21 research outputs found

    Retrato y estatus. Una aproximación a la imagen de autor

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    The increasing development of the printer has created a fruitful field of social relations leading to the appearance of the manuscript. Mass production together with the renewed concept of the author, due to the recently implemented writing legislation, pushes the creator to seek for the public recognition of himself. The author set himself apart of the guilds and started to be in contact with many other professional sectors with the final intention of obtaining fame and renown. Lope de Vega is the main promoter of this new tendency that relates poetry and its’ market focused on the author as a professional. The portrait is one of the genre mostly used as self-affirmation as well as other types of visual arts. The use of the portrait is so extended that its own definition gets modified and it even reaches the level of being the most trustful proof of authorship of the manuscript. Many different writers use it both for seeking a professional fame or a social standing, as for example Rebolledo. The concern for not being able to show a picture of himself leads Cervantes to state the first literary self-portrait, not only describing the physical aspects but also tracing the psychological sketch of the creative process. Many different authors have had concerns to represent the psychology of the creator either in a visual way or in a literary mode. A brief approach to these creators proves this fact.El aumento y desarrollo del uso de la imprenta genera relaciones muy fructíferas creando importantes redes de sociabilidad en el camino hacia la salida del manuscrito a la luz. La producción en masa confluye con la nueva concepción del término de autor al asentarse las bases de la escritura en entorno a una legislación autorial recién implantada, en la que el creador se encuentra en plena búsqueda de reconocimiento ante el público. Los autores se desvincularon de las antiguas agrupaciones gremiales y comenzaron a relacionarse con otros sectores, con intención de impulsarse en su empeño por ganar relevancia y reconocimiento. Lope de Vega es el propulsor más destacado de esta propuesta relacional entre poesía y mercado, centrada en la profesionalización del autor. En su cometido, plantea un acercamiento a las artes plásticas, concretamente al género del retrato, y se vale de un imaginario como vía de autoafirmación. La utilización del retrato se consolida reescribiéndose prácticamente su significado y actuando incluso como prueba fehaciente de originalidad del ejemplar. Numerosos escritores se valen de él, ya sea por búsqueda de notoriedad a nivel profesional o de posicionamiento social, como ocurre con Rebolledo. La preocupación por la imposibilidad de dejar constancia de su efigie lleva a Cervantes a plantear el primer autorretrato literario, dejando constancia no solo una descripción de su rostro, sino vinculándolo además a un retrato psicológico de la profundidad del acto creativo. Distintos autores han mantenido esta preocupación por la representación de la psicología del creador, tanto plásticos como literarios. Un breve acercamiento a estos creadores da constancia de este hecho

    El espejo del retrato: el conde de Rebolledo y sus dedicatarias

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    El análisis de la propuesta iconográfi ca y discursiva de los retratos de Rebolledo y de sus dedicatarias incluidos en sus textos parte de la consideración de la naturaleza misma del proyecto editorial del conde y su relación con una trayectoria vital de tareas diplomáticas fuera de España. En su consideración se tienen en cuenta, junto a la sistematicidad de su aparición y la singularidad del diálogo autor/dedicatario, la gramática visual de los grabados y la peculiar relación con los de las reinas de Suecia y Dinamarca. Junto a lo relativo a la afirmación autorial, se avanza la conclusión de que, frente al modelo más tradicional de relaciones que se mantiene en el retrato y la dedicatoria a Felipe IV, el diálogo con Cristina y Sofía Amalia abre renovados espacios de lectura

    Production of biologically active human lymphotactin (XCL1) by Lactococcus lactis

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    Lymphotactin-XCL1 is a chemokine produced mainly by activated CD8? T-cells and directs migration of CD4? and CD8? lymphocytes and natural killer (NK) cells. We expressed human lymphotactin (LTN) by the lactic-acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis. Biological activity of LTN was confirmed by chemo-attraction of human T-cells by chemotaxis demonstrating, for the first time, how this chemokine secreted by a food-grade prokaryote retains biological activity and chemoattracts T lymphocytes. This strain thus represents a feasible well-tolerated vector to deliver active LTN at a mucosal level

    Efficient secretion of a modified E7 protein from human papilloma virus type-16 by Lactococcus lactis

