490 research outputs found

    Association of parenting practices to encourage or discourage physical activity with Hispanic preschool children's objectively measured physical activity

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    Oral Session - Determinants of physical activity in children and adolescents: no. O.002Conference Theme: Promoting Healthy Eating and Activity WorldwidePURPOSE: Assess the association of parenting practices (PP) to encourage or discourage physical activity (PA) with Hispanic 3-5 year old children’s objectively measured PA METHOD: Cross-sectional study of Hispanic parent-child dyads (n= 84) who reported their demographics and frequency of using PP that encourage (structure/encouragement) or discourage (promote inactive transport, promote screen time, psychological control, and safety concerns) child PA using verified scales. Children wore Actigraph GT3X accelerometers recording 15 second epochs for 7 days. Allowing for re-wears …postprin

    Duration of Lactation, Maternal Metabolic Profile, and Body Composition in the Norwegian EBBA I-Study

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    Objective There is conflicting evidence as to whether duration of lactation may decrease the risk of subsequent development of an unfavorable maternal metabolic profile including overweight and obesity. We hypothesized that duration of lactation is associated with a more favorable metabolic profile and healthier anthropometrical measurements. Methods 98 parous women from the Norwegian EBBA I-study (Energy Balance and Breast cancer Aspects-study), a cross-sectional study of healthy premenopausal women aged 25–35 years, historical lactation data were collected, anthropometrical measurements were taken, fasting blood samples (serum glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol) were drawn and women were asked to fill in a pre-coded food diary. Results Mean time since last birth was 4.7 years, mean number of children was 1.9, mean total duration of lactation was 19 months and average length of lactation per child was 10.3 months. Women who on average lactated for less than 10 months per child had higher mean levels of fasting serum glucose (5.2 mmol/L vs. 5.0 mmol/L, p = 0.04), serum triglyceride (0.91 mmol/L vs. 0.66 mmol/L, p = 0.001) and serum cholesterol (4.78 mmol/L vs. 4.32 mmol/L, p = 0.004), and a higher waist-to-hip ratio (0.81 vs. 0.77, p = 0.001) than women who lactated for 10 months or more per child. The inverse association between average length of lactation per child and waist-to-hip ratio persisted after adjustment for potential confounders. Conclusions These results support the hypothesis that duration of lactation may be associated with a healthier metabolic profile and healthier anthropometrical measurements, especially lipid levels and waist-to-hip ratio even years after weanin

    Quantification of the energy gap in young overweight children. The PIAMA birth cohort study

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    Background: Overweight develops gradually as a result of a long term surplus on the balance between energy intake and energy expenditure. Aim of this study was to quantify the positive energy balance responsible for excess body weight gain (energy gap) in young overweight children. Methods. Reported data on weight and height were used of 2190 Dutch children participating in the PIAMA birth cohort study. Accumulated body energy was estimated from the weight gain observed between age 2 and age 5-7. Energy gap was calculated as the difference in positive energy balance between children with and without overweight assuming an energy efficiency of 50%. Results: Ten percent of the children were overweight at the age of 5-7 years. For these children, median weight gain during 4-years follow-up was 13.3 kg, as compared to 8.5 kg in the group of children who had a normal weight at the end of the study. A daily energy gap of 289-320 kJ (69-77 kcal) was responsible for the excess weight gain or weight maintenance in the majority of the children who were overweight at the age of 5-7 years. The increase in daily energy requirement to maintain the 4.8 kilograms excess weight gain among overweight children at the end of the study was approximately 1371 kJ. Conclusions: An energy gap of about 289-320 kJ per day over a number of years can make the difference between normal weight and overweight in young children. Closing the energy gap in overweight children can be achieved by r

    Lower cerebrospinal fluid/plasma fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) ratios and placental FGF21 production in gestational diabetes

