238 research outputs found

    Morphometric analysis of supraoptic neurons of the rat hypothalamic nuclei under conditions of prolonged illumination

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    The article reviews the results of studies of the morphofunctional state of neurons of the supraoptic nuclei of the rat hypothalamus under conditions of different duration of light regime. Under standard light regime in rats, a diurnal rhythm of morphofunctional activity of supraoptic nucleus neurons with maximum activity during daytime (before 2 p.m.) is recorded. In animals subjected to prolonged light exposure, more pronounced changes in the morphofunctional state of the supraoptic neurons of the hypothalamus at 2 a.m. than at 2 p.m. were established. Thus, the neuronal nucleus area was 94.08 ± 9.55 μm2 and was significantly greater than that in intact animals. The nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio of supraoptic hypothalamic neuron at 2 a.m. was lower than that in intact animals due to a decrease in specific nucleus volume. In comparison with the day period (2 p.m.), before 2 a.m. there was revealed a decrease of the neuron body area of supraoptic nuclei of hypothalamus due to possible decrease of the area of nucleus and nucleolus of cells. This was the reason for the increase in the nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio in the neurons under observation at night, which was 2.51 ± 0.023 units. Constant light regime did not cause inversion of the rhythm of morphofunctional activity of the neurons under study, the maximum values, as in intact animals, occurred in the daytime observation period

    UniPROBE, update 2011: expanded content and search tools in the online database of protein-binding microarray data on protein–DNA interactions

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    The Universal PBM Resource for Oligonucleotide-Binding Evaluation (UniPROBE) database is a centralized repository of information on the DNA-binding preferences of proteins as determined by universal protein-binding microarray (PBM) technology. Each entry for a protein (or protein complex) in UniPROBE provides the quantitative preferences for all possible nucleotide sequence variants (‘words’) of length k (‘k-mers’), as well as position weight matrix (PWM) and graphical sequence logo representations of the k-mer data. In this update, we describe >130% expansion of the database content, incorporation of a protein BLAST (blastp) tool for finding protein sequence matches in UniPROBE, the introduction of UniPROBE accession numbers and additional database enhancements. The UniPROBE database is available at http://uniprobe.org.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant number R01 HG003985

    UniPROBE, update 2011: expanded content and search tools in the online database of protein-binding microarray data on protein–DNA interactions

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    The Universal PBM Resource for Oligonucleotide-Binding Evaluation (UniPROBE) database is a centralized repository of information on the DNA-binding preferences of proteins as determined by universal protein-binding microarray (PBM) technology. Each entry for a protein (or protein complex) in UniPROBE provides the quantitative preferences for all possible nucleotide sequence variants (‘words’) of length k (‘k-mers’), as well as position weight matrix (PWM) and graphical sequence logo representations of the k-mer data. In this update, we describe >130% expansion of the database content, incorporation of a protein BLAST (blastp) tool for finding protein sequence matches in UniPROBE, the introduction of UniPROBE accession numbers and additional database enhancements. The UniPROBE database is available at http://uniprobe.org.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant number R01 HG003985

    UniPROBE: an online database of protein binding microarray data on protein–DNA interactions

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    The UniPROBE (Universal PBM Resource for Oligonucleotide Binding Evaluation) database hosts data generated by universal protein binding microarray (PBM) technology on the in vitro DNA-binding specificities of proteins. This initial release of the UniPROBE database provides a centralized resource for accessing comprehensive PBM data on the preferences of proteins for all possible sequence variants (‘words’) of length k (‘k-mers’), as well as position weight matrix (PWM) and graphical sequence logo representations of the k-mer data. In total, the database hosts DNA-binding data for over 175 nonredundant proteins from a diverse collection of organisms, including the prokaryote Vibrio harveyi, the eukaryotic malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum, the parasitic Apicomplexan Cryptosporidium parvum, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the worm Caenorhabditis elegans, mouse and human. Current web tools include a text-based search, a function for assessing motif similarity between user-entered data and database PWMs, and a function for locating putative binding sites along user-entered nucleotide sequences. The UniPROBE database is available at http://thebrain.bwh.harvard.edu/uniprobe/

