101 research outputs found

    Diatom species fluxes in the seasonally ice-covered Antarctic Zone:. New data from offshore Prydz Bay and comparison with other regions from the eastern Antarctic and western Pacific sectors of the Southern Ocean

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    The Antarctic Zone, the southernmost belt of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, plays an important role in the control of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. In the last decade, a number of studies have highlighted the importance of diatom assemblage composition in influencing the magnitude of the organic carbon and biogenic silica fluxes exported out of the mixed layer in Southern Ocean ecosystems. Here we investigate the relationship between the makeup of the diatom assemblage, organic carbon and biogenic silica export and several significant environmental parameters using sediment trap records deployed in different sectors of the Antarctic Zone. The study is divided in two parts. We first present unpublished diatom species flux data collected by a sediment trap in the offshore waters of Prydz Bay (Station PZB-1) over a year. The results of this study revealed a major export peak of diatom valves in Austral summer and two small unexpected secondary flux pulses dining full winter conditions. The summer diatom sinking assemblages were largely composed of small and rapidly dividing species such as Fragilariopsis cylindrus, Fragilariopsis curta and Pseudo-nitzschia lineola, while winter assemblages were dominated by Fragilariopsis kerguelensis most reflecting its persistent strategy and selective preservation. In the second part of the study, we compare the annual diatom assemblage composition and biogeochemical fluxes of Station PZB-1 with flux data documented in previous sediment trap studies conducted in other sectors of the Antarctic Zone in order to investigate how diatom floristics influence the composition and magnitude of particle fluxes in the Antarctic Zone. The lack of correlation between the annual diatom valve, organic carbon and biogenic silica fluxes across stations indicates that other factors aside from diatom abundance play a major role in the carbon and silica export in AZ. Among these factors, the composition of the diatom assemblage appears to be critical, as suggested by the strong and significant correlation between Bio-SiO2 and the valve fluxes of F. kerguelensis alone, that this species is the main Bio-SiO2 vector from the surface layer to the deep ocean in the AZ waters, regardless of its relative abundance. Lastly, the good correlation between the annual fluxes of the group of small Fragilariopsis species with satellite-derived chlorophyll-a concentration estimates over the study stations, suggest that high abundances of these species in the Southern Ocean paleorecords could be used as a proxy of high algal biomass accumulation.NSFNational Science Foundation (NSF) [OPP-9726186]CCMAR [PEstC/MAR/LA0015/2013]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Coccolithophore biodiversity controls carbonate export in the Southern Ocean

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    Southern Ocean waters are projected to undergo profound changes in their physical and chemical properties in the coming decades. Coccolithophore blooms in the Southern Ocean are thought to account for a major fraction of the global marine calcium carbonate (CaCO3) production and export to the deep sea. Therefore, changes in the composition and abundance of Southern Ocean coccolithophore populations are likely to alter the marine carbon cycle, with feedbacks to the rate of global climate change. However, the contribution of coccolithophores to CaCO3 export in the Southern Ocean is uncertain, particularly in the circumpolar subantarctic zone that represents about half of the areal extent of the Southern Ocean and where coccolithophores are most abundant. Here, we present measurements of annual CaCO3 flux and quantitatively partition them amongst coccolithophore species and heterotrophic calcifiers at two sites representative of a large portion of the subantarctic zone. We find that coccolithophores account for a major fraction of the annual CaCO3 export, with the highest contributions in waters with low algal biomass accumulations. Notably, our analysis reveals that although Emiliania huxleyi is an important vector for CaCO3 export to the deep sea, less abundant but larger species account for most of the annual coccolithophore CaCO3 flux. This observation contrasts with the generally accepted notion that high particulate inorganic carbon accumulations during the austral summer in the subantarctic Southern Ocean are mainly caused by E. huxleyi blooms. It appears likely that the climate-induced migration of oceanic fronts will initially result in the poleward expansion of large coccolithophore species increasing CaCO3 production. However, subantarctic coccolithophore populations will eventually diminish as acidification overwhelms those changes. Overall, our analysis emphasizes the need for species-centred studies to improve our ability to project future changes in phytoplankton communities and their influence on marine biogeochemical cycles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Full annual monitoring of Subantarctic Emiliania huxleyi populations reveals highly calcified morphotypes in high-CO2 winter conditions

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    Datos de investigación en: http://hdl.handle.net/10366/143074[EN]Ocean acidifcation is expected to have detrimental consequences for the most abundant calcifying phytoplankton species Emiliania huxleyi. However, this assumption is mainly based on laboratory manipulations that are unable to reproduce the complexity of natural ecosystems. Here, E. huxleyi coccolith assemblages collected over a year by an autonomous water sampler and sediment traps in the Subantarctic Zone were analysed. The combination of taxonomic and morphometric analyses together with in situ measurements of surface-water properties allowed us to monitor, with unprecedented detail, the seasonal cycle of E. huxleyi at two Subantarctic stations. E. huxleyi subantarctic assemblages were composed of a mixture of, at least, four diferent morphotypes. Heavier morphotypes exhibited their maximum relative abundances during winter, coinciding with peak annual TCO2 and nutrient concentrations, while lighter morphotypes dominated during summer, coinciding with lowest TCO2 and nutrients levels. The similar seasonality observed in both time-series suggests that it may be a circumpolar feature of the Subantarctic zone. Our results challenge the view that ocean acidifcation will necessarily lead to a replacement of heavily-calcifed coccolithophores by lightly-calcifed ones in subpolar ecosystems, and emphasize the need to consider the cumulative efect of multiple stressors on the probable succession of morphotypes.European Union's Horizon 2020, Marie SkƂodowska-Curie Individual fellowshi