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    Aims: To create and provide a strain of the food-grade bacterium Lactococcus lactis able to efficiently secrete a modified form of the E7 protein from the human papilloma virus (HPV) type-16. Methods and Results: We cloned the coding sequence of a modified E7 (E7m)from the HPV-16 in a plasmid regulated by the strong expression promoter p59. Secretion of the E7m was made by the signal peptide of the usp45 gene.The E7m was detected by Western blot in the cell-free-medium fraction, showing no degradation or aberrant forms. Conclusions: We constructed a strain of L. lactis able to secrete efficiently aHPV-16 E7 modified protein with diminished transforming activity. Significance and Impact of the Study: Human papilloma virus infection is associated with more than 99% of cervical cancers. Immunotherapy targeting E7 to treat HPV-associated cervical malignancies has been demonstrated to be highly efficient. However, native E7 maintains transforming activity. We present this new strain of a food-grade bacterium able to efficiently secrete a HPV-16 E7-modified protein with diminished transforming activity. This new strain could be used as a live vaccine to deliver E7 at a mucosal level and generate antitumour immune responses against HPV-associated tumours

    Childhood acute leukemias are frequent in Mexico City: descriptive epidemiology

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Worldwide, acute leukemia is the most common type of childhood cancer. It is particularly common in the Hispanic populations residing in the United States, Costa Rica, and Mexico City. The objective of this study was to determine the incidence of acute leukemia in children who were diagnosed and treated in public hospitals in Mexico City.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Included in this study were those children, under 15 years of age and residents of Mexico City, who were diagnosed in 2006 and 2007 with leukemia, as determined by using the International Classification of Childhood Cancer. The average annual incidence rates (AAIR), and the standardized average annual incidence rates (SAAIR) per million children were calculated. We calculated crude, age- and sex-specific incidence rates and adjusted for age by the direct method with the world population as standard. We determined if there were a correlation between the incidence of acute leukemias in the various boroughs of Mexico City and either the number of agricultural hectares, the average number of persons per household, or the municipal human development index for Mexico (used as a reference of socio-economic level).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Although a total of 610 new cases of leukemia were registered during 2006-2007, only 228 fit the criteria for inclusion in this study. The overall SAAIR was 57.6 per million children (95% CI, 46.9-68.3); acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) was the most frequent type of leukemia, constituting 85.1% of the cases (SAAIR: 49.5 per million), followed by acute myeloblastic leukemia at 12.3% (SAAIR: 6.9 per million), and chronic myeloid leukemia at 1.7% (SAAIR: 0.9 per million). The 1-4 years age group had the highest SAAIR for ALL (77.7 per million). For cases of ALL, 73.2% had precursor B-cell immunophenotype (SAAIR: 35.8 per million) and 12.4% had T-cell immunophenotype (SAAIR 6.3 per million). The peak ages for ALL were 2-6 years and 8-10 years. More than half the children (58.8%) were classified as high risk. There was a positive correlation between the average number of persons per household and the incidence of the pre-B immunophenotype (Pearson's r, 0.789; P = 0.02).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The frequency of ALL in Mexico City is among the highest in the world, similar to those found for Hispanics in the United States and in Costa Rica.</p

    5to. Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad. Memoria académica

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    El V Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad, CITIS 2019, realizado del 6 al 8 de febrero de 2019 y organizado por la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, ofreció a la comunidad académica nacional e internacional una plataforma de comunicación unificada, dirigida a cubrir los problemas teóricos y prácticos de mayor impacto en la sociedad moderna desde la ingeniería. En esta edición, dedicada a los 25 años de vida de la UPS, los ejes temáticos estuvieron relacionados con la aplicación de la ciencia, el desarrollo tecnológico y la innovación en cinco pilares fundamentales de nuestra sociedad: la industria, la movilidad, la sostenibilidad ambiental, la información y las telecomunicaciones. El comité científico estuvo conformado formado por 48 investigadores procedentes de diez países: España, Reino Unido, Italia, Bélgica, México, Venezuela, Colombia, Brasil, Estados Unidos y Ecuador. Fueron recibidas un centenar de contribuciones, de las cuales 39 fueron aprobadas en forma de ponencias y 15 en formato poster. Estas contribuciones fueron presentadas de forma oral ante toda la comunidad académica que se dio cita en el Congreso, quienes desde el aula magna, el auditorio y la sala de usos múltiples de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, cumplieron respetuosamente la responsabilidad de representar a toda la sociedad en la revisión, aceptación y validación del conocimiento nuevo que fue presentado en cada exposición por los investigadores. Paralelo a las sesiones técnicas, el Congreso contó con espacios de presentación de posters científicos y cinco workshops en temáticas de vanguardia que cautivaron la atención de nuestros docentes y estudiantes. También en el marco del evento se impartieron un total de ocho conferencias magistrales en temas tan actuales como la gestión del conocimiento en la universidad-ecosistema, los retos y oportunidades de la industria 4.0, los avances de la investigación básica y aplicada en mecatrónica para el estudio de robots de nueva generación, la optimización en ingeniería con técnicas multi-objetivo, el desarrollo de las redes avanzadas en Latinoamérica y los mundos, la contaminación del aire debido al tránsito vehicular, el radón y los riesgos que representa este gas radiactivo para la salud humana, entre otros

