3,475 research outputs found

    Radiative corrections to the Dalitz plot of K_{l3}^\pm decays

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    We calculate the model-independent radiative corrections to the Dalitz plot of K_{l3}^\pm decays to order (\alpha/\pi)(q/M_1), where q is the momentum transfer and M_1 is the mass of the kaon. The final results are presented, first, with the triple integration over the variables of the bremsstrahlung photon ready to be performed numerically and, second, in an analytical form. These two forms are useful to crosscheck on one another and with other calculations. This paper is organized to make it accessible and reliable in the analysis of the Dalitz plot of precision experiments and is not compromised to fixing the form factors at predetermined values. It is assumed that the real photons are kinematically discriminated. Otherwise, our results have a general model-independent applicability.Comment: RevTex4, 38 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables; some typos corrected; discussion extended to compare with other result

    Improvement of scanning tunneling microscopy resolution with H-sensitized tips

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    Recent scanning tunneling hydrogen microscopy (STHM) experiments on PTCDA (perylene-3,4,9,10- tetracarboxylic-3,4,9,10-dianhydride)/Au(111) have shown unprecedented intramolecular and intermolecular spatial resolution. The origin of this resolution is studied using an accurate STHM theoretical simulation technique that includes a detailed description of the electronic structure of both the tip and sample. Our results show that H2 molecules are dissociated on the Au tip; the adsorbed H atoms change the density of states at the Fermi level (EF) of the tip, increasing its p-orbital character and reducing the s-orbital contribution. Also, due to the interaction with the H-decorated tip, EF is shifted to the middle of the PTCDA lowest unoccupied molecular orbital peak, increasing dramatically the density of states of the sample at EF. These effects give rise to the enhanced STHM resolutionThis work is supported by Spanish MICIIN under Contract No. FIS2010-16046, the CAM under Contract No. S2009/MAT-1467, and the European Project MINOTOR (Grant No. FP7-NMP-228424). J. I. M. acknowledges funding from Spanish MICINN through Juan de la Cierva Program, E. A. the financial support by Consejería de Educación de la CAM, FSE, and European Project MINOTOR, and C. G. the CSIC JA

    Efecto del H2S en la Susceptibilidad al Agrietamiento de Dos Aceros Microaleados para Tubería

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    Cracking in sour media modes were observed, and these were related mainly to the microstructure produced during the thermomechanical process of two microalloyed steels grade API X 52. Through the use of linear elastic fracture mechanics modified specimens. Steels loaded at similar initial stress intensity factors showed different cracking modes that were related directly to their different microstructures. Steels microstructures indicate different fabrication routes. Testing temperature played an important role on switching the cracking characteristics being remarkable by the ferrite-pearlite steel microstructure. A banded microstructure is susceptible to the effects of hydrogen at room T. While, an acicular ferrite microstructure with carbides patches at grain boundaries is susceptible to anodic dissolution in front of the crack tip, no matter the temperature being tested. Key words: microalloyed steels, sour service, cracking modes, microstructure.

    The best fit for the observed galaxy Counts-in-Cell distribution function

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    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is the first dense redshift survey encompassing a volume large enough to find the best analytic probability density function that fits the galaxy Counts-in-Cells distribution fV(N)f_V(N), the frequency distribution of galaxy counts in a volume VV. Different analytic functions have been previously proposed that can account for some of the observed features of the observed frequency counts, but fail to provide an overall good fit to this important statistical descriptor of the galaxy large-scale distribution. Our goal is to find the probability density function that better fits the observed Counts-in-Cells distribution fV(N)f_V(N). We have made a systematic study of this function applied to several samples drawn from the SDSS. We show the effective ways to deal with incompleteness of the sample (masked data) in the calculation of fV(N)f_V(N). We use LasDamas simulations to estimate the errors in the calculation. We test four different distribution functions to find the best fit: the Gravitational Quasi-Equilibrium distribution, the Negative Binomial Distribution, the Log Normal distribution and the Log Normal Distribution including a bias parameter. In the two latter cases, we apply a shot-noise correction to the distributions assuming the local Poisson model. We show that the best fit for the Counts-in-Cells distribution function is provided by the Negative Binomial distribution. In addition, at large scales the Log Normal distribution modified with the inclusion of the bias term also performs a satisfactory fit of the empirical values of fV(N)f_V(N). Our results demonstrate that the inclusion of a bias term in the Log Normal distribution is necessary to fit the observed galaxy Count-in-Cells distribution function.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    E-cadherin expression is associated with somatostatin analogue response in acromegaly

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    Acromegaly is a rare disease resulting from hypersecretion of growth hormone (GH) and insulin‐like growth factor 1 (IGF1) typically caused by pituitary adenomas, which is associated with increased mortality and morbidity. Somatostatin analogues (SSAs) represent the primary medical therapy for acromegaly and are currently used as first‐line treatment or as second‐line therapy after unsuccessful pituitary surgery. However, a considerable proportion of patients do not adequately respond to SSAs treatment, and therefore, there is an urgent need to identify biomarkers predictors of response to SSAs. The aim of this study was to examine E‐cadherin expression by immunohistochemistry in fifty‐five GH‐producing pituitary tumours and determine the potential association with response to SSAs as well as other clinical and histopathological features. Acromegaly patients with tumours expressing low E‐cadherin levels exhibit a worse response to SSAs. E‐cadherin levels are associated with GH‐producing tumour histological subtypes. Our results indicate that the immunohistochemical detection of E‐cadherin might be useful in categorizing acromegaly patients based on the response to SSAs.ISCIII‐Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación PI13/02043 PI16/00175FEDER PI13/02043 PI16/00175Junta de Andalucía A‐0023‐2015 A‐0003‐2016 CTS‐1406 BIO‐0139Andalusian Ministry of Health C‐0015‐2014CIBERobn PI13/ 02043 PI16/0017

