62 research outputs found

    Rural-Urban Income Inequality under Financial Development and Trade Openness in Pakistan: The Econometric Evidence

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    Pakistan is a developing economy, which has adopted Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) in the form of economic reforms initiated in early 1990s. Economic reforms related to privatisation of state-owned assets, deregulation, confiscation of price controls, trade liberalisation generally and financial reforms (especially to improve quality of financial institutions) particularly. The objective of such reforms was to improve the welfare of society but these reforms never fruited to every livelihood in the country. Perhaps, fruits of economic reforms are eaten up by poor governance, lack of transparency in economic policies, high level of corruption, high burden of internal and external debts and interest rate payments on these debts, weak situation of law and order, and improper implementation of economic policies

    Application of impact dampers in vibration control of flexible structures

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    Impact dampers belong to the category of passive vibration devices used to attenuate the vibration of discrete and continuous systems. An impact damper generally consists of a mass which is allowed to travel freely between two defined stops. Under the right conditions, the vibration of the structure to which the impact damper is attached will cause the mass of the impact damper to strike the structure. Previous analytical and experimental research work on the effect of impact dampers in attenuating the vibration of discrete and continuous systems have demonstrated their effectiveness. It has been shown in this study that impact dampers can increase the intrinsic damping of a lightly-damped flexible structure. The test structure consists of a slender flexible beam supported by a pin-type support at one end and supported by a linear helical flexible spring at another location. Sinusoidal excitation spanning the first three natural frequencies was applied in the horizontal plane. The orientation of the excitation and the test structure in the horizontal plane minimizes the effect of gravity on the behavior of the test structure. The excitation was applied using a linear sine sweep technique. The span of the test structure, the mass of the impact damper, the distance of travel, and the location of the impact damper along the span of the test structure were varied. The damping ratio are estimated for sixty test configurations. The results show that the impact damper significantly increases the damping ratio of the test structure. Statistical analysis of the results using the method of multiple linear regression indicates that a reasonable fit has been accomplished. It is concluded that additional experimental analysis of flexible structures in microgravity environment is needed in order to achieve a better understanding of the behavior of impact damper under conditions of microgravity. Numerical solution of the behavior of flexible structures equipped with impact dampers is also needed to predict stresses and deformations under operating conditions of microgravity in space applications


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    Purpose: Synchronous primary endometrial and ovarian cancers are infrequent. The objective of this study is to evaluate clinicopathological characteristics of synchronous endometrial and ovarian cancers treated in our institution.Materials and Methods: The clinicopathological characteristics of 12 patients with synchronous ovarian and endometrial cancers treated at Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Lahore, Pakistan, from July 2005 to July 2015, were reviewed retrospectively in depth from hospital database. The WHO committee classification was used for the histologic determination and staged based on International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) staging. Results: The median age at the time of diagnosis was 50 years (range 23–66 years). The incidence of synchronous primary endometrial and ovarian cancers was 2.01% in patients with endometrial cancer. A total of seven patients were menopausal (58%) and eight patients were nulliparous (66%); the median body mass index (BMI) was 29 kg/m2 (range, 20–38). Abnormal uterine bleeding was the most common presenting symptom. According to FIGO stage, 10 cases of endometrial were Stage I/II (84%) and two cases were Stage III (16%). Of the ovarian cancers, nine cases were Stage I/II (83.3%) and two cases were Stage III (16.7%). Endometrial cancer was the main pathological type in uterine carcinoma (86%) followed by serous carcinoma (14%), and similarly, for ovarian cancer, endometrial was the most common pathology (67%) followed by serous/clear cell (16%) and mucinous (16.7%). Most endometrial and ovarian primaries in our series were Grade I and II tumours, 83% and 66%, respectively. 8 patients (66%) had similar histology in both primaries. All patients underwent surgical intervention. Only one patient did not receive any post-operative adjuvant therapy. 10 patients received platinum-based adjuvant chemotherapy and six patients received adjuvant radiotherapy. Conclusion: Synchronous primary endometrial and ovarian cancers are infrequent and distinct set of patients. Abnormal per vaginal bleed was the most common symptom which helped in early detection. Majority of the patients belong to concordant endometrial histology, low grade, had younger age and high BMI. Treatment should be tailored to the stage, histology and grade of the individual tumours. Key words: Endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, synchronous tumour

    Psihološki utjecaj pandemije COVID-19 na dentalne zdravstvene radnike i njihovu spremnost za rad tijekom ove pandemije

