33 research outputs found

    Aging-related tau astrogliopathy (ARTAG):harmonized evaluation strategy

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    Pathological accumulation of abnormally phosphorylated tau protein in astrocytes is a frequent, but poorly characterized feature of the aging brain. Its etiology is uncertain, but its presence is sufficiently ubiquitous to merit further characterization and classification, which may stimulate clinicopathological studies and research into its pathobiology. This paper aims to harmonize evaluation and nomenclature of aging-related tau astrogliopathy (ARTAG), a term that refers to a morphological spectrum of astroglial pathology detected by tau immunohistochemistry, especially with phosphorylation-dependent and 4R isoform-specific antibodies. ARTAG occurs mainly, but not exclusively, in individuals over 60 years of age. Tau-immunoreactive astrocytes in ARTAG include thorn-shaped astrocytes at the glia limitans and in white matter, as well as solitary or clustered astrocytes with perinuclear cytoplasmic tau immunoreactivity that extends into the astroglial processes as fine fibrillar or granular immunopositivity, typically in gray matter. Various forms of ARTAG may coexist in the same brain and might reflect different pathogenic processes. Based on morphology and anatomical distribution, ARTAG can be distinguished from primary tauopathies, but may be concurrent with primary tauopathies or other disorders. We recommend four steps for evaluation of ARTAG: (1) identification of five types based on the location of either morphologies of tau astrogliopathy: subpial, subependymal, perivascular, white matter, gray matter; (2) documentation of the regional involvement: medial temporal lobe, lobar (frontal, parietal, occipital, lateral temporal), subcortical, brainstem; (3) documentation of the severity of tau astrogliopathy; and (4) description of subregional involvement. Some types of ARTAG may underlie neurological symptoms; however, the clinical significance of ARTAG is currently uncertain and awaits further studies. The goal of this proposal is to raise awareness of astroglial tau pathology in the aged brain, facilitating communication among neuropathologists and researchers, and informing interpretation of clinical biomarkers and imaging studies that focus on tau-related indicators

    Wzory osobowe pielęgniarek w procesie kształcenia postaw etycznych

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    Wstęp. Wzór osobowy rozumiany jako normatywny model o charakterze aksjologicznie wartościującym to postać realna lub fikcyjna, która zachęca lub powinna zachęcać do naśladowania. Wzory te powinny pełnić istotną rolę w procesie kształtowania wartości, postaw i zachowań pielęgniarek. Cel pracy. Celem pracy była analiza zjawiska postrzegania wzoru osobowego przez pielęgniarki, oraz poznanie hierarchii wartości osób badanych i związanych z tym zapatrywań na problemy związane z ich zawodem. Badaniami objęto 35 pielęgniarek o różnym stażu pracy uzupełniających jednocześnie wykształcenie w trakcie licencjackich studiów pielęgniarskich. Materiał i metody.Badania przeprowadzono w roku akademickim 2006/2007, w grupie pielęgniarek pracujących w swoim zawodzie i równocześnie uzupełniających wyższe wykształcenie pielęgniarskie w formie studiów licencjackich na kierunku Pielęgniarstwo ATH w Bielsku Białej. Badaniami objęto 40 osób, po wstępnej weryfikacji dalszej analizie poddano 35 ankiet. Wyniki i wnioski. W wynikach badań wskazano na znikomą wśród osób badanych znajomość wzorów osobowych pielęgniarstwa światowego i polskiego, a także na małe wykorzystanie w codziennym życiu i kierowaniu własnym rozwojem osobistym i zawodowym wzorów osobowych w ogóle

