99 research outputs found

    Transmittivity of a Bose-Einstein condensate on a lattice: interference from period doubling and the effect of disorder

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    We evaluate the particle current flowing in steady state through a Bose-Einstein condensate subject to a constant force in a quasi-onedimensional lattice and to attractive interactions from fermionic atoms that are localized in various configurations inside the lattice wells. The system is treated within a Bose-Hubbard tight binding model by an out-of-equilibrium Green's function approach. A new band gap opens up when the lattice period is doubled by locating the fermions in alternate wells and yields an interference pattern in the transmittivity on varying the intensity of the driving force. The positions of the transmittivity minima are determined by matching the period of Bloch oscillations and the time for tunnelling across the band gap. Massive disorder in the distribution of the fermions will wash out the interference pattern, but the same period doubling of the lattice can be experimentally realized in a four-beam set-up. We report illustrative numerical results for a mixture of 87Rb and 40K atoms in an optical lattice created by laser beams with a wavelength of 763 nm.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    The school bus routing problem: An analysis and algorithm

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    In this paper we analyse a flexible real world-based model for designing school bus transit systems and note a number of parallels between this and other well-known combinatorial optimisation problems including the vehicle routing problem, the set covering problem, and one-dimensional bin packing. We then describe an iterated local search algorithm for this problem and demonstrate the sort of solutions that we can expect with different types of problem instance

    Lagrangian relaxation bounds for a production-inventory-routing problem

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    We consider a single item Production-Inventory-Routing problem with a single producer/supplier and multiple retailers. Inventory management constraints are considered both at the producer and at the retailers, following a vendor managed inventory approach, where the supplier monitors the inventory at retailers and decides on the replenishment policy for each retailer. We assume a constant production capacity. Based on the mathematical formulation we discuss a classical Lagrangian relaxation which allows to decompose the problem into four subproblems, and a new Lagrangian decomposition which decomposes the problem into just a production-inventory subproblem and a routing subproblem. The new decomposition is enhanced with valid inequalities. A computational study is reported to compare the bounds from the two approaches

    A hyper-heuristic with two guidance indicators for bi-objective mixed-shift vehicle routing problem with time windows

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    In this paper, a Mixed-Shift Vehicle Routing Problem is proposed based on a real-life container transportation problem. In a long planning horizon of multiple shifts, transport tasks are completed satisfying the time constraints. Due to the different travel distances and time of tasks, there are two types of shifts (long shift and short shift) in this problem. The unit driver cost for long shifts is higher than that of short shifts. A mathematical model of this Mixed-Shift Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (MS-VRPTW) is established in this paper, with two objectives of minimizing the total driver payment and the total travel distance. Due to the large scale and nonlinear constraints, the exact search showed is not suitable to MS-VRPTW. An initial solution construction heuristic (EBIH) and a selective perturbation Hyper-Heuristic (GIHH) are thus developed. In GIHH, five heuristics with different extents of perturbation at the low level are adaptively selected by a high level selection scheme with the Hill Climbing acceptance criterion. Two guidance indicators are devised at the high level to adaptively adjust the selection of the low level heuristics for this bi-objective problem. The two indicators estimate the objective value improvement and the improvement direction over the Pareto Front, respectively. To evaluate the generality of the proposed algorithms, a set of benchmark instances with various features is extracted from real-life historical datasets. The experiment results show that GIHH significantly improves the quality of the final Pareto Solution Set, outperforming the state-of-the-art algorithms for similar problems. Its application on VRPTW also obtains promising results

    DCs Pulsed with Novel HLA-A2-Restricted CTL Epitopes against Hepatitis C Virus Induced a Broadly Reactive Anti-HCV-Specific T Lymphocyte Response

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the capacity of dendritic cells (DCs) loaded with single or multiple-peptide mixtures of novel hepatitis C virus (HCV) epitopes to stimulate HCV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) effector functions. METHODS: A bioinformatics approach was used to predict HLA-A2-restricted HCV-specific CTL epitopes, and the predicted peptides identified from this screen were synthesized. Subsequent IFN-γ ELISPOT analysis detected the stimulating function of these peptides in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from both chronic and self-limited HCV infected subjects (subjects exhibiting spontaneous HCV clearance). Mature DCs, derived in vitro from CD14(+) monocytes harvested from the study subjects by incubation with appropriate cytokine cocktails, were loaded with novel peptide or epitope peptide mixtures and co-cultured with autologous T lymphocytes. Granzyme B (GrB) and IFN-γ ELISPOT analysis was used to test for epitope-specific CTL responses. T-cell-derived cytokines contained in the co-cultured supernatant were detected by flow cytometry. RESULTS: We identified 7 novel HLA-A2-restricted HCV-specific CTL epitopes that increased the frequency of IFN-γ-producing T cells compared to other epitopes, as assayed by measuring spot forming cells (SFCs). Two epitopes had the strongest stimulating capability in the self-limited subjects, one found in the E2 and one in the NS2 region of HCV; five epitopes had a strong stimulating capacity in both chronic and self-limited HCV infection, but were stronger in the self-limited subjects. They were distributed in E2, NS2, NS3, NS4, and NS5 regions of HCV, respectively. We also found that mDCs loaded with novel peptide mixtures could significantly increase GrB and IFN-γ SFCs as compared to single peptides, especially in chronic HCV infection subjects. Additionally, we found that DCs pulsed with multiple epitope peptide mixtures induced a Th1-biased immune response. CONCLUSIONS: Seven novel and strongly stimulating HLA-A2-restricted HCV-specific CTL epitopes were identified. Furthermore, DCs loaded with multiple-epitope peptide mixtures induced epitope-specific CTLs responses

