20 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT MUHAMAD BURHANUDIN. 810510031. The Effect of Compensation And Organizational Climate Influence On Job Satisfaction Of Employees At PT Cikal Bintang Bangsa In Jakarta. Script, Jakarta: Study Program of Economic Education, Consentration of Office Administration, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. 2017. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of compensation and organizational climate on job satisfaction of employees in PT. Cikal Bintang Bangsa. This research was conducted for three months starting in oktober 2016 until desember 2016. The method used was survey method with approach of causality. The population in this study were all employees at PT Cikal Bintag Bangsa. Population inaccessibility are permanent employees of PT Cikal Bintang Bangsa totaling 65 employees. The sampling technique used is proportional random technique, so that the sample in this study amounted to 55 respondents. Data collection techniques using the technique of recording documents, interviews and questionnaires. To collect data of job satisfaction (Y), compensation (X1) and organizational climate (X2) obtained by giving questionnaires to respondents. Data analysis technique used is the test requirements analysis consisting of test for normality and linearity test, test assumptionsclassic, multiple linear regression, hypothesis testing consisting of F test and t test. Based on the results of data analysis can be seen that there is a partial effect between compensation and job satisfaction. Can be seen from the results of data analysis showed tcount at 4,962> ttable value of 1.67469. Organizational climate partial effect on job satisfaction, it is seen from the results of data analysis showed tcount 4,587> ttable value of 1.67469. Compensation and simultaneous organizational climate influence on job satisfaction, it is seen from the results of data analysis showed Fhitung value of 33,576> Ftabel value of 3,18. Regression equations obtained is Y ^ = 17,893+ 0,478X1 + 0,632X2 . Based on the test determination coefficient obtained R2 values of 0.564, which means compensation (X1) and organizational climate (Y) effect on job satisfaction (Y) of 56,4%.

    Estimasi Durasi Rupture (Tdur), Periode Dominan (Td), Dan Periode Lebih Dari 50 Detik (T50ex) Gempa Bumi Di Jepang Sebagai Peringatan Dini Tsunami

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang mitigasi tsunami yang disebabkan oleh gempa bumi di kepulauan Jepang. Jepang merupakan salah satu wilayah yang memiliki seismisitas tinggi akibat adanya 4 lempeng aktif dunia yang saling menumbuk. Tahun 2011, tsunami dasyat terjadi di Jepang sehingga penelitian tentang prediksi tsunami menggunakan program Joko Tingkir perlu dilakukan guna mitigasi bencana tsunami. Program Joko Tingkir mampu mengestimasi dengan cepat nilai durasi rupture, periode dominan dan periode lebih dari 50 detik dan perkaliannya untuk menentukan apakah gempa bumi tersebut memicu tsunami atau tidak. Hasil penelitian pada 120 event gempa yang terjadi pada tahun 2011-2016, termasuk gempa bumi yang menimbulkan tsunami Tohoku-Oki, didapatkan kesimpulan nilai parameter-parameter rupture gempa bumi di Jepang pada tahun 2011-2016, yaitu; Durasi rupture (Tdur): 2.9 – 200, Periode Dominan: 2.9 – 70.02, T50 Exceeendance: 0.49 – 55, Td * T50Ex: 0.085 – 929.513, Tdur * T50Ex: 0.0214 – 11825.2 dan keakuratan program joko tingkir mencapai 96.15% terhadap data NOAA =================================================================================================The research studies about tsunami prediction which caused by earthquake in Japanese archipelago. Japan has high seismicity because 4 world active plates crash each other and in the 2011, mega tsunami occurred in japan. So, the research about tsunami prediction by using Joko Tingkir program is very needed to be done for tsunami hazard mitigation. Joko Tingkir program can estimate rapidly the value of rupture duration, dominant period, T50 Exceedance and it’s multiple. The parameter of rupture can give information about tsunami generation which is caused by earthquake more than magnitude of earthquake. After studying 52 earthquakes in Japan since 2011 to 2016, including the earthquake which generates tohoku-oki tsunami, it concludes that the value of rupture parameters of the earthquake is: Rupture Duration (Tdur): 2.9 – 200, dominant period: 2.9 – 70.02, T50 Exceeendance: 0.49 – 55, Td * T50Ex: 0.085 – 929.513, Tdur * T50Ex: 0.0214 – 11825.2 and the accuracy of Joko Tingkir program is 96.15% of NOAA dat