    Mycoremediation of Flotation Tailings with Agaricus bisporus

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    Due to their enzymatic and bioaccumulation faculties the use of macromycetes for the decontamination of polluted matrices seems reasonable for bioremediation. For this reason, the aim of our study was to evaluate the mycoremediation ability of Agaricus bisporus cultivated on compost mixed with flotation tailings in different quantities (1, 5, 10, 15, and 20% addition). The biomass of the fruit bodies and the content of 51 major and trace elements were determined. Cultivation of A. bisporus in compost moderately polluted with flotation tailings yielded significantly lower (the first flush) and higher (the second flush) biomass of fruit bodies, compared with the control treatment. The presence of toxic trace elements did not cause any visible adverse symptoms for A. bisporus. Increasing the addition of flotation tailings to the compost induced an elevated level of most determined elements. A significant increase in rare earth elements (both flushes) and platinum group elements (first flush only) was observed. The opposite situation was recorded for major essential elements, except for Na and Mg in A. bisporus from the second flush under the most enriched compost (20%). Nevertheless, calculated bioaccumulation factor values showed a selective accumulation capacity—limited for toxic elements (except for Ag, As, and Cd) and the effective accumulation of B, Cu, K, and Se. The obtained results confirmed that A. bisporus can be used for practical application in mycoremediation in the industry although this must be preceded by larger-scale tests. This application seems to be the most favorable for media contaminated with selected elements, whose absorption by fruiting bodies is the most efficient

    The role of the NADPH oxidase NOX2 in prion pathogenesis

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    Prion infections cause neurodegeneration, which often goes along with oxidative stress. However, the cellular source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and their pathogenetic significance are unclear. Here we analyzed the contribution of NOX2, a prominent NADPH oxidase, to prion diseases. We found that NOX2 is markedly upregulated in microglia within affected brain regions of patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). Similarly, NOX2 expression was upregulated in prion-inoculated mouse brains and in murine cerebellar organotypic cultured slices (COCS). We then removed microglia from COCS using a ganciclovir-dependent lineage ablation strategy. NOX2 became undetectable in ganciclovir-treated COCS, confirming its microglial origin. Upon challenge with prions, NOX2-deficient mice showed delayed onset of motor deficits and a modest, but significant prolongation of survival. Dihydroethidium assays demonstrated a conspicuous ROS burst at the terminal stage of disease in wild-type mice, but not in NOX2-ablated mice. Interestingly, the improved motor performance in NOX2 deficient mice was already measurable at earlier stages of the disease, between 13 and 16 weeks post-inoculation. We conclude that NOX2 is a major source of ROS in prion diseases and can affect prion pathogenesis

    Influence of Iron Addition (Alone or with Calcium) to Elements Biofortification and Antioxidants in <i>Pholiota nameko</i>

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    Mushrooms supplementation with iron (Fe) is usually limited, and therefore it would be beneficial to search for other vital elements able to improve the process. The aim of this study was to verify a possible interaction between Fe and calcium (Ca) to estimate the role of the addition of the latter metal to stimulate Fe accumulation in Pholiota nameko. Additionally, an analysis of phenolic compounds and low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) was performed. The increase of Fe concentration in the substrate caused a significantly higher accumulation of this metal in P. nameko. The addition of Ca (5 or 10 mM) stimulated Fe accumulation, just as Fe concentration in the substrate stimulated Ca accumulation, which pointed to a synergism between these metals. The obtained results show that the presence of Fe in the substrate may also promote K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, and S accumulation. In contrast, the addition of Ca stimulates and/or inhibits their content in fruit bodies. The phenolic and organic acids profile was poor. Only gallic, 4-hydroxybenzoic, sinapic and syringic acids (phenolics), as well as citric and succinic acids (LMWOAs), were quantified in some combinations in P. nameko fruiting bodies

    Influence of Iron Addition (Alone or with Calcium) to Elements Biofortification and Antioxidants in Pholiota nameko

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    Mushrooms supplementation with iron (Fe) is usually limited, and therefore it would be beneficial to search for other vital elements able to improve the process. The aim of this study was to verify a possible interaction between Fe and calcium (Ca) to estimate the role of the addition of the latter metal to stimulate Fe accumulation in Pholiota nameko. Additionally, an analysis of phenolic compounds and low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) was performed. The increase of Fe concentration in the substrate caused a significantly higher accumulation of this metal in P. nameko. The addition of Ca (5 or 10 mM) stimulated Fe accumulation, just as Fe concentration in the substrate stimulated Ca accumulation, which pointed to a synergism between these metals. The obtained results show that the presence of Fe in the substrate may also promote K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, and S accumulation. In contrast, the addition of Ca stimulates and/or inhibits their content in fruit bodies. The phenolic and organic acids profile was poor. Only gallic, 4-hydroxybenzoic, sinapic and syringic acids (phenolics), as well as citric and succinic acids (LMWOAs), were quantified in some combinations in P. nameko fruiting bodies