84 research outputs found

    Identifying metabolic pathways for production of extracellular polymeric substances by the diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus inhabiting sea ice

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    Diatoms are significant primary producers in sea ice, an ephemeral habitat with steep vertical gradients of temperature and salinity characterizing the ice matrix environment. To cope with the variable and challenging conditions, sea ice diatoms produce polysaccharide-rich extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) that play important roles in adhesion, cell protection, ligand binding and as organic carbon sources. Significant differences in EPS concentrations and chemical composition corresponding to temperature and salinity gradients were present in sea ice from the Weddell Sea and Eastern Antarctic regions of the Southern Ocean. To reconstruct the first metabolic pathway for EPS production in diatoms, we exposed Fragilariopsis cylindrus, a key bi-polar diatom species, to simulated sea ice formation. Transcriptome profiling under varying conditions of EPS production identified a significant number of genes and divergent alleles. Their complex differential expression patterns under simulated sea ice formation was aligned with physiological and biochemical properties of the cells, and with field measurements of sea ice EPS characteristics. Thus, the molecular complexity of the EPS pathway suggests metabolic plasticity in F. cylindrus is required to cope with the challenging conditions of the highly variable and extreme sea ice habitat

    Antarctic sea ice region as a source of biogenic organic nitrogen in aerosols

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    Dall'Osto, Manuel ... et al.-- 10 pages, 5 figuresClimate warming affects the development and distribution of sea ice, but at present the evidence of polar ecosystem feedbacks on climate through changes in the atmosphere is sparse. By means of synergistic atmospheric and oceanic measurements in the Southern Ocean near Antarctica, we present evidence that the microbiota of sea ice and sea ice-influenced ocean are a previously unknown significant source of atmospheric organic nitrogen, including low molecular weight alkyl-amines. Given the keystone role of nitrogen compounds in aerosol formation, growth and neutralization, our findings call for greater chemical and source diversity in the modelling efforts linking the marine ecosystem to aerosol-mediated climate effects in the Southern OceanThe cruise was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy through projects PEGASO (CTM2012-37615) and Bio-Nuc (CGL2013-49020-R), and by the EU though the FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IOF programme (Project number 624680, MANU – Marine Aerosol NUcleations). [...] The NUI Galway and ISAC-CNR Bologna groups acknowledge funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) project BACCHUS under grant agreement n° 603445. The work was further supported by the CNR (Italy) under AirSEaLab: Progetto Laboratori Congiunti. The National Centre for Atmospheric Science NCAS Birmingham group is funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council. [...] CC, MFF and RA acknowledge funding from the Marine Institute, University of Plymouth to enable participation in PEGASOPeer Reviewe

    Possible Role of Horizontal Gene Transfer in the Colonization of Sea Ice by Algae

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    Diatoms and other algae not only survive, but thrive in sea ice. Among sea ice diatoms, all species examined so far produce ice-binding proteins (IBPs), whereas no such proteins are found in non-ice-associated diatoms, which strongly suggests that IBPs are essential for survival in ice. The restricted occurrence also raises the question of how the IBP genes were acquired. Proteins with similar sequences and ice-binding activities are produced by ice-associated bacteria, and so it has previously been speculated that the genes were acquired by horizontal transfer (HGT) from bacteria. Here we report several new IBP sequences from three types of ice algae, which together with previously determined sequences reveal a phylogeny that is completely incongruent with algal phylogeny, and that can be most easily explained by HGT. HGT is also supported by the finding that the closest matches to the algal IBP genes are all bacterial genes and that the algal IBP genes lack introns. We also describe a highly freeze-tolerant bacterium from the bottom layer of Antarctic sea ice that produces an IBP with 47% amino acid identity to a diatom IBP from the same layer, demonstrating at least an opportunity for gene transfer. Together, these results suggest that the success of diatoms and other algae in sea ice can be at least partly attributed to their acquisition of prokaryotic IBP genes

    Organic matter from Artic sea ice loss alters bacterial community structure and function

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    Continuing losses of multi-year sea ice (MYI) across the Arctic are resulting in first-year ice (FYI) dominating the Arctic ice pack. Melting FYI provides a strong seasonal pulse of dissolved organic matter (DOM) into surface waters; however, the biological impact of this DOM input is unknown. Here we show that DOM additions cause significant and contrasting changes in under-ice bacterioplankton abundance, production and species composition. Utilization of DOM was influenced by molecular size, with 10-100 kDa and >100 kDa DOM fractions promoting rapid growth of particular taxa, while uptake of sulfur and nitrogen-rich low molecular weight organic compounds shifted bacterial community composition. These results demonstrate the ecological impacts of DOM released from melting FYI, with wideranging consequences for the cycling of organic matter across regions of the Arctic Ocean transitioning from multi-year to seasonal sea ice as the climate continues to warm

    Abundance and variability of microorganisms and transparent exopolymer particles across the ice-water interface of melting first-year sea ice in the Laptev Sea (Arctic)

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    The distribution and abundance of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) was determined in and below pack ice of the Laptev Sea from July to September 1995. Samples were collected from the lowermost 10 cm of ice floes and at 10 cm below the ice–water interface. Abundance of bacteria, protists and TEP was determined, and the sea ice–water boundary layer was characterized using temperature, salinity and molecular viscous shear stress. TEP, with a distinct size distribution signal, were found in highest concentrations inside the sea ice, ranging from not detectable to 16 cm2 l−1 (median: 2.9 cm2 l−1). In the water, concentrations were one order of magnitude lower, ranged from below detection to 2.7 cm2 l−1 (median: 0.2 cm2 l−1) and decreased after the middle of August, whereas abundances of autotrophic flagellates (AF), diatoms, heterotrophic flagellates (HF) and ciliates increased. The abundance of TEP decreased with its size in all samples following a power law relationship. The relation of TEP to the microbial community differed between the sea ice and water, being positively correlated with bacteria and diatoms in the ice and negatively correlated with HF in the sea water. The presence of a pycnocline significantly influenced the abundance of organisms, diatom composition and TEP concentrations. Pennate diatoms dominated by Nitzschia frigida were most abundant inside the ice. Though bacteria have the potential to produce exopolymeric substances (EPS), the results of this study indicate that the majority of TEP at the ice–water interface in first-year Arctic summer pack ice are produced by diatoms
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