88 research outputs found

    Cardiac Myocytes and Mechanosensation

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    Current Situation of The Digital Transformation of The Mongolian Education Sector

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    Digital learning is a comprehensive, innovative approach to the provision and management of education. In order to incorporate this approach into our education system, there is a need for the capacity building of human resources, incorporate distance education resources, adapt curricula and teaching methodologies to distance education, enhance students’ and instructors’ digital capacities, plan and develop a comprehensive open University system and diligently research the potential risks that are posed to our students’ and instructors’ wellbeing, privacy and security as a result of the digital transformation. Policies and programs such as Mongolia’s “Sustainable Development Goals”, “Vision 2050 – Mongolia’s long-term development policy”, “Digital Society medium-term program 2022-2027”, “2020 – 2024 Mongolian Government operational program”. “Medium-term Education Sector Development Plan” have established the legal environment for the incorporation of digital technologies into the education sector. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic that has ravaged the world since 2019 a dire need to transform the development strategies, plans and education arose in countries across the world. Attempts to prevent and minimize the spread of Covid-19 further necessitated the development and conduct of online and hybrid classes and we have been using digital technologies to maximize the effectiveness of education in the New Normal. The purpose of this paper is to determine the issues facing the digital transformation of education in terms of management, organization, curriculum, content, methodology, digital competencies of specialists, infrastructure, online resources, as well as education financing and propose solutions to some of the key issues

    Effects of Mitochondrial Ferritin (FTMT) Expression by Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells on Features of Angiogenesis.

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    International journal of molecular sciences. 2020 May 21;21(10):3635.滋賀医科大学令和2年

    Estimates of Toad Headed Agama Density in Three Steppe Habitats of Mongolia

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    The toad headed agama (Phrynocephalus versicolor) ranges across the arid steppe regions of southern and western Mongolia and represents one of the most common reptiles in the country. However, few details of the species’ population characteristics exist, which may be important for evaluating population trends and assessing its conservation status. We estimated toad headed agama density in Ikh Nart Nature Reserve, Mongolia based on surveys conducted in the summers (June-September) of 2005, 2006, 2008, and 2009. We conducted surveys in three steppe habitats including tall grassland (n = 7), shrub-steppe (n = 7), and semi-shrub steppe (n = 8), and calculated density using Distance methods. Mean density across all surveys was 66 agamas/ha (95% C.I. = 48-92; range: 24/ha to 112/ha). Agamas occurred in highest density in shrub-steppe and lowest in semi-shrub across years. Density was similar between shrub-steppe and tall grassland. However, density in these habitats was significantly higher than in semishrub steppe. Our results provide baseline estimates of toad headed agama density, and indicate that agamas are capable of reaching higher density than previously recorded. Our results also suggest that agamas benefit from the cover afforded by more structurally complex vegetation communities like those found in shrub-steppe and tall grassland habitats

    Estimates of Toad Headed Agama Density in Three Steppe Habitats of Mongolia

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    The toad headed agama (Phrynocephalus versicolor) ranges across the arid steppe regions of southern and western Mongolia and represents one of the most common reptiles in the country. However, few details of the species’ population characteristics exist, which may be important for evaluating population trends and assessing its conservation status. We estimated toad headed agama density in Ikh Nart Nature Reserve, Mongolia based on surveys conducted in the summers (June-September) of 2005, 2006, 2008, and 2009. We conducted surveys in three steppe habitats including tall grassland (n = 7), shrub-steppe (n = 7), and semi-shrub steppe (n = 8), and calculated density using Distance methods. Mean density across all surveys was 66 agamas/ha (95% C.I. = 48-92; range: 24/ha to 112/ha). Agamas occurred in highest density in shrub-steppe and lowest in semi-shrub across years. Density was similar between shrub-steppe and tall grassland. However, density in these habitats was significantly higher than in semishrub steppe. Our results provide baseline estimates of toad headed agama density, and indicate that agamas are capable of reaching higher density than previously recorded. Our results also suggest that agamas benefit from the cover afforded by more structurally complex vegetation communities like those found in shrub-steppe and tall grassland habitats

    The Sarcomeric Z-Disc and Z-Discopathies

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    The sarcomeric Z-disc defines the lateral borders of the sarcomere and has primarily been seen as a structure important for mechanical stability. This view has changed dramatically within the last one or two decades. A multitude of novel Z-disc proteins and their interacting partners have been identified, which has led to the identification of additional functions and which have now been assigned to this structure. This includes its importance for intracellular signalling, for mechanosensation and mechanotransduction in particular, an emerging importance for protein turnover and autophagy, as well as its molecular links to the t-tubular system and the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Moreover, the discovery of mutations in a wide variety of Z-disc proteins, which lead to perturbations of several of the above-mentioned systems, gives rise to a diverse group of diseases which can be termed Z-discopathies. This paper provides a brief overview of these novel aspects as well as points to future research directions

    Exchange Rate Pass-Through Effect and Monetary Policy in Mongolia: Small Open Economy DSGE model