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi karena disebuah kapal selalu terdapat sea chest (kotak laut) yang berguna untuk menyaring benda – benda yang ukurannya lebih besar yang ada dipermukaan air atau terapung atau yang ada didasar air pada saat memompa air laut untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kapal, seperti pendingin motor penggerak, sistem pemadam kebakaran dikapal, dan sering mengalami korosi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif yang dilakukan pengujian dengan cara perendaman dan kehilangan berat (weight loss). Metode ASTM G31-72 digunakan untuk mengetahui kehilangan berat spesimen sea chest kapal dengan cara perendaman air laut, sedangkan untuk pengukuran pH air laut menggunakan metode ASTM D1293 – 95. Dengan menggunakan bahan baja galvanis dan anodanya aluminium 5083, sedangkan media air laut yang digunakan diambil dari daerah Tuban dan Surabaya. Untuk variasi waktu saat perendaman yaitu selama 2 hari, 4 hari, dan 6 hari. Hasil penilitian menunjukkan bahwa laju korosi yang terjadi pada baja galvanis spesimen sea chest kapal yang dikendalikan dengan anoda korban aluminium 5083 dan tanpa anoda korban. Dapat diketahui bahwa pada media air laut Surabaya dengan lama perendaman 2 hari memiliki tingkat laju korosi paling tinggi yaitu 0.0476 mm/y dan tingkat laju korosi terendah terjadi pada lama waktu perendaman 4 hari yaitu 0.0330 mm/y. Sedangkan, pada media air laut Tuban dengan lama perendaman 6 hari tingkat laju korosinya paling tinggi yaitu 0.0437 mm/y dan lama waktu perendaman 4 hari tingkat laju korosi paling rendah yaitu 0.0237 mm/y. Kata Kunci : Sea Chest, Korosi, Air Laut, Baja Galvanis, Aluminium 5083

    Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja Dan Pengembangan Karir Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Dengan Gaya Kepemimpinan Sebagai Variabel Moderasi

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of workdiscipline and career development, on employee performance withleadership style as a moderating variable. The total sample of 22respondents with the sampling technique using saturated samplingtechniques. The main instrument of data collection is aquestionnaire. Data analysis techniques used multiple regression.The results showed that work discipline had a significant effect onemployee performance but career development had no significanteffect. The leadership style moderates the influence of workdiscipline and performance, thus also the influence of careerdevelopment with performance moderated by the leadership style

    Pengaruh Kompensasi Dan Stres Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Dan Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Amanuban Timor

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) Pengaruh kompensasi dan stress kerja secaraparsial terhadap kinerja guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah dan Seklolah Dasar; (2) Pengaruh kompensasidan stres kerja secara simultan terhadap kinerja guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah dan Seklolah Dasar.Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kausal. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 60 orang. Penentuansampel menggunaan teknik acak sederhana. Instrumen utama pengumpulan data adalahkuesioner. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa (1) Kompensasi secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja guruMadrasah Ibtidaiyah dan Sekolah Dasar, sedangkan stress kerja tidak berpengaruh; (2)Kompensasi dan stress kerja secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja guruMadrasah Ibtidaiyah dan Sekolah Dasar di kecamatan Amanuban Timu

    Hubungan Antara Tingkat Pengetahuan Dan Perilaku Ibu Tentang Cara Perawatan Botol Susu Dengan Kejadian Diare Pada Batita Di Puskesmas Gatak

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    Diare adalah penyakit yang ditandai dengan perubahan konsistensi tinja disertai peningkatan frekuensi defekasi lebih dari 3 kali/ hari, dengan atau tanpa darah dan atau lendir. Pengetahuan ibu merupakan faktor penting dalam melakukan perawatan botol susu. Perilaku ibu dalam perawatan botol yang tidak tepat sering menyebabkan infeksi karena dalam botol dapat kuman-kuman/bakteri penyebab diare. Tujuan penelitian: mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan dan perilaku ibu tentang cara perawatan botol susu dengan kejadian diare pada balita di Puskesmas Gatak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 1124 ibu yang memiliki anak batita di kecamatan Gatak yang menggunakan botol susu. Teknik Pengambilan Sampel penelitian ini menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 92 orang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dengan Uji Chi Square. Kesimpulan: (1) Ada hubungan signifikan antara pengetahuan ibu tentang cara perawatan botol susu dengan kejadian diare pada anak batita yang menggunakan botol susu di Puskesmas Gatak (p= 0,017). (2)Ada hubungan signifikan antara perilaku ibu dalam cara perawatan botol susu dengan kejadian diare pada anak batita di Puskesmas Gatak (p= 0,019)