    Full annual monitoring of Subantarctic Emiliania huxleyi populations reveals highly calcified morphotypes in high-CO2 winter conditions [Dataset]

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    [EN]Supplement Table S1. a. Sampling dates and morphotype relative abundance of E. huxleyi coccolith assemblages collected in the surface layer at the SOTS site. b. Sampling intervals, fluxes and morphotype relative abundance and morphometric measurements of E. huxleyi coccolith assemblages intercepted by the sediment traps at the SOTS and SAM sites. Table S2. Environmental parameters measured at the surface layer of the SOTS site from August 2011 to July 2012.European Union's Horizon 2020, Marie SkƂodowska-Curie Individual fellowshipThe dataset includes Supplementary Information, Table S1. : abundance, composition and morphometric data of E. huxleyi coccolith assemblages generated during the current study Table S2: environmental data Environmental parameters measured at the surface layer of the SOTS site from August 2011 to July 2012

    Morphological and molecular analysis of natural hybrids between the diploid Centaurea aspera L. and the tetraploid C. seridis L. (Compositae)

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    [EN] Polyploidy and hybridisation are the basis of the evolution of Centaurea (Compositae). At the El Saler dune field (eastern Spain), the diploid Centaurea aspera ssp. stenophylla and the tetraploid C. seridis ssp. maritima form a polyploid complex in which C. x subdecurrens individuals occur. This polyploid complex was analysed morphologically and genetically, using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and tubulin-based polymorphism (TBP) markers. Flow cytometry showed that the hybrids are triploid, which is a rare finding in Centaurea. Morphologically, in contrast to leaf characters, flowering characters clearly discriminated the three taxa. The genetic analyses confirm that C. x subdecurrens is a result of the hybridisation between Centaurea aspera ssp. stenophylla and C. seridis ssp. maritima, and suggest that backcrossing events and gene flow are very rare or absent. Although the hybrids likely represent true F1 offspring, they displayed some genetic diversity that is probably due to the combination of alleles. Genetic diversity was higher in diploid than in tetraploid individuals. This fact, and the high degree of sterility of the triploid hybrids, may reflect a cytotype minority exclusion effect. This may cause spatial segregation, which effectively takes place in the study area. Dune disturbance may lead to an overlapping of the parents' distribution areas, facilitating hybridisation.This work is posthumously dedicated to Antonio Samo Lumbreras, to whom we are very grateful for all his help. This study was sponsored by the Valencian Government (Research Project GVPRE/2008/130) and the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Research Project Ref. 3241).Ferriol Molina, M.; Garmendia, A.; Ruiz, J.; Merle FarinĂłs, HB.; Boira Tortajada, H. (2012). Morphological and molecular analysis of natural hybrids between the diploid Centaurea aspera L. and the tetraploid C. seridis L. (Compositae). Plant Biosystems. 146(1):86-100. https://doi.org/10.1080/11263504.2012.727878S86100146

    A formal classification of the Lygeum spartum vegetation of the Mediterranean Region

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    Aims We examined local and regional contribution on the grasslands dominated by Lygeum spartum from Southern Europe and North Africa to produce a formalised classification of this vegetation and to identify main factors driving its plant species composition. Location Mediterranean Basin and Iberian Peninsula. Methods We used a dataset of 728 relevĂ©s, which were resampled to reduce unbalanced sampling effort, resulting in a dataset of 568 relevĂ©s and 846 taxa. We classified the plots by TWINSPAN, interpreted the resulting pools, and used them to develop formal definitions of phytosociological alliances characterised by L. spartum vegetation. The definitions were included in an expert system to assist automatic vegetation classification. We related the alliances to climatic factors and described their biogeographical features and ecological preferences. The floristic relationships between these alliances were analysed and visualised using distance‐based redundancy analysis. Results We defined eleven alliances of L. spartum vegetation, including the newly described Launaeo laniferae‐Lygeion sparti from SW Morocco and the Noaeo mucronatae‐Lygeion sparti from the Algerian highlands and NE Morocco. Biogeographical, climatic, and edaphic factors were revealed as putatively driving the differentiation between the alliances. The vegetation of clayey slopes and inland salt basins displayed higher variability in comparison with those of coastal salt marshes. Main conclusions The most comprehensive formal classification, accompanied by an expert system, of the L. spartum vegetation was formulated. The expert system, containing the formal definitions of the phytosociological alliances, will assist in identification of syntaxonomic position of new datasets

    Resupply of mesopelagic dissolved iron controlled by particulate iron composition

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    The dissolved iron supply controls half of the oceans’ primary productivity. Resupply by the remineralization of sinking particles, and subsequent vertical mixing, largely sustains this productivity. However, our understanding of the drivers of dissolved iron resupply, and their influence on its vertical distribution across the oceans, is still limited due to sparse observations. There is a lack of empirical evidence as to what controls the subsurface iron remineralization due to difficulties in studying mesopelagic biogeochemistry. Here we present estimates of particulate transformations to dissolved iron, concurrent oxygen consumption and iron-binding ligand replenishment based on in situ mesopelagic experiments. Dissolved iron regeneration efficiencies (that is, replenishment over oxygen consumption) were 10- to 100-fold higher in low-dust subantarctic waters relative to higher-dust Mediterranean sites. Regeneration efficiencies are heavily influenced by particle composition. Their make-up dictates ligand release, controls scavenging, modulates ballasting and may lead to the differential remineralization of biogenic versus lithogenic iron. At high-dust sites, these processes together increase the iron remineralization length scale. Modelling reveals that in oceanic regions near deserts, enhanced lithogenic fluxes deepen the ferricline, which alter the vertical patterns of dissolved iron replenishment, and set its redistribution at the global scale. Such wide-ranging regeneration efficiencies drive different vertical patterns in dissolved iron replenishment across oceanic provinces