    Climatic niche attributes and diversification in Anolis lizards

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    Aim The aim of this study was to test the link between climatic niche dynamics and species diversification in Anolis on islands and on the mainland. We tested the hypotheses that lineages in warmer climates and with narrow climate niches diversified more than lineages in cold climates and with broad climate niches. We also tested the hypothesis that species-rich clades exhibit greater niche diversity than species-poor clades. Location Neotropics. Methods We collated occurrence records for 328 Anolis species to estimate niche breadth, niche position and occupied niche space (as a proxy for niche diversity). We compared niche breadth between insular and mainland Anolis species and among Anolis clades, controlling for the potential confounding effect of range size. Using two approaches (clade-based and QuaSSE) we explored the association between niche metrics and diversification rates in Anolis lizards. Results We found that Caribbean Anolis had a narrower niche breadth and niche space occupation compared to mainland anoles after controlling for range size differences. There was a significant association between niche traits (mean niche position and niche breadth) and diversification in anoles. Anole lineages with narrow niche breadths and that occupy warmer areas exhibited higher speciation rates than those with broader niche breadths and that occupy cold areas. Similarly, clades with higher total diversification exhibit more niche diversity than clades with lower total diversification. Main conclusions Climatic niche attributes play a role in anole diversification with some differences between mainland and insular anole lineages. Climatic niche differences between regions and clades likely are related to differences in niche evolutionary rates. This also suggests that climate plays a strong role in shaping species richness between and within mainland and islands

    Estudio de lesiones óseas alvéolo-dentarias en población extinta de la provincia de Catamarca

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    Lesiones óseas alvéolo-dentarias son importantes para el estudio de la dieta, nutrición y su relación con la presión ambiental a la que se ven expuestas las poblaciones. En este trabajo se realizó un registro de las patologías halladas en distintas colecciones del Museo de La Plata (UNLP) procedente de la Provincia de Catamarca, poblaciones que estuvieron expuestas a importantes factores causantes de estrés nutricional y social. De la muestra integrada por 43 piezas, se seleccionaron 15 cranium y 10 calvarium que fueron registrados por edad, sexo, dentición, maxilar y grupo dentario.Facultad de Odontologí

    “Los Mollisoles del sector occidental de Sierra Gador (Almería)”

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    Los cinco perfiles de Mollisoles estudiados en el Sector occidental de la Sierra de Gádor son: Lithic vermic Haploxeroll, Entic haploxeroll, Ruptic Palexeralfic lithic Argixeroll, Entic vermic Haploxeroll y Lithic ruptic xerorthentic vermic Haploxeroll. Los factores que condicionan la existencia de este tipo de suelos son roca madre carbonatada (caliza, dolomía, margocaliza, etc.), posición fisiográfica de ladera con pendientes variables (20-60 %), vegetación de matorral, clima mediterráneo con diferentes variantes dependiendo de la altitud, régimen de humedad del suelo Xérico y de temperatura Térmico y Mésico. La secuencia de horizontes es variable. En una parte importante de los suelos, debajo del epipedón móllico se presenta un contacto lítico, en otros existe un horizonte Bw y en menor medida un horizonte Bt las texturas más comunes pertenecen a las clases francas. El contenido de carbonatos es importante salvo en el Argixeroll. El carbono orgánico se presenta en el epipedón móllico en contenidos elevados (2.3 a 6.8 %) a excepción del Entic Haploxeroll, cercano al 1 %. Son suelos de pH 8 y saturados en bases

    A micromachined thermoelectric sensor for natural gas analysis: Multivariate calibration results

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    The potential use of a micromachined thermopile based sensor device for analyzing natural gas is explored. The sensor consists of a thermally isolated hotplate, which is heated by the application of a sequence of programmed voltages to an integrated heater. Once the hotplate reaches a stationary temperature, the thermopile provides a signal proportional to the hotplate temperature. These signals are processed in order to determine different natural gas properties. Sensor response is mainly dependent on the thermal conductivity of the surrounding gas at different temperatures. Seven predicted properties (normal density, superior heating value, Wobbe index and the concentrations of methane, ethane, carbon dioxide and nitrogen) are calibrated against sensor signals by using multivariate regression, in particular partial least squares. Experimental data have been used for calibration and validation. Results show property prediction capability with reasonable accuracy except for prediction of carbon dioxide concentration. A detailed uncertainty analysis is provided to better understand the metrological limits of the system. These results imply for the first time the possibility of designing unprecedented low-cost natural gas analyzers. The concept may be extended to other constrained gas mixtures (e.g. of a known number of components) to enable low-cost multicomponent gas analyzers