1,003 research outputs found

    DIF in the Spanish Version of the Verbal Selective Reminding Test Using Samples From Hispanics in the United States, Mexicans, and Spaniards

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    Aim: Before a test can be used in the target population, it is necessary to demonstrate that there is measurement equivalence. One way to do this is by studying differential item functioning (DIF). Objective: In this study, we used the Mantel–Haenszel procedure and logistic regression to analyze DIF in the Spanish version of the Verbal Selective Reminding Test between Spaniards, Mexicans, and Hispanics in the United States. Method: Three balanced samples, matched by age, education, and sex, were studied: Spaniards, Mexicans, and Hispanics [616 healthy participants from Spain (n = 211), Mexico (n = 201), and the United States (n = 205)]. A six-trial version of the Spanish version of the Verbal Selective Reminding Test was administered and scored according to standard procedures. Results: Statistical analysis showed some DIF between the samples of Spaniards, Mexicans, and Hispanics. A bootstrap validation of results confirmed that the item pollo showed DIF: the Mexicans and Hispanics outperformed the Spaniards, holding a total score constant. The item oído also showed DIF and was remembered in greater measure by the Spaniards. Conclusion: The Spanish version of the Verbal Selective Reminding Test can be used with Hispanic populations

    On the Uniqueness Conjecture for the Maximum Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind

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    The Stirling numbers of the second kind S(n,  k) satisfy S(n, 0)<¿<S(n, kn)=S(n, kn+1)>¿>S(n, n).A long standing conjecture asserts that there exists no n= 3 such that S(n, kn) = S(n, kn+ 1). In this note, we give a characterization of this conjecture in terms of multinomial probabilities, as well as sufficient conditions on n ensuring that S(n, kn) > S(n, kn+ 1). © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Asymptotic and Non-asymptotic Results in the Approximation by Bernstein Polynomials

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    This paper deals with the approximation of functions by the classical Bernstein polynomials in terms of the Ditzian–Totik modulus of smoothness. Asymptotic and non-asymptotic results are respectively stated for continuous and twice continuously differentiable functions. By using a probabilistic approach, known results are either completed or strengthened

    Random linear operators arising from piecewise linear interpolation on the unit interval

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    We introduce a sequence of random linear operators arising from piecewise linear interpolation at a set of random nodes on the unit interval. We show that such operators uniformly converge in probability to the target function, providing at the same time rates of convergence. Analogous results are shown for their deterministic counterparts, derived by taking expectations of the aforementioned random operators. Special attention is paid to the case in which the random nodes are the uniform order statistics, where an explicit form for their associated deterministic operators is provided. This allows us to compare the speed of convergence of the aforementioned operators with that of the random and deterministic Bernstein polynomials

    Roles of calcium and Mitochondria-Associated Membranes in the development of obesity and diabetes

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    Obesity has become a public health problem around the world. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2014 report), more than one in three adults in Mexico are obese. It is known that the hypothalamus, a region of the Central Nervous System (CNS), is actively involved in regulating energy homeostasis during obesity. Anatomically, the hypothalamus is composed of several nuclei coordinating body weight and metabolism, including the arcuate nucleus (ARC), which contains neurons co-expressing orexigenic peptides like Agouti-related protein (AgRP), Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and the anorexigenic peptide Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC). During obesity, the integration and metabolic response in the ARC is disrupted by three molecular mechanisms: (1) activation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, (2) mitochondrial dysfunction, and (3) increase of ER and mitochondria contacts, known as Mitochondria-Associated Membranes (MAMs). In this context, it is proposed that MAMs formation induces mitochondrial Ca2+ overload and metabolic dysfunction, leading to insulin resistance and diabetes. Recently, MAMs formation has emerged as one of the molecular mechanisms underlying metabolic alterations during obesity. Thus, in this review we will focus on proposing scientific evidence to support the role of the MAMs and their function on calcium regulation during obesity, as an important pathological mechanism in the development of diabetes mellitus type 2