    Implementation of a roadmap for the comprehensive diagnosis, follow-up, and research of childhood leukemias in vulnerable regions of Mexico: results from the PRONAII Strategy

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    The main objective of the National Project for Research and Incidence of Childhood Leukemias is to reduce early mortality rates for these neoplasms in the vulnerable regions of Mexico. This project was conducted in the states of Oaxaca, Puebla, and Tlaxcala. A key strategy of the project is the implementation of an effective roadmap to ensure that leukemia patients are the target of maximum benefit of interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers, clinicians, surveyors, and laboratories. This strategy guarantees the comprehensive management of diagnosis and follow-up samples of pediatric patients with leukemia, centralizing, managing, and analyzing the information collected. Additionally, it allows for a precise diagnosis and monitoring of the disease through immunophenotype and measurable residual disease (MRD) studies, enhancing research and supporting informed clinical decisions for the first time in these regions through a population-based study. This initiative has significantly improved the diagnostic capacity of leukemia in girls, boys, and adolescents in the regions of Oaxaca, Puebla, and Tlaxcala, providing comprehensive, high-quality care with full coverage in the region. Likewise, it has strengthened collaboration between health institutions, researchers, and professionals in the sector, which contributes to reducing the impact of the disease on the community

    Evidence of spatial clustering of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia cases in Greater Mexico City: report from the Mexican Inter-Institutional Group for the identification of the causes of childhood leukemia

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    BackgroundA heterogeneous geographic distribution of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cases has been described, possibly, related to the presence of different environmental factors. The aim of the present study was to explore the geographical distribution of childhood ALL cases in Greater Mexico City (GMC).MethodsA population-based case-control study was conducted. Children &lt;18 years old, newly diagnosed with ALL and residents of GMC were included. Controls were patients without leukemia recruited from second-level public hospitals, frequency-matched by sex, age, and health institution with the cases. The residence address where the patients lived during the last year before diagnosis (cases) or the interview (controls) was used for geolocation. Kulldorff’s spatial scan statistic was used to detect spatial clusters (SCs). Relative risks (RR), associated p-value and number of cases included for each cluster were obtained.ResultsA total of 1054 cases with ALL were analyzed. Of these, 408 (38.7%) were distributed across eight SCs detected. A relative risk of 1.61 (p&lt;0.0001) was observed for the main cluster. Similar results were noted for the remaining seven ones. Additionally, a proximity between SCs, electrical installations and petrochemical facilities was observed.ConclusionsThe identification of SCs in certain regions of GMC suggest the possible role of environmental factors in the etiology of childhood ALL

