Open Access Zeitschriften des Universitätsverlages der Technischen Universität Chemnitz
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    249 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Propeller Inspection Using Different Deployment Strategies

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    In recent years, the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for various applications has increased significantly. Among these applications, the inspection of infrastructures using UAVs has become a prominent area of research. This paper evaluates the efficiency of the YOLOv5 algorithm for propeller inspection. The algorithm's deployment across various platforms such as PC, Google Colab, and Jetson Nano is examined, with a focus on different deployment formats like PyTorch, ONNX, TensorFlow Lite, and others. The studyhighlights the often-overlooked importance of the deployment phase in the development of AI models and underscores its significance for the practical application of AI in real-world scenarios.Keywords— Computer vision, algorithm deployment, propeller inspection, Deployment strategies, efficiency improvemen

    Influence of Climatic Factors Affecting PV Generation Systems

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    In this research, results were developed using data from January 2022 to December 2022 for a grid-connected 15 kW solar power system installed on the roof of the 8th building of the University of Science and Technology. The data on the energy produced by the solar electric system were analyzed in terms of the influence of factors such as ambient air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation. The data of ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and solar radiation of Ulaanbaatar city in 2022 were obtained from the NACA Power Data Access Viewer site and analyzed by correlation and regression. According to the research results, the correlation coefficient R is positive for wind speed, air temperature, and solar radiation, and negative for humidity, which are 0.319, 0.708, 0.791, and -0.941, respectively. The coefficient of determination R2 is 0.102, 0.502, and 0.626 for wind speed, air temperature, solar radiation, and 0.887 for humidity. However, it was determined that the effect of solar radiation and ambient temperature on energy production is between strong and weak correlation

    Reliability Supporting of Relay Protection for 110kV Transmission Line with High-load and Short-distance in a Ring Network

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    As part of its mandate to meet the increasing electricity demands of Ulaanbaatar while ensuring uninterrupted, reliable, and high-quality energy supply, the National Power Transmission Grid (NPTG) takes on the responsibility of expanding, revamping, and maintaining power transmission infrastructure, including lines, substations, and equipment. In order to enhance overall reliability, this expansion necessitates seamless integration of old and new systems. Implementing advanced technical solutions becomes imperative in order to meet these challenges. The city center, newly developed residential areas, and major consumers have been strategically located in close proximity to new transmission and distribution substations. As a result of 110 kV high-load circuit networks connecting these substations, a critical issue relates to the selectivity of short-distance lines. A relay protection solution has been explored for 110 kV high-load short-distance lines in this research, and its impact on the dynamic stability of the power system has been evaluated

    Automated Identification of Wood Surface Defects Based on Deep Learning

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    Wood plates are widely used in the interior design of houses primarily for their aesthetic value. However, considering its esthetical values, surface defect detection is necessary. The development of computer vision and CNN-based object detection methods has opened the way for wood surface defect detection process automation. This paper investigates deep-learning applications for automatic wood surface defect detection. It includes the evaluation of deep learning algorithms, including data generation and labeling, preprocessing, model training, and evaluation. Many adjustments regarding the dataset size, the model, and the modification of the neural network were made to evaluate the model's performance in the specified challenge. The results indicate that modifications can increase the YOLOv5s performance in detection. The model with GCNet added and trained in 4800 images has achieved 88.1% of mAP. The paper also evaluates the time performance of models based on different GPU units. The results show that in A100 40GB GPU, the maximum time to process a wood plate is 2.2 seconds. Finally, an Active learning approach for the continual increase in performance while detecting with the smaller size of manual labeling has been implemented. After detecting 500 images in 5 cycles, the model achieved 98.8% of mAP. This scientific paper concludes that YOLOv5s modified model is suitable for wood surface defect detection. It can perform with high accuracy in real time. Moreover, applying the active learning approach can facilitate the labeling process by increasing the performance during detection

    Leuchtendes Löffeln in Leipzig. Design als kulturelle Praxis im öffentlichen Raum

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    Zusammenfassung. Der vorliegende Beitrag diskutiert die gesellschaftliche Funktion von Design als öffentlicher wahrnehmbarer Zeichenpraxis und verdeutlicht, inwiefern Designobjekte ihre Funktion und Bedeutung durch Handlungs- und Diskurskontexte erhalten. Ihre Zeichenhaftigkeit wird hierdurch von einer vermeintlichen Deutungsoffen­heit auf konkrete Bedeutungspotenziale reduziert. Kulturelle und soziale Kontexte schaf­fen im interpretativen Zusammenspiel mit Materie, Farbe und Form Identität, die sich auf der Ausdrucksebene in Form von Stil darstellt. Stil stellt sich somit im schöpferischen Akt durch Stil-Praktiken her, die sich als Auswahl, Formung und Komposition von semiotischen Ressourcen bestimmen lassen. Exemplarisch verdeutlicht werden diese Praktiken anhand einer aus den 1970er Jahren stammenden, unter Denkmalschutz ste­henden Leuchtreklame, der sogenannten „Leipziger Löffelfamilie“.Summary. The present contribution aims at discussing the social function of design as a sign practice intended for public perception. It argues that design objects construct identi­ty depending on an interplay between cultural and social contexts, materiality, color, and form. These are semiotic resources which express style. Style can be considered as a crea­tive act through style practices, which emerge from the selection, formation, and composition of semiotic resources. These practices are exemplified with reference to an illuminated advertising, the so-called “Leipziger Löffelfamilie”. It was constructed in the GDR in the 1970s and has gained the status as a protected monument

