88 research outputs found

    Quantification Method for In-Vitro Tissue Culture Plants Morphology using Object Tracking and Digital Image Analysis

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    Manual measurement of morphology variables on in-vitro stored plants usually cause either physical damage or microorganism infection such that further monitoring of their in-vitro performance is precluded. This study adapted computer vision technology by which it is possible to conduct such measurement without physical contact or destructive test. Moreover, by applying object tracking and pattern recognition technique in the algorithm, the system could provide automatic and real time analysis. It was shown that this quantification method reach 80.2% and 87.9% in the measurement of leaf area and chlorophyll intensity. Intensity histogram and Fourier spectrum found to be the best feature for leaf recognition and interpolation usage to adjust pixel amount over the camera distance provide better estimation on leaf area

    Performance Comparison Between Support Vector Regression and Artificial Neural Network for Prediction of Oil Palm Production

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    The largest region that produces oil palm in Indonesia has an important role in improving the welfare of society and economy. Oil palm has increased significantly in Riau Province in every period, to determine the production development for the next few years with the functions and benefits of oil palm carried prediction production results that were seen from time series data last 8 years (2005-2013). In its prediction implementation, it was done by comparing the performance of Support Vector Regression (SVR) method and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). From the experiment, SVR produced the best model compared with ANN. It is indicated by the correlation coefficient of 95% and 6% for MSE in the kernel Radial Basis Function (RBF), whereas ANN produced only 74% for R2 and 9% for MSE on the 8th experiment with hiden neuron 20 and learning rate 0,1. SVR model generates predictions for next 3 years which increased between 3% - 6% from actual data and RBF model predictions

    Pengenalan Chord pada Alat Musik Gitar Menggunakan CodeBook dengan Teknik Ekstraksi Ciri MFCC

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    Human auditory system is capable of extracting rich and meaningful data from complex audio signal. To recognize chord sequences that played in some kind of music is not an easy task. People need big effort to train their sense of hearing so they can recognize that kind sound of chords. This condition is also valid in a computer system. Finding the key and labeling the chords automatically from music are great use for those who want to do harmonic analysis of music. Hence automatic chord recognition has been a topic of interest in the context of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) for several years, and attempts have been made in implementing such systems using well understood signal processing and pattern recognition techniques. This research is about to recognize the sound of chord that played and recorded by guitar instrument. There are 24 major-minor chords that used in this research. MFCC is used as feature extraction and the number of coefficient cepstral that used are 13 and 26. Each chord signal that has been extracted then clustered using K-means algorithm with 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 k numbers to create codebook that use as a model of each chord. For the recognition process, there are two methods that used in this research, unstructured recognition and structured recognition. For the result, this research produces two kinds model of codebook that are codebook with 13 coefficients and codebook with 26 coefficients. Both types of codebook show a good result with accuracy level above 88%. The best result yielded from USAge of 26 coefficient cepstral with structured recognition. It's accuracy level reach 97%. Hence the USAge of 26 coefficient cepstral is better than the USAge of 13 coefficient cepstral with difference of accuration level is about 7%. This research also shows the affectation of the numbers k-means that used. An increasing accuration level shown by increasing the amount of k-cluster

    Analisa Laju Kegagalan Mesin Induk Pada Kapal-Kapal Penyeberangan Ujung - Kamal

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    Armada kapol penyeberang.an Ujung-Kamal sermg menp.alanu kep.uJ!.ulan operas1 ywrg. menyebebabkan ketidaknormalan operast pen_wberan?,an. Selam d11ebabkan karena w,w kapal yang .sudah hamptr mencapa1 30 ralum. penurunan unjuk kerya yang berlang.mng cepat dan komponen swem yang. ada dt kapal ju?,a mempengamht terjadmya kegap.a/an opera.\/ kapol. l fntuk menp.etahm potu kegagalan dan kondtsi dun kompanen ststem yang ada d1 kapol dtperlukan anallsa laju kegagalan (fatlure rate ana/J'!!ts). Dalcun tugas oklur mt akan dtcoba untuk menganaltsa /aju kegagalan kapal-kapa/ penyeberan?,an if;ung-Kamul. Penelitian akan difokuskan pada ana/i.w la;u kep.agalan mesin mduk pada kapal-kapal penyeberangcm UjungKamal. 'li1gas akhir ini hertujuan untuk mendapalkan dan membuktikan pol a la;u kegugalan dan mesm mduk kapal. l'ungst Juju kegagalan dari tiap mesin mduk yang dianahsa dipemleh berdasarkan distribusi probabilitas yang sesuai yang memm;ukkan kegap.alan. Metode maximum ltkefihood estimate {ivfU-.") digunakan untuk mendapatkan pendekatan parameter dan /tap distribust dengan meng?,unakan pmf!_ram aplikast Weibu/1 Hast! dan penehtwn mt akan mengetahui proses laju kegagalan dan kondt.w mesm mduk kapal penyeberangan Ujung-Kamal. /Jengan tuga.1 aklur ini btsa dl)adtkan pedoman pemihk kapal dalam mengambtl keputrL\011 untuk tmdakan perm•·atan ll/au pergantwn komponen mesin mduk kapal. Dari /rust/ wwft.,a dapot dl.\lmpulkan bahwa lll)ektor merupakan komponen krilts dun.wstem halran hakar merupokan \t.\lem mesm mduk yang memtliki IOJII kegaga/an yang tmggt. Dart luntl perhandmgan Ia] II kegagalan keempat mesin mduk yang ditelut dtketahut balrwa mesm mduk kapal penyeberangan tersebut mastlr berada dalam kondm usejulltfe It me karena menml)ukkan laju kegagalan yang konslan

