7,689 research outputs found

    Phoenician maritime pioneering and Punic expansion : reconstructing trade and dietary patterns

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    Perhaps the most significant legacy attributed to the Phoenicians was their mastery of the seas, which led them to establish the first grand commercial Mediterranean network, expanding from Lebanon to beyond the Pillars of Hercules between the 8th and 6th centuries BC. The Punic culture, which flourished in the central and western Mediterranean from Phoenician colonies, maintained the exceptional navigation skills of the Phoenicians, but developed into more settled and structured territories that allowed the communities to intensify their exploitation of Mediterranean resources. Their rise to prominence can be measured by the threat they posed to the Roman Republic, while the salvage of the agronomic treatises by Mago after the sacking of Carthage attests to their renowned agrarian competence. The paucity of Phoenician and Punic written sources essentially means that material culture provides the data with which to model community lifeways, including daily dietary patterns, and trade more generally. The aim of this session was to bring together research focused on diet and trade in the Phoenician and Punic world, building on the work that has been done on foodways to model community interaction (Mata Parreño et al. 2010; Delgado and Ferrer 2011a and 2011b). The session comprised five oral contributions and a poster presentation. The focus was on central and western Mediterranean mainland regions and island territories. Findings from more recent archaeological excavations were described and discussed, and scientific applications to archaeological material were outlined and interpretations put forward and discussed.peer-reviewe

    Non-Singular Charged Black Hole Solution for Non-Linear Source

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    A non-singular exact black hole solution in General Relativity is presented. The source is a non-linear electromagnetic field, which reduces to the Maxwell theory for weak field. The solution corresponds to a charged black hole with |q| \leq 2s_c m \approx 0.6 m, having metric, curvature invariants, and electric field bounded everywhere.Comment: 3 pages, RevTe

    Relationship between postharvest diseases resistance and mineral composition of citrus fruit

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    reen and blue moulds, due to the pathogenic action of Penicillium digitatum and Penicillium italicum respectively are the main cause of orange losses during postharvest. Under Mediterranean climate conditions, both together are responsible for 80% of total postharvest citrus fruit decay. The type of orchard production system, field location with different types of climate and soil has a main influence on mineral composition of fruits. The mineral composition of fruits can have a significant impact on fruit quality and shelf life during postharvest period. These include effects on fruit colour, texture, disease susceptibility, juice composition and development of physiological disorders. Oranges from different regions from South of Spain and Portugal and from three different production systems (conventional, integrated and organic) were studied to evaluate whether both factors (origin and production system) affected the degree of fruit sensitivity to decay. Results indicate that the sensitivity to green or blue mould is determined better by the origin of fruit than by the system of production.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Designed Coiled-Coil Peptides Inhibit the Type Three Secretion System of Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli

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    BACKGROUND: Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) are two categories of E. coli strains associated with human disease. A major virulence factor of both pathotypes is the expression of a type three secretion system (TTSS), responsible for their ability to adhere to gut mucosa causing a characteristic attaching and effacing lesion (A/E). The TTSS translocates effector proteins directly into the host cell that subvert mammalian cell biochemistry. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We examined synthetic peptides designed to inhibit the TTSS. CoilA and CoilB peptides, both representing coiled-coil regions of the translocator protein EspA, and CoilD peptide, corresponding to a coiled-coil region of the needle protein EscF, were effective in inhibiting the TTSS dependent hemolysis of red blood cells by the EPEC E2348/69 strain. CoilA and CoilB peptides also reduced the formation of actin pedestals by the same strain in HEp-2 cells and impaired the TTSS-mediated protein translocation into the epithelial cell. Interestingly, CoilA and CoilB were able to block EspA assembly, destabilizing the TTSS and thereby Tir translocation. This blockage of EspA polymerization by CoilA or CoilB peptides, also inhibited the correct delivery of EspB and EspD as detected by immunoblotting. Interestingly, electron microscopy of bacteria incubated with the CoilA peptide showed a reduction of the length of EspA filaments. CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that coiled-coil peptides can prevent the assembly and thus the functionality of the TTSS apparatus and suggest that these peptides could provide an attractive tool to block EPEC and EHEC pathogenesis

    Dasty3, a WEB framework for DAS

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    Motivation: Dasty3 is a highly interactive and extensible Web-based framework. It provides a rich Application Programming Interface upon which it is possible to develop specialized clients capable of retrieving information from DAS sources as well as from data providers not using the DAS protocol. Dasty3 provides significant improvements on previous Web-based frameworks and is implemented using the 1.6 DAS specification