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    This thesis analyzes the incomplete exchange rate pass-through effect on Mongolian economy and its implication on monetary policy under foreign and domestic shocks. The analysis is carried out in a small open economy New Keynesian DSGE model proposed by Monacelli (2005), where incomplete exchange rate pass-through is introduced via nominal rigidities on import prices. In order to accomplish the goal, we firstly derive the solutions of the model, calibrate the parameters, and finally simulate the impulse responses. Moreover, SVAR estimation is achieved to estimate the pass-through. Four main results are obtained. First, the exchange rate pass-through into import price and inflation is 0.69% and 0.49% respectively in short run, implying incomplete pass-through in Mongolia. Second, the exchange rate acts as a shock absorber for domestic productivity and foreign demand shock, but as a shock amplifier for domestic demand shock. Third, in case of incomplete pass-through the central bank of Mongolia is required to adjust the nominal interest rate more under the productivity shock, but less for the domestic and foreign demand shock. Finally, deviations from the law of one price contributes considerably to the variability of the output gap under the low pass-through. Therefore, considering incomplete pass-through in...Tato práce analyzuje neúplný zvýšený kurzový efekt na mongolskou ekonomiku a její implikace pro měnovou politiku v rámci zahraničních a domácích otřesu. Analýza se provádí v malé otevřené ekonomice podle modelu New Keynesian DSGE, navrženého Monacelli ( 2005) , kde neúplné kurz zvýšení je zaveden přes normalizace na dovozní ceny. Za účelem dosažení cíle, jsme se nejprve odvodili řešení modelu, kalibrovali parametry a nakonec simulovat impulsní odezvy . Navíc odhad SVAR je dosaženo odhadnutím promítání. Čtyři hlavní výsledky byly získané . Za prvé, kurz zvýšení na dovozní ceny a inflace je 0,69 % a 0,49 % , respektive v krátkodobém horizontu , z čehož vyplývá, neúplné promítání v Mongolsku . Za druhé, kurz se chová jako tlumič nárazů pro domácí produktivitu a zahraniční poptávku, ale jako tlumič zesilovač pro domácí poptávku . Za třeti, v případě neúplností je zapotřebí pro centrální banku Mongolska upravit nominální úrokové sazby více pod proudem produktivity, ale méně pro domácí a zahraniční poptávku. Konečně, odchylky od zákona jedné ceny významně přispívají k variabilitě mezery výstupu zvýšení nákladu přes cenu. Proto, vzhledem k neúplnému promítnutí v prováděné měnové politice je významné pro zlepšení její účinnosti pro centrální banku Mongolska. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Institute of Economic StudiesInstitut ekonomických studiíFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    A Competency Framework Implementation for International Public in the Information, Communication and Technology

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    Due to the 4th industrial revolution, technology is evolving and new employment are being created in significant numbers, but many jobs are expected to be eliminated from the market as well [1]. Therefore, citizens of the 21st century need to improve their knowledge of ICT in order to adapt to the digital transformation and acquire the skills required for new jobs. International organizations and the private sector have developed digital skills framework while providing the global digital skills and assess education levels. In this study, a total of 12 frameworks and skills of ICT competency frameworks and skills issued by countries and private sector organizations that are widely used internationally which are leading in ICT competence of citizens have been analyzed. Furthermore, the researchers studied the measures and implementation in several countries in the field of improving public information, communication and technological knowledge and skills

    Students’ Perceptions of a Blended Course and its Effectiveness at a Mongolian University

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    Blended learning has been considered one of the modern delivery modes of teaching and learning since the COVID-19 pandemic outreach. Although e-learning has been developing in most countries, its importance and needs were highly acknowledged by all educational organizations worldwide during COVID-19. All educational institutions worldwide run online or blended courses at some stage of their training. Regarding temporary demands such as the pandemic, learners had to study through online learning, and now it has become one of their regular learning modes. Meanwhile, educational institutions and their stakeholders were experiencing both online and blended programs and were provided opportunities to compare different delivery methods. Therefore, blended learning and teaching have become a more profitable way of teaching, especially in higher education. This article investigates the student’s perceptions of blended learning and its effectiveness based on the case of a Mongolian university. To achieve this goal, we conducted qualitative and quantitative research. The survey included 182 students from first-year to senior year to identify the challenges they faced, the experiences they gained, and their evaluation of the blended courses they enrolled in. The research questions were created on Google form, data was electronic via emails, and focused group interviews were conducted simultaneously. As a result of the survey, it has been revealed that there are several benefits and advantages to blended courses in the tertiary education sector of Mongolia. However, key factors such as the learning styles of Mongolian students, appropriate learning environment and course design, access to technology, and effective organization should be improved in the future in order to run the blended courses successfully

    An inverse problem approach to identify the internal force of a mechanosensation process in a cardiac myocyte

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    Mechanosensation and mechanotransduction are fundamental processes in understanding the link between physical stimuli and biological responses which currently still remain not well understood. The precise molecular mechanism involved in stress and strain detection in cells is unclear. Sarcomeres are the contractile machines of a cardiac myocyte and two main sarcomeric components that are directly involved in the sensation and transmission of mechanical stimuli are titin and filaments (thin and thick). Titin is known as the largest protein in biology with a mass of up to 4.2 MDa. Its flexible region (I-band region) may function as a length sensor (ε=l/l0) while its Z-disc domain may be involved in the sensation of tension and stress (σView the MathML source). Filaments act as contractile machineries by converting biochemical signals into mechanical work which in response cells either shorten or relax. Based on these considerations and a qualitative understanding of the maladaptation contribution to the development of heart failure, an inverse problem approach is taken to evaluate the contractile force in a mathematical model that describes mechanosensation in normal heart cells. Different functional forms to describe the contractile force are presented and for each of them we study the computational efficiency and accuracy of two numerical techniques