    Learning IoT Course Using Web Platform Technology

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    The IoT market of Kazakhstan is, to some extent, the heir to technological solutions that have been actively developing in the republic for more than a decade. Improvements in devices allow them to hear, see, think, and sometimes act. Today, with the development of this technology, special courses in this area have begun to be introduced. Thus, the traditional model of university education is changing. The article pre- sents the technology for organizing project-based learning IoT course on the basis of the Faculty of Information Technology. L.N. Gumilyov at the Eurasian National University. Based on the analysis of scientific, methodo-logical and regulatory articles, a structural model for organizing IoT course training through web technologies. In the course of studying the IoT course from various educational platforms, students encountered various problems and found solutions to them. As a result, we have created an educational platform for learning IoT. In the educational platform, the participants learned to apply theoretical knowledge to solve real problems in practice and gained an unforgettable team experience

    Multi-Layer Hybrid Encryption: A Novel Approach for Enhanced V2X Security

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    In recent years, the pervasive integration of technology in various domains has opened up new avenues for cybersecurity threats and data breaches. The automotive industry, in particular, has experienced significant impacts from technological advancements, most notably with the advent ofvehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication. Ensuring a secure framework for data exchange among vehicles has emerged as a crucial concern in the realm of automotive cybersecurity.This manuscript presents a comprehensive examination of a novel hybrid-encryption-based secure data exchange system, accompanied by a proposed implementation for an automated emergency reporting system in the event of a car accident

    Exaktheit – Eindeutigkeit – Eigentlichkeit. Zur semiotischen Explikation terminologischer Grundeigenschaften

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    Zusammenfassung. Die terminologischen Eigenschaften Exaktheit, Eindeutigkeit und Eigentlichkeit können anhand des semiotischen Dreiecks von Ogden und Richards erfasst und aufeinander bezogen werden: Mit Blick auf Bedeutung, Ausdruck und Wirklichkeit erweisen sie sich dabei als referentielle, semantische und mentale (motivierte) Unmiss­verständlichkeit von Termini. Sie werden im Rahmen eines systemlinguistischen Inventar­modells, eines pragmalinguistischen Kontextmodells und eines kognitionslinguistischen Funktionsmodells jeweils unterschiedlich konzipiert. Exaktheit, Eindeutigkeit und Eigent­lichkeit werden systemlinguistisch postuliert, pragmalinguistisch analysiert oder kogniti­onslinguistisch interpretiert. Argumentativ wie historisch zeigt sich hierbei ein dialektisches Verhältnis der drei Modelle.  Summary. The terminological properties of exactness, uniqueness and authenticity can be related to each other on the basis of Ogden and Richard’s semiotic triangle. With respect to meaning, expression, and reality they have to be understood as referential, semantic, and motivated comprehensibility of terms. They are conceptualized in diffe­rent ways within the framework of an inventory model in the tradition of system-orien­ted linguistics, a context model in the tradition of pragmalinguistics, and a functional model in the tradition of cognitive linguistics. Exactness, uniqueness and authenticity are systematically postulated, pragmatically analyzed, or cognitively interpreted. Argu­mentatively and historically, the approach demonstrates a dialectical relationship bet­ween the three models

    Zeichen im öffentlichen Raum. Zur Relevanz eines vertrauten Themas aus neuer Perspektive

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    Das Meer der Zeichen. Zur Lesbarkeit urbaner Räume als kollektive Gedächtnis-Texte

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    Zusammenfassung. Städte sind Orte einer extrem verdichteten Vielfalt unterschiedlicher, sich teilweise überlappender Zeichensysteme und lassen sich daher als Texte – Gefüge von Bedeutungen – analysieren. Durch die sinnhafte Strukturierung und Markierung durch eine oder mehrere sozio-kulturelle Gruppen wird der physische Raum zur sozialen und kulturellen Räumlichkeit. In einer geschichteten Architektur kollektiver Gedächtnisse ste­hen nicht selten unterschiedliche Erinnerungskulturen und -gemeinschaften miteinander in Konkurrenz. Dies lässt sich mit Hilfe einer kultursemiotischen Herangehensweise gut analysieren. Eine generelle Systematisierung einer Teildisziplin „Stadtsemiotik“ ist demge­genüber angesichts der Vielfalt unterschiedlicher Zeichensysteme im urbanen Raum weder sinnvoll möglich, noch für empirische Untersuchungen notwendig.Summary. Cities are spaces that are characterized by many different sign-systems which partly overlap; they can be analyzed as complex textures of meanings. Physical space is turned into social and cultural space when different socio-cultural communi­ties structure and mark it. In a layered architecture of collective memories different mili­eus and communities of commemoration coexist. This can be analyzed with semiotic tools, while a generalizing system of “city-semiotics” seems to be neither possible – because of the multiplicity of diverse sign-systems in the urban space – nor necessa­ry for an empirical approach


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