476 research outputs found

    Plant species roles in pollination networks: an experimental approach

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    Pollination is an important ecosystem service threatened by current pollinator declines, making flower planting schemes an important strategy to recover pollination function. However, ecologists rarely test the attractiveness of chosen plants to pollinators in the field. Here, we experimentally test whether plant species roles in pollination networks can be used to identify species with the most potential to recover plant–pollinator communities. Using published pollination networks, we calculated each plant's centrality and chose five central and five peripheral plant species for introduction into replicate experimental plots. Flower visitation by pollinators was recorded in each plot and we tested the impact of introduced central and peripheral plant species on the pollinator and resident plant communities and on network structure. We found that the introduction of central plant species attracted a higher richness and abundance of pollinators than the introduction of peripheral species, and that the introduced central plant species occupied the most important network roles. The high attractiveness of central species to pollinators, however, did not negatively affect visitation to resident plant species by pollinators. We also found that the introduction of central plant species did not affect network structure, while networks with introduced peripheral species had lower centralisation and interaction evenness than networks with introduced central species. To our knowledge, this is the first time species network roles have been tested in a field experiment. Given that most restoration projects start at the plant community, being able to identify the plants with the highest potential to restore community structure and functioning should be a key goal for ecological restoration

    Many ways to make darker flies: Intra-and interspecific variation in Drosophila body pigmentation components

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    Body pigmentation is an evolutionarily diversified and ecologically relevant trait with substantial variation within and between species, and important roles in animal survival and reproduction. Insect pigmentation, in particular, provides some of the most compelling examples of adaptive evolution, including its ecological significance and genetic bases. Pigmentation includes multiple aspects of color and color pattern that may vary more or less independently, and can be under different selective pressures. We decompose Drosophila thorax and abdominal pigmentation, a valuable eco-evo- devo model, into distinct measurable traits related to color and color pattern. We investigate intra-and interspecific variation for those traits and assess its different sources. For each body part, we measured overall darkness, as well as four other pigmentation properties distinguishing between background color and color of the darker pattern elements that decorate each body part. By focusing on two standard D. melanogaster laboratory populations, we show that pigmentation components vary and covary in distinct manners depending on sex, genetic background, and temperature during development. Studying three natural populations of D. melanogaster along a latitudinal cline and five other Drosophila species, we then show t hat evolution of lighter or darker bodies can be achieved by changing distinct component traits. Our results paint a much more complex picture of body pigmentation variation than previous studies could uncover, including patterns of sexual dimorphism, thermal plasticity, and interspecific diversity. These findings underscore the value of detailed quantitative phenotyping and analysis of different sources of variation for a better understanding of phenotypic variation and diversification, and the ecological pressures and genetic mechanisms underlying them.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Grasses continue to trump trees at soil carbon sequestration following herbivore exclusion in a semiarid African savanna

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    Although studies have shown that mammalian herbivores often limit aboveground carbon storage in savannas, their effects on belowground soil carbon storage remain unclear. Using three sets of long‐term, large herbivore exclosures with paired controls, we asked how almost two decades of herbivore removal from a semiarid savanna in Laikipia, Kenya affected aboveground (woody and grass) and belowground soil carbon sequestration, and determined the major source (C3 vs. C4) of belowground carbon sequestered in soils with and without herbivores present. Large herbivore exclusion, which included a diverse community of grazers, browsers, and mixed‐feeding ungulates, resulted in significant increases in grass cover (~22%), woody basal area (~8 m2/ha), and woody canopy cover (31%), translating to a ~8.5 t/ha increase in aboveground carbon over two decades. Herbivore exclusion also led to a 54% increase (20.5 t/ha) in total soil carbon to 30‐cm depth, with ~71% of this derived from C4 grasses (vs. ~76% with herbivores present) despite substantial increases in woody cover. We attribute this continued high contribution of C4 grasses to soil C sequestration to the reduced offtake of grass biomass with herbivore exclusion together with the facilitative influence of open sparse woody canopies (e.g., Acacia spp.) on grass cover and productivity in this semiarid system