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    This study was aimed to investigate the relationship between the psychological status of oral health care workers (OHCWs) and the willingness to treat a patient during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cross-sectional study was carried out on oral health care workers at ten different dental hospitals in Pakistan from March to July 2020. Information on the socio-demographic status, and willingness to report for duty and treat patients during the COVID-19 pandemic were assessed using a self-administered questionnaire. The psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was assessed using the Urdu version of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale and Impact of Events Scale. Simple and multiple linear regression tests were used for analysis. A total of 392 OHCWs participated in this study and 25% of them had moderate to severe anxiety levels and only 14% had post-traumatic stress disorder. About 26% of the OHCWs were willing to work and treat patients during the COVID-19 pandemic and they had lower anxiety and stress scores. Greater anxiety and stress were associated with participants who were older, female, single, married, living with family and friends. The adjusted coefficients of GAD and IES scores were greater in participants who were not willing and unsure to work compared to their colleagues who were willing. The OHCWs are anxious and stressed because of the COVID-19 outbreak and that affects the perception of whether they should work and treat patients during the pandemic.Cilj ove studije bio je istražiti vezu između psihološkog statusa dentalnih zdravstvenih radnika (DZR) i spremnosti za liječenje pacijenta tijekom pandemije COVID-19. Ovo presječno istraživanje provedeno je na radnicima dentalne zdravstvene zaštite u deset različitih stomatoloških bolnica u Pakistanu od ožujka do srpnja 2020. Podaci o socijalno-demografskom statusu i spremnosti za javljanje na dužnost i liječenje pacijenata tijekom pandemije COVID-19 procijenjivani su pomoću samoocjenskog upitnika. Psihološki utjecaj pandemije COVID-19 procijenjen je korištenjem urdske verzije skale generaliziranog anksioznog poremećaja (GAD) i skale utjecaja događaja (IES). Za analizu su korišteni jednostavni i višestruki linearni regresijski testovi. Ukupno su 392 DZR-a sudjelovala u ovoj studiji, a 25% ih je imalo umjerenu do ozbiljnu razinu anksioznosti, a samo 14% posttraumatski stresni poremećaj. Oko 26% DZR-a bilo je spremno raditi i liječiti pacijente tijekom pandemije COVID-19 i imali su niže rezultate anksioznosti i stresa. Veće razine anksioznosti i stresa bile su povezane sa sudionicima koji su stariji, ženskog spola, slobodni, oženjeni, koji su živjeli s obitelji i prijateljima. Prilagođeni koeficijenti GAD i IES rezultata bili su veći kod sudionika koji nisu bili voljni i sigurni raditi u odnosu na njihove kolege koji su to htjeli. DZR su zabrinuti i pod stresom zbog izbijanja COVID-19, a to utječe na percepciju trebaju li raditi i liječiti pacijente tijekom pandemije

    Investigation of input and output energy for wheat production : a comprehensive study for Tehsil Mailsi (Pakistan)

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    The global increasing food demand can be met by efficient energy utilization in mechanized agricultural productions. In this study, input–output energy flow along with CO2 emissions for different wheat production cases (C-I to C-V) were investigated to identify the one that is most energy-efficient and environment-friendly case. Data and information about input and output sources were collected from farmers through questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. Input and output sources were converted into energy units by energy equivalents while CO2 emissions were calculated by emission equivalents. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) was conducted to compare technical efficiencies of the developed cases for optimization of inputs in inefficient cases. Results revealed that case C-Ⅴ (higher inputs, larger fields, the tendency of higher fertilizer application and tillage operations) has the highest energy inputs and outputs than the rest of the cases. Moreover, it possesses the lowest energy use efficiency and energy productivity. The highest CO2 emissions (1548 kg-CO2/ha) referred to C-Ⅴ while lowest emissions per ton of grain yield were determined in C-Ⅳ (higher electricity water pumping, moderate energy input). The grain yield increases directly with input energy in most of the cases, but it does not guarantee the highest values for energy indices. C-Ⅲ (moderate irrigations, educated farmers, various fertilizer applications) was found as an optimum case because of higher energy indices like energy use efficiency of 4.4 and energy productivity of 153.94 kg/GJ. Optimum input and better management practices may enhance energy proficiency and limit the traditionally uncontrolled CO2 emissions from wheat production. Therefore, the agricultural practices performed in C-Ⅲ are recommended for efficient cultivation of wheat in the studied area.The global increasing food demand can be met by efficient energy utilization in mechanized agricultural productions. In this study, input–output energy flow along with CO2 emissions for different wheat production cases (C-I to C-V) were investigated to identify the one that is most energy-efficient and environment-friendly case. Data and information about input and output sources were collected from farmers through questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. Input and output sources were converted into energy units by energy equivalents while CO2 emissions were calculated by emission equivalents. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) was conducted to compare technical efficiencies of the developed cases for optimization of inputs in inefficient cases. Results revealed that case C-Ⅴ (higher inputs, larger fields, the tendency of higher fertilizer application and tillage operations) has the highest energy inputs and outputs than the rest of the cases. Moreover, it possesses the lowest energy use efficiency and energy productivity. The highest CO2 emissions (1548 kg-CO2/ha) referred to C-Ⅴ while lowest emissions per ton of grain yield were determined in C-Ⅳ (higher electricity water pumping, moderate energy input). The grain yield increases directly with input energy in most of the cases, but it does not guarantee the highest values for energy indices. C-Ⅲ (moderate irrigations, educated farmers, various fertilizer applications) was found as an optimum case because of higher energy indices like energy use efficiency of 4.4 and energy productivity of 153.94 kg/GJ. Optimum input and better management practices may enhance energy proficiency and limit the traditionally uncontrolled CO2 emissions from wheat production. Therefore, the agricultural practices performed in C-Ⅲ are recommended for efficient cultivation of wheat in the studied area.King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabi

    Corrosion behavior of copper, aluminium, and stainless steel 316L in chicken fat oil based biodiesel-diesel blends

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    This study investigates the corrosion behavior of automotive materials in bio-based fuels. The Response Surface Methodology is employed to evaluate the corrosion rates of materials such as copper, aluminium, and stainless steel when they are exposed to chicken fat-based biodiesel. Copper, aluminium, and stainless steel showed minimum corrosion rate at a blend percentage of 5.86 % when they were immersed for 920 h and maximum corrosion rate at blend percentage 34.14 % when these were immersed for 920 h. Meanwhile, the maximum corrosion rate was observed at a blend percentage of 34.14 % corresponding to the same immersion period. Optimum values indicated by RSM for copper and aluminium were noted at a blend percentage of 10 % and an immersion period of 720 h. Similarly, for stainless steel 316 l, these were 10.91 % and 754.44 h, respectively. Additionally, trials using the B100 for 920 h were conducted on copper, aluminium, and stainless steel 316 l, and the results showed considerably higher corrosion rates than those previously found. The surface morphology of the materials was investigated by X-ray Diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscopy, and it was revealed that copper was the most corrosive material in chicken fat oil-based biodiesel followed by aluminium and stainless steel 316 l

    The characterization of low pathogenic avian influenza viruses isolated from wild birds in northern Vietnam from 2006 to 2009

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    Due to concerns that wild birds could possibly spread H5N1 viruses, surveillance was conducted to monitor the types of avian influenza viruses circulating among the wild birds migrating to or inhabiting in northern Vietnam from 2006 to 2009. An H5N2 virus isolated from a Eurasian woodcock had a close phylogenetic relationship to H5 viruses recently isolated in South Korea and Japan, suggesting that H5N2 has been shared between Vietnam, South Korea, and Japan. An H9N2 virus isolated from a Chinese Hwamei was closely related to two H9N2 viruses that were isolated from humans in Hong Kong in 2009, suggesting that an H9N2 strain relevant to the human isolates had been transmitted to and maintained among the wild bird population in Vietnam and South China. The results support the idea that wild bird species play a significant role in the spread and maintenance of avian influenza and that this also occurs in Vietnam

    Evidence of Expanded Host Range and Mammalian-Associated Genetic Changes in a Duck H9N2 Influenza Virus Following Adaptation in Quail and Chickens