    Growth hormone and aging

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    Les alteracions vasculars i degeneratives del sistema nerviós central (SNC) són dues de les causes més comunes de malaltia i de mort entre la gent gran; ambdues es correlacionen amb l'edat, amb la deficiència en GH, i poden afectar les funcions fisiològiques de la població d'edat avançada. Amb la finalitat de clarificar els efectes de la GH en el metabolisme, en els vasos i en el SNC, hem dut a terme un estudi in vivo utilitzant rates vellesWistar tractades crònicament amb GH. Les rates velles varen presentar un augment en el pes de greix i una disminució de l'índex específic de gravetat (SGI) (p < 0,05) en comparar-les amb les rates adultes no tractades. La GH va reduir el pes en greix (p < 0,05), i va mostrar també una tendència a augmentar l'SGI. Es va analitzar també la resposta de diverses substàncies vasoactives en els anells aòrtics, i es va demostrar una disminució de la vasodilatació per acetilcolina i isoprenalina (p < 0,05) en els animals vells. La contracció induïda per acetilcolina+L-NAME era més alta en els animals vells que en els adults. L'administració de GH millorava les respostes vasodilatadores (p < 0,05) mentre que tendia a reduïr les respostes vasoconstrictores. L'àrea aòrtica mitja augmentava també en les rates velles, mentre que la GH reduïa aquest paràmetre (p < 0,05). Les poblacions neuronals es reduïen en els hipocamps de les rates velles en comparar-les amb les joves. Aquesta reducció estava asociada a un augment dels nucleosomes i a una reducció de Bcl2 en el cervell. Les caspases 3 i 9 també varen augmentar. El tractament amb GH va augmentar significativament el nombre de neurones i va reduir els nucleosomes i les caspases i augmentar el Bcl2. En conclusió, el tractament perGHindueix l'aparició d'efectes beneficiosos en la composició del cos i ha restablert també les funcions cerebrals i vasculars en les rates velles.Vascular and degenerative alterations of the central nervous system (CNS) are two of the most common reasons for illness and death in elderly people; they exhibit an age-related GH deficiency that can affect their physiological functions. A study was conducted under chronic in vivo conditions using old Wistar rats, in order to clarify the effects of GH on the metabolism, vessels, and the CNS. The old rats showed an increased fat weight and a decreased Specific Gravity Index (SGI) (p < 0.05), as compared to the adult animals. GH reduced the fat weight (p < 0.05) and tended to increase the SGI (N.S.). The response to several vasoactive substances in aortic rings showed impaired vasodilatation to Acetylcholine and Isoprenaline (p < 0.05) in the old animals. Contraction, induced by Acetylcholine+ L-NAME, was higher in the old rats than in the adults. GH administration improved the vasodilatory responses (p < 0.05) and tended to reduce the constrictory responses. The aortic media area was increased in the old rats, and GH reduced this parameter (p < 0.05). The neuronal populations were reduced in the hippocampi of the old rats as compared to the young ones. This reduction was associated with an increase in nucleosomes and a reduction in Bcl2 in the brain. An increase was also detected in caspases 3 and 9. GH treatment was able to significantly enhance the number of neurons by reducing the nucleosomes and the caspases and by increasing Bcl2. In conclusion,GHtreatment was able to show beneficial effects on body composition and was able to restore both vascular and brain functions in the old rats

    Sperm Hyperactivation and Capacitation Induced By Light Stimuli in Cryopreserved Semen

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    In mammals, such as rabbits, there are some factors involved in possible fertilization, from complex changes in the membrane of the sperm to obstruction or non-existent of vas deferens, which creates problems in the number and quality of sperm. In this work, we report the effects of rabbit sperm motility and capacitation of cryopreserved semen samples under light stimuli. The sperm velocities were correlated with the percentage of capacitated and non-capacitated sperm seen with a fluorescent dye. Consequently, we analyzed the specific correlations between irradiation times, supplied energy, and fertility parameters. KEYWORDS THAT SEARCHED RELATED TO THE ARTICLE ON THE WEB sperm meaning, capacitation, human sperm, capacitation occurs in, what is sperm, capacitation of sperm, sperm lifetime, fertilization definition, fertilization meaning, capacitation meaning, mechanism of fertilization,sperm capacitation, capacitate meaning, fertilization takes place in, capacitate, capacitation of sperm occurs in, capacitation of sperms, capacitated, definition of fertilizatio

    Neuroanatomy of the grey seal brain : bringing pinnipeds into the neurobiological study of vocal learning

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    N.H. is supported by funding from an International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for language sciences fellowship grant, and the work of N.H. and S.C.V. was supported by a Max Planck Research Group (MPRG) awarded to S.C.V. The work of L.V. and A.R. was supported by a Max Planck Research Group (MPRG) awarded to A.R. S.C.V. was also supported by a Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSP) Research grant (grant no. RGP0058/2016) and a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (grant no. MR/T021985/1).Comparative animal studies of complex behavioural traits, and their neurobiological underpinnings, can increase our understanding of their evolution, including in humans. Vocal learning, a potential precursor to human speech, is one such trait. Mammalian vocal learning is under-studied: most research has either focused on vocal learning in songbirds or its absence in non-human primates. Here, we focus on a highly promising model species for the neurobiology of vocal learning: grey seals (Halichoerus grypus). We provide a neuroanatomical atlas (based on dissected brain slices and magnetic resonance images), a labelled MRI template, a three-dimensional model with volumetric measurements of brain regions, and histological cortical stainings. Four main features of the grey seal brain stand out: (i) it is relatively big and highly convoluted; (ii) it hosts a relatively large temporal lobe and cerebellum; (iii) the cortex is similar to that of humans in thickness and shows the expected six-layered mammalian structure; (iv) there is expression of FoxP2 present in deeper layers of the cortex; FoxP2 is a gene involved in motor learning, vocal learning, and spoken language. Our results could facilitate future studies targeting the neural and genetic underpinnings of mammalian vocal learning, thus bridging the research gap from songbirds to humans and non-human primates. Our findings are relevant not only to vocal learning research but also to the study of mammalian neurobiology and cognition more in general.PostprintPeer reviewe