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    Substitution of rare-earth ions for Ca in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+y is known to cause a metal-insulator transition. Using resonant photoemission we study how this chemical substitution affects the electronic structure of the material. For the partial Cu-density of states at E_F and in the region of the valence band we observe no significant difference between a pure superconducting sample and an insulating sample with 60% Pr for Ca. This suggests that the states responsible for superconductivity are predomi- nately O-states. The partial Pr-4f density of states was extracted utilizing the Super- Koster-Kronig Pr 4d-4f resonance. It consists of a single peak at 1.36eV binding energy. The peak shows a strongly assymetric Doniach-Sunjic line- shape indicating the presence of a continuum of electronic states with sharp cut off at E_F even in this insulating sample. This finding excludes a bandgap in the insulating sample and supports the existance of a mobility gap caused by spatial localization of the carriers. The presence of such carriers at the Pr-site, between the CuO_2 planes shows that the electronic structure is not purely 2-dimensional but that there is a finite interlayer coupling. The resonance enhancement of the photoemission cross section, at the Pr-4d threshold, was studied for the Pr-4f and for Cu-states. Both the Pr-4f and the Cu-states show a Fano-like resonance. This resonance of Cu-states with Pr-states is another indication of coupling between the the Pr-states and those in the CuO_2 plane. Because of the statistical distribution of the Pr-ions this coupling leads to a non-periodic potential for the states in the CuO_2 plane which can lead to localization and thus to the observed metal-insulator transition.Comment: Gziped uuencoded postscript file including 7 figures Scheduled for publication in Physical Review B, May 1, 1995

    A nonlinear mixed-effects modeling approach for ecological data: Using temporal dynamics of vegetation moisture as an example

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    Increasingly, often ecologist collects data with nonlinear trends, heterogeneous variances, temporal correlation, and hierarchical structure. Nonlinear mixed-effects models offer a flexible approach to such data, but the estimation and interpretation of these models present challenges, partly associated with the lack of worked examples in the ecological literature. We illustrate the nonlinear mixed-effects modeling approach using temporal dynamics of vegetation moisture with field data from northwestern Patagonia. This is a Mediterranean-type climate region where modeling temporal changes in live fuel moisture content are conceptually relevant (ecological theory) and have practical implications (fire management). We used this approach to answer whether moisture dynamics varies among functional groups and aridity conditions, and compared it with other simpler statistical models. The modeling process is set out “step-by-step”: We start translating the ideas about the system dynamics to a statistical model, which is made increasingly complex in order to include different sources of variability and correlation structures. We provide guidelines and R scripts (including a new self-starting function) that make data analyses reproducible. We also explain how to extract the parameter estimates from the R output. Our modeling approach suggests moisture dynamic to vary between grasses and shrubs, and between grasses facing different aridity conditions. Compared to more classical models, the nonlinear mixed-effects model showed greater goodness of fit and met statistical assumptions. While the mixed-effects approach accounts for spatial nesting, temporal dependence, and variance heterogeneity; the nonlinear function allowed to model the seasonal pattern. Parameters of the nonlinear mixed-effects model reflected relevant ecological processes. From an applied perspective, the model could forecast the time when fuel moisture becomes critical to fire occurrence. Due to the lack of worked examples for nonlinear mixed-effects models in the literature, our modeling approach could be useful to diverse ecologists dealing with complex data.Fil: Oddi, Facundo José. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Sede Andina. Instituto de Investigaciones en Recursos Naturales, Agroecología y Desarrollo Rural; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Miguez, Fernando E.. University of Iowa; Estados UnidosFil: Ghermandi, Luciana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; ArgentinaFil: Bianchi, Lucas Osvaldo. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Sede Andina. Instituto de Investigaciones en Recursos Naturales, Agroecología y Desarrollo Rural; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Sede Andina. Instituto de Investigaciones en Recursos Naturales, Agroecología y Desarrollo Rural; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Compared to conventional, ecological intensive management promotes beneficial proteolytic soil microbial communities for agro-ecosystem functioning under climate change-induced rain regimes

