288 research outputs found

    Species Identification of Food Spoilage and Pathogenic Bacteria by MALDI-TOF Mass Fingerprinting

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    18 pages, 1 table, 2 figuresFood quality and safety is an increasingly important public health issue. Nowadays, the topics “food quality” and “food safety” are very close and two important issues in the food sector, due to the globalization of the food supply and the increased complexity of the food chain. The consumers need to purchase safe products that do not involve any kind of risk for health. On one hand, the aim of the “food safety” is to avoid health hazards for the consumer: microbiological hazards, pesticide residues, misuse of food additives and contaminants, such as chemicals, biological toxins and adulteration. On the other hand, “food quality” includes all attributes that influence the value of a product for the consumer; this includes negative attributes such as spoilage, contamination with filth, discoloration, off-odors and positive attributes such as the origin, color, flavor, texture and processing method of the food (FAO, 2003)This work was funded by project 10PXIB261045PR from Xunta de Galicia and by project AGL2010-19646 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. The work of K. Böhme and I.C. Fernández-No is supported by a “Maria Barbeito” and “Lucas Labrada” research contract from Xunta de GaliciaN

    ¿Adelantan el diagnóstico de la diabetes tipo 2 los nuevos criterios de la Asociación Americana de Diabetes?

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    ObjetivoAnalizar el intervalo temporal entre la primera hiperglucemia basal ocasional (HBO) y el diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) al aplicar los criterios de la OMS y de la Asociación Americana de Diabetes (ADA).DiseñoEstudio observacional, retrospectivo. Ámbito del estudio. Centro de atención primaria urbano.SujetosUn total de 104 pacientes con DM2, diagnosticados entre 1991 y 1995, con antecedentes de HBO.Mediciones o intervencionesEdad, género y otros factores de riesgo, fechas de la primera HBO (glucemia basal 3 110 mg/dl), del diagnóstico según criterios OMS (2 glucemias basales 3 140 mg/dl o 3 200 mg/dl a las 2 horas de la sobrecarga oral de glucosa [SOG]) y aplicando criterios ADA (2 glucemias basales 3 126 mg/dl) y los intervalos en meses entre ellas.ResultadosDe los 222 pacientes diagnosticados, 104 (47%) presentaban antecedentes de HBO. La edad en el momento del diagnóstico fue 60,8 años (DE, 10,1), siendo un 53% mujeres. En 51 casos (49%) se realizó SOG. La mediana (rango) del intervalo entre la primera HBO y el diagnóstico fue de 16 meses (0–101) en los que se realizó la SOG y de 45 (1–104) en los que no se practicó (p = 0,003). En estos últimos, los criterios ADA lo redujeron a 31 meses (0–97) (p < 0,001) y en 27 de ellos que no cumplían ambos criterios a la vez el intervalo fue de sólo 10 meses (0–93) (p < 0,001). Conclusiones. La no realización de la SOG comporta un retraso en el diagnóstico que puede ser contrarrestado con la aplicación de los criterios de la ADA.ObjectiveTo analyze the period of time between the first occasional fasting hyperglycaemia (OFH) and the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2), using the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria or the American Diabetes Association (ADA) criteria.DesignRetrospective, observational study.SettingUrban primary care centre.Subjects104 patients with DM2 diagnosed between 1991 and 1995 who had a previous OFH.MeasurementsAge, gender and other risk factors, dates of the first OFH (fasting plasma glucose 3 110 mg/dl), the diagnosis according to WHO criteria (2 fasting plasma glucose 3 140 mg/dl or 3 200 mg/dl two hours after the oral glucose test tolerance (OGTT)) or with the ADA criteria (2 fasting plasma glucose 3 126 mg/dl), and the intervals in months between them.ResultsOf the 222 diagnosed patients, 104 (47%) had previous OFH. Age at diagnosis was 60.8 (SD 10.1) and 53% were women. OGTT was performed in 51 cases (49%). The median (range) of the interval between the first OFH and diagnosis was 16 months (0–101) for those who were undertaken an OGTT, and 45 months (1–104) for those who were not (p = 0.003). In these last ones, ADA criteria reduced the interval to 31 months (0–97) (p < 0.001). In 27 of these patients who did not satisfy both criteria at the same time, ADA criteria reduced the interval to 10 months (0–93) (p < 0.001).ConclusionsNot performing the OGTT means a delay in diagnosis which can be countered by applying the ADA criteria