    Pemetaan Kapabilitas Kantor Wilayah Bank Syariah Indonesia Region Jakarta (Periode 2020 - 2022)

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    The banking industry is required to accelerate the implementation of digital banking in order to be able to compete in order to provide services that are easier and faster and in accordance with customer needs. banking is one of the important pillars as an intermediary for the community to build small medium and micro industries and the role of banking is very important in building the country's economy in the digital era. Small and Medium Industry players must start transforming to digitalization, by changing transactions that were previously traditional into digital financial transactions. The purpose of this research is in DKI Jakarta. This study aims to identify the resources and capabilities of the Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Jakarta region which have the potential to become a sustainable competitive advantage. This study uses primary and secondary data. Primary data was obtained from distributing questionnaires to respondents and interviewing experts (upper and middle management of BSI Jakarta area) using in-depth interviews. Secondary data obtained from literature studies. Based on the results of the discussion that has been described, it can be concluded that there are as many as 30 variables in the resources and capabilities of the BSI Jakarta region that have the potential to become a competitive advantage. The results of the VRIO analysis show that there are 14 variables in the resources and capabilities of the BSI Jakarta region which have a sustainable competitive advantage. Apart from that, good human resource services should be maintained and their capabilities improved so that they can educate the Small and Medium Industries in using the digital banking system contained in BSI in the Jakarta region which is the backbone for growth both in terms of assets, third party funds and financing for BSI. BSI Jakarta region needs to have an operational strategy in order to be able to carry out the main strategy that is the focus of BSI, one of which is strengthening capacity and capability and developing Small and Medium Industries. The business strategy for the BSI Jakarta region in supporting BSI strategy can be formulated from the resources and capabilities of BSI

    Optimization of Spaced K-mer Frequency Feature Extraction using Genetic Algorithms for Metagenome Fragment Classification

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    K-mer frequencies are commonly used in extracting features from metagenome fragments. In spite of this, researchers have found that their use is still inefficient. In this research, a genetic algorithm was employed to find optimally spaced k-mers. These were obtained by generating the possible combinations of match positions and don't care positions (written as *). This approach was adopted from the concept of spaced seeds in PatternHunter. The use of spaced k-mers could reduce the size of the k-mer frequency feature's dimension. To measure the accuracy of the proposed method we used the naïve Bayesian classifier (NBC). The result showed that the chromosome 111111110001, representing spaced k-mer model [111 1111 10001], was the best chromosome, with a higher fitness (85.42) than that of the k-mer frequency feature. Moreover, the proposed approach also reduced the feature extraction time.

    A System Dynamics Simulation of Rice Agroindustry Development by Divestment Pattern for Increasing Rice Production and Farmer Income

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    About 60 percent of world populations and most of Indonesian people, rice is a staple food that must be available throughout the year. Therefore the existence of a rice mills for rice production become vital. The rice mills need to be developed continually in order to support an increasing of domestic rice production. To increase rice production,  postharvest loss can be reduced by replacing the  old rice mills with the  modern ones. By divestment pattern, a group of farmers can own and operate a rice mill, so they get an additional income from the operation of the rice mill. The main objective of this research was to findout the best scenario for a rice agroindustry development through divestment of ownership to the group of farmers. A system dynamics simulation methodology was applied in this research, with a case study in Cianjur District as a one of main area rice producer in West Java. The result from system dynamics simulation showed  that the investment of 10 units of rice mill per year along 10 years by divestment pattern will developed 212 units of rice mill that enough to mill the  paddy produced by Cianjur District farmers groups. Keywords: rice, rice agroindustry, divestment, system dynamics simulatio

    Modeling Text Independent Speaker Identification with Vector Quantization

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    Speaker identification is one of the most important technology nowadays. Many fields such as bioinformatics and security are using speaker identification. Also, almost all electronic devices are using this technology too. Based on number of text, speaker identification divided into text dependent and text independent. On many fields, text independent is mostly used because number of text is unlimited. So, text independent is generally more challenging than text dependent. In this research, speaker identification text independent with Indonesian speaker data was modelled with Vector Quantization (VQ). In this research VQ with K-Means initialization was used. K-Means clustering also was used to initialize mean and Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering was used to identify K value for VQ. The best VQ accuracy was 59.67% when k was 5. According to the result, Indonesian language could be modelled by VQ. This research can be developed using optimization method for VQ parameters such as Genetic Algorithm or Particle Swarm Optimization

    Purchase Recommendation and Product Inventory Management using Content Based Filtering with Sequential Pattern Mining Approach

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    Today, the product sales at XYZ Bookstore are increase in accordance to the trend in society. In that case, high sales must be supported by good supply and on target. Product sold based on needs of consumers will make possibility to achieve high sales. Using the Sequential Pattern Mining approach, we can specify sales patterns of products in relation to another products. SPADE (Sequential Pattern Discovery using Equivalence classes) is an algorithm that can be used to find sequential patterns in a large database. This algorithm finds frequent sequences of the sales transaction data using database vertical and join process of the sequence. The results of SPADE algorithm is frequent sequences which are used to form the rules. Those can be used as predictors of other items that will be purchased by consumers in the future. The result of this study is a lot of unique sequence appears that can provide the best advice for Merchandiser Officer, for example, there are 1.468 sequences that prove the customer who bought the product in Children’s Book category will always bought the same thing in the others day. This research produce some recommendation, one of the recommendation is Children's Book category has a very high chance of being a Best Seller for a long time so that the purchasing officer on XYZ bookstore should ensure that the product's supply of the category is always safe throughout the year. It means SPADE is successfully used to provide the advice and Merchandiser Officer must ensure the stock of that product is always available to avoid Lost Sales