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    Projected climate change and rainfall variability will affect soil microbial communities, biogeochemical cycling and agriculture. Nitrogen (N) is the most limiting nutrient in agroecosystems and its cycling and availability is highly dependent on microbial driven processes. In agroecosystems, hydrolysis of organic nitrogen (N) is an important step in controlling soil N availability. We analyzed the effect of management (ecological intensive vs. conventional intensive) on N-cycling processes and involved microbial communities under climate change-induced rain regimes. Terrestrial model ecosystems originating from agroecosystems across Europe were subjected to four different rain regimes for 263 days. Using structural equation modelling we identified direct impacts of rain regimes on N-cycling processes, whereas N-related microbial communities were more resistant. In addition to rain regimes, management indirectly affected N-cycling processes via modifications of N-related microbial community composition. Ecological intensive management promoted a beneficial N-related microbial community composition involved in N-cycling processes under climate change-induced rain regimes. Exploratory analyses identified phosphorus-associated litter properties as possible drivers for the observed management effects on N-related microbial community composition. This work provides novel insights into mechanisms controlling agro-ecosystem functioning under climate change

    Population expansion of the invasive Pomacentridae Chromis limbata (Valenciennes, 1833) in Southern Brazilian coast: long-term monitoring, fundamental niche availability and new records

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    Human-mediated species invasions are recognized as a leading cause of global biotic homogenization and extinction. Studies on colonization events since early stages, establishment of new populations and range extension are scarce because of their rarity, difficult detection and monitoring. Chromis limbata is a reef-associated and non-migratory marine fish from the family Pomacentridae found in depths ranging between 3 and 45 m. The original distribution of the species encompassed exclusively the eastern Atlantic, including the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands. It is also commonly reported from West Africa between Senegal and Pointe Noire, Congo. In 2008, vagrant individuals of C. limbata were recorded off the east coast of Santa Catarina Island, South Brazil (27° 41' 44″ S, 48° 27' 53″ W). This study evaluated the increasing densities of C. limbata populations in Santa Catarina State shoreline. Two recent expansions, northwards to São Paulo State and southwards to Rio Grande do Sul State, are discussed, and a niche model of maximum entropy (MaxEnt) was performed to evaluate suitable C. limbata habitats. Brazilian populations are established and significantly increasing in most sites where the species has been detected. The distributional boundaries predicted by the model are clearly wider than their known range of occurrence, evidencing environmental suitability in both hemispheres from areas where the species still does not occur. Ecological processes such as competition, predation and specially habitat selectivity may regulate their populations and overall distribution range. A long-term monitoring programme and population genetics studies are necessary for a better understanding of this invasion and its consequences to natural communities.CNPq, Grant/Award Number: CNPq 475367/2006-5; ECOPERE-SE Project; FAPES, Grant/Award Number: PROFIX program No 10/2018 -T.O.: 348/2018; FAPESC, Grant/Award Number: Biodiversidade Marinha do Estado de Santa Catarina Project PI: A.L. FAPESC 4302/2010-8; FAPESC/CNPq, Grant/Award Number: SISBIOTA-Mar project PI: S.R.F. CNPq 563276/2010-0; FAPESC 6308/2011-8; Petrobras (BR), Grant/Award Number: MAArE Project; King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tuning of Adaptive Weight Depth Map Generation Algorithms Exploratory Data Analysis and Design of Computer Experiments (DOCE)

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    In depth map generation algorithms, parameters settings to yield an accurate disparity map estimation are usually chosen empirically or based on un planned experiments -- Algorithms' performance is measured based on the distance of the algorithm results vs. the Ground Truth by Middlebury's standards -- This work shows a systematic statistical approach including exploratory data analyses on over 14000 images and designs of experiments using 31 depth maps to measure the relative inf uence of the parameters and to fine-tune them based on the number of bad pixels -- The implemented methodology improves the performance of adaptive weight based dense depth map algorithms -- As a result, the algorithm improves from 16.78% to 14.48% bad pixels using a classical exploratory data analysis of over 14000 existing images, while using designs of computer experiments with 31 runs yielded an even better performance by lowering bad pixels from 16.78% to 13