    Modelling Islamic Hotel Relationship between Servicescape and Customer Satisfaction in Klang Valley: Evidence from PLS-SEM and IPMA Analysis

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    Malaysia is a country that consists of various regions in which the official region is Islam. Therefore, Malaysia is known as a popular destination for Muslim tourist to visit to and as for that there is opportunity for Malaysia to develop Islamic Hotel concept in order to fulfill the demand of Muslim tourist. Understanding the consumer attitudes towards Islamic Hotel should be the guideline for marketers in strategizing the marketing tactics. The objective of this study is to provide and insight consumers options towards Islamic hotel by measuring the service scape of the hotel which been divided into three segments which are ambiance, interior design and facilities. A questionnaire survey has been distributed for this study and result showed that there are several aspects under each of segments that can lead to customer satisfaction by using the PLS-SEM and IPMA analysis. The findings in this study can be used by other hotel operators to have a thoughtful mind on the factors that driven customers’ preferences and satisfaction that will aid in designing a message with better persuasion and at the same time attract more tourists to come and visit Malaysia

    Penataaan Kawasan Permukiman Kumuh Di Kelurahan Semanggi Dengan Konsep Urban Sustainable Settlement

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    The problem of slum areas is also a priority agenda of President Joko Widodo listed in Nawacita. The National Slum Settlement Management Program has been socialized with a target to reach 2019 slum-free Indonesia, through the 100-0-100 programm. The program is a continuation of 100% access to clean water, 0% slums and 100% access to sanitation. But in practice until now there are still many slum areas that have not been resolved. According to the Directorate General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of PUPR in the Surakarta City National Slum Upgrading Program (NUSP), it is included in 30 priority locations for handling slum settlements determined from the Ministry of PUPR indicators, there are 28 distribution points of slum settlements with a total slum area of 359.53 hectares and 18,625 non-habitable houses. The handling priority of Surakarta City is in the Semanggi area with a slum area of 76.03 Ha, which includes five Kelurahan: Kelurahan Sewu, Gandekan, Kedunglumbu, Sangkrah, and Semanggi Kelurahan. The first phase of structuring the Semanggi area was carried out in RW 23 through a renovation and rejuvenation project. RW 23 is a legal and illegal slum area, establishing permanent and non-permanent dwellings in the river border location which is the Bengawan Solo River Basin (BBWS) working area. The dynamics of urban settlements is a sustainable future, therefore making sustainable urban settlements urgent to be applied. The framework for the formulation of criteria and indicators for sustainable settlements includes three things that are synergized, namely, social includes human capital and social capital, the economy includes access to MSME financing and development and the physical environment includes housing, accessibility, public space, basic services and the environment (DG Cipta Ministry of Public Works and Public Works 2013). The objectives of planning and design include: 1) Developing the potential of settlements in order to improve the economic level of the community; 2) Designing residential area planning in the form of housing and supporting facilities; 3) Organizing slum areas in order to improve the quality of the environment. Keywords: Slum Settlement, Semanggi Village, Sustainabl

