by changing its capacitive load from 0 to 4000 nF; its effective tuning range is 0.15 Hz for a capacitive load variation from 0 to 1500 nF. The macro-scale energy harvester has a coupling factor of 552.25 and an untuned resonant frequency of 95.1 Hz and 95.5 Hz when excited at 10 mg and 25 mg, respectively. When excited at 10 mg, it was tuned by 3.8 Hz by changing its capacitive load from 0 to 1400 nF; it has an effective tuning range of 3.5 Hz for a capacitive load variation from 0 to 1200 nF. When excited at 25 mg, its resonant frequency was tuned by 4.2 Hz by changing its capacitive load from 0 to 1400 nF; it has an effective tuning range of about 5 Hz. Experimental results were found to agree with the theoretical analysis to within 10%

    Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Feedbacks on Crop Yields under Climate Change

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    Articles in A&EL are published under the CC-BY NC ND (non-commercial; no derivatives) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/). Users are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. Any further publication of the article will require proper attribution; no derivative works may be made from this article; and the article may not be used for any commercial gain (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/). The author is given explicit permission to publish the final article in her/his institutional repository. There is an option for the CC-BY license if required by an author's institution.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Uncertainty in Simulating Wheat Yields Under Climate Change

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    Projections of climate change impacts on crop yields are inherently uncertain1. Uncertainty is often quantified when projecting future greenhouse gas emissions and their influence on climate2. However, multi-model uncertainty analysis of crop responses to climate change is rare because systematic and objective comparisons among process-based crop simulation models1,3 are difficult4. Here we present the largest standardized model intercomparison for climate change impacts so far. We found that individual crop models are able to simulate measured wheat grain yields accurately under a range of environments, particularly if the input information is sufficient. However, simulated climate change impacts vary across models owing to differences in model structures and parameter values. A greater proportion of the uncertainty in climate change impact projections was due to variations among crop models than to variations among downscaled general circulation models. Uncertainties in simulated impacts increased with CO2 concentrations and associated warming. These impact uncertainties can be reduced by improving temperature and CO2 relationships in models and better quantified through use of multi-model ensembles. Less uncertainty in describing how climate change may affect agricultural productivity will aid adaptation strategy development and policymaking