    Trastorno del desarrollo de la coordinación

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    P. 247-253Durante varios años, muchos niños sin comorbilidad neurológica grave que presentaban un desarrollo motor subóptimo o con dificultades motrices en áreas específicas como la coordinación visomotora o el equilibrio eran etiquetados como “torpes”, con “dispraxia” o “trastornos motores menores”. En 1994, este tipo de trastornos se unificaron bajo el término único de “trastorno del desarrollo de la coordinación”; sin embargo, actualmente sigue constituyendo una patología poco conocida y a menudo infradiagnosticadaN

    The 1989 and 2015 outbursts of V404 Cygni: a global study of wind-related optical features

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    The black hole transient V404 Cygni exhibited a bright outburst in June 2015 that was intensively followed over a wide range of wavelengths. Our team obtained high time resolution optical spectroscopy (~90 s), which included a detailed coverage of the most active phase of the event. We present a database consisting of 651 optical spectra obtained during this event, that we combine with 58 spectra gathered during the fainter December 2015 sequel outburst, as well as with 57 spectra from the 1989 event. We previously reported the discovery of wind-related features (P-Cygni and broad-wing line profiles) during both 2015 outbursts. Here, we build diagnostic diagrams that enable us to study the evolution of typical emission line parameters, such as line fluxes and equivalent widths, and develop a technique to systematically detect outflow signatures. We find that these are present throughout the outburst, even at very low optical fluxes, and that both types of outflow features are observed simultaneously in some spectra, confirming the idea of a common origin. We also show that the nebular phases depict loop patterns in many diagnostic diagrams, while P-Cygni profiles are highly variable on time-scales of minutes. The comparison between the three outbursts reveals that the spectra obtained during June and December 2015 share many similarities, while those from 1989 exhibit narrower emission lines and lower wind terminal velocities. The diagnostic diagrams presented in this work have been produced using standard measurement techniques and thus may be applied to other active low-mass X-ray binaries.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 23 pages paper, plus a 9 pages appendix with extra tables and figures. 18 figures are included in the paper and 8 in the appendi

    Prevalencia de la obesidad en la población atendida en asistencia primaria de Girona, 1995–1999