    Forecast Combination

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    Actualmente existen diversas metodologías de pronóstico, que van desde el conocimiento empírico hasta métodos innovadores, individuales o combinados, que demuestran resultados óptimos. Este documento se deriva de un proceso de investigación y presenta alternativas relacionadas con las combinaciones de pronósticos, utilizando metaheurísticas, por ejemplo, mediante la búsqueda tabú y la programación evolutiva para optimizar el pronóstico. El documento presenta pronósticos combinados basados en la programación evolutiva utilizando mezclas de modelos de regresión bayesiana y modelos de regresión lineal clásico, el modelo de media móvil integrado autorregresivo, el suavizado exponencial y la regresión bayesiana. El documento presenta dos artículos derivados de investigación, la primera compara el algoritmo combinado con los resultados individuales de estos modelos individuales y con la combinación de Bates y Granger utilizando un indicador de error y el valor simétrico de error absoluto medio. Esos modelos y la combinación se aplicaron a la simulación de series temporales y a un caso real de ventas de productos lácteos, generando así pronósticos combinados multiproductos tanto para la simulación como para el caso real. La nueva combinación combinada con la metaheurística evolutiva mostró mejores resultados que los de los otros que se utilizaron. La segunda investigación utiliza series de tiempo simuladas, diseñando dos metaheurísticas basadas en la lista Tabú, que aprenden de los datos con base en el comportamiento estadístico de éstos, como el cluster, así como del mismo valor optimizado del error de ajuste, y se comparan las combinaciones de pronósticos con resultados de modelos individuales a tres tipos de series de tiempo.Currently diverse forecasting methodologies exists, going from the empirical knowledge to the innovative methods, individual or combined, demonstrating optimal results. This document is derived from a research process, and presents alternatives related to forecast combinations, using metaheuristics, for example, by using Tabu search and Evolutive programing to optimize forecasting. One of the designed process consists of creating combination forecasts based on evolutionary programming using, first, a mixture of Bayesian regression models and, second, a mixture of the classical linear regression model, the autoregressive integrated moving average model, exponential smoothing and Bayesian regression. The first research compares the novel combined algorithm with the individual results of these individual models and with the Bates and Granger combination using an error indicator and the symmetrical mean absolute error value. Those models and the novel design were applied to time series simulation and to a real case of dairy products sales, thus generating multiproduct combination forecasts for both the simulation and the real case. The novel combination combined with the evolutionary metaheuristic showed better results than those of the others that were used. The second research uses simulated time series and other metaheuristic that learns from the data an statistical behavior.Tecnológico de Antioquia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.Doctorad

    Procedure to use phosphogypsum industrial waste for mineral CO 2 sequestration

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    Industrial wet phosphoric acid production in Huelva (SW Spain) has led to the controversial stockpiling of waste phosphogypsum by-products, resulting in the release of significant quantities of toxic impurities in salt marshes in the Tinto river estuary. In the framework of the fight against global climate change and the effort to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, a simple and efficient procedure for CO 2 mineral sequestration is presented in this work, using phosphogypsum waste as a calcium source. Our results demonstrate the high efficiency of portlandite precipitation by phosphogypsum dissolution using an alkaline soda solution. Carbonation experiments performed at ambient pressure and temperature resulted in total conversion of the portlandite into carbonate. The fate of trace elements present in the phosphogypsum waste was also investigated, and trace impurities were found to be completely transferred to the final calcite. We believe that the procedure proposed here should be considered not only as a solution for reducing old stockpiles of phosphogypsum wastes, but also for future phosphoric acid and other gypsum-producing industrial processes, resulting in more sustainable production.Junta de Andalucía TEP115Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PIA42008-3

    Análisis de factibilidad para la implementación de una cafetería virtual con entrega a domicilio en la ciudad de Guayaquil

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    Los efectos de un estilo de vida acelerado, son cada vez más evidentes en un mundo globalizado. La utilización de las tecnologías de comunicación e información (TIC) y del internet nace como una respuesta a este efecto. Modificando drásticamente la metodología laboral y la rutina social de las personas, al punto que muchos procesos, anteriormente análogos, han sido virtualziados, logrando con esto un trabajo más eficiente y una comunicación más efectiva. En Ecuador como en muchos países esta desmedida velocidad de vida trae consigo repercusiones negativas, cuando la necesidad de resultados inmediatos obliga a los individuos a priorizar las horas de trabajo sobre una adecuada alimentación. Pues estos se ven en la necesidad de comprar comida rápida, de dudosa calidad nutricional e higiénica, y esto si es que encuentran el tiempo para hacerlo. Este estudio para la implementación de una cafetería virtual, nace como respuesta a esta necesidad de un estilo de vida más sano con una alimentación conveniente, y utilizando para su fin las TIC y el internet de manera que se pueda adaptar sistemáticamente al estilo de vida de la población laboral. El estudio de factibilidad financiera incluye un completo desglose de la proyección de ingresos por ventas, gastos y costos de producción en los que se incurrirán en la implementación de dicha tienda virtual. Toda esta información será utilizada para determinar la factibilidad económica del proyecto mediante los métodos de evaluación del VAN y la TIR.EDCOM - ESPO

    Frecuencia de crisis parciales complejas en pacientes psicóticos de la consulta externa del Hospital Psiquiátrico Dr. Rafael Serrano

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    “La psicosis es un trastorno en el cual los pensamientos, la respuesta afectiva, la capacidad para reconocer la realidad, para comunicarse y para relacionarse con los demás están alterados, de tal manera que interfieren con la habilidad para tratar con la realidad y hay alteración de la respuesta afectiva ante cualquier situación. Las principales características de la psicosis son la alteración del sentido de la realidad, las alucinaciones, las ideas delirantes y las ilusiones, según la definición de Kaplan (Sadock, 2010). Esta situación lleva a un retraimiento social e incapacidad de desempeñar los papeles usuales en el área doméstica y profesional (Kaplan, 2010). Las psicosis pueden ser de tipo paranoides, desorganizado excitadas o depresivas. Los pacientes pueden tener alteraciones perceptuales que incluyen voces alucinatorias, alucinaciones visuales, táctiles, gustativas u olfativas, así como que las cosas familiares y la gente parecen que han cambiado.