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    Objectives: Circulating Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 (FGF21) levels are increased in insulin resistant states such as obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). In addition, GDM is associated with serious maternal and fetal complications. We sought to study human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and corresponding circulating FGF21 levels in women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and in age and BMI matched control subjects. We also assessed FGF21 secretion from GDM and control human placental explants. Design: CSF and corresponding plasma FGF21 levels of 24 women were measured by ELISA [12 GDM (age: 26–47 years, BMI: 24.3–36.3 kg/m2) and 12 controls (age: 22–40 years, BMI: 30.1–37.0 kg/m2)]. FGF21 levels in conditioned media were secretion from GDM and control human placental explants were also measured by ELISA. Results: Glucose, HOMA-IR and circulating NEFA levels were significantly higher in women with GDM compared to control subjects. Plasma FGF21 levels were significantly higher in women with GDM compared to control subjects [234.3 (150.2–352.7) vs. 115.5 (60.5–188.7) pg/ml; P<0.05]. However, there was no significant difference in CSF FGF21 levels in women with GDM compared to control subjects. Interestingly, CSF/Plasma FGF21 ratio was significantly lower in women with GDM compared to control subjects [0.4 (0.3–0.6) vs. 0.8 (0.5–1.6); P<0.05]. FGF21 secretion into conditioned media was significantly lower in human placental explants from women with GDM compared to control subjects (P<0.05). Conclusions: The central actions of FGF21 in GDM subjects maybe pivotal in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance in GDM subjects. The significance of FGF21 produced by the placenta remains uncharted and maybe crucial in our understanding of the patho-physiology of GDM and its associated maternal and fetal complications. Future research should seek to elucidate these points

    Body fat mass and the proportion of very large adipocytes in pregnant women are associated with gestational insulin resistance.

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    Pregnancy is accompanied by fat gain and insulin resistance. Changes in adipose tissue morphology and function during pregnancy and factors contributing to gestational insulin resistance are incompletely known. We sought to characterize adipose tissue in trimesters 1 and 3 (T1/T3) in normal weight (NW) and obese pregnant women, and identify adipose tissue-related factors associated with gestational insulin resistance

    Physical activity and clustered cardiovascular disease risk factors in young children: a cross-sectional study (the IDEFICS study)

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    &lt;p&gt;Background The relevance of physical activity (PA) for combating cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in children has been highlighted, but to date there has been no large-scale study analyzing that association in children aged &#8804;9 years of age. This study sought to evaluate the associations between objectively-measured PA and clustered CVD risk factors in a large sample of European children, and to provide evidence for gender-specific recommendations of PA.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Methods Cross-sectional data from a longitudinal study in 16,224 children aged 2 to 9 were collected. Of these, 3,120 (1,016 between 2 to 6 years, 2,104 between 6 to 9 years) had sufficient data for inclusion in the current analyses. Two different age-specific and gender-specific clustered CVD risk scores associated with PA were determined. First, a CVD risk factor (CRF) continuous score was computed using the following variables: systolic blood pressure (SBP), total triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC)/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c) ratio, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), and sum of two skinfolds (score CRFs). Secondly, another CVD risk score was obtained for older children containing the score CRFs + the cardiorespiratory fitness variable (termed score CRFs + fit). Data used in the current analysis were derived from the IDEFICS (‘Identification and prevention of Dietary- and lifestyle-induced health EFfects In Children and infantS’) study.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Results In boys &#60;6 years, the odds ratios (OR) for CVD risk were elevated in the least active quintile of PA (OR: 2.58) compared with the most active quintile as well as the second quintile for vigorous PA (OR: 2.91). Compared with the most active quintile, older children in the first, second and third quintiles had OR for CVD risk score CRFs + fit ranging from OR 2.69 to 5.40 in boys, and from OR 2.85 to 7.05 in girls.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Conclusions PA is important to protect against clustering of CVD risk factors in young children, being more consistent in those older than 6 years. Healthcare professionals should recommend around 60 and 85 min/day of moderate-to-vigorous PA, including 20 min/day of vigorous PA.&lt;/p&gt

    The impact of intrauterine and extrauterine weight gain in premature infants on later body composition