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    ResumenObjetivosEstimar y comparar la prevalencia de la obesidad y el sobrepeso en la población de Girona, entre 1995 y 1999, estratificando geográficamente por sexo y edad.MétodosMedidas directas de talla y peso correspondientes a 24.554 usuarios mayores de 14 años (10.595 varones y 13.959 mujeres) atendidos en cuatro áreas básicas de salud (ABS): Girona 1, Girona 4, Salt y Camprodon, así como en un centro de atención primaria (CAP) de la provincia de Girona. Se calculó el índice de masa corporal (IMC) como el cociente entre el peso y la talla al cuadrado. La obesidad se define como los grados II y III del índice de Garrow (IMC ≥ 30 kg/m2) y el sobrepeso como el grado I (25 kg/m2 ≤ IMC < 30 kg/m2). Al no utilizarse una muestra aleatoria de sujetos, el cálculo de prevalencias y de sus errores estándar se corrigió mediante el uso de ponderaciones adecuadas. La comparación de las prevalencias entre dos ABS distintas para cada sexo se realizó utilizando un contraste paramétrico de diferencia de proporciones. La comparación entre las prevalencias de un determinado grado del índice de Garrow, controlando por sexo y edad, se llevó a cabo utilizando una regresión logística jerárquica.ResultadosLa prevalencia de la obesidad se estimó en 15,6% entre los varones de 20 a 74 años (desde el 14,0% en Girona 1 hasta el 22,4% en Camprodon) y en un 17,5% entre las mujeres (un 15,6% en Girona 1 y un 22,7% en Camprodon), un 16,7% de promedio ponderado. La prevalencia del sobrepeso se sitúa en el 44% en varones y en un 33% en mujeres, un 37,8% de promedio ponderado. Existe una gradación en las prevalencias de la obesidad, con diferencias estadísticamente significativas: Girona 1, Salt, Girona 4, Camprodon y Sils.ConclusionesLas estimaciones de la prevalencia de la obesidad y sobrepeso obtenidas en este trabajo no están tan alejadas como se creía de las estimadas en poblaciones de nuestro entorno. De hecho, podrían ser muy similares a las estimadas en la Unión Europea y, para algunos grupos de edad, incluso a las de Estados Unidos.AbstractObjectivesTo estimate the prevalence of obesity and overweight in the population of Girona (Spain) between 1995 and 1999 and to divide the prevalences in geographical areas according to age and sex.MethodsHeight and weight were directly measures in 24,554 health care consumers older than 14 years (10,595 men and 13,959 women) treated in four primary health care areas: Girona 1, Girona 4, Salt and Camprodon and in one primary health care center in the province of Girona. Body mas index (BMI) was calcuted by dividing weight in kilograms bye height in meters squared. Obesity was defined as grades II and III of Garrow's index (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) and overweight as degree I (25 kg/m2 ≥ BMI < 30 kg/m2). Because the sample was not randomized, the prevalences were adequately weighted. The comparison between prevalences in two different primary health care areas for each sex (in the same Garrow's index and age group) was carried out using a parametric test of differences in proportions (Student's t-test). A hierarchical logistic regression was used to compare prevalences in the same grade Garrow's index, controlling for age and sex.ResultsThe prevalence of obesity was estimated as 15.6% in men aged from 20-74 years (from 14.0% in Girona 1 to 22.4% in Camprodon) and 17.5% for women (15.6% in Girona 1, 22.7% in Camprodon). The weighted mean was 16.7%. The prevalence of overweight was 44% in men and 33% in women and the weighted mean was 37.8%. The prevalence of obesity was graduated with statistically significant differences between Girona 1, Salt, Girona 4, Camprodon and Sils.ConclusionsThe estimates of the prevalences of obesity and overweight obtained in this study were closer to those of other studies in similar populations than previously believed. Inde-ed, the prevalences may be similar to those of the European Union and, in some age groups, to those of the United States

    Fast infrared winds during the radio-loud and X-ray obscured stages of the black hole transient GRS 1915+105

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    The black hole transient GRS 1915+105 entered a new phase of activity in 2018, generally characterised by low X-ray and radio fluxes. This phase has been only interrupted by episodes of strong and variable radio emission, during which high levels of X-ray absorption local to the source were measured. We present 18 epochs of near-infrared spectroscopy (2018-2023) obtained with GTC/EMIR and VLT/X-shooter, spanning both radio-loud and radio-quiet periods. We demonstrate that radio-loud phases are characterised by strong P-Cygni line profiles, indicative of accretion disc winds with velocities of up to 3000 km s1\mathrm{\sim 3000~km~s^{-1}}. This velocity is consistent with those measured in other black hole transients. It is also comparable to the velocity of the X-ray winds detected during the peak outburst phases in GRS 1915+105, reinforcing the idea that massive, multi-phase outflows are characteristic features of the largest and most powerful black hole accretion discs. Conversely, the evolution of the Brγ\gamma line profile during the radio-quiet phases follows the expected trend for accretion disc lines in a system that is gradually decreasing its intrinsic luminosity, exhibiting weaker intensities and more pronounced double-peaks.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Aportaciones hidrogeológicas al estudio arqueológico de los orígenes de la Edad del Bronce de La Mancha: la cueva monumentalizada de Castillejo del Bonete (Terrinches, Ciudad Real-España)