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    H9N2 avian influenza viruses continue to circulate worldwide; in Asia, H9N2 viruses have caused disease outbreaks and established lineages in land-based poultry. Some H9N2 strains are considered potentially pandemic because they have infected humans causing mild respiratory disease. In addition, some of these H9N2 strains replicate efficiently in mice without prior adaptation suggesting that H9N2 strains are expanding their host range. In order to understand the molecular basis of the interspecies transmission of H9N2 viruses, we adapted in the laboratory a wildtype duck H9N2 virus, influenza A/duck/Hong Kong/702/79 (WT702) virus, in quail and chickens through serial lung passages. We carried out comparative analysis of the replication and transmission in quail and chickens of WT702 and the viruses obtained after 23 serial passages in quail (QA23) followed by 10 serial passages in chickens (QA23CkA10). Although the WT702 virus can replicate and transmit in quail, it replicates poorly and does not transmit in chickens. In contrast, the QA23CkA10 virus was very efficient at replicating and transmitting in quail and chickens. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the QA23 and QA23CkA10 viruses compared to the WT702 virus indicated several nucleotide substitutions resulting in amino acid changes within the surface and internal proteins. In addition, a 21-amino acid deletion was found in the stalk of the NA protein of the QA23 virus and was maintained without further modification in the QA23CkA10 adapted virus. More importantly, both the QA23 and the QA23CkA10 viruses, unlike the WT702 virus, were able to readily infect mice, produce a large-plaque phenotype, showed faster replication kinetics in tissue culture, and resulted in the quick selection of the K627 amino acid mammalian-associated signature in PB2. These results are in agreement with the notion that adaptation of H9 viruses to land-based birds can lead to strains with expanded host range

    Global respiratory syncytial virus-associated mortality in young children (RSV GOLD): a retrospective case series

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    Background Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection is an important cause of pneumonia mortality in young children. However, clinical data for fatal RSV infection are scarce. We aimed to identify clinical and socioeconomic characteristics of children aged younger than 5 years with RSV-related mortality using individual patient data. Methods In this retrospective case series, we developed an online questionnaire to obtain individual patient data for clinical and socioeconomic characteristics of children aged younger than 5 years who died with community-acquired RSV infection between Jan 1, 1995, and Oct 31, 2015, through leading research groups for child pneumonia identified through a comprehensive literature search and existing research networks. For the literature search, we searched PubMed for articles published up to Feb 3, 2015, using the key terms “RSV”, “respiratory syncytial virus”, or “respiratory syncytial viral” combined with “mortality”, “fatality”, “death”, “died”, “deaths”, or “CFR” for articles published in English. We invited researchers and clinicians identified to participate between Nov 1, 2014, and Oct 31, 2015. We calculated descriptive statistics for all variables. Findings We studied 358 children with RSV-related in-hospital death from 23 countries across the world, with data contributed from 31 research groups. 117 (33%) children were from low-income or lower middle-income countries, 77 (22%) were from upper middle-income countries, and 164 (46%) were from high-income countries. 190 (53%) were male. Data for comorbidities were missing for some children in low-income and middle-income countries. Available data showed that comorbidities were present in at least 33 (28%) children from low-income or lower middle-income countries, 36 (47%) from upper middle-income countries, and 114 (70%) from high-income countries. Median age for RSV-related deaths was 5·0 months (IQR 2·3–11·0) in low-income or lower middle-income countries, 4·0 years (2·0–10·0) in upper middle-income countries, and 7·0 years (3·6–16·8) in high-income countries. Interpretation This study is the first large case series of children who died with community-acquired RSV infection. A substantial proportion of children with RSV-related death had comorbidities. Our results show that perinatal immunisation strategies for children aged younger than 6 months could have a substantial impact on RSV-related child mortality in low-income and middle-income countries

    Replication and Transmission of H9N2 Influenza Viruses in Ferrets: Evaluation of Pandemic Potential

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    H9N2 avian influenza A viruses are endemic in poultry of many Eurasian countries and have caused repeated human infections in Asia since 1998. To evaluate the potential threat of H9N2 viruses to humans, we investigated the replication and transmission efficiency of H9N2 viruses in the ferret model. Five wild-type (WT) H9N2 viruses, isolated from different avian species from 1988 through 2003, were tested in vivo and found to replicate in ferrets. However these viruses achieved mild peak viral titers in nasal washes when compared to those observed with a human H3N2 virus. Two of these H9N2 viruses transmitted to direct contact ferrets, however no aerosol transmission was detected in the virus displaying the most efficient direct contact transmission. A leucine (Leu) residue at amino acid position 226 in the hemagglutinin (HA) receptor-binding site (RBS), responsible for human virus-like receptor specificity, was found to be important for the transmission of the H9N2 viruses in ferrets. In addition, an H9N2 avian-human reassortant virus, which contains the surface glycoprotein genes from an H9N2 virus and the six internal genes of a human H3N2 virus, showed enhanced replication and efficient transmission to direct contacts. Although no aerosol transmission was observed, the virus replicated in multiple respiratory tissues and induced clinical signs similar to those observed with the parental human H3N2 virus. Our results suggest that the establishment and prevalence of H9N2 viruses in poultry pose a significant threat for humans