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    Background: The impact of intrauterine and extrauterine growth on later insulin resistance and fat mass (FM) in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants is not well established. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effects of intrauterine and early/late extrauterine growth on later insulin resistance and body composition in VLBW infants from 6 months’ corrected age (CA) to 36 months. Methods: Prospective measurements of body composition by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and insulin resistance by homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) along with other fasting plasma biochemistries were made in 95 VLBW infants at 6, 12, 18, and 24 months’ CA and 36 months’ postnatal age. Mixed-effect models were used to evaluate the effects of age, sex, maturation status, and Δweight SD score on percentage FM (PFM), FM index (FMI), fat-free mass index (FFMI), and HOMA-IR. Results: PFM and FMI were negatively associated with a decrease in weight–SD scores from birth to 36 weeks’ postmenstrual age (PMA; P=0.001) and from 36 weeks’ PMA to 6 months’ CA (P=0.003). PFM and FMI were higher in AGA than in small for gestational age (SGA) infants. HOMA-IR was not associated with the Δweight–SD scores in either period. Conclusions: Catch-down growth in terms of weight is associated with persistently lower adiposity but not insulin resistance up to 36 months of age

    Auditory ossicles: a potential biomarker for maternal and infant health in utero

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    YesBackground: Carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope ratios of collagen from teeth and bone are used to study human nutrition and health. As bones are constantly remodelling throughout life, isotopic values of bone collagen represent an average of several years. In contrast, human teeth do not remodel and their primary dentine contains only the isotopic data from the time of formation. In contrast to all other bones, human auditory ossicles also appear not to remodel. As they develop in utero and finish formation in the first 2 years of life, their collagen should also represent isotopic values of these two relatively short periods. Aim: By comparing δ13C and δ15N data from ossicles and incremental dentine, this study aims to investigate how two developmental periods of the ossicles, in utero and the first 2 years of life, reflect in collagen obtained from the ossicles. Subject and methods: Ossicle and tooth samples of 12 individuals aged 0.5 ± 0.4 years to 13 ± 1 years from the nineteenth century St. Peter’s burial ground in Blackburn were collected and processed to obtain bulk bone and incremental dentine collagen which was measured for δ13C and δ15N. Results: Averaged δ13C and δ15N of ossicles are lower when compared to every age group except after 3 years of age. Average offset between ossicles and dentine of different groups ranges from 0.4–0.9‰ for δ13C and from 0.3–0.9‰ for δ15N, with highest counterbalance at birth and after the first 5 months after birth. Conclusions: There appears to be a systematic offset between the dentine and ossicle data. It seems that the second phase of development does not influence the isotopic values of collagen significantly and the data we are obtaining from ossicles represents the in utero period.Research grant from The Society for the Study of Human Biology

    Estimating total body water content in suckling and lactating llamas (Lama glama) by isotope dilution

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    Total body water (TBW) in 17 suckling and six lactating llamas was estimated from isotope dilution at three different post natum and lactation stages using both 18O and deuterium oxide (D2O). In total, 69 TBW measurements were undertaken. While TBW in lactating dams, expressed in kilogram, remained stable during the three measurement periods (91.8 ± 15.0 kg), the body water fraction (TBW expressed in percent of body mass) increased slightly (P = 0.042) from 62.9% to 65.8%. In contrast, TBW (kilogram) in suckling llamas increased significantly (P < 0.001) with age and decreased slightly when expressed as a percentage of body mass (P = 0.016). Relating TBW to body mass across all animals yielded a highly significant regression equation (TBW in kilogram = 2.633 + 0.623 body mass in kilogram, P < 0.001, n = 69) explaining 99.5% of the variation. The water fraction instead decreased in a curve linear fashion with increasing body mass (TBW in percent of body mass = 88.23 body mass in kilogram−0.064, P < 0.001, R2 = 0.460). The present results on TBW can serve as reference values for suckling and lactating llamas, e.g., for the evaluation of fluid losses during disease. Additionally, the established regression equations can be used to predict TBW from body mass, providing that the body masses fall inside the range of masses used to derive the equations