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    Estudios recientes indican que las motillas, asentamientos de la Edad del Bronce de La Mancha, pudieron ser las más antiguas captaciones de agua subterránea en la Península Ibérica. Pero ¿por qué no existen motivas en el Campo de Montiel, territorio ubicado tradicionalmente en esta área cultural? En Castillejo del Bonete, sitio arqueológico situado en esa comarca, existe una cueva que fue utilizada y sellada durante la Prehistoria Reciente. Se presenta ahora la primera investigación paleohidrogeológica interdisciplinar en La Mancha, que ha analizado manantiales y niveles de agua subterránea del acuífero de Campo de Montiel, así como el interior de la sima de Castillejo del Bonete. Las conclusiones avanzan una relación entre el sustrato hidrogeomorfológico y la distribución espacial de las motillas. Además permiten descartar que la sima de Castillejo del Bonete fuera utilizada como mina o como acceso al acuífero, dos de las hipótesis de trabajo planteadas. De ese modo cobra fuerza que Castillejo del Bonete fuera un excepcional monumento funerario y simbólico durante el Calcolítico y la Edad del Bronce, perteneciente a una nueva clase de asentamientos desconocidos hasta ahora en el grupo cultural de la Edad del Bronce de La Mancha

    European registry on helicobacter pylori management: Effectiveness of first and second-line treatment in Spain

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    The management of Helicobacter pylori infection has to rely on previous local effectiveness due to the geographical variability of antibiotic resistance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of first and second-line H. pylori treatment in Spain, where the empirical prescription is recommended. A multicentre prospective non-interventional registry of the clinical practice of European gastroenterologists concerning H. pylori infection (Hp-EuReg) was developed, including patients from 2013 until June 2019. Effectiveness was evaluated descriptively and through a multivariate analysis concerning age, gender, presence of ulcer, proton-pump in-hibitor (PPI) dose, therapy duration and compliance. Overall, 53 Spanish hospitals were included, and 10, 267 patients received a first-line therapy. The best results were obtained with the 10-day bismuth single-capsule therapy (95% cure rate by intention-to-treat) and with both the 14-day bismuth-clarithromycin quadruple (PPI-bismuth-clarithromycin-amoxicillin, 91%) and the 14-day non-bismuth quadruple concomitant (PPI-clarithromycin-amoxicillin-metronidazole, 92%) therapies. Second-line therapies were prescribed to 2448 patients, with most-effective therapies being the triple quinolone (PPI-amoxicillin-levofloxacin/moxifloxacin) and the bismuth-levofloxacin quadruple schemes (PPI-bismuth-levofloxacin-amoxicillin) prescribed for 14 days (92%, 89% and 90% effective-ness, respectively), and the bismuth single-capsule (10 days, 88.5%). Compliance, longer duration and higher acid inhibition were associated with higher effectiveness. “Optimized” H. pylori therapies achieve over 90% success in Spain

    Outcomes of nonagenarians after transcatheter aortic valve implantation

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    Introduction and objectives: Nonagenarians are a fast-growing age group among cardiovascular patients, especially with aortic stenosis, but data about their prognosis after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is scarce. The objective of our study is to analyze the baseline characteristics of nonagenarians treated with TAVI and determine whether age = 90 years is associated with a worse prognosis compared to non-nonagenarian patients. Methods: We included all patients =75 years enrolled in the multicenter prospective Spanish TAVI registry between 2009 and 2018. Patients < 75 years were excluded. Results: A total of 8073 elderly patients (= 75 years) from 46 Spanish centers were enrolled in the Spanish TAVI registry; 7686 were between = 75 and < 90 years old (95.2%), and 387 were nonagenarian patients (4.79%). A gradual increase of nonagenarians was observed. The transfemoral access was used in 91.6% of the cases, predominantly among the nonagenarian patients (91.4% vs 95.1%, P = .01). Nonagenarians were more likely to die during their hospital stay (4.3% vs 7.0% among nonagenarians, P = .01). However, no difference was seen in the all-cause mortality rates reported at the 1-year follow-up (8.8% vs 11.3%, P =.07). In the multivariate analysis, age = 90 years was not independently associated with a higher adjusted all-cause mortality rate (HR, 1.37, 95%CI, 0.91–1.97, P = .14). The baseline creatinine levels, and the in-hospital bleeding complications were all associated with a worse long-term prognosis in nonagenarians treated with TAVI. Conclusions: Nonagenarians are a very high-risk and growing population with severe AS in whom TAVI may be a safe and effective strategy. Careful patient selection by the TAVI heart team is mandatory to achieve maximum efficiency in this population where the baseline kidney function and bleeding complications may determine the long-term prognosis after TAVI. © 2021 Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Published by Permanyer Publications