    Plastic representation of the author (1648-1778) : Repertoire and studies

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    La thèse doctorale que nous présentons s’appuie sur l’utilisation du portrait d’écrivains comme stratégie de reconnaissance de l’auteur en Espagne, dans la période comprise entre 1648 et 1778. La complexité que suppose la récupération du concept de la notion d’auteur est reflétée par le fonctionnement du champ littéraire et les mécanismes établis par l’institutionnalisation de la littérature. Nous menons cette recherche travers une proposition de développement méthodologique en nous basant sur le terrain de la sociologie des réseaux de marché. L’étude s’inscrit dans le cadre de la cotutelle internationale entre l’Université de Cordoue et l’Université de Bordeaux Montaigne, dont les codirecteurs sont le Professeur Pedro Ruiz Pérez (PHEBO-SILEM) et le Professeur Jean-Marc Buiguès (AMERIBER). La thèse possède un très fort caractère interdisciplinaire puisqu’elle mêle les méthodologies de la Littérature, des Beaux-Arts et des Humanités Numériques. La recherche se situe dans un cadre bien déterminé qui considère comme inébranlable le lien entre l’art et les lettres qui trouve son origine au Siècle d’Or, uni aux développements technologiques, au sein de la création des nouvelles trames de sociabilité dans l’environnement littéraire. Elle s’inscrit de cette façon autour d’un ensemble de travaux dont ressortent deux aspects fondamentaux. D’une part, la constitution d’un répertoire de portraits d’auteurs qui a pour origine Le Parnasse de Quevedo et comme fin Le Parnasse des portraits de López de Sedano. D’autre part, différentes études de cas où les auteurs que nous prenons pour référence s’articulent autour de la conformation du canon comme stratégie de positionnement de l’auteur depuis la représentation artistique. Nous comparons ces axes principaux de l’étude avec les portraits antérieurs à la date qui prennent pour point de départ Le Livre des portraits de Pacheco (1599-1644), et d’autre part, avec les portraits postérieurs, qui mettent un point final à la galerie des portraits d’auteur de 1780.The current doctoral thesis is focused on the use of portraits of authors in Spain as a strategy to seek for recognition, between 1648 and 1778. The complexity of the recovery of the sense of the author is treated taking into account the way the literary field functions and the existing mechanisms in the literature institutionalization. The investigation is based on a methodologic development proposal that enters into the market networks sociology field. The study is developed within an international co-tutorship framework in place between the University of Córdoba and the University of Bordeaux Montaigne. Prof. Pedro Ruiz Pérez (PHEBO-SILEM) and Prof. Jean-Marc Buiguès (AMERIBER) are the co-advisors. The thesis maintains a strong interdisciplinary character as it combines Literature, Fine Arts and Digital Humanities fields. The link that is originated during the Spanish literature Golden Age “Siglo De Oro” between Art and literature, together with the Research and Development, is considered as an unbreakable pair along the research, considering the appearance of new sociability plots in the literary environment. The core of the investigation is therefore concentrated in two fundamental aspects. On one hand, the constitution of a catalog of author portraits that originates from Quevedo’s Parnaso and that is finalized with Lopez de Sedano’s portraits Parnaso. On the other, different case studies in which the authors we take as a reference contribute to the establishment of a canon as an authorial positioning strategy using artistic representation. A comparison is made between these central axes of the study and on one side the earlier portraits that take as a starting point the Book of portraits of Pacheco (1599-1644), and on the other, with subsequent portraits, which culminate in the gallery of portraits of author of 1780

    La iconografía de los grabados de anteportada en los almanaques

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    The typical components of the almanacs and the representation of the Piscators that were widely published during the eighteenth century included literary contents from Torres Villarroel’s contributions onwards. These publications were usually embellished by a full-page engraving placed such as half-title of the edition. This engraving used to illustrate the image of Piscator in an certainly imaginative way (at least from the last years of the seventeenth century onwards). Thence, the image was not considered as the formal authorial representation. The evolution of these engravings, which were copies shared amongst different authors and overlap other models used in France and in Italy, is considered through the assessment of the combination of its representations and its variations as the authorial maskLos componentes que se hacen característicos en los almanaques y la representación de los Piscatores que se publicaron cuantiosamente durante el XVIII, mantuvieron contenidos literarios a partir de Torres Villarroel. Estas publicaciones acostumbraban a aparecer adornadas con un grabado de página entera que se colocaba a modo de anteportada en el impreso y en las que se retrataba, de forma más o menos fantasiosa, al Piscator (al menos desde los últimos años del XVII), de forma que la imagen no siempre hacía las veces de representación autorial en sentido estricto. La evolución de esos grabados, que a la vez son copias que se pasan de unos autores a otros y que, en alguna medida, se solapan con modelos usados en Francia o Italia, se plantea bajo la valoración del conjunto de representaciones y sus variantes a modo de máscara autoria