    Pengolahan Hasil Asesmen dan Penyusunan Rapor untuk Sekolah Penggerak

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    Sekolah Penggerak are schools that are required to implement the Kurikulum Merdeka. One obstacle that Sekolah Penggerak experienced in implementing the Kurikulum Merdeka is the low competence of school principals and teachers in compiling and processing assessment results and report cards. Workshops are a relatively effective way of developing the competence of school principals and teachers. Therefore, this service aims to strengthen the competence of school principals and teachers regarding assessments and report cards through workshop activities. The workshop was also chosen because it involves direct interaction with participants through relevant worksheets. The participants of the workshop were eighteen people consisting of three junior high school principals, three high school principals, six teachers of the junior high school, and six teachers of the high school who were members learning committee. Workshop activities are carried out for eight lesson hours using worksheets from the government. Data were analyzed using qualitative data analysis. The dedication results show that the workshop activities are going well, especially the discussion activities. Although, the time allocation for activities tends to be more. In general, each school has been able to prepare assessments well, although it is still constrained in making criteria for achieving learning objectives. In addition, the assessment editor designed by the school still needs to be more optimal because there are still schools that compile an assessment rubric for that section. Likewise, when processing the assessment results, it was found that schools needed to be able to formulate a formula to determine student scores. In contrast to the previous results, when participants compiled report cards, information was obtained that all schools could prepare report cards properly, including in compiling descriptions related to student competency achievements.Sekolah Penggerak adalah sekolah yang diwajibkan untuk mengimplementasikan Kurikulum Merdeka. Salah satu kendala yang dialami Sekolah Penggerak dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka adalah rendahnya kompetensi kepala sekolah dan guru dalam menyusun dan mengolah hasil asesmen dan rapor. Workshop adalah salah satu cara yang cukup efektif dalam mengembangkan kompetensi kepala sekolah dan guru. Oleh karena itu, pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memperkuat kompetensi kepala sekolah dan guru terkait asesmen dan rapor melalui kegiatan workshop. Workshop juga dipilih karena melibatkan interaksi langsung dengan peserta melalui pemanfaatan lembar kerja yang relevan. Peserta kegiatan workshop adalah 18 orang yang terdiri atas tiga orang kepala sekolah SMP, tiga orang kepala sekolah SMA, enam orang guru anggota komite pembelajaran SMP, dan enam orang guru anggota komite pembelajaran SMA. Kegiatan workshop dilaksanakan selama 8 JP dengan menggunakan lembar kerja yang berasal dari pemerintah. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis data kualitatif. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan workshop berjalan dengan baik, khususnya pada kegiatan diskusi. Meskipun, alokasi waktu kegiatan cenderung menjadi lebih banyak. Secara umum, masing-masing sekolah sudah mampu menyusun asesmen dengan baik, meskipun masih terkendala dalam membuat kriteria ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran. Selain itu, redaksi asesmen yang dirancang sekolah masih belum optimal karena masih ada sekolah yang menyusun rubrik penilaian pada bagian tersebut. Begitupun pada saat pengolahan hasil asesmen, masih ditemukan sekolah yang belum bisa menyusun formula untuk menentukan nilai siswa. Berbeda dengan hasil sebelumnya, pada saat peserta menyusun rapor, diperoleh informasi bahwa semua sekolah mampu menyusun rapor dengan baik, termasuk dalam menyusun deskripsi terkait capaian kompetensi yang diperoleh siswa

    Analisis Wacana Kritis terhadap Berita Serangan Bom Afghanistan Portal Online Media SINDOnews.com dan republika.ac.id

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    This research is the result of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) on news of the bomb attack at Afghanistan's Kabul International Airport. The purpose of this research is to find out the textual practice of the discourses of the two Indonesian national media as those that can influence the reader's view of news issues. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with a three-dimensional theoretical approach from Fairclough, namely textual practice, discourse practice and socio-cultural practice. This discourse analysis research uses three stages in analyzing Fairclough's perspective discourse, namely description, interpretation, and explanation. The results of the text analysis show that the two news’ media have different content. The text on SINDOnews.com often shows actor Joe Biden as the President of the United States who demands accountability and will retaliate against those who carried out the bombings. Meanwhile, Republikasi.ac.id tends to focus more on representing the victims of the bombing. The difference in the focus of news representation in the two media seems to coincide with the different institutional and social contexts of each media.AbstrakPenelitian ini hasil Analisis Wacana Kritis (AWK) pada berita serangan bom di Bandara Internasional Kabul Afghanistan. Penelitian dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui praktik tekstual wacana kedua media nasional Indonesia sebagai alat informasi yang dapat mempengaruhi pandangan pembaca terhadap isu pemberitaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan teori tiga dimensi dari Fairclough yaitu praktik tekstual, praktik wacana dan praktik sosial budaya. Penelitian analisis wacana ini menggunakan tiga tahapan dalam menganalisis wacana perspektif Fairclough, yaitu deskripsi, interpretasi, dan eksplanasi. Hasil analisis teks menunjukkan bahwa kedua media berita tersebut memiliki konten yang berbeda. Teks di SINDOnews.com lebih sering memunculkan aktor Joe Biden sebagai Presiden Amerika serikat yang meminta pertanggungjawaban dan akan membalas pihak yang melakukan pengeboman. Sementara itu, Republikasi.ac.id cenderung lebih fokusmerepresentasikan korban-korban akibat peristiwa bom tersebut. Perbedaan fokus representasi berita yang ada dalam kedua media tersebut tampak bertepatan dengan perbedaan konteks institusi dan sosial tiap-tiap media.