    Age changes in the tigroid substance of neutrons of the lateral preoptic nucleus of hypothalamus under different light modes

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    The article presents analysis of the results of the original histochemical studies of tigroid substance of neurons of the lateral preoptic nucleus of  hypothalamus in mature and old rats under the influence of different light modes. In all observations, the tigroid substance was located in the cytoplasm of neurons of the lateral preoptic nucleus of hypothalamus in the form of individual granular formations of different sizes and shapes. The amount of tigroid substance of neurons of the lateral preoptic nucleus of hypothalamus in mature rats is greater than in older rats. At the same time, it should be noted that different experimental conditions significantly affected the amount of tigroid substance in neurons of the lateral preoptic nucleus of hypothalamus in old rats. In particular, under conditions of light deprivation, the optical density of specific histochemical staining for tigroid substance in neurons of the lateral preoptic nucleus of hypothalamus increased significantly (p<0,001), and under conditions of light stimulation, on the contrary, probably decreased (p<0,001)


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    The article analyzed the problem of development of communicative competence of future doctors in the process of their professional training. The characteristic features of the physician communicative competent are distinguished. As a result of research, a peculiarity of communicators is highlighted. A slight percentage of the surveyed have quite significant personal problems that require long-term psychotherapeutic work, that should precede measures directly aimed to the development of their communicative competence. Models of communicative competence development are considered. It is presented a fairly a common feature, namely: competence in communication is understood as a result of quantitative accumulation of communication skills. It is assumed that at some point this number translates the person to a qualitatively new level of communicative behavior. Communicative skills are regarded as means of overcoming the drama of communication. The meaning of the training in the context of professional training of specialists are emphasized and substantiated. The basic training of communicative competence should be focused on developing the skills of active listening and regulation of emotional tension, since these skills allow to greatly solve the drama of communication. The logic scheme of the training is proposed based on the fact that the professional communication of a doctor is considered as a sequence of communication tasks of varying degrees of complexity. The task of the training was to correct the settings of participants regarding communication with people in general and patients in particular; development of abilities to action in unusual situations, forecasting the consequences of people's interaction. In accordance with these tasks, a meaningful group operation is highlighted. The implementation of the program included the use of various psychotechnical methods of work: exercises, rehearsal of behavior, situational and role-playing games, group discussions and discussions, bodily and motor techniques.У статті аналізується проблема розвитку комунікативної компетентності майбутніх лікарів у процесі їх професійної підготовки. Виділено характерні риси комунікативно компетентного лікаря. У результаті дослідження виділено особливість комунікаторів. Незначний відсоток досліджуваних має досить суттєві особистісні проблеми, які потребують тривалої психотерапевтичної роботи, що повинна передувати заходам, безпосередньо спрямованим на розвиток їхньої комунікативної компетентності. Розглянуті моделі розвитку комунікативної компетентності. Представлена досить поширена спільна риса, а саме: компетентність у спілкуванні розуміється як результат кількісного накопичення комунікативних навичок. Передбачається, що у якийсь момент ця кількість переводить особистість на якісно новий рівень комунікативної поведінки. Комунікативні вміння розглядаються як засоби подолання драми спілкування. Підкреслюється та обґрунтовується значення тренінгу у контексті завдань професійної підготовки фахівців. У базовому тренінгу комунікативної компетентності варто зосередитися на розвитку вмінь активного слухання та регуляції емоційної напруги, оскільки дані вміння дозволяють значною мірою вирішити драми спілкування. Запропонована структурно-логічна схема побудови тренінгової роботи ґрунтується на тому, що професійне спілкування лікаря розглядається як послідовність комунікативних завдань різного ступеня складності. Завданням тренінгу була корекція установок учасників стосовно спілкування з людьми взагалі та пацієнтами зокрема; розвиток здатностей до дій у нестандартних ситуаціях, прогнозування наслідків взаємодії людей. Відповідно до цих завдань виділені змістовні блоки групової роботи. Реалізація програми передбачала використання різноманітних психотехнічних прийомів роботи: вправ, репетиції поведінки, ситуаційно-рольових ігор, групових обговорень і дискусій, тілесно-рухових технік