262 research outputs found

    An analysis of the HR algorithm for computing the eigenvalues of a matrix

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    AbstractThe HR algorithm, a method of computing the eigenvalues of a matrix, is presented. It is based on the fact that almost every complex square matrix A can be decomposed into a product A = HR of a so-called pseudo-Hermitian matrix H and an upper triangular matrix R. This algorithm is easily seen to be a generalization of the well-known QR algorithm. It is shown how it is related to the power method and inverse iteration, and for special matrices the connection between the LR and HR algorithms is indicated

    Quaternion Singular Value Decomposition based on Bidiagonalization to a Real Matrix using Quaternion Householder Transformations

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    We present a practical and efficient means to compute the singular value decomposition (svd) of a quaternion matrix A based on bidiagonalization of A to a real bidiagonal matrix B using quaternionic Householder transformations. Computation of the svd of B using an existing subroutine library such as lapack provides the singular values of A. The singular vectors of A are obtained trivially from the product of the Householder transformations and the real singular vectors of B. We show in the paper that left and right quaternionic Householder transformations are different because of the noncommutative multiplication of quaternions and we present formulae for computing the Householder vector and matrix in each case

    Computing a logarithm of a unitary matrix with general spectrum

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    We analyze an algorithm for computing a skew-Hermitian logarithm of a unitary matrix. This algorithm is very easy to implement using standard software and it works well even for unitary matrices with no spectral conditions assumed. Certain examples, with many eigenvalues near -1, lead to very non-Hermitian output for other basic methods of calculating matrix logarithms. Altering the output of these algorithms to force an Hermitian output creates accuracy issues which are avoided in the considered algorithm. A modification is introduced to deal properly with the JJ-skew symmetric unitary matrices. Applications to numerical studies of topological insulators in two symmetry classes are discussed.Comment: Added discussion of Floquet Hamiltonian

    Toda Hierarchy with Indefinite Metric

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    We consider a generalization of the full symmetric Toda hierarchy where the matrix L~\tilde {L} of the Lax pair is given by L~=LS\tilde {L}=LS, with a full symmetric matrix LL and a nondegenerate diagonal matrix SS. The key feature of the hierarchy is that the inverse scattering data includes a class of noncompact groups of matrices, such as O(p,q)O(p,q). We give an explicit formula for the solution to the initial value problem of this hierarchy. The formula is obtained by generalizing the orthogonalization procedure of Szeg\"{o}, or the QR factorization method of Symes. The behaviors of the solutions are also studied. Generically, there are two types of solutions, having either sorting property or blowing up to infinity in finite time. The τ\tau-function structure for the tridiagonal hierarchy is also studied.Comment: 26 pages, LaTe

    Inexact Solves in Interpolatory Model Reduction

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    We investigate the use of inexact solves for interpolatory model reduction and consider associated perturbation effects on the underlying model reduction problem. We give bounds on system perturbations induced by inexact solves and relate this to termination criteria for iterative solution methods. We show that when a Petrov-Galerkin framework is employed for the inexact solves, the associated reduced order model is an exact interpolatory model for a nearby full-order system; thus demonstrating backward stability. We also give evidence that for \h2-optimal interpolation points, interpolatory model reduction is robust with respect to perturbations due to inexact solves. Finally, we demonstrate the effecitveness of direct use of inexact solves in optimal H2{\mathcal H}_2 approximation. The result is an effective model reduction strategy that is applicable in realistically large-scale settings.Comment: 42 pages, 5 figure

    Unital Quantum Channels - Convex Structure and Revivals of Birkhoff's Theorem

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    The set of doubly-stochastic quantum channels and its subset of mixtures of unitaries are investigated. We provide a detailed analysis of their structure together with computable criteria for the separation of the two sets. When applied to O(d)-covariant channels this leads to a complete characterization and reveals a remarkable feature: instances of channels which are not in the convex hull of unitaries can return to it when either taking finitely many copies of them or supplementing with a completely depolarizing channel. In these scenarios this implies that a channel whose noise initially resists any environment-assisted attempt of correction can become perfectly correctable.Comment: 31 page

    The Neutralino Sector in the U(1)-Extended Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    Motivated by grand unified theories and string theories we analyze the general structure of the neutralino sector in the USSM, an extension of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model that involves a broken extra U(1) gauge symmetry. This supersymmetric U(1)-extended model includes an Abelian gauge superfield and a Higgs singlet superfield in addition to the standard gauge and Higgs superfields of the MSSM. The interactions between the MSSM fields and the new fields are in general weak and the mixing is small, so that the coupling of the two subsystems can be treated perturbatively. As a result, the mass spectrum and mixing matrix in the neutralino sector can be analyzed analytically and the structure of this 6-state system is under good theoretical control. We describe the decay modes of the new states and the impact of this extension on decays of the original MSSM neutralinos, including radiative transitions in cross-over zones. Production channels in cascade decays at the LHC and pair production at e+ee^+e^- colliders are also discussed.Comment: 50 pages, 9 figures, equations.sty include

    Structure-preserving tangential interpolation for model reduction of port-Hamiltonian Systems

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    Port-Hamiltonian systems result from port-based network modeling of physical systems and are an important example of passive state-space systems. In this paper, we develop the framework for model reduction of large-scale multi-input/multi-output port-Hamiltonian systems via tangential rational interpolation. The resulting reduced-order model not only is a rational tangential interpolant but also retains the port-Hamiltonian structure; hence is passive. This reduction methodology is described in both energy and co-energy system coordinates. We also introduce an H2\mathcal{H}_2-inspired algorithm for effectively choosing the interpolation points and tangential directions. The algorithm leads a reduced port-Hamiltonian model that satisfies a subset of H2\mathcal{H}_2-optimality conditions. We present several numerical examples that illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method showing that it outperforms other existing techniques in both quality and numerical efficiency