    Instrumentos de avaliação do aleitamento materno e seu uso na prática clínica

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    RESUMO Objetivos Identificar instrumentos de avaliação da amamentação e sua aplicação na prática clínica, validação e adaptação transcultural. Método Revisão integrativa, realizada em seis bases de dados e em uma biblioteca eletrônica, entre agosto/2014-dezembro/2015, sem limitação temporal. Resultados Foram identificados 19 instrumentos de avaliação do AM. Destes, 12 foram validados e cinco foram adaptados transculturalmente. Quanto à aplicação, destacam-se seu uso para a avaliação do risco de desmame (BAPT) e a percepção/comportamento da mulher em amamentar (BSES-SF e IIFAS). Conclusão A identificação dos instrumentos disponíveis e de suas indicações para a avaliação do AM pode auxiliar profissionais na escolha pelo instrumento a ser utilizado, qualificando a assistência materno-infantil

    Impaired phagocytosis and reactive oxygen species production in phagocytes is associated with systemic vasculitis

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    BACKGROUND: Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies associated vasculitides (AAV) is a group of autoimmune diseases, characterized by small vessel inflammation. Phagocytes such as neutrophils and monocytes are the main effector cells found around the inflamed vessel wall. Therefore, we wanted to investigate aspects of function and activation of these cells in patients with AAV.METHODS: Flow cytometry was used to evaluate: the expression of activation markers (CD11c, CD62L, CD177 and C5aR); the number of recently released neutrophils from bone marrow, defined as CD10(-)D16(low) cells in peripheral blood; and the capacity of peripheral blood monocytes and polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) to produce reactive oxygen species and to phagocytose opsonized bacteria.RESULTS: AAV patients (n = 104) showed an increase of CD10(-)CD16(low) neutrophils and total PMN in peripheral blood, suggesting a combination of increased bone marrow release and prolonged survival. An increased percentage of AAV PMN expressed CD177 but no other signs of activation were seen. A decreased production of reactive oxygen species was observed in AAV phagocytes, which was associated with disease activity. Moreover, granulocytes from patients with microscopic polyangiitis showed lower oxidative burst capacity compared to patients with granulomatosis with polyangiitis or eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis. In addition, decreased phagocytosis capacity was seen in PMN and monocytes.CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that phagocytes from AAV patients have impaired function, are easily mobilized from bone marrow but are not particularly activated. The association between low reactive oxygen species formation in PMN and disease severity is consistent with findings in other autoimmune diseases and might be considered as a risk factor

    Ultrasound for Distal Forearm Fracture:A Systematic Review and Diagnostic Meta-Analysis

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    STUDY OBJECTIVE:To determine the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound for detecting distal forearm fractures. METHODS:A systematic review and diagnostic meta-analysis was performed according to the PRISMA statement. We searched MEDLINE, Web of Science and the Cochrane Library from inception to September 2015. All prospective studies of the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound versus radiography as the reference standard were included. We excluded studies with a retrospective design and those with evidence of verification bias. We assessed the methodological quality of the included studies with the QUADAS-2 tool. We performed a meta-analysis of studies evaluating ultrasound to calculate the pooled sensitivity and specificity with 95% confidence intervals (CI95%) using a bivariate model with random effects. Subgroup and sensitivity analysis were used to examine the effect of methodological differences and other study characteristics. RESULTS:Out of 867 publications we included 16 studies with 1,204 patients and 641 fractures. The pooled test characteristics for ultrasound were: sensitivity 97% (CI95% 93-99%), specificity 95% (CI95% 89-98%), positive likelihood ratio (LR) 20.0 (8.5-47.2) and negative LR 0.03 (0.01-0.08). The corresponding pooled diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) was 667 (142-3,133). Apparent differences were shown for method of viewing, with the 6-view method showing higher specificity, positive LR, and DOR, compared to the 4-view method. CONCLUSION:The present meta-analysis showed that ultrasound has a high accuracy for the diagnosis of distal forearm fractures in children when used by proper viewing method. Based on this, ultrasound should be considered a reliable alternative, which has the advantages of being radiation free
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